Supreme Dragon System

C50 Searching for the Bag!

C50 Searching for the Bag!

3The night was pitch black in the truest sense of the word.    


Initially, Zhan Tianming wanted to take Fu Shiyao and leave the Wolf Valley as soon as possible.    


However, Fu Shiyao was determined to bury Tang Erpao and Zhan Qian first.    


Despite knowing that Zhan Qian was nothing short of a villainous existence, she didn't want to leave his corpse in the wilderness.    


So, Zhan Tianming had no other choice.    


All things considered, it was good that Fu Shiyao had a strong sense of reason and pity. She knew that Zhan Qian wanted to kill Zhan Tianming, and he also had—less than noble—plans for her, so she did not complain about Zhan Tianming killing him. Only, she was still struggling with fully accepting that murder was the only way to go about this.    


Consequently, despite accepting that Zhan Tianming was not at fault, she was cold to Zhan Tianming.    


By the time Zhan Qian's funeral was over, the sky had already darkened.    




'It seems like I have to spend the night in this Wolf Valley.'    


'Damn. That fishy smell is really strong here.'    


The bonfire fluttered, and the flickering light from the fire dispelled the darkness in the vicinity.    


Zhang Tianming and Fu Shiyao sat opposite the bonfire.    


The firelight shone on Fu Shiyao's beautiful face. Sometimes bright, sometimes dark—it sort of had its own charm and made her look gorgeous.    




She was simply a heavenly sight to look at.    


Fu Shiyao's beauty was not one bit inferior to Zongzheng Wanyou's.    


Zhan Tianming could not help but sigh.    


'This world is so beautiful.'    




'The heavens are treating me well.'    


If you transcend, you had to have a good time and have beauties left and right.    


Only by doing that would one be worthy of calling himself a true transmigrator.    


After all, that was the right thing to do.    


"Humph! Pervert."    


While Zhan Tianming was lost in his fantasies, he heard Fu Shiyao's soft rebuke.    


He swept his gaze over, only to see Fu Shiyao glaring at him with slight anger. Her beautiful eyes were filled with disdain.    


Drip, drip, drip...    


Zhan Tianming began sweating profusely.    


All this while, he had been staring at her body so intensely that it was no wonder she was called him a pervert.    




'There are so many people who despise this daddy. If you want to show your disdain, get in the line first.'    


'Besides, you've already cursed me. If I don't stand true to my pervert title, wouldn't I be disappointing you?'    


So, Zhan Tianming just continues with his heated stares.    


And this time, he left no place alone.    


Hey, don't take it the wrong way.    


This was appreciation, okay? It was human nature to appreciate beautiful things.    


Didn't the ancients say so?    


Simply put, she was picture-perfect bootylicious.    


Beauty was something that could be eaten as food—believe me, I'm an expert.    


Fu Shiyao noticed Zhan Tianming's intense stare on her chest, so she immediately turned around and brought her hands in front of her chest.    


In her heart, she was extremely furious.    


"Sigh, there's nothing to admire anymore." Zhan Tianming shook his head.    


'Forget it. Anyway, she will never find an admirer as good as me.'    


Moreover, you couldn't appreciate all the beauty there was in a single swoop, now could you?    


He had to slowly appreciate it.    


Perhaps, there would be more chances in the future.    


No rush.    


"Cough, cough..."    


Zhan Tianming coughed dryly and revealed a smile that said he was a good person.    


"Beauty, are you hungry? Why don't we have a barbecue? "    


"I'm not hungry," Fu Shiyao replied coldly.    




As soon as she said that, her stomach grumbled.    


For all you dunces out there who couldn't understand what's that supposed to mean—she was embarrassed.    


Fu Shiyao turned her body completely around, and now her back was to Zhan Tianming.    


Zhan Tianming did not make fun of her. He immediately took out a piece of rabbit meat from the system space and roasted it on the bonfire.    


He did not take out the things that he had already made with his culinary skills before.    


It was the duty of every outstanding man to cook for a beautiful woman. Who said that? Just focus on food, man.    




Only by flexin—uhm, showcasing his skill could he show his love.    


Then again, who didn't love a good roast?    


Believe me—I'm an expert—barbecue was the way to a woman's heart.    


It was something not even thousands of gold coins could replace.    


There was a moment of silence.    


Soon, Zhan Tianming's barbecue was done.    


The aroma literally flooded the area.    




Fu Shiyao's stomach had rumbled who knows how many times by now.    


