Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C369 Freedom Army

C369 Freedom Army

3Su Ling was a name that the recruits were not familiar with. However, within the circle of Federation soldiers, she was extremely famous and had once attracted attention.     2


As for what exactly she had done, no one knew that the moment she had walked out of the Cobra Troop, she had already reached the rank of Major General, and directly challenged the position of Captain of the Fifth Column, and had even succeeded.    


Initially, many people had even suspected that she might have the ability to assume the position of Fifth Column Commander. After all, there were twenty to thirty thousand people in the army, and among them, there were a lot of wild and unruly people who were ambitious.    


However, three months after she became the captain of Fifth Column, Su Ling gave those people who questioned a fiery slap on the face.    


This was not all. Two months ago, at the meeting of the higher-ups, Su Ling had forcefully dissolved the mysterious 5 divisions and issued a decree swearing to change the current awkward position of the army.    


This time's recruitment, was entirely facilitated by Su Ling, and all of the new recruits will enter the Fifth Column.    


At this moment, Su Ling, who was standing on the deck of the military boat, looked at the densely packed crowd on the harbor. With a slight frown, she turned around and disappeared from everyone's sight.    


Everyone suddenly woke up from their reverie and couldn't help but sigh.    


Suddenly, one of the recruits said, "Hey, who's that guy? Is he also a new recruit? "    


Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw a guy walking slowly towards all the new recruits. He wasn't wearing any military uniform, and looked to be about 27 or 28 years old. However, he held a dark blue military card in his hand.    


"Eh, that's right, why is his military card different from ours? It's dark blue in color."    


"Humph, they must be related here."    


Zhang Yang ignored the discussions in the crowd. He wobbled to the circular metal pillar in front of the new recruit registration office and inserted his General Card into the reader.    


"Name: Zhang Yang, Age: Unknown, Basic Information: Secret, Military Type: War God Army Group, Identity Check, Iris Check, Gene Test Check …" The synthesizer's voice sounded, "Welcome, sir, you are free to enter any military boat with your authority."    


"Freedom Army?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows, "Baldy, what's going on?"    


These two days, the baldy and Han Laosan had been waiting inside the small building. When Zhang Yang found them last night, after a series of messy authentication, he unexpectedly created such an inexplicable identity.    


Shaking his head speechlessly, Zhang Yang stopped thinking and turned around to look at the five military ships docked at the port.    


It was a large military boat and a small military boat.    


Zhang Yang walked straight towards the small military boat without a second thought. It was not on purpose, but because he didn't like places with too many people.    


Arriving at the port of the fifth warship, he once again showed his military card. After an electronic scan to verify his identity, the synthesizer sounded once more, "Welcome, sir. You can browse and inspect at will …"    


Alright, Zhang Yang ignored them and walked to the ship's connecting pathway. On the way, he checked his identity three times before finally stepping onto the deck of the military ship.    


A team of fully armed soldiers walked over. They were on a patrol and were on alert. Although it was strange that Zhang Yang would dress up like this, they didn't go up to ask.    


After all, the War God Army Group had a system that operated independently, especially in terms of identification. If they wanted to enter this military boat, they had to at least go through layers of checks, they were just curious about Zhang Yang's unfamiliar face.    


At this moment, a sweet voice suddenly came from the sky above the port, "There are still ten minutes until boarding time. Everyone, please report that the new recruits are ready to board the ship …"    


At the same time, all the recruits on the other side of the port started to gather, and they followed the instructions on their military cards to find the military boat they were boarding.    


Looking at the dense crowd, Zhang Yang suddenly felt bored. He turned around and walked towards the interior of the warship.    


The name War God Army Group was not something one would casually dare to call, but rather, one after another powerful war god had walked out of history. Even now, it was just a reflection that many of the components and programs of the independent intelligent systems within War God Army Group were higher than any of the electronic systems in the Federation today.    


Even this small warship had strict security measures, so when Zhang Yang entered the door, it had to be scanned to confirm his identity before the mechanical door opened automatically.    


Zhang Yang glanced left and right before slowly walking in.    




"All identity data summaries, please enter the information manually by the card holder. After that, the information will be kept in the main database …"    




Zhang Yang cursed and fumbled with the prompt for a while before letting out a long sigh of relief.    




Just as he turned around, the automatic door on the right opened and five people walked out.    


The leader of the group was a woman with the rank of Major General. The other four people were middle-aged men in their thirties.    


Seeing Zhang Yang, the few of them were obviously stunned, while the female major general officer exclaimed in surprise.    


"It's you?"    


Su Ling could not believe that she would meet this young man here. The scene from three days ago once again appeared in her mind.    


