Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C46 Big Brother Gold Chain

C46 Big Brother Gold Chain

3"Shen Lang, do you really think they will turn themselves in?"    


As the two of them walked along the road, Ouyang Hui asked Shen Lang anxiously.    


Shen Lang said with a calm expression, "Hmm, that isn't very likely."    


"Then why did you let them turn themselves in? Wouldn't it be better to call the police? I'm willing to be a witness, and I'll try my best to persuade the other shopkeepers who are under their pressure to testify together. "    


Shen Lang rubbed his chin. "Just treat it as giving them a chance. If they don't cherish this chance …" Believe me, they will regret not turning themselves in. "    


Ouyang Hui still wanted to say something, but Shen Lang said gently, "Sister Hui, you've suffered a lot today. Don't set up your stall tonight. Go back and rest. I should also hurry up and renovate the shop."    


Ouyang Hui nodded. "Alright then …"    


Shen Lang walked to Ouyang Hui's cart. He took out his phone and scanned the receipt numbers. A few seconds later, Ouyang Hui's phone rang.    


She took it out and saw that Shen Lang actually gave her thirty thousand yuan.    


"Shen Lang, you …" Ouyang Hui looked at him in surprise.    


"Think of it as the meeting red packet I gave your little brother. When he can speak, don't forget to teach him to call me uncle." Shen Lang grinned.    


Ouyang Hui's nose twitched. "I really don't know how to thank you."    


Shen Lang helped Ouyang Hui pack up her cart. After Ouyang Hui left, he made a phone call and found a decorating company to renovate his shop.    


Then, he took the little mischievous brat who was sleeping soundly in the corner of the canteen and headed to Fun Le Street.    


The sky gradually darkened and the street lights lit up. The street next to the campus of Jin Du University was also brightly lit.    


Fantastic Street was an old street. Despite the new high-rise buildings around it, this street was still the same old street from more than ten years ago.    


The two sides of the street were filled with all kinds of snack bars and barbecue stalls. The atmosphere was filled with the smell of smoke and fire. It was bustling with noise and excitement at night.    


"Shen Lang!" We are here! " Qin Mingyue's voice cut through the crowd.    


Shen Lang followed the sound and saw Qin Mingyue, who was sitting at an outdoor barbeque stall not far away. Together with her were Su Enya and Su Enya's manager.    


Su Enya looked very happy, but her manager, Mr Yu, had a stern expression on his face.    


"Sorry, I'm late." Shen Lang walked to Qin Mingyue's side and sat down.    


Su Enya giggled and said, "It's alright, we just arrived too."    


"Mr Yu, we meet again." Shen Lang greeted Su Enya's manager.    


Mr Yu grunted in response.    


"What? Are you unhappy, Mr Yu?" Shen Lang asked.    


Su Enya winked at him. "He thinks it's dishonorable for me to sit outside and eat at a roadside stall."    


Mr Yu crossed his arms and looked around with disdain: "Did I say something wrong? Look at this table, this chair, this floor... And those meat skewers on the roadside, dirty! "Besides, you're someone who wants to become a big star. Although it hasn't been announced to the public yet, it's not good for you to be caught by a dog!"    


Mr Yu's complaints made Shen Lang frown.    


Su Enya had an awkward expression on her face. "Mr Yu, a big star is just an ordinary person. Besides, I'm not a big star yet. I just want to eat something here. It won't cause any trouble."    


Mr Yu shook his head: "Also, you have to be careful about your diet, you know? Eating these greasy foods, if you get fat, it will affect your image. Your image is the image of our company."    


Shen Lang casually said, "Su Enya has such a good figure. Plus, she works out every day, so it won't matter if she eats some fat every now and then. On the other hand, you, Mr Yu, have too obvious a belly."    


Mr Yu's face was originally sullen, but after hearing Shen Lang's words, his expression became even uglier: "I also have a fitness centre! I never eat high calorie food, and I never touch any of you barbecues. "    


"Then don't be hungry."    


"Hehe, even if I starved to death, I wouldn't eat half of the food here!"    


Ten minutes later, the barbeque stall owner brought over ten or so kebabs of mutton. "Everyone, please enjoy your meal. The other kebabs will be ready shortly."    


