Supreme Dragon System

C102 Secret Mission

C102 Secret Mission

4Zhan Tianming helplessly sighed in his heart.    2


As he had predicted, things between these princes were not harmonious.    


In this world, he always had to be on guard. There was always something going on that required his cautious nature to be on overdrive.    


Proving that sometimes his days were not as comfortable as that of a commoner.    


Such a pity!    


No matter how much he tried to prevent this, his fate is to eventually die here in the end.    


After his thoughts flashed in his mind, Zhan Tianming slowly began, “First of all, Princess Wushuang and I have an understanding, so I’m not worried that her feelings will be hurt or anything of that sort. Second, I helped your Young Miss out this time because I owe her one.”    


“To answer your last question, I already know beforehand that taking out the Divine Punisher Sword will attract undue attention.”    




“Seeing those bastards push their weight around, I could definitely not stand there and do nothing.”    


Speaking up to that point, Zhan Tianming’s eyes flashed with a mighty and unyielding fighting spirit.    


Moments later, he seemed to have thought of something and his gaze softened.    


“Alright, is there anything else Housekeeper Luo wants to know?”    


Zhan Tianming turned to look at Luo Ang.    


Luo Ang looked away and nodded, saying, “I now understand everything that Young Master Zhan has just told me.”    


“Since that’s the case, I think Young Master Zhan should be made well aware of the precautions the Prince left behind.”    




Luo Ang stopped speaking, as if he was still considering other options.    


Zhan Tianming was unfazed, smiling slightly to show his indifference, and said, “Housekeeper Luo has no need to worry. I am not interested in learning what trump card your Duke left behind. What is of my utmost concern is County Princess’ safety. As long as she is not in danger, you can keep your matters to yourself.”    


Having said that, Zhan Tianming waved around his hand, preparing to leave.    


Anyway, he rather not know about those troubles.    


However, at this very moment...    


“Ding dong!”    


“Congratulations, host Zhan Tianming, you are assigned the Prince’s Manor’s secret mission.”    


“Quest Rank: A”    


“The Mission Reward is as follows: Experience Value 1,000,000 points, Dragon Qi 1,000 points, Zongzheng Wanyou’s Affability Level 50 points, Froze Tyrant Blade 1 sword, Bu Feng’s Shadowmeld Shoes, Tyrant’s Talisman 1,000 points.”    


“Do you accept this mission?”    


At the very same time, Luo Ang was shouting out over the system notification, “Young Master Zhan, please wait one moment.”    


Pretending to be oblivious, Zhan Tianming turned around to look.    


“Is there anything else you need Housekeeper Luo?”    


Luo Ang’s face had scrunched up in a frown. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Young Master Zhan, you saw it with your own eyes. The Prince was assassinated, pushing Linshang County straight into these chaotic times. Those guards from our Duke Palaces will soon be changing allegiances and will be joining the ranks of other County Princes soon.”    




“By the time the takeover is complete, the fate of my family’s Young Lady will be in the hands of these aggressors.    




“Therefore, it is imminent that I stay behind in the Prince’s Manor in order to temporarily keep the morale of the troops. However, the people from the other counties will definitely continue scheming for ways to stop the marriage between my Young Miss and the son of the Duke of Jiuyuan County, Zhang Bao, and the easiest way to ensure this is…”    


“Kill my family’s Young Miss.”    


Taking that moment to pause, Luo Ang’s gaze towards Zhan Tianming became even more anguished.    


He continued saying, “My Young Miss cannot continue to prolong her days in the Prince’s Mansion. I ask for Young Master Zhan’s assistance in escorting my Young Miss out of Linshang County.”    


Zhan Tianming could not help but frown.    


Escort Zongzheng Wanyou out of Linshang County? But where should I take her?    


Just as Zhan Tianming was nearly overwhelmed by his suspicious thoughts, Luo Ang suddenly kneeled to the ground and begged, “Young Master Zhan, you must promise me.”    


As he was speaking, he kowtowed several times.    


Zhan Tianming could not bear to see someone kneeling and begging before him.    


To add to that...    


This Luo Ang was actually pleading on behalf of the County Princess.    


Such loyalty deserved the utmost respect.    


In the end, Zhan Tianming was forced to nod his head and agree wholeheartedly.    


Seeing that Zhan Tianming had agreed, Luo Ang was overly grateful.    


