I Am Overlord

C15 Quite Embarrassing

C15 Quite Embarrassing

2First Room, Hall of Limits.    


Disregarding the pressure, Xiang Shaoyun began sprinting around the room.    


With a mountainous pressure of 1,000 pounds weighing down on him, sprinting around wasn't all that easy. Yesterday, his body had adapted a little to the pressure. Yet, he still wasn't at complete ease. He was like a fish struggling out of water.    


Unlike his expectation, he had to use every bit of his strength just to make that next step happen. The 1,000-pound force made even walking difficult.    


A 1,000-pound step!    


Such monstrous pressure could only be shouldered by peak ninth grade Martial Entering Stage cultivators.    


And now, Xiang Shaoyun had done this with his sixth grade Martial Entering Stage. Truly shocking!    


Xiang Shaoyun circulated the Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra, and energy began coursing through every part of his body. His meridians augmented; his acupoints tempered. The nine stars in his body spun like tornadoes providing his body with an endless supply of pure energy.    


Ever since he was a child, Xiang Shaoyun's body was being tempered by various high-quality elixirs. The amount of energy lying dormant in his body was enormous.    


Yesterday, after he adapted to the 1,000-pound pressure, his body ceased to provide him with additional energy. However, today, it was trickling down like a wet towel being wrung.    


This much energy might not seem like a lot, but to a Martial Entering Stage cultivator—it was a godsend!    


Xiang Shaoyun was about to break into the seventh grade of the Martial Entering Stage. He was still suppressing the energies and was now forcing it into his 365 acupoints instead of the nine stars.    


Xiang Shaoyun did this to strengthen his acupuncture points. By doing this, he would be able to use the nine stars to speed up the Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra. Moreover, it would also increase the external output of his cultivation.    


After all, he had already cultivated the Blazing Air Fist and the Tornado Kick. So, all he needed now was a strong body. And the best way for that was to strengthen his acupoints.    


Xiang Shaoyun learned this unconventional method from an ancient manual.    


After an hour, Xiang Shaoyun became more accustomed to the gravitational force, and his speed was gradually increasing.    


"This Hall of Limits sure is useful. It's rapidly increasing my endurance and cultivation. However, this was not enough! According to some ancient texts, there was once a cultivator who could shoulder absurd amounts of pressure. He could jostle 1,000 pounds while still being a first grade cultivator. His physique was abnormal—but incomparable. I, Xiang Shaoyun, must be on par with them in strength!"    


Thinking of this, Xiang Shaoyun burst out with a strong fighting spirit. His speed increased with every step he took as his body was filled with nothing but pure energy right now.    


While Xiang Shaoyun was diligently cultivating, outer disciples were crowding the entrance of the Hall of Limits.    


It was as if they were converging to discuss something important.    


"An hour has already passed, but Xiang Shaoyun still hasn't come out!"    


"Really? Look at the elder there! He is so lax! Doesn't he care about Xiang Shaoyun? Why isn't he getting Xiang Shayun out?"    


"Do you think Xiang Shaoyun is already dead?"    


"Umm... that's quite possible. Once you enter the Hall of Limits, life and death are only separated by a thin line."    




In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed. The initial crowd had already dissipated, and only a handful of people were still standing outside. All of them were curiously waiting for the outcome.    


Another thirty minutes passed; another group left.    


The majority thought that Xiang Shaoyun would leave the hall in a body bag.    


Four hours. After four full hours, Xiang Shayun lazily exited the hall.    


"Boy, you are good. Very good! It looks like you will be able to challenge the second room of the Hall of Limits soon." The elder couldn't help but praise him.    


"I will! From now on, the Hall of Limit will be a cultivation ground just for me," Xiang Shaoyun said with vigor.    


After four hours of training, his gains were aplenty.    


"Brat, don't be so complacent! The Hall of Limits isn't something that just anyone can conquer," The elder warned.    


"Just because others can't, it doesn't mean I won't. Nothing's difficult for this young master!" Xiang Shaoyun was quite confident. After a pause, he said, "Elder, hurry up and give me the points. I still have something urgent to do!"    


"Hehe! This time, you won't get any points. You only get points once you clear a room. Since you cleared it yesterday with a good record, I already gave you double the points. So, you won't get anymore today. If you want more—challenge the second room and conquer it!" The elder explained with a smile.    


"Ughh, you sure are stingy. Just you wait, in a few days, this young master will challenge the second room!" Xiang Shaoyun proclaimed with a sad face.    


Afterward, he quickly ran towards the outer court.    


Unknown to him, his pace right now was terrifying. Even a seventh or eighth grade cultivator would be left in the dust at this speed.    


After all, only a ninth grade cultivator could shoulder the 1,000-pound pressure.    


In other words, Xiang Shaoyun's speed and strength could be compared with a ninth grade Martial Entering Stage cultivator.    


"Wu Mingliang, this young master has come out. We'll meet in the arena in seven days!" When Xiang Shaoyun arrived at the outer court, he shouted at the top of his lungs.    


Before shouting, he was sure that his yell would stun everyone, and the entire outer court will pay attention to him. Tens of thousands of disciples would look up to his might and extraordinary being. He would laugh victoriously among their gazes filled with respect and yearning.    


But reality struck him like Truck-kun. All he saw was emptiness as there were no disciples in his sight. An outer court without the outer disciples was all that he saw.    


Xiang Shaoyun couldn't help slapping the back of his head in annoyance. "Damn it, it's lunchtime. They're all in the cafeteria!"    


Then, he quickly ran to the cafeteria and shouted again, "Wu Mingliang, this young master has come out. We will meet in the arena in seven days!"    


This time, the burn was even more severe. Because despite being filled with disciples, none in the cafeteria spared him a single glance. Moreover, why would they? The priority right now was: first—food, last—some raving maniac.    


How could anything be more important than filling one's stomach?    


That stung! Such embarrassment got through even Xiang Shaoyun's thick skin.    


He thought he would be like a boulder in a glass of water; he was a mere pebble in the ocean.    


"Bro, you actually came out of the Hall of Limits!" Suddenly, he heard Xia Liuhui exclaim.    


Xiang Shaoyun glanced at the disloyal guy and said, "Of course, this young master is wise and mighty beyond pears. A mere Hall of Limits is nothing to me!"    


"Awesome!" Then he leaned close to Xiang Shaoyun and whispered, "With Elder Purple Lightning Marquis protecting you, even the Hall of Limits elder didn't dare to make things difficult for you. From now on, you are my boss! I, Xia Liuhui, will only listen to you."    


Xiang Shaoyun's face was filled with black lines. He was furious! For once, he decided to tell the truth, and the people refused to believe him.    


"Where's Wu Mingliang?" Xiang Shaoyun changed the topic.    


"Why are you looking for him? Do you really want to challenge him?" Xia Liuhui looked around and whispered again.    


"Of course, I want to. Did you think I was playing around?" Xiang Shaoyun asked with a grave countenance.    


"I heard that he will soon reach the peak of his current grade. After that, his chances of entering the Astral Force stage would increase. Moreover, rumors are that the thirteenth elder, Lee Xiemeng, had already taken him under his wing. If he breaks through the Astral force within this year, he would take him in as his direct disciple." Xia Liuhui informed Xiang Shaoyun of the recent ongoings. After a pause, he added, "You do remember that his father is the current mayor, right?"    


"So what? This young master is still half an elder!" Xiang Shaoyun disapproved.    


"If you insist. I heard that Wu Mingliang went out today."    




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