She was also curious. After Zhang Yang left the other day, she asked directly, but was stopped by Su Xiong's "Top Military Secret". As a soldier, Su Ling naturally knew about the rules and regulations on confidentiality, and although she was curious, she didn't inquire or investigate further.    


This time, she was mainly here for the Fifth Column, and was already extremely busy, so she quickly tossed that matter to the back of her mind.    


But in her heart, she was extremely curious.    


It had to be known that this passageway did not lead to the new recruits' area, but to the command center of the warship. Not everyone could enter this place. Now that this youth had appeared, his identity had to be investigated.    


"Why are you here?" Su Ling asked immediately.    


Following that, her eyes were fixed on Zhang Yang's face, unwilling to let go of even the slightest of his expression.    


"What happened here?" Zhang Yang looked around casually and asked, "What's the difference?"    


Su Ling's anger immediately died down, while the remaining four officers looked at Zhang Yang speechlessly. Their expressions were as wonderful as they could get.    


"Then what identity did you come here as?"    


"I don't know either."    


"No …" Do you know? "    


Su Ling wanted to laugh, but realized that she couldn't. She couldn't help but size up the young man before her again.    


He could not be considered handsome. He did not wear a military uniform, but was dressed in a very popular attire. What made her frown was that the corner of his mouth was constantly raised, as if he was mocking everyone.    


That pair of eyes, those pitch-black pupils did not have the slightest fluctuation, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him. It was so calm that not a single ripple could be seen.    


At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly took out a dark blue military card with three Hei Jin lines in it from his pocket, waved it in front of her, and said, "I don't know who I am either."    




Including Su Ling, all five of them were shocked. Their eyes were all staring at the military card in Zhang Yang's hand, with an expression of disbelief as if they were petrified.    


A long time later.    


The few of them finally came back to their senses, but they couldn't help but look at the military card.    


"You guys can leave first." Su Ling snapped out of her daze and ordered the four men beside her, "Remember, today's matter is listed in the secrecy order."    


"Yes sir!"    


The four of them looked at each other and saluted. Then, they looked at Zhang Yang with a complicated expression before walking out.    


"Follow me." Su Ling pondered for a moment, then raised her head and looked straight at Zhang Yang.    


Zhang Yang nodded and followed Su Ling through a few tunnels before finally entering a bright and spacious office.    


"Would you mind if I looked you up..." "A military card." Sitting behind the desk, Su Ling turned on the sensor computer and looked at Zhang Yang with a complicated expression.    


Zhang Yang nodded indifferently and handed the General Card over.    


Gently taking the military card, Su Ling's movements were a little careful. She lowered her head, not allowing Zhang Yang to see her complicated expression, but staring at the three lines on the military card.    


This was not a military card, it was clearly a system authority identification card. Su Ling also had one, but it was only a light blue one with a golden line on it.    


She had seen the commander's identification card before. Although it was also dark blue, it only had two golden lines.    


The sensor computer was connected to the Legion's main database. Su Ling turned on the virtual recognizer and gently put the card into the reader.    


Suddenly, a progress bar appeared on the screen. It was a prompt for reading information. Su Ling suddenly felt a little nervous and a little excited.    


After all, she had never seen this kind of identification card before, and Zhang Yang's identity had piqued her curiosity. It had to be known that Great Grandpa's attitude towards this young man had really surprised her too much.    




A prompt sounded out and the sensor computer finished identifying the contents of the identification card. At the same time, the archiving information appeared in front of Su Ling.    


Two large words appeared on the screen.    


"You do not have permission to view the information on this card. Please return the identification card to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, your bad behavior will be stored and you will be warned."    


Su Ling's expression was as brilliant as it could get.    


Having served as the captain of the Fifth Column for more than a year, she had long heard that the independent operating system within the War God Army Group was extremely intelligent.    


Helplessly handing the identification card back to Zhang Yang, Su Ling spoke, "I do not have sufficient authority. However, you should be able to tell me, what identity did you use to enter the War God Army Group?"    


Zhang Yang pondered for a moment, then said, "It seems to be Freedom Army."    


Freedom Army?    


Why does this name sound a little familiar?    


Su Ling was shocked when she thought of that. She stood up abruptly with disbelief written all over her flawless face. She looked at Zhang Yang as if he was a monster.    


"Freedom Army? You... Is what you said true? "    


Seemingly too shocked, Su Ling's voice changed a little, this couldn't be blamed on her, it was just that these three words were too shocking.    


Her Great Grandpa and Su Xiong were the first generation captains of War God Army Group. Therefore, Su Ling had heard about the glorious history of War God Army Group since she was young.    


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