I Am Overlord

C24 Breaking the Limit

C24 Breaking the Limit

3Hall of Limits, Second Room.     3


The onslaught of the rocks didn't stop for even a second. Anyone who dared to enter the room would be attacked from all directions.    


More importantly, behind each rock was the strength of a 1,000 pound. This was not something that an ordinary martial artist could withstand.    


Anyone who could last fifteen minutes here was considered extraordinary.    


Ever since the establishment of the Hall of Martial Arts, not many were able to withstand the onslaught for more than fifteen minutes.    


This was also why people who had cleared the Hall of Limits were granted a special jade token. It was a way of showing support.    


After all, the Hall of Martial Arts was a place where people cultivated to gain strength. The stronger the cultivators produced, the mightier the Hall of Martial Arts.    


Only legendry figures could stay in the Hall of limits for more than an hour.    


As of right now, Xiang Shaoyun had broken through the one-hour limit and was about to make history in the Hall of Martial Arts.    


Bang! Bang!    


In the second room of the Hall of Limits, Xiang Shaoyun's fists were drenched in blood, and his body was covered in wounds. The injuries looked quite severe, but it didn't dilute the ferocious aura around him a bit. Instead of eroding his aura, the trial had actually converted it into a mighty wave. He was now surrounded by bits of broken rocks and boulder, all crushed by him with his fists.    


Blazing Air Fist!    


Cloud Breaking Palm!    


He was already proficient in these two combat skills. With each strike, he would turn a rock into smithereens!    


At the same time, Xiang Shaoyun also had to pay the price.    


"I can't take it anymore. Should I use my weapon?" Xiang Shaoyun could no longer fight with just his fists.    


Heaven Slaying Art!    


The blade flashed like a rainbow, struck a rock, and instantly turned it into dust.    


Xiang Shaoyun's body moved like a butterfly, dodging two rocks and swinging twice at the same time. The sword slash may seem slow, but the force it contained was actually more than a 1,000 pond.    


Those two rocks were turned into dust too.    


"The Heaven Slaying Art is based on heaviness attribute. Every single slash requires all my strength. Furthermore, I must hit the target every time I use this skill, or I will be just wasting strength," Xiang Shaoyun thought in his heart.    


With complete focus, Xiang Shaoyun worked on comprehending the essence of Heaven Slaying Art. Soon, the technique began moving like a well-oiled cog in his mid. Meanwhile, the rocks around him gradually decreased, and the pressure on him became noticeably weaker.    


As long as his strength could hold out just a bit longer, he could destroy every single rock in the second room. Unfortunately, he was almost out of energy by this point.    


If he forced himself to keep up, the losses might outway the gains.    


Xiang Shaoyun no longer forced it. As he backed off, he took note of the rubble and rocks around him.    


"He's out! Boss is out!" Xia Liuhui's voice was the first to notice.    


Mo Wuhui, Mei Lianhua, and Lu Xiaoqing all looked towards the entrance.    


Xiang Shaoyun was injured all over. He left the room while taking slow and steady steps.    


Lu Xiaoqing looked at the man who was covered in wounds, and her eyes dimmed down while her heart began beating like a drum.    


Mei Lianhua was similarly filled with utter astonishment and amazement. Xiang Shaoyun’s wounds only seemed to add to his demeanor, giving him a boundless charm.    


He was a young prodigy who had fought in Hall of Limits for more than two hours. His future was bound to be limitless. Which girl would be able to say no to a guy like that?    


Just then, the elder suddenly moved!    


He rushed in front of Xiang Shaoyun, passed a pill, and said, "Take this Healing Pill and recover from your injuries, first!"    


Xiang Shaoyun did not hesitate as he took the Healing Pill and swallowed it.    


The moment the pill entered his mouth, its medicinal properties began to nourish Xiang Shaoyun's body along with his meridians, causing him to feel much better.    


"Thank you, elder," Xiang Shaoyun groaned and said to the elder.    


"Haha, no need to be polite. This was originally prepared for you since you spent two hous in the Hall of Limit. You just made a new record: the longest anyone has ever been in the second room. Moreover, you are just a seventh grade cultivator!" The elder smiled.    


"I was just lucky. I hope elder can give me the points first. I need to go back and rest for a while. It's so painful! Damned Bedlam Boulder Formation!" Xiang Shaoyun said as he gritted his teeth.    


Seeing him like this, Lu Xiaoqing's heart was distressed. "Un, quickly go back and rest!"    


"Shaoyun, how about I nurse you back to health?" Mei Lianhua made a bold offer.    


Her way of addressing him had changed, as was painfully clear to Xia Liuhui, even to Mo Buhui at the side. Through their eyes flashed a very complicated emotion.    


"Boss, didn't you invite us to a restaurant for a meal?" Xia Liuhui asked at an inopportune moment.    


"Do you still have sympathy? Xiang Shaoyun was injured so severely, yet food is all you can think about!" Lu Xiaoqing glared at Xia Liuhui.    


Mei Lianhua opened her mouth as well, "That's right. You've got no tact."    


Xia Liuhui felt wronged.    


He just spoke a bit too quick but had no malice behind his words.    


Xiang Shaoyun waved his hand and said, "I will definitely treat all of you to a big meal. I owe that to you all. But if I go now, I will scare everyone off. So, how about I treat you in two days?"    


After saying his piece, he left with the elder to receive his points.    


"Since you cleared the second room, you will get double the points—2000 points!" The elder revealed with a satisfied smile.    


The group following Xiang Shaoyun was visibly moved upon hearing the number of points rewarded.    


2000 points! It was without a doubt an enormous amount of wealth. Even inner court disciples didn't have this many points.    


Clearing the Hall of Limit was the fastest way to get rich, indeed.    


"2000 points? Definitely worth the pain!" Xiang Shaoyun laughed with satisfaction. He parted with the group and left for his residence.    


Although he had taken the Healing Pill, he had lost too much blood in the room and was in a bad state. If he was negligent towards the recovery process, it could cause him problems in the future.    


Most importantly, after experiencing another all-out battle, more of the alien energy within his body had been forced out. Not wanting to waste even a single bit of it, he decided to consolidate it as his own.    


When Xiang Shaoyun returned to his courtyard, he immediately sat down cross-legged. He was distributing the medicinal properties of the pill throughout his body. From his limbs and bones to his internal organs and intestines.    


After the medicinal properties were refined, Xiang Shaoyun's injuries stabilized, and he gradually recovered!    


It was clear that this was not an ordinary Healing Pill. It was at least a second or third grade Healing Pill. Only those pills had such an effect.    


Xiang Shaoyun meditated for an entire day and night. The Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra kept on absorbing energy into his body. Pure energy ket on pumping momentum in the nine stars.    


This energy actually came from within Xiang Shaoyun's body—the alien energy was powering the nine stars right now!    


His body that had been soaked in the medicinal liquid for nine years could finally be harvested!    


Under this pressure, not only did Xiang Shaoyun's strength jump to the peak of the seventh grade, but it even increased his body's toughness. Right now, his physical strength was comparable to a peak inferior-grade weapon.    


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