The Ace Bodyguard

C546 Small Space Forest

C546 Small Space Forest

4Someone had once done it, in a huge plain area, to blindfold a man and then let him walk. A few hours later, the man had actually taken a huge detour and did not walk in a straight line. This is because a person can walk in a straight line because of his eyes. His eyes can see the reference and thus know the path he is taking.     1


However, after covering his eyes, he lost his ability to look at others and could only walk away. However, a person's two feet are not the same length. They are always a few millimeters long, so when the left foot and the right foot walk, the step size is also different. The further the walk is, the greater the error.    


Wang Xiao lightly leaped up into the air, quickly jumping over ten meters high. For ordinary people, jumping over ten meters was impossible. However, to Wang Xiao and the other experts of the Innate Stage, this was just a piece of cake. After jumping a few dozen meters into the air, Wang Xiao immediately grabbed onto a parasitic vine on the ancient tree.    


His body was extremely light and graceful as he climbed up the vines unceasingly. If he stood at the highest point, he would be able to see very far. Wang Xiao wanted to stand on the tallest tree and see the direction in front of him clearly. This was the only way he could find his sense of direction.    


As Wang Xiao continuously climbed up the vines, the distance between him and the ground became increasingly high. In a blink of an eye, he was dozens of meters away from the ground. The higher they went, the smaller the vines became, thus Wang Xiao gave up on using the vines and grabbed onto the branches to continue upwards.    


Because the vines here were very small, he was worried that he wouldn't be able to bear the weight. If these vines were unable to bear his weight, it was very likely that they would fall from the sky, which was tens or even a hundred meters high. If they were to fall from such a high distance, even Innate Stage Expert would most likely die without a doubt.    


Although it was already a hundred meters away from the ground, the branches of the large tree were still extremely sturdy and large. Moreover, one could not see the end of the tree, after all, it was covered with luxuriant foliage, so it was normal to not be able to see the end.    


After a few minutes, Wang Xiao was finally two hundred meters from the ground. When he looked down, he felt dizzy. A height of two hundred meters, was equivalent to several tens of floors. From this height, one could almost clearly see the direction in front of them, so Wang Xiao did not continue climbing.    


For the sake of safety, he didn't want to continue climbing upwards. There was no need. If he continued to climb, in case an accident occurred and his feet fell off, he would probably become the first Innate Stage Expert in history to climb trees and die. If word of this spread, wouldn't he be laughed at?    


Standing at this height, Wang Xiao surveyed the scenery. Everything he saw were pitch black forests and endless mountain ranges. There seemed to be no end to the black forest, nor to the rolling mountains. There were mountains outside of the mountain, and there were forests outside of the forest. It was as if even if one walked for dozens of years, they would still not be able to walk out of the forest.    


Looking at the dense black forest, and the continuous mountain range, Wang Xiao was a little worried. In such a vast and boundless forest, it was unknown just when he would be able to walk out of it. F * ck, I came here to search for treasures, but who would have thought that this was the situation?    


If he had known earlier, he would not have entered this Small Space. However, there was no point in complaining now. Since he had already come in, he might as well face the reality and overcome all the difficulties. If he just complained, it would not only be of no use, but he would also never be able to get out.    


He wondered if Di Loong, the little ghost, and Hamed were also in the forest, or perhaps in another region. This Small Space was very big. Even though it was called a Small Space by Guang Yuanzi, although it was definitely not as big as the Earth Space, it still wasn't small.    


Seeing the mountain range in front of him, Wang Xiao secretly remembered this location in his heart. As long as he had a general direction, he would have a sense of direction.    


Wang Xiao steeled his heart and decided to advance forward no matter what it took. Even if there were most dangerous places s in front of him, they could not stop him from moving forward. F * ck, it's not a big deal. It's just a piece of virgin forest, a vast and boundless forest.    


Even the circumference of the Earth was less than 40,000 kilometers. As long as one could persevere, they would be able to walk around the Earth once, not to mention that this was just a mere Small Space. Once he thought about it, Wang Xiao carefully followed the tree vines down. He didn't believe that he really couldn't walk out of this space.    


As long as there was food, as long as there was water, he would definitely be able to leave this space. However, he believed that there must be food in this space. There must be water sources. Although he had yet to encounter any water sources, if there was no water sources, then there would not be these lush forests.    


Even if he had to search through the entire space, he must definitely find Di Loong and the others. Wang Xiao carefully grabbed onto the tree vines as he descended. After all, such a high altitude was not a joke.    


Fortunately, Wang Xiao did not have the fear of heights. If someone with the fear of heights were to climb such a high distance, they would definitely fall and die. More than ten minutes later, Wang Xiao finally stood on the ground. The feeling of stepping on the ground was really good, he only felt his entire body relax.    


Previously, when he was standing on top of the tall trees, the pressure he felt was indeed very great. After taking a deep breath, Wang Xiao continued to move forward. The current him, even if it was a minute, did not want to waste any time, and only wanted to get out of the forest as soon as possible, and find Di Loong and the others.    


