Martial Godly Emperor

C473 Return to the City Disappeared

C473 Return to the City Disappeared

4"Qinger, your family is really going to marry you to this kid. Look at him and this kind of coquettish woman. They are shamelessly flirting with each other in public! How shameless! "    


Jing'er transmitted her voice to Luo Qing.    


"Hmph, whoever wants to marry, just marry him."    


Luo Qing replied with disdain.    


But in her heart, she was somewhat unhappy.    


Ever since he saw that bumpkin coming over today, he did not even need to look at her directly. Instead, he was so intimate with the other girls.    


Is it because I, Luo Qing, am not as beautiful as them?    


Or is it that in that brat's heart, I, Luo Qing, am insignificant?    


Luo Qing pursed her small lips. When she saw that brat being shamelessly surrounded by those women, for the first time, she felt that she was seriously looked down upon.    


Luo Qing was very angry. She stomped her foot heavily and waved at her companions like a big sister, "Let's go!"    


"Alright, alright. Ladies and gentlemen, I am injured in today's battle. I still need treatment. Let's end here today."    


Beside Meng Yu were the He sisters, Cai Jiaojiao, and Zhao Xiaoqing. Xia Ting and Mo Ruxin were still alright but they stood there and occasionally interrupted.    


"Yes, I seem to be injured as well." Cai Jiaojiao only thought of something at this time and said to Zhao Xiaoqing. This made Meng Yu speechless.    


This little girl seemed to have met Zhao Xiaoqing's eyes and could happily chat. She could even forget the injuries on her body.    


"Then you guys go ahead and chat. I will find a place to treat myself."    


Meng Yu said and quickly walked out as if he had seen a ghost.    


This made Xia Ting and Mo Ruxin speechless.    


Meng Yu walked outside and found a small forest. He set up a Concealment Array and sat there to treat his injuries.    


Eight days later, he, Xia and Cai were only a day away from Naiyang County.    


That night, after secretly greeting Luo Yongge, Luo Wuxie and Su Mingxuan, he left with fifty Condensing Element Sect disciples.    


Luo Wuxie wanted to keep Meng Yu and ask him to fight with the army, but he refused. He knew that the Meng Family needed him more.    


However, Meng Yu also lent three Small Golden Man and the golden gourd to Su Mingxuan. The former could be used to deal with the army of the Chu Family, while the latter could attack the Heavenly Dipper Satge warriors of the Chu Family.    


Along the way, Meng Yu had gathered some wandering soldiers, which had increased their numbers to more than five hundred men.    


This was a force that could not be underestimated.    


Meng Yu and the others walked very fast. For some reason, the closer they were to Naiyang County, the more his heart pounded. He always felt that something big had happened to Meng Family.    


Naiyang County.    


"You guys, hurry up! Set up the formation on the east side of the city wall!"    


"The south side is also about to be destroyed! Everyone, do your best! Hold on!"    


"Over there, Meng Xin, Meng Kai, what are you two standing there for? Hurry up and help!"    


The red-faced Meng Ting stood on the top floor of the Bright Moon Restaurant and shouted at the disciples of the Descendant of Meng Family and Condensing Element Sect.    


Outside, there was a group of people attacking the city.    


A few days ago, with the help of five hundred disciples of Condensing Element Sect, Meng Family had already killed all the people who attacked the city.    


They thought that it would be quieter this time, and they would be able to rebuild their homes.    


Who would have thought that a few days ago, a group of more than ten thousand men from outside the country had come from the border of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range to attack the Naiyang County and a few nearby cities and counties.    


The Condensing Element Sect had sent some disciples over to help defend a few cities and counties.    


Even so, the formation of the Naiyang County was still being attacked by more than three thousand men.    


It seemed like they were going to break the city today.    


Although the Condensing Element Sect had over a hundred thousand disciples, the thirty thousand elite disciples had already gone to help the Luo Family fight. The remaining disciples were mostly outer circle disciples. The Cultivation Level was very shallow, and they still had to guard the sect.    


After the battle in Cangqing Country started for a period of time, some foreign forces would come and invade the border from time to time.    


"Quick, over there, Meng Ren, we need to fix the formation in the northeast corner!"    


Meng Ting shouted anxiously.    


Meng Ren quickly ran over to fix it.    


The sky above Naiyang County exploded with light, scattering in all directions. The light of the grand formation had shrunk, and it was on the verge of collapse.    


"Hahahaha, Naiyang County, hurry up and hand over your belongings and women, and you will be spared from death."    


"What do you mean by 'spared from death'? We have been attacking the city for a few days, but they never said that they would surrender. After the city is destroyed, we will slaughter the entire city and play with women!"    


"Hahahaha, you are right! Previously, in the Chuyang County, I encountered more than a dozen beautiful women. I still have a lingering taste in my mouth! "    


"When women from other countries play, they have a taste. The women in Cangqing Country are so flirtatious. Their cries are also loud!"    


Outside the city, a few strong men with powerful auras were shouting loudly.    


These people looked very rough, and their clothes were different from those of Cangqing Country. One look and you could tell that they were foreigners.    


They came from a country called "Red Eye Country."    


Red Eye Country was connected to Cangqing Country, so it was usually safe. However, they often sent people to rob caravans. Now, they even took the opportunity to attack the few cities and counties that were connected to Cangqing Country.    


If it wasn't for the Demonic Beast mountain range that blocked the road, they would have long entered.    


But in reality, during the siege a few days ago, their people were also mixed in! That time was a test. This time, they came directly to attack the city.    


At this time, with a bang, the Naiyang County's formation was broken!    


"Brothers, charge!"    


"Kill all the men!"    


"... Slaughter the city for three days! Snatch as much as you want, give half of all the resources you have!"    


"Beautiful women must be given to the general to enjoy first!"    


Orders were passed down one after another.    


At the same time, the people of Meng Family, Condensing Element Sect, and some other cities and counties hurriedly retreated.    


They retreated into the Meng Family or the original Bai, Ye, and Liu prefectures.    


Those places were protected by powerful formations.    


More than three thousand people rushed in.    


Along the way, more than a hundred people who couldn't make it in time were killed.    


They killed, robbed, and burned at the same time.    


In Naiyang County, there was smoke everywhere.    


"Are there any women?"    


"Hurry up and catch a woman for me to enjoy!"    


A dark-skinned muscular man with a powerful aura on his Flying Tiger Stallion yelled.    


Although they had killed more than a hundred people and obtained some wealth, they could not catch a woman for the dark-skinned muscular man to enjoy.    


"Heavens, I haven't used a woman in a few days. You idiots, go find a woman for me! I want a young and beautiful woman!" He shouted.    


" General Peng Mao, in the Meng Family, there is a woman called Fener. She is very beautiful! Let's go and break into Meng Prefecture first and we will be able to catch her." A fat subordinate whispered to him.    


"Idiot, how outdated is your news? Six days ago, the brother we sent last time... When he fought with the people from the Meng Family, Fener was injured. She went missing after that. I heard that the Meng Family sent people to look for her, but they didn't manage to find her! "    


The dark-faced General Peng Mao smashed the fat subordinate from the Flying Tiger Stallion with his fist.    


"Yes, yes, Fener went missing. But there is also a woman called Su Yuyan in the Meng Family. I heard that she is the eldest daughter of a sect. Her body is delicate and her flesh is expensive. It must be very comfortable to play with her." The fat subordinate said again.    


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