Supreme Dragon System

C25 Hundred Beasts Extermination!

C25 Hundred Beasts Extermination!



"Not bad, not bad. To think that there would be such a good thing."    


Zhan Tianming laughed happily.    


He never expected that after becoming a Level-1 Beast Tamer he would receive such a skill.    


Curious about the skill, he clicked on it.    


Skills: Hundred Beasts Extermination (Upper)    


Level: 1    


Proficiency: 0/100    


True Qi Consumption: 50    


Description: A single fist strike is equivalent to the onslaught of a hundred beasts. It is extremely powerful and can shatter stones and diamonds alike. Once the Hundred Beasts Extermination reaches Grand Perfection, the user will become a Level-5 Beast Tamer and obtain the upgraded skill: Thousand Beast Extermination (Earth)!    


Looking at the description, Zhan Tianming couldn't help but feel baffled.    


'Even this skill can be upgraded?'    


'So is there something above this Earth rank Thousand Beast Extermination skill? Is there something like a Ten Thousand Beast Extermination?'    


'And something even stronger than ten thousand?'    


Zhan Tianming was looking forward to it, but there was no way to find out for now.    


Since he had the hundred variant now, he would use it until he got the pro variant, i.e., the thousand variant.    


"This is the first skill I've got that can be leveled up. This is just great! Maybe, if I keep on upgrading this skill, it just might become a supreme ranked martial skill one day," Zhan Tianming said with crooked smile on his face.    


Zhan Tianming already had the Proud Dragon Repents skill, but he wasn't going to say "no" to a good skill. After all, you could never have too much of something good.    


Moreover, an extra supreme ranked skill meant an extra powerful means of offense.    


Even though the Hundred Beasts Extermination was ranked below the Nine Dragon's fist, Zhan Tianming still decided to practice it instead of the Nine Dragons Fist.    


Before practicing the skill, he had to take of something. After making his mind, he began training.    


Zhan Tianming threw the Red-Haired rabbit that he had just tamed to the ground and then took out the Red-Haired rabbit that was his first test subject.    


After that, he targeted a random beast and tried to use Beast Control on it.    


One time...    


Ten times...    


Twenty-three times...    


"Ding dong!"    


"Beast Control success! Proficiency increased by 3 points."    


"Ding dong!"    


"Congratulations! Host Zhan Tianming's Beast Tamer profession has been leveled up. You are now a Level-2 Beast Tamer."    


"Let's check the upgraded stats."    


Profession: Beast Tamer    


Level: 2    


Proficiency: 0/1000    


The experience required to level up suddenly increased tenfold.    


Zhan Tianming did not mind. 'Isn't it just 1000 experience points? All I have to do is capture and tame beats nonstop.'    


"Ding dong."    


"Beast Control success! Proficiency increased by 2 points."    


"Ding dong."    


"Ding dong."    


Slowly, a group of wild beasts began following Zhan Tianming.    


Red-Haired rabbit, Eight Eared Blue Mice, Cow-horned Flying Insect...    


You could see every kind of beast in that group.    


Since Beast Control lasted only an hour, Zhan Tianming would use the same beast, again and again, to increase his proficiency.    


You ask what about the true qi?    


Well, for that he had the True Qi Return. All he had to so was sit down and meditate for a while.    


Soon, he would have all the true qi he needed.    


Like this, Zhan Tianming continues to control more and more beasts.    


At the same time, Zhan Tianming also controlled his beasts to attack the other beasts or surround and kill a vicious beast.    


After killing them, he would still be able to obtain the Experience Value. Even thought his beasts did the dirty work, Zhan Tianming was the one raking in experience points.    


A full day passed like this.    


Soon, it was time for the sun to rise again.    


Zhan Tianming was relentless and was still honing his Beast Control skill.    


After that came the third day.    


Zhan Tianming was... he was still training.    


In the blink of an eye, nine days had passed.    


Zhan Tianming finally stopped and looked at the group of beasts behind him. Right now, his group was a hundred men—no, a hundred beast strong, and amongst them were even 10 vicious beasts.    


The Red Maned Fire Wold particularly stood out in this lineup.    


It was a ninth-stage Vicious Beast.    


To tame this absolute beast of a beast, Zhan Tianming had to suffer for two before he was finally succeeding with a body full of injuries.    


"Property panel!"    


Profession: Beast Tamer.    


Level: 4    


Proficiency: 12/100,000    


To raise his level to the next level, he would need 100,000 experience points.    


And the level after that would require a million points.    


By now, Zhan Tianming had learned a lesson: to become a Level-5 Beast Tamer within a short period was near impossible.    


