I Am Overlord

C18 Blending Herbs

C18 Blending Herbs

4Herbs that grew and matured for 100 or 300 years were known as inferior-grade herbs. Ones that took between 400 to 600 years to mellow were called intermediate-grade herbs. Above all came the ones that took more than 600 years to ripe and were known as superior-grade herbs. Blending Herbs    


Blood clotting grass was a superior-grade herb. It meant that it took at least 600 years to ripen. It was a top-tier herb with countless competitors. Ordinary people could never get their hands on this herb because it grew in the most dangerous areas of ferocious jungles. Hight-level demonic beasts were particularly attached to superior grade herb and could be found orbiting it.    


Hall of Martial Arts was merely a small town's martial cultivation ground. Even if one had a strong cultivation base here, it would be hard for them to find superior grade herb.    


"Elder, why would I joke in this situation? Look at my face! If you don't have blood clotting grass, what other superior-grade healing herb do you have? Take it out for me. I want it now!" Xiang Shaoyun was dumbfounded for a second.    


It was only then that he remembered that he was in the Hall of Martial Arts. It was not easy to obtain superior-gade herbs in a small place like this.    


Even if they did, it would be with the elders who would cherish it with their lives. They wouldn't sell it in the Medicine Hall, right?    


The elder looked at the scar on Xiang Shaoyun's face and stopped blaming Xiang Shaoyun for his previous statement. He replied, "We don't have superior-grade herbs here, but we do have an inferior-grade synth flower!"    


"A synth flower? It's barely a 400-year-old herb. Compering it to blood clotting grass would be a disgrace. But, I can still make use of it." Xiang Shaoyun said in dissatisfaction.    


"Brat, you are too arrogant. The synth flower is over at that counter. Go take a look first." The elder was quite stunned by his speech.    


Xiang Shaoyun quickly walked over and saw a dark green flower entrapped in a transparent jade box, sparkling in the sunlight like a treasure. This was without a doubt the synth flower used for healing wounds.    


Xiang Shaoyun was about to take it, but he accidentally saw the price tag attached to it. He immediately blurted out, "Five thousand points or five Low-Grade Spiritual Crystals?"    


In the few days here, Xiang Shayun became quite knowledgeable about the ongoings and ways of the Hall of Martial Arts. And from what he had gathered, points were just like the gold coins outside. Which in turn meant that five thousand points were equivalent to five thousand gold coins outside. Looking at it from the Low-Grade Spiritual Crystal's perspective, a single Low-Grade Crystal could easily fetch over 1000 gold coins outside. So, once again, five of such crystals could approximately amount to five thousand gold coins.    


This amount of gold couldn't be seen even in an average household.    


He didn't think that a single inferior-grade herb would be so valuable.    


However, his expression of surprise only lasted for a split-second. He didn't think about how he used to feed such herbs to demonic beasts.    


"Brat, even though you are Elder Zi's disciple, you shouldn't have that many points on you, right? I see that the wound on your face is quite severe. Go back and find Elder Zi. He should have some kind of healing herb." The elder recognized Xiang Shaoyun and reminded him.    


Xiang Shaoyun waved his hand and didn't respond to the elder's words. Instead, he quickly browsed through the numerous herbs displayed in the center of the Hall of Elixirs.    


"Serpent vigor vine—inferior-grade herb, can increase agility and proficiency in Serpent Steps."    


"Starmoon flower—inferior-grade herb shaped like the moon and bloomed like the stars. Can boost star energy by a large margin."    


"Three appearances Grass—intermediate-grade herb, can strengthen the body and temporarily increase combat strength to up to three times."    




Xiang Shaoyun only glanced at the names of these herbs and immediately knew their effects.    


Unfortunately, he was unable to purchase these spirit medicines for now. He decided to look at the inferior-grade herbs as above that was just monetary agony.    


Inferior-grade herbs took at most 300 years to mature. Although their medicinal properties were not as good as superior-grade herbs, he only had the points for them.    


"Inferior-grade herbs are inferior to intermediate-grade herbs, but there are many different types of inferior-grade herbs that can be refined into either a pill or medicinal liquid. Their medicinal strength is not all that secondary to inferior-grade herbs." Xiang Shaoyun thought in his heart.    


Quickly, he selected three inferior-grade herbs. Centennial hemostatic Vine, bicentennial epithelium grass, and the tercentennial traceless flower.    


Just three inferior-grade herbs already cost him 800 points, and this was even with a 20% discount!    


He thought that his 1000 points would be enough to feed him for a year without worry, but now, he only had a little more than 100 points left. If he exchanged them for a regular weapon, he would probably go broke.    


However, he did not hesitate at all and directly used the jade token to buy these three inferior-grade herbs.    


"A jade token from the Hall of Limits? Not bad, not bad, at all. I thought it was sent out by Elder Zi." The Hall of ELixirs elder looked at Xiang Shaoyun's jade token and smiled amiably.    


A genius who had gone through the Hall of Limits would have limitless achievements in the future.    


"Elder, you're too kind." Xiang Shaoyun remained humble. "Please, lend me a tool for grinding medicines."    


Such a small request was easily satisfied by the elder.    


After Xiang Shaoyun borrowed the mortar and pestle, he immediately threw the three inferior-grade herbs into the mortar and began grinding with the pestle.    


When the elder saw Xiang Shaoyun's actions, a surprised look flashed across his eyes as he thought to himself, "Could it be that this kid knows how to concoct pills and elixirs?"    


Xiang Shaoyun didn't know much about the Dao of alchemy, but he knew how to concoct some medicinal elixir. After all, his father had been refining his body with medicinal liquids since he was young.    


The three inferior-grade herbs were crushed and mashed finely by now. He then wrapped them with a piece of cloth to make it look like a small medicine package.    


After that, Xiang Shaoyun put the medicine bag on his face and squeezed the bag with all his might.    




When Xiang Shaoyun used the medicine to squeeze his face, the pain made him gasp.    


"Lee Hong'er, I will never forget this lash!" Xiang Shaoyun shouted in his heart.    


Slowly, the medicinal liquid began seeping into his wound, and he felt a sudden chill. The pain disappeared, and he felt much more comfortable.    


Xiang Shaoyun sat in the Hall of Elixirs and silently allowed the medicinal liquid to seep into his wound.    


After an hour, Xiang Shaoyun felt an itch on his face and took the medicine bag off.    


The elder, who had been watching Xiang Shaoyun, exclaimed, "Scab? So quickly?"    


Hearing the elder's words, Xiang Shaoyun lightly touched the wound. He felt the scab and knew that the medicine worked, and he was now healing. "It seems that the effect of this paste is quite good."    


Finished speaking, he cupped his hands towards the elder and left the Hall of Elixirs.    


His injuries could not be healed immediately, but he would return to his original state in two or three days.    


At this moment, he was running towards the Hall of Ordnance.    


The Hall of Ordnance was worthy of its name. There were all kinds of weapons here, such as sabers, swords, spears, forks, and even sticks. These weapons had been crafted in a variety of styles and grades. They looked quite dazzling together.    


"Bluefish Sword—inferior-grade sword. Five hundred and eighty points."    


"Inscription Spear—intermediate-grade spear. Seven hundred and fifty points."    


"Cicatrix Blade—intermediate-grade blade. Eighteen hundred points."    




Weapons were different from herbs. Each weapon required a large number of materials and manpower. Therefore, weapons of the same grade were much more valuable than herbs!    


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