The Ace Bodyguard

C743 Palace in the Mountain

C743 Palace in the Mountain

0At this moment, it was as if they were not here to fight, nor were they here to engage in battles with the White Tiger Sect, but were here to visit. It was as if they had forgotten their purpose of coming here, were actually here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and wanted to move the Divine Monarch Sect headquarters over.    0


If Yin Tianzheng heard the conversation between Wang Xiao and the others, he would definitely die from anger. However, Wang Xiao and the rest had actually discussed about how to move the Divine Monarch Sect over. This was truly the behavior of a bandit, robbing people here.    


"Since everyone really likes this place, then let's just move the Divine Monarch Sect headquarters over here." Wang Xiao said.    


Everyone immediately agreed, as if they had forgotten the existence of the White Tiger Sect. It was just that, under Wang Xiao and Di Loong's lead, these members of Divine Monarch Sect did not put the experts of White Tiger Sect in their eyes at all, and felt that their White Tiger Sect were too weak to withstand a single blow.    




Zombie Face and Water-ghost Face looked down on everyone from the Divine Monarch Sect.    


"What is this place? Compared to our Yin-yang Sect, it's still too far away." Zombie Face said in disdain.    


"You really haven't seen the world. If you had seen my Yin-yang Sect Headquarters, wouldn't it feel like you were entering heaven?" Water-ghost Face said in disdain.    


The two of them were members of Yin-yang Sect, and Yin-yang Sect were very strong, so Wang Xiao believed that the establishment of Yin-yang Sect headquarters far surpassed that.    


Zhang Baiwan could not bear to see Zombie Face and Water-ghost Face acting tough, the two of them always liked to act tough, and they often despised Divine Monarch Sect as well.    


"Boss, the two of them are acting cool again." The White Hair said unhappily.    


"They're just two ugly monsters who don't know their own limitations." Zhang Baiwan said in displeasure.    


Zombie Face and Water-ghost Face, upon hearing Zhang Baiwan actually call them ugly, one of them shouted angrily, "Zhang Baiwan, do you want to die? Do you believe that I won't poison you to death and then throw you into the water to feed the fishes?"    


Sensing the anger in Zombie Face and Water-ghost Face, as well as their powerful killing intent, Zhang Baiwan did not dare to speak. He knew that although the two of them had unsightly appearances and looked as if they were unworthy of the audience, their strengths were very strong. So, he didn't dare to talk back to the two of them.    


In front of them were rows and rows of stone staircase s. Following this row of stone staircase s, they were able to pass through the Headquarters of White Tiger Sect's gate. Strangely, other than the members of Divine Monarch Sect, there was no one else that had seen the White Tiger Sect, so no one knew where those people had gone to.    


Looking at this quiet and quiet palace, although it was brightly lit, without the slightest hint of movement, Di Loong was clearly very careful. The calmer he was, the more of a storm was brewing. Brother Xiao, it's weird, the Headquarters of White Tiger Sect are actually so quiet, there's not even the slightest movement. "    


Wang Xiao also thought that it was strange, he had originally thought that when he and the rest arrived, Yin Tianzheng would bring all the experts of Divine Monarch Sect with him, but when they appeared, he did not see any members of White Tiger Sect, as though all of them had disappeared.    


"Could it be that Yin Tianzheng's remaining members who escaped the White Tiger Sect also scattered?" the kid asked curiously.    


Wang Xiao said: "No, absolutely not. I understand Yin Tianzheng's personality very well, he definitely won't escape. He definitely won't give up on his White Tiger Sect, because he looks down on me. Even though I am stronger than him, he still looks down upon me from the bottom of his heart, so he will not escape. "    


"Could it be an ambush?"    


Zhang Baiwan then displayed his wisdom.    


The little demon praised: "Zhang Baiwan, I didn't expect you to be so clever, to actually know of an ambush."    


Zhang Baiwan laughed complacently: "Little Brother Gui, to tell you the truth, there are many people who have told me these words to you before, especially when I was young. Everyone says that I am cute, smart, and that I will definitely be successful when I grow up."    




The kid wanted to vomit.    


Wang Xiao looked at the quiet palace with his deep eyes. He did not believe that Yin Tianzheng would run away, he did not believe that Yin Tianzheng would give up his White Tiger Sect. The Yin Tianzheng at that moment, was definitely waiting for him in the palace. Maybe his vicious gaze was also staring at him.    


Ta ta ta!    


Ta ta ta ta!    


"… …"    


Heavy footsteps sounded out as Wang Xiao led the members of Divine Monarch Sect and slowly stepped onto the stone staircase s in front of the palace gate. Although there was definitely a raging wave behind the calm and tranquil state of the palace, they would definitely not retreat since they were already here.    


Since he was already here, he had to eliminate the White Tiger Sect, even if it was a dragon's lagoon or a tiger's cave, he would not return empty-handed.    


"Yin Tianzheng, we are here. Come out." Wang Xiao's loud voice came out from the peaceful valley.    




Countless birds flew into the air in the surrounding forest. It turned out that Wang Xiao had used her Genuine Qi to spread the sound. Due to the fact that the Genuine Qi was very strong, the white bird that was resting in the forest was startled and flew away. However, in the next moment, the white bird's flying voice disappeared into the night sky.    


As for the White Tiger Sect palace, it was still completely silent, with not the slightest bit of movement. It was as if the entire palace was devoid of people, as though the huge palace had already been emptied of people, but Wang Xiao firmly believed that Yin Tianzheng was definitely inside the palace, he must be here.    


"Yin Tianzheng, come out and die. Today will be the day you die." Wang Xiao continued to speak.    


