Supreme Dragon System

C117 KIll Them All

C117 KIll Them All

1"Accept!"     2


Zhan Tianming gritted his teeth as he accepted the mission.    


Even if he didn't receive the mission, he would have personally hunted down all the pieces of trash who burned down Nanqing Village and the other two villages. Upon doing so, he would make them pay for their wicked deeds with their own blood.    


No one could stop him from doing so.    


Whoever dared to stop him will become his enemy.    


Zhan Tianming would always deal with his enemies with straighforward and simple methods.    


That was to crush them all!    


Even if that person was the emperor of even God himself, he would not make any exceptions.    


"Oh yeah, Tianming, why do I feel like I've seen the two people beside you before?" Liu Yu looked at Zongzheng Wanyou and Xiang'er suspiciously. Although he was shocked by the scene, he still found them to be quite familiar. But unfortunately, he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.    


Zhan Tianming introduced them to him, "This is Princess Wanyou, and this is Xiang'er."    


"Princess Wanyou?"    


Liu Yu and Wang Man were both dumbstruck.    


Their gazes landed straight on Zongzheng Wanyou's body.    


It was especially shocking for Wang Man. Upon hearing that name, he immediately recalled the scene of his butt being beaten so badly to the point where it bloomed like a flower.    


As his heart trembled in fear, he did not dare to look straight at Zongzheng Wanyou and Xiang'er.    


Zhan Tianming reckoned that Liu Yu and Wang Man still didn't know about the news regarding Zongzheng Qingxuan's assassination attempt. After all, Nanqing Village was located in a place where news from the city arrived much slower. In addition, having come across the people from the Seven Peaks Sect who came to massacre the villages, it would be even more strange for them to know about such news.    


With that, he began explaining the situation to the two of them.    


Hearing Zongzheng Wanyou's story, Liu Yu and Wang Man could empathize with her, seeing how they were on the same boat.    


Everyone here was both homeless and pitiful.    


At this time, Zhan Tianming looked at Liu Yu and said, "Dogegg, I must send Princess Wanyou and Xiang'er to the Hundred Nights City. The two of you must leave this place and hide somewhere where no one recognizes you. Wait for me to complete my mission before coming back to find you."    


"After that, we'll go to the Seven Peaks Sect and collect their debt."    




"You bastards of the Seven Peaks Sect, I will definitely make you pay with your blood."    


Kacha, kacha …    


Clenching down on his fists, a wave of Fire Attribute Genuine Qi burst forth, forming balls of flames around his fists.    


Moments later, the flames extinguished.    


Liu Yu and Wang Man knew full well that they would only be a burden if they followed Zhan Tianming.    


Thus, the two of them nodded.    


Zhan Tianming took out two thousand silver taels and a few pills, handing them over to the two of them.    


Although Zhan Tianming did not have any favorable impressions of Wang Man, he didn't think it would be worth it to make a fuss about it now.    


Currently, Wang Man was but a mere pititful person.    


After that, Zhan Tianming escorted Liu Yu and Wang Man out of the Purple Cloud Mountains.    


Along the way, they once again came across a few Seven Peaks Sect disciples who were searching through the mountains. Zhan Tianming did not hold back in the slightest as he slaughtered them in a few breaths of time.    


"Alright, Dogegg, we will be parting ways here."    


Zhan Tianming looked at Liu Yu and Wang Man before pointing his finger to a faintly discernable official road.    


"Keep going down that road until you reach Mengyuan City."    


"When you arrived at the city, don't ever speak anything related to me, Princess Wanyou, or Xiang'er. Otherwise, you'll only get yourselves involved in this matter. One more thing, when you guys get there, you'll just need to find a place to settle down and wait for me to come and meet back up with you guys."    


"Remember, do not act rashly."    


Zhan Tianming made sure to remind them of the fact.    


After all, a storm will emerge in Linshang County very soon.    


"Yeah, I know." Liu Yu placed his hand on Zhan Tianming's shoulder and nodded firmly.    




