Super Awesome Son-in-law

C95 After Suppressing Me for an Entire Night You Want to Run Away?

C95 After Suppressing Me for an Entire Night You Want to Run Away?

3When Shen Qianyao woke up in the morning, she felt that something was wrong with her posture and blushed again.    


He secretly looked at Su Yang and noticed that he was still sleeping. Then, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


If she knew about this, how shameful would it be?    


Just as he was about to withdraw his leg, he felt a hand grab his ankle.    


Su Yang, who was all smiles, opened his eyes and said, "You want to run after suppressing me for one night?"    


"Ah!" You. When did you wake up? " Shen Qianyao said anxiously.    


Su Yang had woken up early. However, he was afraid of disturbing Shen Qianyao's rest, so he didn't move. Moreover, this opportunity to make contact with her skin was extremely valuable. Naturally, he would cherish it for every second.    


"You've been pressing me down, how could I not wake up?" Su Yang said.    


Shen Qianyao's face instantly changed when she heard that. She said angrily, "Do you hate me for being fat?"    


Su Yang was stunned. She didn't even mention about her weight, how could she understand and despise her for getting fat?    


Before he could even explain, Shen Qianyao had already angrily gotten off the bed. Su Yang could only sigh at the woman's abnormal brain circuits.    


Morning run, work.    


After Su Yang left the Shen Family company, he went to the Demon City Nightclub.    


Although Shanghai Nightclub was still under Lin Yong's name, the boss had already become Mo Yang. After all, his shop was not a proper headquarters. With so many brothers under his command, they couldn't all stay in the shop.    


Lin Yong did not dare to have any objections to this matter. The Demonic City was originally given to him by Su Yang, so it was natural for him to let Mo Yang use it temporarily.    


After meeting Mo Yang, he mentioned about the recent investigation on Dao Shi'er.    


Dao Shi'er was a local resident of Cloud City, but he lived in the suburbs. He had a daughter and no wife, and the reason why Dao Shi'er made money was to raise his daughter. It could be said that his biggest wish in life was to raise her and let her live a good life.    


"The reason why he fought in Ye Fei's boxing ring, aside from earning money, I think he also has a relationship with his daughter. If he betrayed Ye Fei, Ye Fei would very likely use his daughter as a threat." Mo Yang said.    


Daughter, as a father, he will protect her for the rest of his life. Ye Fei is a cruel and merciless person, Dao Shi'er betrayed him, and the situation that Mo Yang said will probably happen.    


"There's one way that we can make him an enemy of Ye Fei. The enemy of our enemy is our friend." Su Yang said.    


"What method?" Mo Yang asked.    


"Kill his daughter, blame it on Ye Fei."    


When Mo Yang heard this, he was stunned. Dao Shi'er's daughter was just an innocent child. In order to achieve her goal, Su Yang was actually so unscrupulous? It was fine to lie to Dao Shi'er for a while, but if Dao Shi'er found out the truth, the consequences would be even worse.    


"You don't really think so?" In Mo Yang's heart, Su Yang shouldn't be such a person. How could he make such a suggestion?    


Su Yang smiled and said, "You actually took it seriously? I was just kidding. "    


In order to achieve his goals, Su Yang could use a lot of methods. However, Su Yang couldn't harm an innocent child.    


Wu Tie heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Su Yang was serious.    


"Since he values his daughter so much, his daughter will be our breakthrough point. I can guarantee his daughter's safety, and even a good life." After a pause, Su Yang continued, "Do you know his exact address?"    


"Of course I know. Let's go."    


The two of them drove to the small village at the outskirts of Cloud City.    


After many inquiries, they finally found out where Dao Shi'er lived.    


The old red brick house seemed to be barely able to protect itself from the wind and rain. It was hard to imagine that a person like Dao Shi'er would actually live in such a crappy place.    


Su Yang didn't dare to knock too hard, he was afraid that the door would be broken.    


With a creaking sound, Dao Shi'er pushed open the door. Seeing Su Yang and Mo Yang, he didn't even bat an eyelid.    


After entering, he saw a courtyard. Although it was covered in mud, there was not a single blade of grass. It seemed that he had cleaned his house quite a bit.    


