Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C249 You Guys Are in Big Trouble

C249 You Guys Are in Big Trouble

3"Push..." "Massage?"     3


Dong Wanxuan looked at Zhang Yang with a slightly confused expression and quickly reacted. She blushed then nodded, not daring to look him in the eyes.    


No matter if it was her appearance or her figure, she was extremely confident in herself. Ever since she had set foot in this world, there had been countless people who had beaten her. Fortunately, she had a powerful background and because of her hair, Dong Wanxuan had never been so intimate with a stranger before.    


She naturally knew about the so-called massage. Even though she knew that it was the necessary treatment procedure, she still felt her body heat up, and her heart was beating rapidly.    


If it were anyone else, Dong Wanxuan might have been worried about the unforeseen event. However, when she looked at it clearly just now, even though it was just a slight movement, the pupils in her eyes were extremely clear.    


She was nervous, not because she was worried, but because … She was as shy as a young girl.    


Dong Wanxuan's delicate body suddenly trembled. A pair of large hands were already caressing her silky white back. She almost screamed out as her heart throbbed.    


In fact, because of her hair, there was always an invisible sense of inferiority deep in her heart, which made her a conservative person. Even when she was shooting movies, Dong Wanxuan had never done bed scenes or kiss scenes.    


Now, being touched like this by a man... To her, it was simply inconceivable.    


Back, buttocks, legs... Dong Wanxuan's delicate body couldn't help but feel like it was boiling. Her entire body stiffened while her legs stretched out in a straight line …    


But very quickly, she realized that she was wrong.    


It wasn't the massage that he had imagined, but a pair of large hands patting her back with a gentle rhythm.    




Dong Wanxuan let out a long breath. Somehow, she felt a bit disappointed … Expectation!    


When she thought of this, she felt even more embarrassed.    


You shameless brat, what are you thinking!    




Every time it landed, a hint of a weak Star Power would be lured in. If it was just treating his hair, it wouldn't be that troublesome, but the poison in the blood in his body must be squeezed out by the Star Power.    


Although it seemed simple, it was actually no easier than any other case. On the contrary, it was much more troublesome.    


First of all, acupuncture on and off the head was definitely not something an ordinary Chinese doctor would dare to do. A human's brain could be described as complicated and mysterious.    


Secondly, there was the poison in Dong Wanxuan's blood. While speeding up the circulation of her blood, she also needed to revive the hair on her scalp and force the poison out of her scalp. This could be considered a true success.    


Most importantly, Zhang Yang had promised that he would be effective on the spot. He also needed to accelerate the growth of his hair, so he had to control it precisely. If he were to accelerate the growth of his hair, then … That would be truly funny.    


"Hiss …"    


As the rhythm of the slaps increased, every time it fell, Dong Wanxuan would feel a numbing pain, and she could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


But very quickly, she no longer felt any aching pain, and what replaced it was an incomparably strange feeling of numbness. Every time her palm landed, all the pores in her body would involuntarily open up, as if she was consciously breathing.    


At first, Dong Wanxuan could grit her teeth and persevere, but as the tempo increased, her delicate body instantly went limp. She had never experienced such a comfortable feeling before, so she was simply unable to resist.    


"Oh …"    


Finally unable to bear it any longer, she spat out a lazy syllable from her mouth.    


Weng! *    


Just as the sound came out, Dong Wanxuan's head felt a wave of dizziness. Her exquisite face flushed all the way to her ears and then spread all over her body. She was so ashamed that she wanted to die.    


Oh my god!    


How could he make such a shameful sound?    


In panic, she quickly opened her mouth and bit down on the pillow. However, due to the needles on her scalp, she didn't dare to move recklessly and could only suppress her emotions with all her might.    


However, the numbing feeling deep within his bones had not disappeared. Instead, it was like a thin wave that attacked him one after another with no way of restraining it.    


