Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C419 Arcane Art

C419 Arcane Art

4As the Deputy Chief of the Longhai city's garrison, Mace didn't want to know who the young man in front of him was. Everything that had happened in the front courtyard of the Lu Family earlier was clearly seen by him.    2


Logically speaking, the status of the Merit Family was not something that the Deputy Chief of the Guardian Office could compare to. However, in order to curry favor with the Lu Family, he had still come, and even encountered such a matter.    


He originally wanted to slip away secretly, for this kind of matter, the Guardian Office would not interfere, and was not qualified to interfere, but the moment he turned around, he was stopped.    


Normally, Mace would happily pat his chest and guarantee his victory, but he wasn't an idiot. It was clear from Lu Family that he wanted to pull the Guardian Office into this mess to resolve the crisis.    


However, he couldn't refuse. After all, he couldn't refuse the responsibility that the Guardian Office had on their behalf. Thus, he had no choice but to pass this matter to the Chief, Lawrence. There was a hint in his words.    


As it turned out, Laurence had no good way out, and had to send fifty of his men and tell Max to take the opportunity.    


He didn't want to know who the young man was, but he had to ask.    


"Who are you!"    


Mace's tone wasn't firm. His gaze towards Zhang Yang was somewhat flickering, but he didn't give the order to attack. Instead, he gave himself some leeway.    


"Do you really want to know who I am?" Zhang Yang suddenly smiled, and looked him up and down, then said, "Why didn't you ask him what happened? Or don't you ask me why I'm here? "    


However, the Lu Family brothers behind him had long lost their patience, and a few of the direct descendents of the fourth generation rushed towards Lu Tianfeng who was lying on the ground.    


"Brother Feng …"    


They surrounded Lu Tianfeng, and at the same time, they saw the horned skin beneath the War Armor. The few of them were extremely shocked, the matter with Mutant must not be revealed at this kind of place, otherwise there would be endless troubles in the future.    


Mutant Seed were unable to transform before they reached the fusion and mutation stages, but the seeds hidden within their body would continue to increase their body's potential as they fused with each other.    


Unless the seed could be burned, causing the user's combat power and defense to greatly increase in a short period of time. However, if the seed was burned, it would leave behind future troubles.    


Obviously, Lu Tianfeng had just burned the Mutant Seed.    


Lu Hailan suddenly stood out, stared at Zhang Yang with his gloomy face, and said, "Deputy Chief Mace, this person has come to my Lu Family to cause trouble. I believe you have also seen him injure more than one of my Lu Family's members, and now that my son Tianfeng is not even aware of whether he's dead or alive, shouldn't you do something?"    


Without waiting for Mace's response, he once again spoke, "This is no longer a matter of my Lu Family. It is a matter of face for the entire Merit Family of the Federation. This person, should die!"    


Mace nodded his head in embarrassment. He had long seen the reckless Lu Tianfeng, and as for the other five, they were very likely to be dead. He could understand Lu Family's anger, but what could he do about it?    


Since the other party did not put Lu Family in his eyes, he, a small guard in charge of security, could prepare ingredients for people to eat. Earlier, he clearly saw how many laser beams flew out, yet this fellow was still standing there perfectly fine.    


With the development of data technology, those with some status and influence more or less understood some secrets. The sky had changed, and it was impossible for them to become the overlord just with numbers and technology.    


"Cough cough, come with us."    


Zhang Yang made his move, but he didn't do it. He waved to Hu Yong and the others, signaling them to follow him.    


"Deputy Chief Mace, tell your men to kill them on the spot. I'll take responsibility if anything happens."    


How could Lu Hailan let them leave? However, he was well aware of the strength of Zhang Yang, but how could he be taken away by the police after something like this happened with his Lu Family?    


Zhang Yang stopped, raised his head, stared at him and slowly said.    


"If you know your place, maybe I can let you go this time. Don't force me to destroy your entire family."    


Everyone around was stunned and their expressions were different. The members sent by the Guardian Office looked confused as if they had heard a joke. They looked at Zhang Yang in confusion. However, without the director's order, they would not act.    


"Annihilate my family?" Lu Hailan suddenly threw his head back and laughed crazily a few times, then said coldly, "Deputy Chief Mace, did you hear that? Now that he dares to threaten us, and you still don't give the order to kill them, what are you waiting for! "    


The most important reason why Zhang Yang suddenly changed his mind was because he saw a familiar face when his Sensory Perception radiated out. At the same time, he remembered something.    


"You'd better come with us."    


Mace helplessly looked at Zhang Yang, and then immediately explained to Lu Hailan in a fawning manner, "Lu Family Master, you should know about our authority as a guard. Without resisting, you cannot kill people as you please. I'm afraid you are the only one here."    


Lu Hailan gave Max a deep look and nodded. "Ok!"    


Then, he quickly took out a magnetic pistol from his pocket and pointed it at Zhang Yang. He shouted, "Tianchuan Heavenly Treasure, seize him!"    


Two young men with sturdy bodies quickly rushed over. However, just as they were about to go after Zhang Yang, they saw his figure flash a few times, causing the two people to fly out as they screamed.    


At the same time, Lu Hailan pulled the trigger.    


