I Am Overlord

C12 I, Xiang Shaoyun, will Protect You in the Future

C12 I, Xiang Shaoyun, will Protect You in the Future

3"Good, very good! So, you've never heard of my name? Haha!" Wang Yang revealed a ferocious expression as the restaurant echoed with his unrestrained laughter.     4


In his eyes, Xiang Shaoyun was nothing more than a clown. So what if he had broken through his physical limit? He was just an outer disciple with potential; he still had to make use of that potential. What if someone suppressed him before he could even make use of that potential? ​    


Suddenly, everyone in the restaurant laughed.    


They were laughing for the typical reasons. They thought that Xiang Shaoyun was courting death, being ignorant, not understanding the immensity of heaven and all that.​    


Wang Yang left his seat and made his way towards Xiang Shaoyun. With each step he took, his eyes become redder, and the aura surrounding him became denser.​    


Seeing Wang Yang's "out for blood" march, Xiang Shaoyun immediately shouted, "This young master is Zi Changhe's younger brother. What does that make me? Half an elder! You dare disrespect me?"​    


"Zi Changhe? I-isn't that the Elder Purple Lightning Marquis?" Wang Yang was at a loss for words.​    


"Senior brother Wang, don't listen to his nonsense. How could the junior brother of Purple Lightning Marquis be in the same generation as us? He is trying to scare you!" The inner sect disciple who sat with Wang Yang reminded.​    


"Telling a lie right in front of me; a lie to take advantage of the Purple Lightning Marquis' prestige at that, he sure has guts. Today, I will teach you a lesson!" Wang Yang shouted in anger.​    


"You dare! I'm Xiang Shaoyun!" Xiang Shaoyun revealed his identity.​    


"Who cares what your name is? I'ma beat you anyway!" Wang Yang cursed and made a slapping motion towards Xiang Shaoyun.​    


Xiang Shaoyun wanted to retreat and dodge, but he was locked down by Wang Yang's intimidating aura. That slap was as good as being placed on his cheeks as he had no way to save himself. ​    


"Damn, Zi Changhe's reputation sure is useless; it can't even scare an inner disciple!" Xiang Shaoyun cursed in his heart.​    


Just when Xiang Shaoyun thought he was about to be smacked, someone jumped in front of him and blocked Wang Yang. "Stop!"​    


"Wang Zhenchuan, you dare to stop me!" Wang Yang shouted at the guy shielding him.​    


Wang Zhenchuan was a youth who looked he was about the same age as Xiang Shaoyun. He wasn't particularly handsome, but he had a masculine aura. He was also ranked in the top 50 inner disciples. ​    


Wang Zhenchuan was born into a poor family, but he had an extraordinary cultivation talent. Matching his talent, he also had an unyielding determination. He trained like there was no tomorrow and finally got a seat in the inner sect. He was so hardworking that many people in the sect even compared him to the Purple Lightning Marquis. Moreover, Wang Zhenchuan himself considered Zi Changhe his idol.​    


"He is indeed Elder Zi's junior brother!" Wang Zhenchuan gave Wang Yang an indifferent reply.​    


"Are you blind? How could he be Purple Lightning Marquis's junior brother? Moreover, even if he is Purple Lightning Marquis's disciple, I will still discipline him in his stead. Hurry up and get out of the way, or else it will consider it a challenge!" Wang Yang roared.​    


Wang Zhenchuan remained unmoved and replied, "Yesterday, it was Xiang Shaoyun's five star talent that lit up the sky."​    


His words echoed in the restaurant and stirred everyone's thoughts. And suddenly, everyone came to a realization.    


"Is he that Xiang Shaoyun who triggered the five star phenomenon? No wonder I found him so familiar! So it's him!"​    


"Five star Brilliant Blue Sky. He is fated to become a high ranking member of society. His future will be limitless like the number one beauty of our Hall of Martial Arts, Gong Qinyin!"​    


"Yes, I was fortunate enough to witness everything yesterday. Many elders wanted to take him in as their disciple. Even Qing Xiu and the Vice Hall Master jumped in the fray and fought to take him in as their disciple. Unfortunately, the nineteenth elder said that he was taking him as a disciple on his master's behalf. That means that Xiang Shaoyun is indeed nineteenth elder's junior brother."​    


"This is bad luck for Wang Yang. This Wang Yang sure is unlucky. Not only did he offend the Purple Lightning Marquis, but he also offended the Purple Lightning Marquis's master. In the future, it will be difficult for him to survive. We'd better stay away from him."​    


"That's true. Elder Zi is a decisive and unyielding person. He must be really protective of his junior brother. Otherwise, how could Xiang Shoyun get 1000 points on his own? A 1000 point jade token just to squander on a meal, what is it if not care? Wang Yang dares to bully him? He sure has guts."​    




Wang Yang could clearly hear their discussion, and it was by no means easing his frustration.    