As for finding treasures, Wang Xiao's hopes of doing so were extremely slim. After all, in this dense, dark forest, as well as the endless mountain ranges, it was impossible to find any treasures, unless one was extremely lucky.    


At the start, he had thought that the scenery here was pretty good. After all, it was a place filled with thriving, leafy forests, countless towering ancient trees, many trees he had never seen before, and many strange rocks he had never seen before.    


However, as time passed, his eyesight would get tired, and he would get impatient and upset. It was just like walking alone in the forest for a few hours. At the beginning, he was still in the mood to look at the scenery and felt that it was a good scenery to look at. However, as time passed, one would feel extremely tired. They would feel that the surrounding trees were not beautiful. Not only were they not beautiful, they had even become an obstacle. The trees around him were obstacles to Wang Xiao, preventing him from moving forward.    


If it weren't for these damn trees, if it wasn't for these leafy forests, if it wasn't for the thorns on the ground, he would have already left this damn forest. The more he wanted to get out of the forest as soon as possible, the harder it was to get out, and the more impatient he became.    


Especially after walking for such a long time, there was no one who could speak, nor was there a human. Therefore, Wang Xiao's mood became even more anxious. According to his estimations, he had already walked for at least seven to eight hours. But strangely, the Small Space was still bright, and did not feel like dusk was approaching. There was probably no night here, only day. It was just that he did not know what kind of energy was used to sustain the Small Space in the day and there would never be a dark night.    


Although he could not figure it out, Wang Xiao was not in the mood to study it, because it was not important. The important thing was to leave the forest early, and the earlier he saw Di Loong and the others, even if he could not find them, or even if he met other experts, it would mean that there were other living beings other than himself in this world.    


It had been a long time since he had seen his own kind, and had not spoken to anyone to relieve his boredom, so Wang Xiao was very eager to meet an expert who had entered the Small Space. Even if they did not know each other, even if they could only speak a few words, it was still many times better than being alone.    


If he were to meet Yin Tianzheng now, Wang Xiao guaranteed that he would not act immediately. Instead, he would talk to him, chat with him, and chat with him for a bit before slowly taking action against this fellow, Yin Tianzheng. At that moment, he even had this kind of attitude toward his enemies. From this, it could be seen how lonely Wang Xiao was in his heart.    


After walking for a few more hours, Wang Xiao felt his mouth becoming parched. Not only was he tired, he was also thirsty. Although the trees within the Small Space were extremely lush, Wang Xiao had not encountered any small streams since he entered this place. If it wasn't for the fact that the trees here were extremely lush, he suspected that there would be no water source here.    


Licking his dry lips, Wang Xiao decided to first rest and then search for a water source. He would wait until he found a water source and settled his parched lips before continuing his journey. According to medical accounts, more than eighty percent of the body is water, so one cannot leave the water. Especially those who were walking in the desert, as long as they didn't drink any water for two days, their lives would be in danger.    


If he was hungry today, his life would not be in danger. However, if he did not drink water for a few days, his life would definitely be in danger. Wang Xiao was already short of water, after walking for more than ten hours in the forest, his energy was severely depleted, and he already had a severe shortage of water.    


Although he was a cultivator and a Innate Stage Expert, even if he was an expert on Innate Stage, he had not reached the level of a Fasting Valley, so he still needed to drink and eat. It was said that experts who transcended the Qi Master Stage could live their lives without eating or drinking.    


Whether this was true or not, Wang Xiao did not know, but he had heard people talk about it before. Furthermore, as for surpassing the Qi Master Stage realm, Wang Xiao didn't understand it at all. Let alone the existence of surpassing the Qi Master Stage, even if it was Qi Master Stage, Wang Xiao would only be able to understand it a little. Before he had fought with the Fifth Elder outside the valley, he believed that he was definitely going to die, thus, he was complacent and told her some of the secrets about his Qi Master Stage. It was only because of Fifth Elder's explanation that Wang Xiao found out that the strongest part of Qi Master Stage was its domain.    


However, the domain was indeed very powerful. Once used, it would control the surrounding space. At that time, if not for the fact that Wang Xiao's Nine-dragon Qigong had Five Elements Genuine Qi s and he used the power of the five elements, after his feet connected with the earth energy and let the continuous flow of earth energy into his body, he would have died at the hands of the Fifth Elder.    


Thinking about Fifth Elder, Wang Xiao became worried. If this person were to meet Di Loong, the little demon, and Hamed within the Small Space, he would definitely not show them any mercy. They had to find the three of them as soon as possible and move out together.    


Wang Xiao was resting under a big tree. This big tree was also very tall, and should have been there for many years.    


Although the tree wasn't as tall as the one before, it was at least a dozen stories tall. The bark of the tree was red, as red as blood, as if it could drip fresh red blood at any time. The leaves were also very strange, looking exactly like the lotus leaves.    


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