It was not the scene of a head exploding nor blood splattering. However, at this moment, it was even more shocking.    


This was because everyone saw that the evil-looking teenager had at some point a magnetic gun in his hand, which he was currently fiddling with with with with his head lowered with great interest.    




What just happened?    


No one could see clearly.    


The scene was a bit strange. It was strange, yet also a bit depressing. Subconsciously, everyone's gaze turned towards Lu Hailan. In his hands … Empty...    


He threw the magnetic spear in his hand away and shattered it into a pile of parts in midair.    


"If you don't move, all of you will die!"    


Zhang Yang's gaze swept across everyone present. His voice was so soft that it didn't sound like he was threatening. However, when he heard it, it made their scalps go numb and they were covered in cold sweat.    


Especially Max whose fat body was trembling. He felt his heart pounding and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.    


Damn Laurence, why did you make me your cannon fodder, damn you!    


Lu Hailan was also shocked. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and subconsciously retreated a few steps back. He stared at Zhang Yang with a serious expression.    


The scene became silent for a moment.    




A strange, jie jie sound suddenly rang out in the arena.    


Looking in the direction of the voice, everyone was shocked to see Lu Tianfeng, who was originally surrounded, slowly stand up and then open his eyes.    


It was a pair of crimson eyes. There was no whites in them, nor was there any pupil. It was as if two more pools of blood were flowing within them.    


The War Armor on his body had already been shattered, he did not seem to care about it at all. The shocked gazes of the crowd did not seem to care either.    


"Who are you!"    


His voice was harsh and harsh, as if his fingers were scratching against tempered glass.    


No one knew what happened. Even though Lu Hailan and his brothers felt the same way, for some reason, Lu Hailan had a bad feeling.    


Zhang Yang's expression was only slightly surprised, but he recovered soon after. He did not answer the other party's question, but asked instead, "Spirit Secret Skill?"    


"Tsk tsk …"    


He laughed strangely and did not reply, as if he was talking to himself. "Sigh, another chess piece has been abandoned. I really can't bear to part with it."    


Abruptly, he ran at top speed and instantly rose into the air. He spread his legs, stretched his arms, and let out a strange smile. "No matter who you are, you must die today!"    


He let out a long hiss, akin to the demonic sound of hell resounding in the air. What was even more peculiar was that he could actually stay in the air without any hindrances. This was the first time the spectators around him had seen such a bizarre scene.    


A cold light radiated from his body. Under the light of the setting sun, his body seemed to be burning with the flames of hell. At the same time, his hands moved in the air, drawing an obscure mark.    




Following his words, tiny black rays of light suddenly illuminated the sky.    


Yes, it was a black light!    


Although the sun was setting, this area was still incomparably bright. It was as if countless black lines were frozen in midair, and the black light was as deep as a black hole in the universe.    


However, the darkness was not black. These black lights were like the lights of death rolling in hell. The momentary peace was broken, and the black light in the sky was like divine thunder, ripping countless holes in the space as waves of violent air gushed out from the cracks.    


It was terrifyingly cold and powerful.    


It was as if mountains had collapsed and the earth cracked. The violent energy violently surged and the entire Lu Family Garden violently shook along with it. One could imagine just how terrifying the energy of the void was.    


Everyone on the scene widened their mouths in shock. At that moment, Lu Tianfeng's actions had surpassed everyone's imagination. From their point of view, this kind of power could not be called power anymore.    


In general, in the current training system of body technique, fighting is a kind of fighting, a fight between strength and moves. Perhaps, one can use perception to fuse strength into battle, but it is also a type of strength.    


There was also another method of attack which focused mainly on perception. For example, mind shaking and bewitching techniques, mind whipping, etc., all belonged to the Secret Skill s.    


However, if one wanted to activate the Secret Skill, they would also need to use the cooperation of power. Although it could cause the strength to temporarily leave the body for attacks, such as sword beams and so on, it would also need the coordination of weapon and perception to do so.    


However, at this moment, Lu Tianfeng gave people the feeling of being able to control the powers of the world to attack and even gave people an incomparably oppressive mental illusion.    


A word that caused everyone to tremble suddenly appeared in their minds.    


Domain level!    


Twisted Space Break Whistle!    


Only domain level experts would be able to activate their magnetic field, communicate with the magnetic field, and distort space. The resonance between the magnetic field and the magnetic field would allow them to borrow the power of the outside world for their own use.    


However, even if it was just a legendary domain level, without a corresponding resonance to communicate with the external world, it would still be in vain. Only the legendary Secret Arts could achieve such an effect.    


Although there was only a one word difference between a Secret Arts and a Secret Skill, it was essentially completely different.    


No one knew what happened to Lu Tianfeng, but his entire body shone like a black sun in the sky. If it was any ordinary person who was enveloped by the blue black light on his Palm Knife, they would have died without a single exception.    


A demonic light radiated from his two palms. It was as black as ink, and two rays of black light appeared on his two palms, emitting a terrifying aura.    




This aura seemed to split the air apart as a hideous mouth seemed to appear in the air, devouring towards Zhang Yang.    


Hu Yong and the other members exclaimed.    


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