Following that discussion, Luo Ang revealed a secret compartment in the room and retrieved a sealed jade box. The gravity of the box prompted Luo Ang to hold it as if he was toting a heavy object weighing tens of thousands of kilograms. He solemnly walked up to Zhan Tianming with the box in his hands and said, “Young Master Zhan, I request that you bring my Young Miss to Hundred Nights City to find two people. Their names are Liu Qingcheng and Long Xiaoyao.”    


“Hundred Nights City? Liu Qingcheng? Long Xiaoyao?” The frown on Zhan Tianming’s face was growing more and more prominent.    


Throughout all his time in this world, he had never come across the name Hundred Nights City.    


“Young Master Zhan has yet to learn about Hundred Nights City?” Luo Ang expressed his shock.    


“Never heard of it.” Zhan Tianming shook his head.    


Luo Ang could not help but stare at Zhan Tianming like he was a freak of nature.    


Finally, Luo Ang was moved enough to say, “Could it be that Young Master Zhan is not around these parts?”    


“I am originally from the Sky Wind Country, but I have never stepped foot outside the village until recently. This is my first time traveling, so this Hundred Nights City you are talking about is not something I am familiar with,” Zhan Tianming tried explaining.    


“Furthermore, Housekeeper Luo, with all your precautions, you forgot one thing. What if I’m not a good person? Aren’t you afraid that I would kidnap your Young Miss and you’d never see her again?”    


“Also, I am not as strong as you. And you want me to escort her?”    


“I’ll only hold her back.”    


Luo Ang’s tone was serious as he said, “Young Master Zhan, my family’s Young Miss trusts you, so I believe in you too.”    




“The way you stood up for my Young Miss in the front of all those people from Jiuyuan County was not an act. It was something that came sincerely from the bottom of your heart.”    


“To be able to do such a thing under such a hostile environment shows me I can trust you.”    


With that, Luo Ang placed the box he was holding solemnly into Zhan Tianming’s hands.    


“Young Master Zhan, after you find Liu Qingcheng and Long Xiaoyao in Hundred Nights City, please hand this item to them. This will guarantee the safety of my family’s Young Miss.”    


Hearing his words, Zhan Tianming could not suppress the suspicion in his heart.    


Could it be that Liu Qingcheng and Long Xiaoyao had some sort of secret weapon to enable them to fight against an entire army?    


“Housekeeper Luo, tell me how I can find them?” Zhan Tianming was moved to ask.    


He didn’t want to go in empty-handed. He wanted to come prepared for what was to come.    


“This… I have no idea either, but I’ll send word for you after you, Young Master Zhan, arrive at the Hundred Nights City,” Luo Ang said hesitantly.    


Zhan Tianming’s heart was overflowing with laughter.    




Did he need to worry?    


Even if he was able to reach the Hundred Nights City without any problems, it wouldn’t be easy to find these two people.    


At this moment Zhan Tianming thought to ask, “I’m saying what if I have trouble finding these two people. What do I do next?”    


Hearing him say that, Luo Ang could not hide his frown.    


He also knew the high probable chance that Zhan Tianming would ask about this.    


In the end, he could only sigh and say, “If Young Master Zhan has done all he can and still can’t find those two, then please settle my family’s Young Miss anywhere in Hundred Nights City. Inside the city premises, even the royal family would hesitate to use violence.”    




The situation was becoming even more confusing to Zhan Tianming.    


Even the royals did not dare to use force once they arrived. What sort of place was this Hundred Nights City?    


Try as he could to wrack his mind over a place in Sky Wind country where the Imperial Family couldn’t touch, he could come up with nothing.    


Doesn’t this place sound like a fairy tale?    


Luo Ang did not offer any further explanation, only taking out a map to show Zhan Tianming the location of his Hundred Nights City.    


Then, they scheduled for Zhan Tianming and the County Princess to leave that night.    


After going over the plan, Zhan Tianming nodded his head.    


“Ding dong!”    


“Congratulations, Zhan Tianming, for accepting the Duke Palace’s secret mission.”    


After receiving the sealed jade box, Zhan Tianming immediately returned to his and Feng Wushuang’s residence.    


Upon arriving, Zhan Tianming found Feng Wushuang, who was still awake.    


There were some things he needed to settle before leaving.    


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