The Ace Bodyguard

C17 The Clinic Is Dead

C17 The Clinic Is Dead

3A dime can make a hero lose. Without money, one's confidence will be insufficient and it would be difficult for one to take even a single step. It was imperative to solve the problem of warming up to his hunger. Wang Xiao didn't want to ask for money from his father, so he couldn't as well. His brothers who were overseas all looked at him as a joke now, and they couldn't possibly give him money either.     1


After arriving at the old city district, Wang Xiao entered an alley. The houses here were all in tatters, which was a typical slum. The people who lived here were all poor people. Wang Xiao wanted to go to his father's clinic, and since he beat Brother Biao up so badly last time, he would definitely not let this matter rest.    


When he arrived outside his father's clinic, he saw a group of about a dozen people gathered outside. Could it be that Zhang Biao had come for revenge? The last time, after beating Zhang Biao so badly, if he dared to seek revenge again, he would immediately cripple him.    


Seeing Wang Xiao appearing, Wang Xiaoyue ran over in a hurry, her eyes red from crying. In front of the clinic, a group of people were making a ruckus. No one knew what had happened.    


Seeing that Xiao Yue had cried, Wang Xiao was enraged, someone must have come to take revenge.    


F * ck, those people are courting death.    


Wang Xiao originally did not want to kill people. But as long as it was someone who dared to harm his little sister and father, Wang Xiao would definitely kill that person. Even if he didn't dare to kill the other party openly, killing him in the dark was still an option.    


"Xiao Yue." Wang Xiao shouted.    


"Bro, how can you come back?"    


Wu wu wu …    


Xiao Yue rubbed her eyes, crying.    


Wang Xiao strode in front of Xiao Yue and gently caressed her small head. Xiao Yue, don't cry, tell me what happened. Don't worry, as long as big brother is here, no one will be able to hurt you. "    


"Bro, dad lost his life. No, dad beat him to death."    


Xiao Yue was stuttering due to her anxiety.    


"What's going on?" Wang Xiao's expression became serious.    


If dad made a mistake and killed the patient, the patient's family would come and cause trouble. This was also understandable. Even if the patient's family really destroyed the clinic, Wang Xiao would have nothing to say.    


Because of the grief of the patient's family members, it was inevitable that they would do something extreme. Moreover, the country was very tight on human murder cases, unlike the regions of Africa and the Middle East, where a person was killed, it was as if a pig's head had been lost.    


In the country, if it was just a small fight, the police would not care about it. However, if there was a human life, the police would definitely care about it. Also, his father Wang Ping did not have any power, nor did he have any background, so he would definitely be heavily punished.    


Brother, someone came to take the injection today, but just as the injection was completed, he fell to the ground and died. Wuu, what should we do now? His family and friends are all here to cause trouble." Xiao Yue was getting more and more anxious as she spoke, crying loudly.    


"Xiao Yue, don't be anxious, come with me to take a look." Wang Xiao comforted his sister.    


If the patient was really dead, he would have to pay as much as he could. If there was still hope, Wang Xiao was confident that he could save the other party.    


"Mm, I'm not afraid, brother." Xiao Yue nodded. She didn't know why, but when she saw her brother, she felt like there was a blue sky above her.    


Those people stood in front of the clinic, discussing and even threatening.    


"F * ck, what kind of quack is that? He actually managed to kill him."    


"A good and living person, yet he died in the hands of a quack doctor."    


"Call the police, we have to call the police, we have to send him to jail, and he will be sentenced to life imprisonment."    


"There's no need to call the police, we can just keep it private. Since the person is dead, the compensation is the most important thing. We might as well get him to give us three to five hundred thousand and then settle it privately."    




Everyone was talking at once, and everyone had their own opinions.    


Some said they were going to call the police, while some said they were going to privately. Some even said that they might as well give their lives back. Some of these birdmen were singing "dark faces" while others were singing "red faces". In front of the clinic, other than the neighbors, most of them were a bunch of hoodlums with weird shapes. Their hair was done in a variety of colors, and their bodies were carved with dragons and phoenixes.    


Seeing this group of hoodlums, Wang Xiao immediately understood that they must have been trying to cause trouble. Wang Xiao walked over calmly. If they wanted to play dirty, they were still far away from it.    


As long as a large group of hooligans gathered together, there was a high chance that there would be an accident of blackmail.    


He saw a Green Hair lying on the ground, and a White Hair was kneeling on the ground, wailing. These hooligans had dyed their hair colorful, including red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple. They were all dazzled by what they saw.    


It is said to be a fashion at home.    


If it was in Africa, or the Middle East, where he had been before, these colourful hooligans would definitely be courting death. If you don't have the ability to back up your words, you are indeed asking to be beaten up.    


White Hair kneeled beside Green Hair, crying until his nose was snot red. Big brother, my big brother, you died a miserable death. You died young and yet to marry and give birth to your children. Poor old father of eighty, you are still waiting for me to return home. "    


White Hair cried until dusk.    


Both White Hair and Green Hair were only around twenty-five years old, how could the old father in the family be eighty? Could it be that if his father was the son of his father, then even if the father was capable, the mother would be able to handle it?    


