Supreme Dragon System

C130 Kill

C130 Kill



Accompanied by that furious roar, a sharp and overbearing sword light suddenly flashed.    


The surroundings were silent.    


The big men only saw a young man holding a sword suddenly appear in front of them, and... The sword in the young man's hand also released a peerless sword energy that terrified people's souls. There was also a strange red lightning that danced and danced around the sword.    






Suddenly, the Divine Sword disappeared.    


Bang, bang, bang...    


As the Divine Sword disappeared, the burly men who were still standing on the ground strangely fell to the ground.    






The other burly men were all stunned.    


Their eyes were wide open.    


In the blink of an eye, the person who had been standing beside them just now had actually died without a sound?    


Suddenly, the hearts of those large men all became vigilant.    


The young man who had appeared was Zhan Tianming.    


Zhan Tianming did not care about those big men. Instead, he looked at Zongzheng Wanyou and Xiang'er who were tightly hugging each other. His brows slightly wrinkled and his expression gradually became gloomy. A wave of fury rose in his heart.    


Fuck you, Second Uncle. You bullied my beauty until she became like this?    


Today, all of you will die!    


The furious Zhan Tianming slowly turned around.    


His gaze swept across those burly men.    


Behind him, Zongzheng Wanyou who was completely powerless and Xiang'er who was seriously injured all looked at Zhan Tianming without blinking.    


They looked at the tall and reliable back.    


In their hearts, both of them heaved a sigh of relief.    


However, when they recalled that Bald Man had the strength of a Ninth Star Martial Expert, they couldn't help but feel worried.    


"Young Master Zhan, you have to be careful. That baldy is a Nine Star Martial Expert." Xiang'er reminded him.    


After all, Zongzheng Wanyou did not even have the strength to speak.    


She could only be the one to remind.    


Zhan Tianming did not speak and only nodded slightly.    


Nine Stars Martial Expert?    


This brother had already killed the One-star Martial Spirit, so why would he be afraid of a Nine Stars Martial Expert?    


I'll still kill him!    


Bake, bake, bake...    


With the killing intent in his heart, the True Qi circulated and a fire dragon appeared on Zhan Tianming's body.    


The fire dragon first circled around his left arm before swimming around his body, causing Zhan Tianming to look extremely domineering. Combined with his cold eyes, it made people shiver in fear.    


"Hmph, don't be afraid, everyone. This kid is only a Six Star Martial Practitioner." Bald Man reminded.    


Those large men hurriedly circulated the True Qi into their eyes when they heard this.    


They took a look.    


It was indeed a six star Martial Practitioner.    


Everyone couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief in their hearts.    




When they thought about how Zhan Tianming had killed seven people the moment he appeared, they couldn't help but feel shocked in their hearts.    


A six star Martial Practitioner could instantly kill seven Martial Expert warriors?    


No one would believe it even if they told others about it.    


Unless it was because of the previous Divine Sword.    


Furthermore, what was the matter with that fire dragon?    


Although they had already heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts, other than Bald Man, the rest of them were somewhat timid.    


After all, the fire dragon that was swimming around Zhan Tianming's body had the Deterrence. It looked very powerful.    


Zhan Tianming's eyes quickly swept across Bald Man's body.    


He had seen all the information about these people.    


Apart from Bald Man who was a Nine Stars Martial Expert, there were two Three Stars Martial Expert, one Four Stars Martial Expert, and one Five Stars Martial Expert among the other four.    


With such a force added together, it could already be considered a very powerful team.    


However, the killing intent in Zhan Tianming's heart didn't weaken at all.    




Even if all of you are Martial Overlord, the Goddess who dares to bully my brother will still kill all of you.    


Zhan Tianming made up his mind, and he didn't hesitate at all.    




His figure moved like a bolt of lightning and left.    


Target: Bald Man.    


If he wanted to fight, he would first beat down the strongest one. This way, those weak ones would not dare to act rashly.    


This was akin to striking a mountain and shaking a tiger!    


Seeing Zhan Tianming rushing towards him, Bald Man's face darkened.    




"Brat, stop trying to act mysterious in front of me. Watch me take your dog life with a single palm!"    


Bald Man refused to believe it. How powerful could a six star Martial Practitioner be? Could it be that he could defeat Bald Man?    


He shouted in his heart, and the True Qi in his body immediately rushed out.    


* Crackle... *    


Lightning danced in his palm like a snake.    


"Thunder Splitting Thousand Palms!"    




Bald Man struck out with his palm. The thick palm that carried lightning was like the Hand of the Thunder God.    


Sharp, overbearing!    


It was filled with the power of the Divine Punishment.    


After Zhan Tianming approached, his left hand suddenly struck out.    


Double the power was unleashed.    


"Proud Dragon Repents!"    


With a deep shout in his heart, the True Qi instantly rushed out, carrying the Fire Dragon Shadow along with it.    






Both palms clashed together, and the powerful qi was sent flying in all directions.    


Zhan Tianming was sent flying backwards by twenty feet, while Bald Man only swayed for a moment before he regained his balance.    




Bald Man instantly laughed out loud in delight.    


"I told you that he was just pretending to be mysterious. Now, have you all seen it clearly?"    


The other burly men heaved a sigh of relief.    


At this moment, after Zhan Tianming stopped, he stomped on the ground and rushed forward once again.    


"Proud Dragon Repents!"    


He struck out with his left palm once again, and it was twice as powerful as before.    


"Ding Dong! Triggering double power, Triggering Strangulation effect!"    


Instantly, Zhan Tianming's palm directly increased the power by four times, and at the same time, it also added Strangulation. If it could be added with Berserk, the power could even be increased to eight times.    


On the other side.    


Seeing Zhan Tianming charging at him again, Bald Man didn't care about it in his heart.    


"Hmph! This time, let me send you back to heaven."    


Bald Man's right palm suddenly shook. Without hesitation, he struck out with his palm once again.    


"Thunder Splitting Thousand Palm!"    






The powerful qi was sent flying in all directions. The lightning and flames collided with a loud bang, erupting with a powerful might.    


In an instant, the sneer on Bald Man's face froze.    


Crack! Crack!    


The sound of bones cracking was heard from his right arm.    





Thump! Thump!    


Zhan Tianming took four steps back.    


Bald Man let out a loud cry and his entire body flew backwards.    


The blood on his head was instantly reduced by 80%.    


"He's not dead yet?"    


Zhan Tianming's eyes widened, and he stomped on the ground.    




He turned into a ray of light and rushed over.    


He raised his fist high into the air.    




Suddenly, the fist smashed down fiercely.    


Nine Dragon Fists!    




Bald Man, who was sent flying, was hit in the heart by a punch, and his entire body was smashed into the ground.    




Bald Man's body smashed a deep hole in the ground.    


Cracks spread out.    




"Congratulations to host Zhan Tianming for killing Bald Man. Obtained 20,000 experience points."    




You didn't even drop anything good, and you still dare to show off that you are a Nine Star Martial Expert?    


I think you're more like a Nine Star Clown.    


With a cold snort in his heart, Zhan Tianming turned his furious gaze towards the remaining four people.    


These four people were also damnable people!    


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