Suddenly, Wang Man knelt before Zhan Tianming.    


"Zhan Tianming, I... I'm sorry, before... I was always the one in the wrong. You may scold me and hit me to your heart's content, for as long as you can avenge the entire village, I, Wang Man, will be willing to be your slave for the rest of my life."    


Wang Man lowered his head regretfully.    


In the past, he enjoyed bullying and making fun of Zhan Tianming.    


But now, Zhan Tianming had actually saved him.    


For the first time in his life, he felt extremely guilty.    


Zhan Tianming remained silent. After all, he was the one who killed Wang Man's father.    


If they were to take all these grudges into account and separate all the rights and wrongs, how would they know who really was the one in the right or wrong?    


All their grudges should just come to an end along with the destruction of Nanqing Village.    


Several thoughts flashed past his mind.    


Zhan Tianming knew exactly what he should be doing.    


"I will definitely avenge everyone in Nanqing Village, but I won't be doing so for your sake." Zhan Tianming glanced at Wang Man. "Get up. After arriving in Mengyuan City, train properly with Dogegg and do whatever you can do to raise your strength."    


"Thank you... Thank you!" Wang Man exclaimed as tears rolled down his cheeks, touched by his words.    


With that, they waved each other goodbye.    


After sending off Liu Yu and Wang Man, Zhan Tianming turned to look at Zongzheng Wanyou and Xiang'er.    


"There are still a few pieces of trash of the Seven Peaks Sect searching for Dogegg and Wang Man in the Purple Cloud Mountains. I'm going to go kill them. Meanwhile, the two of you should find a place to hide for the time being. I'll send you to the Hundred Nights City after I finish taking care of those pieces of trash." Killing intent surged within Zhan Tianming's eyes.    


There's no way he would let those bastards live.    


They shall die!    


All of them shall perish.    


Leaving not a single living soul behind.    


Looking at Zhan Tianming, Zongzheng Wanyou said slowly, "Xiang'er and I will accompany you."    


"No need." Zhan Tianming shook his head.    


"How can you do it alone? Let me and Xiang'er accompany you," Zongzheng Wanyou persisted.    


"I already you, no," Zhan Tianming repeated.    


Despite her urge to keep persisting, she was ultimately held back by Xiang'er who advised, "Princess, let's listen to Young Master Zhan."    


Xiang'er naturally did not hope for Zongzheng Wanyou to put herself at risk.    


Only under Zhan Tiangming's and Xiang'er's persuasion did Zongzheng Wanyou agree to find a place to hide first.    


After leading the two girls to a safe place where they could hide, Zhan Tianming walked back into the Purple Cloud Mountains.    


His killing intent soared greatly into the sky.    


At this very moment, he seemed like a furious dragon.    


"Humph! You pieces of sh*t of the Seven Peaks Sect, just wait for me. I'll send you to hell."    


On the outskirts of the Purple Cloud Mountains.    


Zhan Tianming was already quite familiar with this region.    


After all, he didn't spend a whole month training here for naught.    


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!    


Flashing through the mountain forest, Zhan Tianming kept up his nimble movements. Upon seeing any Wild Beasts or Vicious Beasts, he would immediately activate his Beast Control. Under the effects of the Five Points of Deterrence, Zhan Tianming's success rate in controlling those beasts increased greatly. Before long, there were already a hundred Wild Beasts and Vicious Beasts following him from behind.    


The mighty horde of beasts was somewhat exaggerated.    


Without hiding his intentions whatsoever, Zhan Tianming rampaged through the mountain ranges.    


He had once simple purpose.    


To kill!    


Since he was going to kill them anyways, why would he bother keeping himself hidden?    


Very quickly, Zhan Tianming came across a few disicples of the Seven Peaks Sect searching through the area.    


"Humph, today is the day you die."    


Staring at the few disciples of Seven Peaks Sect, Zhan Tianming's eyes blazed with killing intent.    


In an instant, he waved his arm.    


"Kill them all!"    


Upon his commands, the horde of beasts behind him immediately charged forth.    






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