Now that he was a Level-4 Beast Tamer, his chances of taming a Grade One Demonic Beast went up by 5%.    


After making some quick calculations, Zhan Tianming turned his gaze towards the hundred wild beasts and vicious beast that had formed a herd behind him.    


In the past few days, he had figured an unwritten rule.    


Even after he completely mastered the Beast Control skill, he could at most control a hundred beasts.    


Yup. Not a single beast more than the limit.    


Now, it was time to return to the village, and Zhan Tianming just couldn't bear letting them. After all...    


They were walking, talking chests of experience points!    




He clenched his fist.    


"Hundred Beasts Extermination!"    




The punch was as might as the simultaneous stomping of a hundred beasts.    


Those wild beasts and vicious beasts that were tamed by Zhan Tianming didn't even have the chance to resist and were killed in an instant.    


"Ding dong."    


"Ding dong."    


"Ding dong!"    




A series of system notifications kept ringing in his mind.    




Zhan Tianming was startled.    


'When did the Hundred Beasts Extermination become so powerful?'    


He was able to kill a ninth-stage Vicious Beast with a single punch.    


"That's not right."    


Zhan Tianming shook his head.    


Even Proud Dragon Repents with the double effect on couldn't bring out such effect.    


After all, that was a ninth-stage Vicious Beast!    


"Ding dong!"    


"Host has killed a hundred beasts simultaneously using the Hundred Beasts Extermination. For the next hour, the success rate of Beast Control is 100%. Within an hour, the success rate of beast taming has increased to 100%. This effect will disappear after the host tames a beast or after the one-hour time limit is over. (Note: This will only work on beasts below the third grade.)"    


Just as Zhan Tianming was confused, a system notification came in.    




"So that's how it is."    




Zhan Tianming was overjoyed, he was just too happy.    


If that was the case, wouldn't it be as easy as flipping his hand to successfully control the Demonic Wolf in the Wolf Valley?    





"Zhang Yong?"    


"If I find out you were really behind that, you just wash your neck and wait."    


"At that time, if I didn't remove your head from y our shoulders, I won't be Zhan Tianming."    


With a focused mind, Zhan Tianming began his journey.    


After a 10-day-long training montage, he was now a seven-star Martial Disciple.    


Throughout these ten days, he didn't sleep and wink and just focused on increasing his strength.    


Other than taming a lot of beasts, he also hunted many wild beasts and vicious beasts.    


Of course, some of them were killed by the wild beasts and vicious beast that he had tamed, but the experience was still his.    


Moreover, after he killed100 beasts simultaneously, he gained a lot of experience points.    


Without that experience boost, he really wouldn't have been able to rise up to a seven-star Marital Disciple.    


Within the Nanqing Village:    


The people in the village had already prepared sacrificial offerings which were neatly stacked in the ancestral hall.    


After offering their prayers, the villagers left.    


A gray robed Zhang Yong appeared in front of the offerings.    




"It's been so many days, that idiot Wang Sishi still hasn't come back. Was he killed by Zhan Tianming instead?"    


"Humph! Truly a useless piece of trash!"    


While he lightly snorted, Zhang Yong's face did not show even the slightest hint of anger.    


His countenance was actually that of mocking.    


Actually, this Zhang Yong wasn't the real Zhang Yong. He was just someone wearing a human skin mask.    


The real Zhang Yong was killed by him when he was ordered to come and hide in Nanqing Village.    


Zhang Yong took out a bag of medicinal powder and poured it into the sacrificial wine.    


After mixing it well, he put it back.    


"Heh, heh, Zhan Tianming?"    


"Haha! I'll wait and see how you'll activate the power of your bloodline tomorrow."    


"I hope you won't disappoint me."    




Zhang Yong tore off the human skin mask from his face and held it in his hands.    


He looked at the mask indifferently.    


"After tomorrow, I won't need to wear this human skin mask anymore."    


"Haha, haha!"    


Zhang Yong laughed out loud.    


His mission was finally going to be completed.    




Zhang Yong's expression became serious.    




"Get the hell out of there!"    


Clang! Clang! Clang!    


The sound of debris falling to the ground came from outside the ancestral hall.    


Zhang Yong immediately put on the human skin mask.    


Suddenly, Zhang Yong's footsteps flashed, and he appeared outside the ancestral hall.    


Nearby, a figure was fleeing in panic.    


Looking at the figure, Zhang Yong's eyes gradually became gloomy and cold.    


Killing intent quietly leaked out.    




"Since you have already seen it, you cannot be allowed to live in this world."    


Without any hesitation, Zhang Yong chased after him.    


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