Supreme Dragon System

C51 Orcs!

C51 Orcs!

0Zhan Tianming was startled.    


Although he couldn't understand the Three-Tailed Thunderwolf, he could still sense that they have encountered an enemy.    


Instantly, he covered Fu Shiyao's mouth as she was about to speak and signaled her to be quiet.    




With Zhan Tianming's hand smothering her lips, Fu Shiyao couldn't help but blush.    


She nodded, indicating that she already knew.    


She immediately pulled Zhan Tianming's hand away.    


"Go hide and take a look."    


Zhan Tianming conveyed his thought.    


The Three-Tailed Thunderwolf carefully snuck over.    


Zhan Tianming and Fu Shiyao followed closely behind.    


About a mile away...    


There was a faint-yet-bright flame in front of them.    


'Is someone there?'    


'What is this...'    


Zhan Tianming sniffed lightly.    


'Not good!'    


The air was filled with a thick stench of blood.    


Judging from the wind direction, he assumed that the smell of blood was coming from the direction of the flames.    


Zhan Tianming and Fu Shiyao became even more vigilant.    


He lightly stepped forward and continued to close in.    


Beside the bonfire:    


A few rough-faced men were having a feast. Beside them were a dozen or so tied-up men. All those tied-up men were so scared that their faces looked devoid of blood, pale like ghosts. On the other side, human skeletons—still dripping blood and complete with dangling muscle mass—were strewn around.    


On the fire, something was being roasted.    


It was human flesh.    


Also, those rough-faced men were not human.    


They were orcs!    


Long, sharp teeth, broad shoulders, and a thick waist—all apparent features of the orc race.    


Zhan Tianming did not know much about the orc race.    


Fu Shiyao, on the other hand, was much more knowledgeable in this matter.    


On the Nine Dragons Continent, humans weren't the only living creatures.    


Apart from humans, there existed orcs, bird race, sea race, spirit race, demons, ghosts, star race, and even giants.    


All in all, those nine great races were the strongest in the Nine Dragons Continent.    


Each one of them ruled one of the regions of the Nine Dragons Continent.    


Nine Dragons Continent was divided into eight regions: East, South, West, North, Wind, Rain, Thunder, and Lightning. At the very center was the ninth region—Nine Dragons Imperial Domain.    


The entire Nine Dragons Continent was incomparably vast.    


Looking at the orcs eating roasted human flesh, Zhan Tianming almost vomited.    




"Can anyone tell me what is going on?"    


The revulsion Zhan Tianming felt was a little too strong.    


'Eating human flesh?'    


Zhan Tianming shook his head.    


This kind of thing... Just thinking about it made him sick to his stomach.    


As for Fu Shiyao, although she was frowning, she seemed much calmer.    


Evidently, she was more familiar with orcs and knew they ate human flesh. Yet, a deep look of disapproval appeared on her face.    


To her, it was a difficult choice. She didn't want the orcs to eat humans; at the same time, she didn't want to take lives, even if they were orc lives.    


She couldn't bear to take a life.    


Didn't matter if the lives were that of her enemies.    


Zhan Tianming glanced at the frowning Fu Shiyao and knew what was going on in her heart.    


After spending a somewhat long time with her, Zhan Tianming had understood a bit of Fu Shiyao's personality.    


"Wait for me here; I'll go and save them."    


Fu Shiyao did not expect Zhan Tianming to take the initiative to go and save them. She couldn't help but feel surprised and nodded slightly.    


Zhan Tianming made Three-Tailed Thunderwolf stay behind.    


After all, the Three-Tailed Thunderwolf was too big. If it followed him, he would easily be exposed.    


He silently snuck over alone.    


Only when he got closer did he open the system.    




Immediately, the levels and HPs of the seven orcs entered his vision.    


Of the seven orcs, the strongest one had reached the strength of a five-star Martial Practitioner.    


The remaining six were all four-star Martial Practitioners.    