The roast mutton had a yellow color and was glistening with oil. A thick, warm fragrance wafted through the air, making it seem especially tempting.    


"Come, let's move." Shen Lang first took the mutton skewers for the two ladies, and then gave one to the mischievous little girl before starting to eat.    


"Mr Yu, some?" "It's delicious." Su Enya said to Mr Yu with a smile.    


Mr Yu secretly swallowed his saliva and turned his head to the side: "No!"    


However, the more he was like this, the madder he became. He persisted for a few minutes, and after seeing the barbeque stall's boss continuously bringing out various kebabs, he was unable to hold it in.    


"Mm …" "It's so fragrant, it's too fragrant!" Mr Yu praised vaguely as he chewed on the kebab.    


The atmosphere of eating finally became normal, but it didn't last long. Shen Lang suddenly felt that someone was always staring at him from behind.    


The moment he turned his head, he saw a large round table a few meters away. Dozens of burly, burly men with golden necklaces were seated on it. All of them were looking at Qin Mingyue and Su Enya with wide grins.    


Seeing Shen Lang turn his head, the dozen hulks all stood up, each of them holding a bottle of beer, and walked casually to Shen Lang's table.    


"Bro, how lucky we are to have two great beauties accompanying us to eat." The leader of the strong men said loudly.    


"You, you, you, you … What are you doing! Don't act recklessly! Be careful that I call the police! " Brother Kai's facial expression changed drastically. He wiped his greasy hands in panic and took out his phone from his bag.    


"What are you doing!? You were scared just by a word of greeting? "Look at you, you bear!" A man with a flat head snapped in dissatisfaction.    


Shen Lang waved at the stall owner: "Boss, give these guys a few boxes of beer. Also, we'll take care of them."    


"Alright!" The boss beamed.    


"Eh? This brother is great, he's so awesome! " The leader gave Shen Lang a thumbs up, then patted his hairy chest and said, "Bro, if you give me such a face, how can I make myself look like a freeloader? You guys eat and drink well today, your bills are mine!"    


"Brothers, let's toast to this brother and the two beauties!"    


As soon as the leader of the group gave the order, they all raised their heads and started blowing on the bottles. In the blink of an eye, the entire bottle of beer was drunk to the top.    


"Everyone, I'm impressed that you guys drank so much beer." Qin Mingyue said with a smile.    


In contrast to her calmness, Su Enya was slightly nervous. Her small hands tightly held Qin Mingyue's hand under the table.    


"Aiya, to be praised by this beauty, it's my honor, my honor!" The leader's face was filled with happiness.    


Qin Mingyue quietly leaned to the side and whispered into Su Enya's ear, "Don't be nervous, don't be afraid."    


"Mm …" "I'll try my best..." Su Enya forced a smile.    


Shen Lang stood up with a smile: "Guys, this is my wife and her good friend. We have to return the toast, but we have to take care of the ladies, so I'll do it for you."    


As he said this, he drank three bottles in one go without batting an eyelid, causing the big guys to clap and cheer him on.    


Qin Mingyue was surprised. Even she didn't know that Shen Lang could drink that much. Even though it was only beer, he had no reaction after drinking three bottles of it. It wasn't something an ordinary person could do.    


"Who is this? Aren't you interested?" The leader of the strong men patted Kai's shoulder.    


Brother Kai only wanted to play dead. He kept thinking to himself, "Don't look at me … Don't pay attention to me …"    


Unexpectedly, he was still targeted.    


Brother Kai's whole body shivered and he forced a smile that was uglier than crying: "Big …" Brother … Me and them... Not Familiar... I can't drink either. "    


"You're not familiar with me, but you're still sitting here? What a mess! Don't fool me, drink! "    


The brawny man's smiling face suddenly turned into a fiendish one, scaring Brother Kai so much that he almost rolled onto the ground.    


Keke's face was pale as she looked at Shen Lang and the others for help.    


"Come! This bottle is for you. " Not only did Shen Lang not help, he even passed him a new bottle of beer.    


"Ha!" If you don't drink, I'll kill you! " The brawny man slammed the table.    


Brother Kai's face turned pale and he fell off his chair with a thud. He trembled and said, "I …" I... I'm going to have a wife, no, no, my wife is going to have a wife! I have to get to the delivery... "No, we have to go to the hospital!"    


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