Zhang Yang was also a bit embarrassed. With such a close distance, how could he ignore the tempting moan? He couldn't help but slow down his hands. Almost subconsciously, a dragon raised its head and set up a small tent.    


He was a cultivator who could suppress desire, but he was also a man. Moreover, he was a normal man. This kind of alluring beauty had no relation to one's thoughts. It was simply the most primitive reaction in the deepest depths of one's heart.    


Sensing that her palm had missed a beat, Dong Wanxuan felt even more embarrassed. If there was a hole in the ground, she would have dived in and never come out. How embarrassing!    


"Cough cough, it might be a little painful. If you can't hold it in, just shout it out." In order to resolve the awkwardness, Zhang Yang said it against his will.    


Dong Wanxuan didn't answer, she only gritted her teeth tightly on the pillow. It was unknown what kind of emotions she was currently in.    


"It might be very painful next. Otherwise, why would I choose the first treatment?"    


Seeing that she did not respond, Zhang Yang hinted to her. He was very clear on the reaction of his gentle Star Power entering an ordinary person's body. In order to avoid unnecessary awkwardness, he felt the need to remind her.    


"No need!"    


Dong Wanxuan gently shook her head and closed her eyes like a mosquito. She was extremely shy and her voice sounded depressed.    


The words were very clear. Since the other party wasn't afraid of the awkward situation, Zhang Yang was even more nonchalant. He might as well speed up the process.    


However, like this, Dong Wanxuan felt even more uncomfortable. When that comfortable feeling came surging over, it was impossible to avoid it by covering her mouth. She could not help but let out a voice that was suppressed to the extreme.    


Furthermore, she shyly sensed that some parts of her body had already reacted. There seemed to be a moist stream of warmth flowing in that place, as if it would burst out at any moment.    


"Pa, pa, pa, pa …"    


"Oh, mmm, mmm, mmm …"    


Later on, every time they landed, a deep and suppressed sound would echo out, even forming a tacit understanding between them.    


Dong Wanxuan could no longer endure it and her legs suddenly stretched out in a straight line. Her delicate face was flushed, and her pair of beautiful eyes were filled with confusion and excitement from the ebbing tides. She was unable to hide her emotions.    




Outside the door, Elder Sister Ying paced back and forth restlessly. Xuanxuan had taken off her clothes … And then there was a young man with vigorous blood and vigor … As they faced each other naked, all sorts of inappropriate scenarios for children had already appeared in her mind.    


The relationship between her and Dong Wanxuan was no longer purely that of a broker or an artist, but that of a sister. Elder Sister Ying even treated Dong Wanxuan as her own daughter.    


What if that guy with the worms got into his brain and killed Xuanxuan?    


Elder Sister Ying was angry and regretful at the same time. She pressed her ear against the door and listened intently. She wished she could grow a clairaudient.    


The soundproofing effect of the villa door was very good. However, there was no one living here, especially when Zhang Yang was treating the disease. The security guards did not dare to disturb them, and with their ears close to the door, Elder Sister Ying finally heard a sound.    


Bba Bba Bba Bba … "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."    


The heck!    


Elder Sister Ying almost jumped up as her eyes widened in shock. Her mouth was so wide open that it seemed she could swallow two eggs. Without any hesitation, she pushed open the door and rushed in.    


As an experienced person, she knew better than anyone what this kind of voice meant. Just by thinking about it, she could tell that the little pervert was truly a reckless pervert. He was simply … Unforgivable!    


Just as she was about to open the door, she suddenly felt her body lighten. Her collar was grabbed by a large hand and thrown backwards. Elder Sister Ying retreated seven or eight steps before stopping.    


It was Tia Xiong.    


Ever since he started following Zhang Yang, Tia Xiong acted as Zhang Yang's bodyguard several times. He saw Elder Sister Ying being chased out just now. Wu Tie's meaning was very clear. Without his order, no one is allowed to enter.    


