I Am Overlord

C31 I Can't Look After You

C31 I Can't Look After You

1The Hundred Beast Mountain. A place where the vast forest rippled unceasingly, strange flowers bloomed everywhere, sweet fragrance filled the air, and newfangled grass was omnipresent.    


A youth could be seen fighting a small demonic beast here.    


The monster resembled a pangolin. Its strength was near the mid of the demonic beast hierarchy. Its body was covered with a thick armor of scales which helped it fight against swords.    


This youth held a heavy sword in his hand and sent out a sharp slash. Each blade slash contained more than a thousand pounds of strength, and it caused the pangolin to retreat step by step!    


The pangolin had already realized that it was no match, and it decided to retreat towards one of the mountain walls.    


"Want to run? Impossible! Since you decided to come after me, I'll kill you." The youth could see through the pangolin's intention. He leaped into the air and slashed out with his 300-pound sword.    






A pure ray of light akin to a rainbow flashed, and a slash that was a meter long cleaved the fleeing pangolin in half.    


Remember, it was a Pangolin in the middle of the demonic beast's hierarchy. It could easily defend itself against a grade one weapon. Yet, it couldn't block a single slash from this Martial Entering Stage cultivator.    


This youth was Xiang Shaoyun. He had been living in the Hundred Beast Mountain for the past three days.    


There were a little too many demonic beasts in the Hundred Beast Mountain, and he had run for his life multiple times already. He had fought with so many weak demons by now, he had already lost count. The only reminder of the fights left behind was the numerous scars on his body. As of now, he was in a sorry state, battered and bruised everywhere. Among them, there was a deep claw mark on his back that he got from a wolf demon on the very first day here.    


If he did not have the Overlord's Nine Nether Steps for a swift escape, he would have become the wolf demon's food.    


Fortunately, the past three days in the forest familiarized him with the way of life in this wilderness. Along the way, he consolidated his strength and was about to break through the eighth grade.    


After Xiang Shaoyun killed the pangolin Beast, he found a few herbs in the area.    


"Real combat is the fastest way to improve! In just three days, my combat strength increased by leaps and bounds. The increment isn't in my cultivation but in my experience. This experience had honed my reaction time and also brought forward a much sharper perception. In a life and death battle, perception and timing are the most important components," thought Xiang Shaoyun while meditating.    


Continuous training wasn't the only way to improve. Gaining inner peace and contemplating about the dao could also bring unexpected but bountiful gains.    


Xiang Shaoyun meditated for two hours and then ate some dried demonic beast meat. After meditating for two hours, he was at the peak of his mental state, and the energy in his body was circulating vigorously.    


This was the benefit of eating a lot of demonic beast meat. It could strengthen the body!    


Just as Xiang Shaoyun was about to set off again, he heard a rustling sound coming from not too far away.    


Without thinking, he climbed the nearest tree.    


Not long after, he saw a man with wounds all over his body rushing over. Judging from the man's situation, he was probably being chased by a demonic beast. (E\N:- *Chance* encounter on the way bois!)    


Sure enough, Xiang Shaoyun heard a roar.    




It was a terrifying roar from a tiger beast. It was so loud that the trees around him shook, and the ground seemed to cave in.    


"Such a powerful tiger demon? It is definitely stronger than any of the demons I had faced before," said Xiang Shaoyun, a bit nervous.    


This demon was at least a Greater Demonic Beast. If this beast decided to target him, he would die today. He could only hope that the man being chased quickly got lost.    


However, the man simply fell to the ground and fainted.    


"Damn it! What kind of a coincidence is this?" Xiang Shaoyun could not help but lament.    


Without hesitation, he jumped down the tree and ran away.    


Xiang Shaoyun was smart enough to know that this man had offended the Greater Demonic Beast. If he didn't escape now, he too would get caught up in this and could possibly lose his life.    


However, just as he was about to run away, he felt something wrap around his back.    


"Damn it! What the heck is this? Scram!" Xiang Shaoyun didn't dare to turn his head. He shook his body with all his strength in hopes of shaking this thing off his back.    


However, that thing was stuck to him like glue. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't shake it off.    


Fortunately, that thing didn't do anything to him, so he didn't have to worry about getting away.    


For some reason, after he began running, he didn't encounter any other demonic beast on his way. Was it because of the Greater Demonic Beast chasing him?    


After running for a long time, Xiang Shaoyun felt that the Greater Demonic Beast was no longer chasing him, so he stopped.    




Suddenly, a faint but elegant beast cry came from behind him.    


Stunned, Xiang Shaoyun looked around before lifting a small tiger cub from his back. He looked carefully and discovered that it was a young stripped tiger. It was completely white apart from a few black stripes here and there.    


"It's you? Little guy, are you perhaps the offspring of the Greater Demonic Beast?" Xiang Shaoyun looked at the cute striped tiger and gave a bitter smile.    


This young tiger beast was born not too long ago. However, soon after its birth, it was caught by the man from before. What the man didn't realize was this little guy was related to a Greater Demonic Beast.    


After the man fainted, this little guy ran away and coincidentally saw Xiang Shoyun running away. So, it decided to latch on to him.    


If a cultivator wanted to obtain a demonic beast mount, the best way would be to subdue a few demonic beasts that were weaker than them. This was the fastest way to obtain a good mount.    


Presumably, the man from before was trying to capture this little guy for either nurturing or selling.    


Demonic beasts weren't cheap in the market. Moreover, if they had a prized bloodline, the price would go through the roof.    


Xiang Shaoyun understood all of this, but he did not want to be the target of a Greater Demonic Beast. As soon as it finished off that man, it would definitely follow the scent of its youngling and come after him.    


Xiang Shaoyun immediately made a decision.    


"Little fellow, you can stay here. I can't take you with me," said Xiang Shaoyun as he left the little guy on the side.    


Even though he wanted to nurture a cute little tiger demon, the danger just wasn't worth it. Moreover, its bloodline wasn't all that special. It would at most reach the Greater Demonic Beast.    


That wasn't much to him.    


However, just as Xiang Shaoyun was about to leave behind the little guy, he again felt something on his back.    


With each step he took, the grip on his back tightened. That little guy was completely attached to his back now.    


"Damn it, you little rascal! Do you want to kill me? No, do you want to die?" Xiang Shaoyun pulled the little guy over and cursed fiercely.    




The young tiger beast cried out and licked Xiang Shaoyun's arm with a fawning look on its face.    


When Xiang Shaoyun, who wanted to smash the little guy down, saw it acting this way, he couldn't help but feel weak in his heart. "Forget it. I'll bring you along for the time being. But don't get too attached." (E/N:- Ba... Baka!) (I had to say it.)    


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