During the trip, Tang Erpao and Zhan Qian were in charge of cooking, so she didn't know how to cook at all.    


Right now, her stomach was so hungry that it was sticking to her back.    


However, she didn't want to eat anything that was cooked by Zhan Tianming.    




"Something made by a homicidal maniac must be terrible to eat."    


"Yes, it must be awful."    


Fu Shiyao thought in her heart.    








Her stomach was rebelling, growling harder with each passing second.    


"Hey, I've totally not drugged this barbecue. Do you want it?" Zhan Tianming asked.    


"No!" Fu Shiyao resolutely replied.    


Zhan Tianming shook his head.    


This girl might seem weak, but her character was unyielding. Even if she were to starve to death, she would most likely not eat it.    


He had to think of a way.    


"Celebrate your day; binge on barbecue today!"    


"Freshly grilled meat, delicious grilled meat, grilled meat that can fill the stomach. Heavy discount! 99% off!"    




"To celebrate this wonderful night with a peerless beauty by my side, I will offer the lowest price in the world. A super bargain to thank God for such a beautiful night. Today, as long as you ask, I won't ask for 998, nor 98, much less 98..."    


"I only want one tael of silver!"    


"Yes, you didn't mishear me. It is just one silver."    


"One silver isn't all that much, right? Even if you didn't like the product, you wouldn't suffer. However, if you loved the product, you'll thank yourself a thousand times."    


"Now, as long as you open your mouth, you can bring home all these delicacies from one silver tael."    


"It's the truth! You didn't mishear me."    


"Only one tael... ?"    


Hearing Zhan Tianming's smooth criminal lines, Fu Shiyao almost laughed out loud.    


She deiced after hesitating for a second.    


'If I buy that for one silver, it wouldn't be like him doing me a favor.'    


'That's it!"    


With that thought, Fu Shiyao turned and said,    


"One tael of silver, I'll take it."     3


Fu Shiyao was simply too hungry; after that, she reached for her waist.    




Fu Shiyao's face froze.    


'Where's my purse?'    


"Eat, eat. If you don't have any money, you can pay me later. But you'll have to pay interest," Zhan Tianming teased as he handed the roast meat over.    


However, Fu Shiyao didn't react at all.    


It was as if she was going through an internal crisis.    




Fu Shiyao stood up, turned a deaf ear to Zhan Tianming's jokes, and without saying a word, she walked out of the Wolf Valley.    


"Hey, what happened to you?" Zhan Tianming shouted inexplicably.    


"I dropped my bag," Fu Shiyao said anxiously.    


"It doesn't matter. Didn't I tell you that you can pay me later?" Zhan Tianming laughed.    


"No, there's something very important in my purse," Fu Shiyao's face was filled with anxiety.    


She quickly walked out.    


"Hey, wait a moment!" Zhan Tianming shouted.    


Unfortunately, Fu Shiyao didn't stop at all.    


"Ding, dong!"    


"Congratulations! Host Zhan Tianming has triggered a quest: find the purse. Quest reward: 1000 experience points and 10 favor points for Fu Shiyao."    


"Do you want to accept the quest?"    


Seeing such a mission, Zhan Tianming was ecstatic.    


The answer was, of course, yes.    


After accepting the mission, Zhan Tianming jumped onto the Three-Tailed Thunderwolf's back and quickly followed.    


After catching up to Fu Shiyao, Zhan Tianming asked her to come up.    


But Fu Shiyao didn't agree to it; she just continued to search carefully.    


"A wolf's nose is much better than yours. Come on up, leave the search to the Demonic Wolf," Zhan Tianming advised.    


Hearing this, Fu Shiyao thought that this was indeed the case and nodded her head.    


The Three-Tailed Thunderwolf sniffed the ground and walked out of the valley.    






Still no...    


The human-wolf group went to where Fu Shiyao stayed the night before, but they still did not find her purse.    


It was late; dawn was already approaching.    


"Could you have lost it somewhere else?" Zhan Tianming asked.    


Fu Shiyao shook her head.    


Her face was filled with sadness and self-blame.    


"Don't be in such a rush. Just think hard and tell me this: where was the last time you saw the purse? After that, where did you go? Think, think long and hard before replying," Zhan Tianming instructed Fu Shiyao.    


Fu Shiyao recalled with a frown.    




The Three-Tailed Thunderwolf roared towards the forest.    


"Woo, woo..."    


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