The Ace Bodyguard

C90 Crisis

C90 Crisis

4After turning, Wang Xiao kicked it.    


"Fuck, let's go catch some fish in the sea." With this kick, Wang Xiao's strength was not small, just enough to send Director Shao flying one storey high rooftop, falling into the ocean below.    






Director Shao screamed in pain, and then, like a drowned chicken, he was kicked flying by Wang Xiao into the ocean to catch fish.    


Yang Lei was shocked, she actually beat up Director Shao, and now she had stirred up big trouble, in the future, it was definitely impossible for her to cooperate with Director Shao, and if she wanted to expand her business in Jin Country, she did not have the chance.    






When the bodyguards saw that their boss had been kicked into the sea, they rushed forward one after the other.    






The bodyguards didn't have time to take off their clothes and could only jump down one by one. If they did not save the Director Shao, but instead a stranger that fell into this world, they would definitely be able to apply for the Awards of Bravery when they returned.    


Seeing those foolish fellows jumping down one by one, Wang Xiao was really worried that the four of them would become landlubbers. If they couldn't swim, not only would they be unable to save Director Shao, they would even lose their lives. Pulling Yang Lei, Wang Xiao walked down the rooftop and arrived at the car park.    


When many people saw this scene, they thought that it was a conflict between the couple.    


Yang Lei seemed to have awoken at this time as she struggled free of Wang Xiao's hands and flew into a rage, "Wang Xiao, you're really going too far. Why did you beat up Director Shao? The last time you offended Zhang Wei, if it wasn't for me buying a gift to plead with you the next day, you would have died a long time ago. "    


Last time, Wang Xiao had indeed offended Zhang Wei, and threw him out of the villa. After that, Zhang Wei left after saying a few harsh words. Although Wang Xiao did not care, but for her, Yang Lei actually personally bought a gift to apologize.    


Yang Lei continued to say angrily: "But it's only been a few days, and you actually beat the Director Shao again. You're simply a villain, a barbarian."    


"Yang Lei, I am doing this for your safety. Do you really want to compromise and give in to the Director Shao for benefits?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"What do you know? If it wasn't for your impetuous actions, I would have done it by now." As long as I am willing to give a portion of the commission to Director Shao, he is definitely willing to help me. " Yang Lei was so angry that she almost went crazy. Her hard work in negotiating had actually been ruined by Wang Xiao.    


If he also kept Wang Xiao by his side, if one day he got too hot headed and hit all of the company's important customers, wouldn't Huayao Group fail?    


"Yang Lei, I'll tell you the truth, Director Shao is a big liar, he doesn't even know the Young Master of Jin Country." Wang Xiao explained.    




Yang Lei said coldly: "On what basis do you say I don't know, since Director Shao doesn't know people with Jin Country, why is he doing so well in Jin Country, there are many medicine companies in the country, they all followed behind him and ran away, do you know a family like Brandy?"    


"Yes, of course I do." Wang Xiao said.    


Yang Lei only sneered, she did not believe it at all.    


Wang Xiao originally wanted to explain, but he realized that Yang Lei was in an impulsive state, so no matter how he explained, she would not be able to. Even if Yang Lei was very calm right now, she wouldn't believe what Yue Yang had said. Since explaining was already useless, only both sides needed to keep calm to prevent the conflict from growing deeper and deeper.    


"Yang Lei, time will prove everything. If you really want to develop your Huayao Group medicine to a foreign market, please trust me, I will definitely complete it for you one day. "    


Yang Lei sighed with his head raised, then said helplessly: "Go back first. It's useless to say anything now, and I don't want to hear it either. The line between Director Shao and myself has been completely broken.    


Originally, he thought that Yang Lei would continue to be mad and wouldn't easily quell her anger. But Wang Xiao never thought that she would accept reality so quickly.    


"After we go back, we'll go our separate ways. We won't interact with each other in the future." In her heart, Wang Xiao was nothing. Other than being very good at fighting, he only had a simple brain that developed his limbs, and nothing else. However, the men she needed were not only capable of fighting, but also capable of fighting.    


As long as they had money, they could hire countless experts as bodyguards, even eight or ten of them.    


But for those with business acumen and foresight, no amount of money can be employed. For example, a penguin boss, Alibaba's founder, and so on, these people, no matter how high the salary, how good the treatment, people will not work for you.    


