Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C367 Sensory

C367 Sensory

3Ugh!     3


Han Guoer could not help but want to vomit. She was regretting it now. It was good to go shopping by herself, why should she feel uncomfortable? The rumors were true. Curiosity could kill not only cats, but people as well.    


Feeling both embarrassed and indignant, Han Guoer didn't forget to look around her as she said viciously, "You pervert, stay away from me."    


"Ha ha!"    


Zhang Yang's laughter attracted the attention of many passers-by. Han Guoer, on the other hand, was like an ostrich with her head buried in her neck, trying her best to act as if she didn't know Zhang Yang.    


She had already made up her mind to give this pervert a good beating later when no one was around to vent her anger and humiliation for the whole afternoon.    


Suddenly, Zhang Yang stopped smiling and squinted his eyes as he looked to the right.    


At the same time, a dull thumping sound came from the right, accompanied by a hysterical shout, "Get out of my way! Get out of my way!"    


Along with the exclamations of the crowd, Zhang Yang saw three men wearing masks rushing towards them on the right side of the street.    


One of them was holding a magnetic gun, and the muzzle of the gun was filled with blue and dangerous energy radium bombs. The other two were brandishing bright laser knives.    


One of them was carrying a silver-white suitcase in his hand. A few people were lying in a pool of blood in front of a jewelry store not far behind them.    


In Zhang Yang's mind, an image of a jewelry store being robbed appeared.    


At this moment, the three robbers were on the road, screaming and sobbing. At the same time, the sound of sirens could be heard coming from the distance, weaving into a panicky melody.    


He didn't think that he would encounter such a cliché. What surprised him was how there were robbers in this era, and why hadn't society improved yet?    


Seeing the three robbers charge towards them, Zhang Yang's expression didn't change at all. He subconsciously leaned towards the railing as if it had nothing to do with him.    




Suddenly, a figure rushed past Zhang Yang from behind. Zhang Yang saw Han Guoer throw the bag in her hand onto the ground. Her figure was like an arrow as she dashed forward, meeting the incoming bandit head-on.    


"This little girl is full of justice." Zhang Yang slightly sighed, "Back then, I was a hot-blooded, hot-blooded young man."    


He wasn't worried about Han Guoer's strength, but he still set his gaze on the bandit with the gun.    


At that moment, the bandit leading the way saw someone blocking his way and raised his hand to shoot. But in that instant, he felt a cold sensation stab into his head and an intense pain came over him.    


At the same time, Han Guoer's legs slightly bent and her whole body shot up into the air like a swallow. She did a nimble somersault in the air and her feet stepped on the railing.    


Han Guoer accelerated her sprint, flipped in the air, and used the momentum to turn around and land on the ground. All of this happened in an instant. Her movements were as smooth as flowing water and when she landed, she was already in front of the second person.    


The robber's reaction was also swift. When Han Guoer landed on the ground, the two robbers behind her revealed a fierce look in their eyes, the laser sword in their hands chopping down without any hesitation.    


Han Guoer scolded as she instantly dashed forward. As she slightly tilted her body, the bandit's blade of light missed, and she struck her opponent's wrist with her Palm Knife.    


At the same time, she tapped the ground with the tip of her foot and jumped to catch the falling light sword.    




The light blade in his hand exploded into a brilliant screen of light. The bandit behind him had just turned his gun when he was forcibly cut into two halves by the magnetic spear.    


Then, in a flash, Han Guoer hacked the bandit next to her with her hand. At the same time, she twisted her body and glided forward. With a Whip Leg sweep, she ruthlessly struck the abdomen of the third bandit.    




The crisp sound of bones breaking sounded.    


All of this happened too fast, almost in the blink of an eye. The three bandits were instantly subdued, and they all howled miserably on the ground. Especially the one with the spear, he seemed to have fainted from fear.    


The passersby who witnessed the whole process immediately burst into cheers. All sorts of worshipful and inconceivable gazes were thrown towards Han Guoer's slightly flushed face.    


At this moment, Han Guoer's mood finally became a lot more carefree because of the appearance of the robbers. She turned around and glanced at Zhang Yang, who was staring blankly into the distance, with her chin held high, like a proud little peacock.    


Zhang Yang saw the entire process and shook his head helplessly. He looked at the unconscious robber with sympathy, then retracted his gaze and looked at Han Guoer who was walking back.    


"Ugh …" Actually, there's something I want to tell you. " Zhang Yang seemed to intentionally lower his voice, but the passersby who didn't want to leave could hear him.    


"What?" Han Guoer glanced at him complacently, but in her heart, she labeled Zhang Yang a 'coward' once again.    


"Yeah, your somersault on the railing just now was very cool."    


He looked at Han Guoer, who was trying her best to hide her pride, and said, "But you're wearing a dress, and you went naked when you flipped through the air. Zhang Yang considered his tone, looking at Han Guoer, who was trying her best to hide her pride, and said," But you're wearing a skirt, and you went naked when you flipped through the air.    


"Damn pervert, get lost!"    


Han Guoer had a complicated expression on her face. She looked like she was both crying and smiling at the same time. The pride on her face had yet to be wiped away when it turned into anger. She pounced on Zhang Yang like a mad little tiger.    


