Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C225 Wolong Lake

C225 Wolong Lake

0The Dragon-lying Lake was not a deep lake, but a very famous rich and powerful villa area. A bay of serene jade lake water surrounded the entire villa area, and as a result, the name was given to it.    


However, those who truly knew the inside story knew that the true terror of Dragon-lying Lake lay with the residents of this villa area.    


Just like the court in Qing Hai, Dragon-lying Lake was not something that one could live in just because they had money. It still required a certain level of identity and background, and it was even a level higher than the palace in Wen Ting's.    


This was because the entire Dragon-lying Lake's inhabitants were actually a large group of people with great benefits. If one wasn't a member of this group, even with a great background, they wouldn't be able to integrate into the group.    


So, over time, with word of mouth, and with rumors spread everywhere, Dragon-lying Lake became an extremely unique existence. It was a bit like a forbidden area, where no one dared to cause trouble, and even more so, no one dared to look down on this group of interests.    


Zhang Yang did not know much about this. Of course, even if he knew, he would not care.    


As his strength increased, his attitude unconsciously changed. Especially after the Void Mark formed in his body, Zhang Yang was not afraid of anyone from any forces.    


With his current strength, although he was unable to fight against the national machine, he had never thought of becoming enemies with the entire country. However, under any circumstances, he was confident that he would be able to escape safely.    


This was the confidence brought about by strength.    


Dragon-lying Lake was located in the southern suburbs of Jiangdu. A lakeshore was a natural barrier to villas, and above the lakeshore was a bridge that was approximately thirty meters long and fifteen meters wide.    


On both sides of the bridge were guard posts and roadblocks. A dozen burly men strictly inspected the passing vehicles. If it weren't for the Dragon-lying Lake, outsiders would simply not be allowed to pass.    


Zhang Yang had come by taxi, so he naturally could not enter. After the taxi left, he found a dead end, Void Cryptozoite, and with one step, he appeared again. He crossed the bridge and arrived at the garden area inside.    


The scenery here was pretty good. The Jade Water Pavilion was decorated with plants and vegetation, and the entire villa complex looked as if it was planted in a beautiful environment. It was also a unique characteristic of Dragon-lying Lake.    


Zhang Yang was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. He only wanted to find Yan Qingyun's residence as soon as possible, but after walking for nearly ten minutes, he couldn't help but frown.    


This district was extremely spacious, so he couldn't search one by one. However, he had a general idea of the structure of the villas here, so they were not arranged in rows like in ordinary villa areas.    


However, each villa was a relatively independent area and was separated by the lake water. If he were to go from one villa to another, he would definitely have to pass through an intricately carved passageway.    


Not only that, every villa would have their own area where they all belonged, whether it be sculpting or hanging a signboard and inscriptions symbolizing their status. For example, in Zhang Yang's area, the words' Heart Cleansing Hall 'would be hung in front of the tunnel.    


Zhang Yang pondered for a moment. He had already made a decision. Squinting his eyes, he looked around and took a step forward. His figure disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he was already at a pavilion.    


The pavilion was located in the center of the lake, and there was only a small bridge that led to the villa. The bridge did not belong to a building that was connected to the villa, but rather to a building that had been specially built by the owner of the villa.    


At this moment, an old man wearing a gray robe was sitting on a chair at the edge of the pavilion. His fishing rod was bent forward and the surface of the water was swaying slightly. He was currently fishing alone in the cold river.    


Not too far away from the pavilion and across the bridge, a middle-aged man dressed in black stood silently by the lake. From time to time, his gaze would sweep across the motionless old man, constantly observing his surroundings with vigilance.    




At the same time as the surface of the water swayed, the elder's face lit up. With a swift movement of his fishing rod, a small fish emerged from the water and flapped its tail.    


The old man laughed out loud. He seemed very happy. He put the small fish into the wooden bucket beside him. There were already three or four small fish swimming inside. He once again shook his pole and prepared to fish alone.    


However, after the old man threw down the fishing rod, he felt that something was off. He felt that something was off. This feeling was very strange, as if someone was walking in the crowd and was deliberately watching him from behind.    


With a frown, he subconsciously looked left and right at the empty surroundings. The old man bitterly smiled and shook his head, but then stopped in an instant. His neck even let out a slight cracking sound.    


Beside him, a person had appeared out of nowhere. It was a young man who was currently looking at him with a smile.    


The old man's hands trembled and he almost threw the fishing rod out. His expression was surprised, and his pupils shrank. However, in a very short period of time, he returned to his normal calm demeanor.    


"Old sir, you're in high spirits. Good mood."    


Zhang Yang sincerely praised him. Under such circumstances, when he appeared silently, the old man was only surprised for a moment before retracting his composure. This calm and collected attitude was not something that an ordinary person could do.    