'Not too strong.'    




"Ding dong!"    


"Special reminder: Orcs are born with great physical strength, which is at least ten times stronger than a human. Amongst those of the same rank, humans can rarely defeat orcs. Please be careful, host."    


Receiving the hint, Zhan Tianming did not dare to be careless.    


After all, he had already used the Divine Punisher Sword and didn't have more blood essence to replenish its energy.    


Right now, he could only use Repent of the Azure Dragon and Flying Dragon in the Sky.    


Furthermore, Flying Dragon in the Sky consumed a lot of true qi points.    


'Can I outsmart them?'    


'I definitely cannot challenge them head-on—'    


Before he could finish his thought, Zhan Tianming suddenly heard another prompt.    


"Ding dong!"    


"Congratulations! Host Zhan Tianming's pet, Purple Cloud Soaring Boar, has successfully leveled up. It is now a Level 1 Divine Beast."    


Zhan Tianming was ecstatic.    


'What great timing!"    


Immediately, Zhan Tianming looked in the War Pet system space.    


"Bajie, congratulations."    


"Thank you, Master."    


Little Purple stretched lazily. It looked cute. However, Zhan Tianming knew that underneath this "cute-moe" facade, there was a pervert of the highest order. 'Any woman foolish enough to fall for this facade would be miserable for life.'    


Zhan Tianming was too lazy to ask and immediately opened the War Pet interface.    


War Pet: Purple Cloud Soaring Boar (Divine Grade).    


Level: 1.    


Upgrade experience: 0/20,000.    


Ability: Purple Flash of Annihilation.    


Description: Purple-colored little pig capable of executing the Purple Flash of Annihilation. Fast as lightning, hard to see with the naked eye. After reaching Level 5, it can provide the host with attribute bonuses such as attack and defense.    


"Purple Flash of Annihilation?"    


When Zhan Tianming saw this ability, he could not help but nod in understanding.    


From the name alone, he was certain that it was an awesome skill.    


'Can this closet pervert kill those seven orcs with this skill?'    


"Master, this ability of mine is very powerful," Little Purple said proudly.    


"We'll know if it's powerful or not after we try it out," Zhan Tianming laughed.    


After that, he pointed at the seven orcs.    


"See them? Use your skill to kill those ugly-bastard orcs."    


"Humph!" The Little Purple snorted.    


"Master, just watch me."    


Immediately, Zhan Tianming released Little Purple from the War Pet space.    


As soon as Little Purple's pudgy little feet landed on the ground, it revealed a proud and domineering attitude. It stared at the seven orcs as the bonfire reflected off its pupils.    


"Purple! Flash! Of! Annihilation!"    




Little Purple turned into a ray of purple light, rushing towards the seven orcs. It was truly as fast as lightning.    


Zhan Tianming was ecstatic.     1


Little Purple was so fast that it was hard to see it with the naked eye.    




"What the hell!?"    


Zhan Tianming was stunned.    


He couldn't help but curse.    


As planned, Little Purple rushed towards the orcs like lightning; just when it was a meter away from the orcs, the purple light on its body suddenly disappeared.    


Then, the obvious happened.    


Little Purple landed on the ground like a crashing plane—it wasn't a pretty sight.    


After a few rolls, it rolled to one of the orc's feet.    




Its head knocked against the orc's foot.    


"Master, my head is spinning..." Little Purple's thoughts traveled over.    


Zhan Tianming was speechless.    


Initially, he was waiting for Little Purple to show its might; in the end, this damned pig just delivered itself to the orcs' dining table.    


'Damn it! Did this dumb pig think they were lacking food or something?'    


"Divine Beast, my ass!"    


Zhan Tianming muttered helplessly, but he had no other choice.    


Now, he had to act.    


Little Purple was something that Mu Qianxi had left behind. He had already promised Mu Qianxi that he would return it to her the next time they meet.    


If Little Purple died, wouldn't it make him an untrustworthy person?    


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