Just by looking at White Hair, he knew that this fellow was illiterate, and didn't even understand such a simple logic. Please, even if it's blackmail, you have to do it perfectly. It's full of holes.    


White Hair continued to cry: "My big brother, you're dead. The eighty-year-old father in my family can only be raised by me."    


Wang Xiao really wanted to kick White Hair away to support him, not raise him. The heck, you can't even speak, how can you even come out to meddle in society? This fellow probably came out to adventure before graduating from elementary school.    


No wonder even after so many years, he still looked like a bird. So it was because he had no intelligence and no education, even when he was in society.    


White Hair continued to wail: "Brother, you can leave without worry. Even if I am to sell everything I have and my own blood, I will raise my father, who is eighty years old in the family."    


Wang Xiao could not bear to listen any longer. He really wanted to shout loudly and correct White Hair's mistake.    


First: not raise, but support.    


Second: How old are you? Your father is already eighty, he should be your grandfather.    


When Wang Xiao saw his father, he saw his father standing in front of the clinic entrance with a bald and crippled face. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing in his many years of practicing medicine, so he was rather frightened.    




Wang Xiao came to Wang Ping's side and called out.    


"Xiao'er, you're here. Dad I …" Wang Ping was depressed, he wanted to say more but hesitated. He did not want to speak anymore.    


"Dad, I already know about this. Don't be sad, leave it to me." Wang Xiao said.    


"Xiao'er, you don't need to worry about this matter. I, Dad, am already old. Even if I were to go to jail for eight or ten years, you are still young and shouldn't be involved." Wang Ping said.    


He did not want Wang Xiao to be involved in this matter, because he was Wang Xiao's only son.    


Since he was already old, it didn't matter whether he lived or died. Furthermore, with the return of his long-lost son, Wang Ping felt at ease.    


"Dad, don't worry. Leave this matter to me. I guarantee that you won't go to jail." Wang Xiao laughed.    


Dad, seriously, he didn't even notice such a simple scam and planned to go to jail.    


"Xiao'er, people's lives are in danger. How can this be a game? How can you deal with this?" Wang Ping did not have the mood to joke around with Wang Xiao, and he was very clear that Wang Xiao did not have any backers in the country.    


Wang Xiao put a hand on Wang Ping's shoulder and said solemnly: "Dad, don't worry. Trust me, I will definitely be able to do it."    


When Wang Xiao placed that hand on his shoulder, Wang Ping felt very at ease. Could it be that his son really had the ability to handle this matter? No, even if his son had the ability to deal with this matter, after all, he should be responsible for his son's death.    


Wang Xiao brought over a chair. "Dad, sit down and rest. I'll handle this matter."    


Wang Ping was skeptical, and looked at Wang Xiao with a questioning gaze. But he sat down to rest and wanted to see how his son would deal with this matter, how he would negotiate compensation with the families of the deceased.    


As long as the family of the other party did not say anything, it would be worth several million. Even if he were to go bankrupt and sell his house, he would do his best to compensate.    


When those hooligans saw Wang Xiao appearing, they all became quiet, their shouts not as loud as before. One by one, they looked at Wang Xiao as if they wanted to say something, but did not dare to.    


White Hair also secretly glanced at Wang Xiao, and then continued to wail: "Brother, brother, you died so miserably. You've worked so hard outside for so many years, and not only did you earn so much, you even lost your life at the hands of a quack doctor."    


Wang Xiao smiled, lit up a cigarette, and walked to the front of White Hair, spitting out mist as he looked at him condescendingly: "Cry, cry, continue crying, it's best if you cried for three days and three nights."    


The neighbors all knew that Wang Xiao was Wang Ping's son.    


Seeing how Wang Xiao treated human life as grass and how cold he was, everyone was filled with righteous indignation.    


These people, seeing that they were Wang Ping's neighbors, had originally wanted to help him. But seeing that Wang Xiao was so ignorant, they did not want to bother.    


White Hair stopped crying, raised his head and asked Wang Xiao: "Who are you?"    


"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Wang Xiao, I am Wang Ping's son." Wang Xiao said casually.    


In fact, amongst these hooligans, some of them knew Wang Xiao, but pretended not to.    


"So you're the son of that quack doctor. Your dad killed my brother, but you can still smile. You're too heartless." The White Hair condemned.    


"That's right. He's too inhumane, too cold and heartless."    


"I've never seen such a cold-blooded person. He could even smile after killing him."    


"Call the police, we must call the police. We must get the police to step in and severely punish this black-hearted father and son pair."    


"The father and son colluding together caused my death. That is a living human life!"    


All the hooligans spoke at once, yelling that they wanted to call the police, and that Wang Xiao and his son were colluding against each other, plotting to kill them for their money.    


Just as countless of hooligans were shouting to call the police, White Hair said in grief: "My brother is dead, what's the use of calling the police? "Why not settle it privately? Give me several hundred thousand as compensation. I will bring my brother's corpse back to be buried."    


"No, we can't let this black-hearted father and son get away with it."    


"We must bring them to justice."    


"Yes, we must definitely send them to the police station. We must trust in the good police officers of the people. They will uphold justice for us."    


"Even if we send these black-hearted father and son to the police station, it will be useless. The dead are already dead, but the family still needs to live. Compensation is the right choice."    


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