Not long after, several villagers rushed into the yard and shouted loudly.    


"When are you going to pay back the money you owe us?"    


"Do you think you don't have to pay me back for hiding at home every day?"    


"Damn you, you can't afford it, why aren't you selling your daughter? Keep it for your old age. "    


When those people spoke, they would constantly throw stones at Dao Shi'er. They did not dare to get close, but they were very arrogant.    


Dao Shi'er sat silently on a wooden bench. He did not say anything and allowed the stone to hit him. He did not even frown.    


After a few minutes, Dao Shi'er said, "You guys have a good day today. You can leave now."    


Su Yang never thought that Dao Shi'er, who was so powerful in the ring, would be bullied by a bunch of villagers and would not retaliate at all.    


"We won't leave until we get the money today."    


"That's right. If he doesn't want money, he definitely won't leave."    


"When your daughter comes back, let her watch us beat you up. Let her know that her father is a good-for-nothing."    


Dao Shi'er suddenly stood up. When his daughter was not at home, he could be bullied by these people because he owed money, so it was natural for him to be beaten up.    


However, in front of his daughter, Dao Shi'er would absolutely not allow anyone to mess around.    


"Have you thought it through? "Are you sure you don't want to leave?" Dao Shi'er said coldly.    


When the villagers saw Dao Shi'er's angry expression, they started to feel guilty again.    


Not to mention whether they could beat Dao Shi'er, his size alone was enough to scare them.    


"Isn't it reasonable for you to owe me money? We've already called the police, and they'll sue you when the time comes. I heard that the court will enforce the law and lock you up. "    


"Not bad, just wait for them to hurry and lock you up."    


"Don't regret it. No one will be able to take care of your daughter if you keep her inside."    


The threat of the villagers made Dao Shi'er frown. He was the only family his daughter had. If he was locked up, would these people let her go?    


"How much does he owe you? I'll pay him back." At this time, Su Yang stepped forward and said.    


"Five hundred."    


"Three hundred."    


"One thousand and two hundred."    


… ….    


The townspeople impatiently reported the numbers. They were all small amounts, which made Su Yang at a loss whether to laugh or to cry.    


Dao Shi'er, an expert of underground boxing, who had never been defeated, could not even afford to pay back his debt. It was just like a joke.    


"I have 10,000 yuan here. You can take it and split it yourselves. The rest will be treated as interest." Su Yang took out 10,000 yuan and threw it to those people.    


"Ten thousand!"    


"Take a good look. This money can't be fake, right?"    


"This kid is so rich, where did he get the money from?"    


"Alright, hurry up and leave. Stop acting here. This money is real. Didn't you just see me drive here? That's why you chose to come at this time to ask for money." Su Yang shook his head helplessly.    


This shouldn't be the first time they asked for a debt, so why was their attitude so unyielding this time? It was precisely because he saw Su Yang drive a good car that he hoped Su Yang would pay the money back for Dao Shi'er. How could such a small scheme be able to hide from Su Yang?    


Sure enough, after the villagers heard this, they quickly took the money and left.    


Dao Shi'er didn't even look at Su Yang and said, "Even if you help me return the money, I won't do anything for you."    


"The arena king actually owes the villagers money, and it's even a few hundred yuan. You can't be in such a terrible situation here, can you?" Su Yang said with a smile.    


"Daughter must be rich." Dao Shi'er said lightly.    


Su Yang laughed involuntarily. This guy was so poor that there was even rain in his house, and he even wanted to raise a rich daughter. Seems like he was really good to his daughter.    


"If you help me, I can give you more money so that you can raise your daughter better. Is that a good thing for you?" Su Yang said.    


"You don't understand. If there's nothing else, hurry up and go. My daughter is going home soon. I don't want her to see strangers at home." Dao Shi'er ordered them to leave.    


If Su Yang left so easily, he wouldn't have visited him today.    


"Of course I understand. Weren't you afraid that Ye Fei would target your daughter? What if I can help you solve Ye Fei's problem? " Su Yang said.    


Dao Shi'er raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Yang and said, "You are very good at fighting, but Ye Fei isn't that easy to deal with."    


"Ye Fei, tonight, you must die!"    


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