As for the sound coming from inside, Tia Xiong naturally heard it too, but he didn't care about that. Let alone a small Elder Sister Ying, even if it was an army, they wouldn't be able to enter unless they stepped on their own corpses.    


Elder Sister Ying no longer bothered with Tia Xiong anymore and ran towards him again. However, she was blocked by one of Tia Xiong's arms and could only jump up and down as she shouted.    


"Xuanxuan, are you alright? Damn it, you big guy, get out of my way and let me in! "    


Tia Xiong glared at her with his bell-like eyes, "If you keep shouting, I'll throw you out!"    


"You, you … Do you know what's going on inside? Do you know who that girl is? You're doomed. If something were to happen to her, all of you … Something big has happened to all of you! "    


Tia Xiong grinned and licked his lips like a wild beast. Elder Sister Ying was so scared that she trembled and quickly took a few steps back.    


"Fine, just you wait, you guys are in big trouble!"    


At this moment, he no longer needed to use his ear to stick to the door. He could already clearly hear all kinds of banging sounds, as well as the suppressed moans. Under these circumstances, Elder Sister Ying could no longer remain calm.    


Trembling, he took out his phone and quickly dialed.    


"Hello, Chief Wang? Help, Xuanxuan and I have been kidnapped. We are in the first villa in Chaoyang district … Kidnapper? He, he is the genius doctor from Deathless Immortal Sanatorio, a beast with a human's face. "If you don't come soon, it'll be too late …"    


Bureau Chief Wang, once Jiangdu and Municipal Bureau are in his hands, Tia Xiong will know … However, he wasn't worried.    


If it was by name, perhaps not many people would know Elder Brother Yang, but when it came to the genius doctors of Deathless Immortal Sanatorio, that incident where radiation spread throughout the entire country … I'm afraid not many people don't know Elder Brother Yang.    


Sure enough, Elder Sister Ying's expression quickly turned into the color of a pig's liver, and she almost screamed, "Wh-what did you say? Don't provoke him? It's not us who are provoking him, it's him who is hurting Xuanxuan. Director Wang, you should know Xuanxuan's identity, but now … There's nothing we can do about it. "    


Director Wang said something. Elder Sister Ying hung up the phone angrily and dialed another number.    


"Elder Long, I'm Luo Ying. Something has happened to Xuanxuan. Please send someone to the first villa in the Rising Sun District. That guy is the divine doctor for Deathless Immortal Sanatorio …"    


Before she finished speaking, Elder Sister Ying's expression changed greatly. When she said the words' Deathless Immortal Sanatorio ', this big boss of Sea Dragon Sect only said four words before hanging up.    


There was nothing he could do!    


Elder Sister Ying was not an idiot. Regardless of whether it was the head of the provincial city's Municipal Bureau or the first community's Sea Dragon Sect, they were both actually so fearful of Deathless Immortal Sanatorio. No, in their change in tone, it was no longer fear, but … Fear!    


But no matter what, Elder Sister Ying couldn't give up. Although Director Wang agreed to help, but the meaning behind her words were too obvious. Immediately, Elder Sister Ying quickly flipped through the phone book.    




Suddenly, just at that moment, the door to the room was pushed open and Zhang Yang walked out.    


"Xuanxuan, you, what did you do to Xuanxuan? I'll tell you …"    


Elder Sister Ying let out an angry curse. Without caring about anything else, she staggered like a ball of meat as she charged inside.    


Inside the room, Dong Wanxuan was lying on the bed naked. Elder Sister Ying was shocked, ran over to take a closer look, and heaved a sigh of relief.    


Both Dong Wanxuan's bra and inner chamber were there. As someone who had experienced this before, she could tell at a glance that Dong Wanxuan was unharmed.    


However, when the corner of his eyes inadvertently swept towards the pure white bed sheets, his expression instantly turned stiff, and his mouth went wide in an extremely exaggerated manner.    


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