"Haha, young man, you are …"    


The elder's tone was calm, but his heart was full of shock. Even without the appearance of this young man, this neither loud nor low voice seemed to have not been noticed by the bodyguard not too far away.    


As he spoke, he intentionally glanced at the bodyguard from the corner of his eyes. The bodyguard was still standing by the small bridge that led to the pavilion, and he seemed to have turned a blind eye to everything that was happening here.    


"My identity isn't important." Zhang Yang said lightly and said, "I came uninvited to disturb old sir's fishing, I hope you can forgive me."    


"Heh heh, friend, are you here to kill me?" The old man calmly smiled, and his tone suddenly turned sincere. "All men die, and this old man has lived enough for his age."    


After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Before I die, can a friend let me know which 'old friend' can invite an expert like you?"    


Obviously, the old man misunderstood and treated Zhang Yang as his opponent sent him to kill him.    


Hearing that, Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows and laughed loudly.    


However, to the old man's great shock, the bodyguard who was standing by the bridge remained indifferent, as if he did not hear the laughter. His eyes were only focused on the old man's situation, and he quickly looked away.    


"Friend, are you not here to kill me?" The old man was shocked. He tried his best to maintain his calm, but his tone was very polite.    


Zhang Yang stopped laughing and shook his head, "I have no enmity with old sir, I just came to ask you about someone."    


"Oh? If this old one knows who my friend is inquiring about, I will definitely tell you the truth. "    


The old man's eyes lit up and his tensed body instantly relaxed. He didn't think that Zhang Yang was lying. If the other party killed someone, there was no need to say so much nonsense.    


"This person is called Yan Qingyun." Zhang Yang looked straight at the old man, "What villa is his address?"    


"After leaving my villa, head straight to the left of the third building's intersection. Then turn right towards the first building. There are the words' Go to the Clear Sky 'written on it, that is Yan Qingyun's address."    


The elder replied quickly without any hesitation. This was a place where everyone lived in, and everyone's background was not simple. The elder was the same, so it wasn't strange for him to know the identity of the owner of each villa.    


"Thank you, old sir, for your advice."    


Zhang Yang smiled and stood up. He walked forward until he reached the small bridge and suddenly stopped. He turned his head and looked at Ye Mo with a meaningful look, "Old sir, you won't tell anyone else about what happened today, right?"    


"Don't worry, friend." The old man's face was solemn and his voice was full of sincerity, "Although Yan Qingyun and I know each other, we are not friends and I would not do anything useless."    


"Thank you!"    


Zhang Yang nodded, took a step forward and walked on the small bridge without stopping.    


The old man's gaze followed his back, and gradually, the expression on his face became one of shock, then shock, and finally, disbelief, as though he had seen a ghost.    


He watched as Zhang Yang walked past his bodyguard, who seemed to be facing a ball of air and was unable to notice him.    


After missing the bodyguard, Zhang Yang stopped walking. He turned around and smiled at the old man. Then, he continued walking forward and quickly disappeared from sight.    




The old man let out a long breath. It was only now that he realized that his entire body had been drenched in cold sweat in such a short period of time.    


Too strange!    


No, it was too terrifying!    


How could such a person exist in this world!    


Only after a long while did the elder recover completely. He turned his head to look at the bodyguard on the other side of the small bridge and said in a deep voice, "Kazu!"    


The bodyguard replied and quickly crossed the small bridge. He walked up to the old man and respectfully said, "Old Ji!"    


"Kazu, did you feel anything just now?" The old man casually asked.    


"Feel?" Kazu froze for a moment before shaking her head. "No, it is safe around here. There is no danger."    


Hearing this, the old man bitterly laughed. He was even more shocked and didn't continue asking. He stood up and walked forward, "Pack your things, we're going back!"    


He was certain that Kazu was not lying, that everything he had just experienced was real and beyond his comprehension.    


In reality, Zhang Yang did all of this on purpose. It was a completely abnormal deterrence and also a display of strength.    


At this time, he had already followed the direction that the old man had given him, and along the path of Void Cryptozoite, he quickly arrived in front of Yan Qingyun's villa.    


He was currently at the fourth level and was also known as the Quasi-Heaven Level. The Star Power s stored inside his body were several times more powerful than the earth level and were more than enough to sustain his Void Cryptozoite for a long period of time.    


After arriving at the living room, Zhang Yang's Spiritual Consciousness radiated and instantly covered the entire house.    


There were a lot of people here, around 30 people. A small part of them were servants, and another part were bodyguards. As the Spiritual Consciousness swept past, Zhang Yang quickly picked his target.    


Walking forward, Earth-shrinking Arts, in an instant, he had already arrived at a very large bedroom.    


However, when Zhang Yang saw the scene in front of him clearly, the expression on his face became very interesting.    


Inside the bedroom, there was a cloud of smoke. A white straw, an ice pot, a lighter, a bag of white ice cubes, and a comfortable moan …    


Two men, three women, five people.    


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