Right now, he just wanted to curse his luck. How could he have known this kid would turn out to be the Purple Lightning Marquis's junior brother? It was simply ridiculous.​    


He was just gone for a couple of days, and suddenly the world decided to mess with him. Otherwise, how could everything change in a few days?    


With his hand hanging in the air, he was left with two options. But he knew that one of those options was equivalent to taking his own life.    


Xiang Shaoyun was like a treasure to the Hall of Martial Arts. Even the ignorant outer disciples knew better than to offend him. Yet, despite being an inner disciple, he decided to drop an axe on his own foot.​    


Now, he couldn't help but feel grateful towards Wang Zhenchuan. He was trying to save his life!​    


Xiang Shaoyun looked at the trembling Wang Yang and knew that it was time to revel in his glory. He dropped his eyebrows, raised one palm, stroked his invisible beard, and completely assumed his identity as an elder. After manifesting a magnanimous expression on his face, he said, "Junior, I feel like you are regretting your decision now, and are repentant in your heart. As your elder, I will forgive your transgression this time. But you must remember this—never judge a book by its cover."​    


"Yes, yes. Xiang—no—Elder Xiang is right. I-I, Wang Yang will never judge a book by its cover. Heck! I won't judge a book even after reading it!" Wang Yang replied with cold sweat.    


What else can he do, if not suck up? He got a seat in the inner sect after numerous hardships; he couldn't lose it over such a stupid mistake.    


Xiang Shaoyun ignored Wang Yang, lightly patted Wang Zhenchuan's shoulder, and said, "You did well today. From now on, I will protect you."​    


After saying his piece, Xiang Shoyunleft the restaurant with natural grace. ​    


From the moment Xiang Shaoyun patted Wang Zhenchuan's to the moment he exited the restaurant, not a single soul dared to speak.    


No one could comprehend the sheer absurdity of the situation. Did a sixth grade Martial Entering cultivator just promise that he would protect an Astral Force cultivator? Wasn't this a bit queer?​    


After Xiang Shaoyun left the restaurant, he lightly patted his chest and said, "Fortunately, I, Xiang Shaoyun, have a natural intimidating aura; no one dares to offend me. Huh! A mere inner sect disciple dreaming about crushing me.Haha!"​    


When the disciples in the restaurant heard this, they couldn't help but feel vexed. They cursed in their hearts, "What an annoying brat! Wang Yang is only being so polite because of Elder Purple Lightning Marquis!"​    


Xiang Shaoyun chucked this matter at the back of his head and decided against going back to the outer court. He believed that most of them must be fighting for dinner right now, anyway.​    


Xiang Shaoyun thought about meeting Zi Changhe, but once again decided against it. Zi Changhe had said that he must enter the Astral Force Stage within half a year if he wants to meet him. ​    


Hall of Combat Skills, Outer Court.    


This place was not too far away from the Hall of Limits. Apart from being close, they had no other similarity. Hall of Limits a pavilion, whereas this hall resembled an institution. This institution acted as a central building and was surrounded by several smaller gazebos; these gazebos stored numerous combat skills within.​    


Xiang Shaoyun walked towards the first gazebo. At the center of the gazebo stood a massive stele. It was a stone stele that measured up to two meters in height. This stone was actually the Combat Skill Stele.​    


The Combat Skill Steles were usually engraved with techniques that could be passed down.    


The stele in the first gazebo contained the lowest grade skill of the Hall of Martial Arts—Blazing Air Fist.​    


All outer court disciples of Hall of Martial Arts were eligible to learn this battle skill.    


Xiang Shaoyun had read many books and knew hundreds of advanced combat skills. Unfortunately, with his current cultivation level, he couldn't train with any of them.​    


"I used to think those skills were worthless trash. Look at me now, picking an even worse skill to practice. Xiang Shaoyun, how have you fallen so low?" Xiang Shaoyun was filled with self-deprecating thoughts.​    


In the Martial Entering Stage, one could only train in these bottom tier skills. They were classified as tier one and tier two skills. ​    


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