I Am Overlord

C37 With Great Dangers Come Great Benefits

C37 With Great Dangers Come Great Benefits

3After making sure that no one was following him, Xinag Shoyun settled in a remote place and popped a healing pill in his mouth.    


After that, he popped two inferior-grade herbs, which he got from the package.    


These were all herbs that were extremely beneficial to his recovery.    


This time, the grimmest injuries he got were the two slashes on his back. If he couldn't recover in time and was face to face with another challenge, he would die.    


Xiang Shaoyun sat down cross-legged and revolved the Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra at full speed. He extracted the healing properties of the herbs and focused them on his back.    


A little while ago, Xiang Shaoyun realized that the power of his nine great stars had increased a lot.    


The power probably came from the time he used to actively suppress his breakthroughs. Anyway, this extra bit of energy was useful to his nine star talent.    


Moreover, due to this reserved energy, he could unleash a slash comparable to the attack of a second grade Astral Force Stage cultivator.    


Under the pressure of death, Xiang Shaoyun made a major breakthrough.    


On a different note, even though his energy storing capability had increased, but so also increased was his energy consumption. After a single slash before, he had completely exhausted his energy reserves.    


As his personal star energy reserve was exhausted, the medical essence hidden deep inside his body was once again being refined.    


The refined energy was purer and way more majestic than the healing pills and the herbs.    




That calm and comfortable feeling caused Xiang Shaoyun to moan softly in comfort.    


If someone looked at his back right now, they would be shocked. The scars and wounds on his back were healing at a rate visible to the human eye.    


This ability was nothing like a miracle healing pill because no pill in the world could give such quick recovery.    


Not only that, but even his star energy reserves were being refilled. From early eighth grade to mid-eighth grade, and so on.    


It kept on rising and was finally suppressed by Xiang Shaoyun at the peak of eighth grade.    


Right now, he had enough energy to one-shot the ninth grade barrier and become much closer to the Astral Force Stage. However, all of this extra power was suppressed by the nine great stars so that he could form a firm foundation.    


After four hours, the energy refined from his body was exhausted. The injuries on his back were eighty percent healed, close enough to be called a complete recovery.    


The most important thing was that his strength had increased once again. Such speed was something that ordinary cultivators could only dream of.    


"Father really had a great foresight! Since I couldn't cultivate for ten years, he tempered my body and made it a gold mine. With so much medicinal essence laying around in my body, I can have ready to use energy anytime. Like this, I won't even have to rush my cultivation for bigger energy reserves and develop a firm foundation," said Xiang Shaoyun in excitement.    


Xiang Shaoyun was a rational and calm person. He knew that although he could speed up his cultivation by using his essence reserves, it would be a waste. Because not only would he exhaust his emergency energy supply, but it would also leave him with a weak foundation.    


"Lower stages in cultivation are the best time to strengthen our foundation and hone our skills. With my current strength, I can threaten a second grade Astral force cultivator. Moreover, if I use the Overlord's Nine Nether Steps, I could even win the fight."    


Xiang Shaoyun organized his thoughts and walked towards the Earth Star Spring with Little White.    


Although he knew that there were people from Wild Lion Hunting Legion up ahead, he wasn't willing to give up without a fight.    


Soon, he arrived in front of a towering mountain that pierced through the clouds.    


This mountain was the tallest in the area. Ancient trees covered the sky, and beast roars filled the air as if they owned this sky. Not far away, there was a mighty waterfall which seemingly emerged from the heavens and went to the nether world.    


"This is Mt. Linn. The Earth Star Spring is in the middle of this mountain!" Xiang Shaoyun exclaimed.    


Just as he was about to rush up the mountain, he saw a group of elites guarding the mountain entrance.    


Being elites, they were all strong and had a tyrannical aura around them.    


"Unrelated personal, hurry up and leave. The Wild Lion Hunting Squad is here to seal the mountain!" The elite soldiers were powerful and could sense Xiang Shaoyun's approach, and immediately shouted out.    


The other party was full of vigor. Domineering tone, mighty build and an extraordinary momentum to boot.    


This guard was without a doubt a powerhouse with an Astral Force cultivation.    


Without even thinking about it, Xiang Shaoyun retreated!    


"Hmm... This Wild Lion Hunting Legion seems strong. They dared to leave twenty-five people for something as small as guarding the entrance, so how strong must their main force be? This is going to be troublesome!" Xiang Shaoyun thought.    


After Xiang Shaoyun had retreated a sufficient distance, he stopped. He was still unwilling to give up!    


He began to observe his surroundings. He discovered that there was a steep mountain wall in the other direction. If he could climb this mountain wall, he would be able to reach the belly of the mountain!    


However, this mountain wall was at least two to three hundred meters high. If one fell from such a height, they would die regardless of their cultivation.    


"With great dangers come great benefits! " Xiang Shaoyun hesitated for a moment before making up his mind.    


Thus, he changed his route and arrived at the mountain cliff.    


"Gotta treat this as a learning experience!" Xiang Shaoyun muttered to himself and began climbing the mountain.    


The cliff was so steep that it was even hard to put on words. Thankfully, there were quite a few arched areas that one could use for climbing.    


Xiang Shaoyun already possessed strength comparable to that of Astral Force Stage. With this much star energy, this ascent should be easy.    


In a single breath, Xiang Shaoyun climbed 50 meters. Both of his palms were already scratched to the point that they were bleeding.    


Ascending this cliff was not just a physical test but also a mental one.    


If he couldn't handle it, his fate... No. He would simply die as a meat patty.    


"I'll ascend this!" Xiang Shaoyun activated his Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra. His star energy began circulating, his acupoints flashed, his energy output became constant, and all this helped him climb the mountain like a spider.    


Soon, he was at the mid-way point.    


At this critical moment, a loud cry rang out!    




Xiang Shaoyun stopped to look, only to see an eagle-like beast rushing towards him. (E/N:- Anybody noticed that Murphy's law is quite apparent in this novel?)    


"Not good! It's a demonic Mountain Eagle!" Xiang Shaoyun was so frightened that his body became unsteady, and he was about to fell down.    


Fortunately, Xiang Shaoyun was quite agile and grabbed onto the mountain with all his might to stop his body from sliding down. However, his entire body was in an extremely sorry state, as his body was almost skinned. Along with the non-stop bleeding came the chills down his spine.    


He was now more than a hundred meters in the air. If he fell down, he would die!    


At this moment, the eagle had already swooped down. Its fiery-red body was like a streak of flame, drawing an arc in the air as it stared straight at Xiang Shaoyun with its sharp eyes. It had decided that Xiang Shaoyun would be his meal today.    


"To think that I, Xiang Shaoyun, would become meat for an eagle!" Xiang Shaoyun thought in self-deprecation.    


Just as he was about to give up and descend, Little White on his back roared and leaped.    


"Little White!" Xiang Shaoyun turned his head and shouted in shock. He saw that Little White had already jumped onto the back of the eagle.    


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