However, it was still quiet inside the huge palace, with not the slightest movement.    


The little demon also shouted, "Yin Tianzheng, f * ck off, don't be a coward. If you don't have the courage to fight us to the death, and just accept our punishment, maybe we will let you live."    


Father asked for forgiveness!    


Zhang Baiwan asked in confusion, "Little Brother Gui, if Yin Tianzheng's father came to ask for forgiveness, would you all let him off?"    


The little ghost really didn't want to explain. It was scary to see lack of culture. F * ck, you don't even know how to ask for punishment, yet you actually said that you are asking for forgiveness as your father.    


The White Hair then corrected him: "Boss, it's not father begging for forgiveness, it's a request for punishment. This means that we have to tie ourselves up together with a rope, and insert a thorn into the rope to personally kneel down and beg for forgiveness."    


"F * ck your grandpa, f * ck off. It was clearly father who asked for forgiveness, okay? Your father has never heard of such a thing like asking for forgiveness." Zhang Baiwan said unhappily.    


Facing his boss's displeasure, White Hair could only helplessly shake his head. Perhaps the current him felt that it was impossible for him to have any future in this lifetime by following a boss like Zhang Baiwan.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


One after another, the sound of rolling objects could be heard. At the top of the stairs, there were huge trees that rolled down like wind and thunder. Each huge log was at least a thousand jin in weight. If it were a normal person, they would have smashed their opponent to death.    


Even if it were to hit Innate Stage Expert's body, she would definitely inflict serious injuries on her opponent.    


"Retreat!" Wang Xiao immediately ordered.    


The many experts from the Divine Monarch Sect immediately retreated and ran down the stairs.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Seven to eight huge logs of wood quickly rolled down from the stairs and smashed into him. Looking at the rolling logs, Wang Xiao felt that these Avians in White Tiger Sect were too stupid. F * ck, is this also a trap?    


These foolish thoughts were probably thought of by the members of White Tiger Sect. It had nothing to do with Yin Tianzheng. After all, as someone of the Later Period of Innate Stage, Yin Tianzheng was well aware of how powerful people of this realm were.    




Wang Xiao's Turn Qi into Soldier struck the huge tree consecutively with a few punches.    


Ka-cha! *    


Ka-cha! *    


Under the attack of Wang Xiao's powerful Genuine Qi, all the giant trees were immediately smashed into pieces.    


When the people of Divine Monarch Sect saw that Wang Xiao's Genuine Qi was so powerful and flourishing, they were even more confident that they would be able to eliminate the White Tiger Sect tonight.    


F * ck!    


Zhang Baiwan cursed loudly, holding onto the steel pipe, he said to the White Hair in an aggressive manner: "White Hair, let's go, damn it, all these Bastard, it's one thing for them not to come out and surrender, but they actually dare to hit us with wood. Isn't this courting death, I am too angry."    


"Boss, calm down, calm down." The White Hair said anxiously. After all, Wang Xiao and the other experts had not made their move yet, so the White Hair did not dare to follow Zhang Baiwan and rush up to attack.    


"Calm down and beg, these bird people actually dared to use wood to hit me, to let them know, I, Zhang Baiwan am not someone that is easy to provoke, I want them to know how powerful I, Zhang Baiwan am." Zhang Baiwan roared.    


After tightly holding onto the steel pipe, Zhang Baiwan was the first to rush up, and waving the steel pipe in his hands, he shouted loudly: "Brothers, go up, everyone follow me up, the one who is afraid of death is not Huaxia People."    


At that moment, he was extremely ferocious. He was actually the first one to rush up.    


"Zhang Baiwan, come back. Wang Xiao anxiously called out.    


"What is there to be afraid of? They actually dared to use wood to hit me. They simply aren't giving me any face at all." Zhang Baiwan didn't even turn his head around, and continued to aggressively charge forward. Seeing this good-for-nothing brother-in-law, this incapable but powerful brother-in-law, Wang Xiao really wanted to charge forward and kill him with a slap. With his little bit of kung fu, he recklessly charged forward. Wasn't this courting death?    


Although Zhang Baiwan was not strong, he at least had the courage to be the first to rush forward.    


Because he was worried that Zhang Baiwan was in danger, Wang Xiao also anxiously rushed forward.    


"Brothers, let's charge!"    


The little demon waved his hands and charged forward along with Wang Xiao. After that, Di Loong, Hamed, Liu Daquan, Lee Kai and the other experts of Divine Monarch Sect also rushed forward.    


Zombie Face and Water-ghost Face stood on the spot, watching Wang Xiao and the others charge towards them, as well as that arrogant Zhang Baiwan taking the lead.    


"We're not going?" Water-ghost Face asked.    


Zombie Face disdainfully said: "Let them attack first, that hateful Zhang Baiwan, he dares to say that I am not handsome, and since he wants to die, since he dares to charge forward, then let him die."    


"Actually, I was thinking the same thing. That Zhang Baiwan is so f * cking hateful, since he wants to die, then let him rush up to kill me. It's even better if he dies. The Water-ghost Face said unhappily.    


Zombie Face said coldly: "Do you think that brat Wang Xiao really cares about him? In truth, Wang Xiao is a very hypocritical person, even though he doesn't look the same, he is still the most hypocritical person in the world."    


Although the experts of Divine Monarch Sect had already charged forward, Zombie Face and Water-ghost Face were indifferent and had no intention of taking action.    






Zhang Baiwan shouted loudly like a bandit: "Brothers, if anyone were to be the first to rush into the White Tiger Sect Palace, the gold, silver, jewelry, and the beauty would be his."    


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