"Ha ha!"    


Although Zhang Yang was smiling, he was actually envious in his heart. This ninny, she was very carefree, but … Her heart was as innocent as a piece of white paper.    


She was a true young girl, only eighteen years old. She should be enjoying the pure, fluttering years of her youth.    




The sun set in the west as night fell. Darkness enveloped the city, and the rhythm of the streets in the low skies flickered with a charming light. A gentle breeze blew, filling the air with the strong smell of modern steel.    


At the same time that Zhang Yang and Han Guoer were arguing, several police officers from the security team also came to the scene. When they found out that it was Han Guoer who had overpowered the three thieves by herself, their eyes were filled with admiration.    


Han Guoer, who was originally angry like a little tiger, had become reserved and humble when facing the members of the Garrison. However, the corner of her mouth slightly raised, betrayed her current complacent mood.    


Ye Zichen turned around with a gaze filled with provocation towards Zhang Yang. However, when he thought back to what Zhang Yang said just now, his expression instantly turned fierce.    


Looking at her shifting gaze, Zhang Yang felt that he was indeed getting old. He sighed slightly and asked the heavens.    


A few minutes later, the robbers were taken away and the crowd began to disperse.    


"Hmph, aren't you very powerful? Why didn't you make a move earlier?" Han Guoer's long hair slightly fluttered, she looked down at Zhang Yang condescendingly, "I really can't understand, someone like you have no good points or moral bottom line, how can you know my grandpa?"    


Zhang Yang revealed an indifferent expression and said lazily, "I'm very tired, why are you bothering me like this?"    


"Are you tired?" Han Guoer was like a threatened kitten as she pointed angrily at the dozen or so bags under her feet, cursing angrily, "How can you be so shameless? Are you even going to be so shameless?"    


Ignoring Han Guoer's hubbub, Zhang Yang turned around and looked into the distance.    


His tiredness was not something other people could feel. He had already been awake for three days, and he had been walking without rest for three days just so that he could find some familiar traces in his memories. Unfortunately, he still had to be disappointed.    


He didn't deliberately restore his strength, but as long as he was awake, he would eventually recover on his own. Although it was slow, he didn't want to waste a lot of time just sitting there like that.    


Once again letting out a soft sigh, Han Guoer raised her head in a daze. She shockingly found that Zhang Yang had a different temperament at this moment. His expression was calm, and his gaze was deep and unfathomable.    


This was a feeling she had never felt before. It was one that was at ease and empty, and there was even a hint of vicissitudes in the air. At this moment, she suddenly felt that the young man in front of her was perhaps not as unbearable as he looked on the surface.    


"Hey, are you okay?"    


"I'm fine." Zhang Yang shook his head and turned around to look at Han Guoer. "I have to go. Goodbye."    


Finishing his words, he turned and left without the slightest hesitation.    


"Hey, why don't you have any demeanor? The sky is already dark, and I have so many things …" Han Guoer realized that what she felt just now was just an illusion, but this fellow was still a perverted madman without the slightest trace of elegance.    


"Han Guoer?"    


Suddenly, a voice came from behind. Han Guoer's pretty face changed slightly when she looked towards the direction of the voice. She reached out her hand to grab Zhang Yang, who was about to leave.    


"Hey, I met someone I know. If they saw me like this, they would definitely laugh at me. Can you help me out?" Han Guoer lowered her voice and looked pitifully at Zhang Yang. She looked so pitiful.    


Zhang Yang turned his head and saw a young man and woman walking towards them from the right.    


The young man had long, black hair that fell to his shoulders. He had a handsome, sunny face, and his entire body gave off an aura. The young woman had a charming and enchanting appearance.    


"Fine." Zhang Yang nodded helplessly. The little girl's vanity was very heavy.    


"Thank you."    


As Han Guoer said this, she gave a bright smile. Then, seemingly concerned, she stuffed all the bags on the ground into Zhang Yang's hands. Even two bags were hanging around her neck.    


At this moment, the young man and woman had already walked up to the two of them.    


"Guoer, it's really you. I thought I was mistaken."    


The long-haired young man smiled like a gentleman and greeted her politely. The charming woman beside him had a trace of ridicule on her face as she said, "Han Guoer, you have become more and more beautiful after one summer. No wonder you look down on our Wen."    


As the charming girl spoke, she tightened her arm around the youth's arm, deliberately raising her chest up high in a provocative posture.    


"Thank you. You've changed a lot too."    


Ji replied rudely. She would never force anyone she didn't like. Zhou Wenlve had been pestering her since the military academy, but she repeatedly refused him.    


As for the girl named Li Xiaojuan, she had always secretly fallen in love with Zhou Wenlve. Because of Han Guoer, she had always harbored a grudge in her heart. The two of them had always been at odds.    


After graduation, Zhou Wenlve made his last effort, but was still firmly rejected by Han Guoer. Unexpectedly, the two of them walked together.    


"Tsk, what's so great about that. The reason why A Wen is chasing you is only because he has taken a fancy to your family's background. Leaving these matters aside, he is still nothing."    


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