Well, I respect your choice." Wang Xiao knew that it would be useless to say anything now, because there was a hurdle in his heart that he could not cross. As the CEO of Huayao Group, although she was not as wealthy as a country, he still owned a gold mountain. It was as if a woman like Yang Lei had very high standards.    


However, Yang Lei had never been able to accomplish anything and never used any of her businesses, thus Yang Lei was unable to accept this fact. Or perhaps it was because the people beside Yang Lei were all upper class people and she didn't want to be laughed at by others, so she had high requirements for her future husband.    


After getting on the car with Yang Lei, Wang Xiao drove away.    


After he returned, he planned to stay away from Yang Lei for the time being and find him after he made some achievements.    


Yang Lei was in low spirits as she sat in the carriage silently. Actually, she was still very grateful towards Wang Xiao's attack just now. She knew that Wang Xiao was doing it for her own good. Only, Wang Xiao had been too rash back then, and should not have directly beaten Director Shao up.    


Some things can't be solved with fists, not in the primitive world.    


Wang Xiao also calmed his heart down. He knew that the matter just now couldn't be blamed on Yang Lei either. After all, Yang Lei had her own difficulties too. As the CEO of the Huayao Group, the pressure on her was also very great.    


If the Chinese herbal medicine collection remained at its original place and couldn't enter the overseas market, it would be eliminated sooner or later.    


After driving out of the seaside, they entered a remote road surrounded by lush and verdant woods. Looking at the forest which was spread all over the mountains and plains, Wang Xiao felt much calmer, but he had nothing to say to Yang Lei.    


Drip! Drip!    


Drip! Drip!    


Suddenly, Wang Xiao heard a series of 'tick-tock' sounds. The sound was very soft, very small, even smaller than the sound of dripping water. If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Xiao had good hearing, it would be difficult for him to detect anything. Could it be that something was wrong with the car, causing it to make such a noise?    


Wang Xiao turned to look at Yang Lei, only to realize that she had already turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window. Suddenly, a strange sense of danger appeared in Wang Xiao's heart.    


Drip! Drip!    


Drip! Drip!    


The second hand turning voice once again reached Wang Xiao's ears. This noise was definitely not coming from the car parts, because the car parts were very big. If there was a problem with the parts, then the noise would be quite loud.    


Not good!    


Suddenly, Wang Xiao realised that it was a bomb. Although he couldn't figure out why there would be bombs in the car, running for his life was the most important thing. The rest was just a small matter.    


"Quick, flee."    


Wang Xiao opened the car door, hugged Yang Lei, and immediately abandoned the car to escape.    


Yang Lei was shocked by Wang Xiao's sudden action, then her eyes blurred and she felt herself being rolled out of the carriage at the same time as Wang Xiao. Wang Xiao used his body to protect Yang Lei, as he was worried that Yang Lei would be injured from the impact.    


The car hit a tree by the side of the road and died.    


Wang Xiao crawled to his feet and quickly ran forward with Yang Lei in his arms. There was a landslide in front of him, he had to fight for every second, all to run down the landslide to avoid the explosion.    


When explosives exploded, even if one was a certain distance away from the center of the explosion, the shockwave would still injure the person, causing them to become deaf due to the sound waves. Of the several hundred thousand people whose Jin Country dropped an atomic bomb at the Gui Country back then, more than ninety percent died from the shockwave.    


Yang Lei was so frightened that she did not know what to do.    


When he was a few meters away from the landslide, Wang Xiao immediately jumped, and then cleverly tumbled down to the ground, rolling down along the landslide. The moment his body landed on the ground, Wang Xiao felt pain. After all, he was only a flesh and blood body, and not an Unbreakable Body. But other than being shocked, Yang Lei did not sustain any other injuries.    


From the time the carriage was abandoned until now, Wang Xiao only used two seconds.    


After his body tumbled down, Wang Xiao said loudly: "Explosives."    


"What!" Yang Lei said in shock.    


In his desperation, Wang Xiao immediately used both of his hands to cover Yang Lei's ears. He had originally thought that as long as he reminded Yang Lei about the 'explosives', Yang Lei would reflexively cover her ears with his hands. After all, with the cover already found, covering one's ears with both hands and curling up one's body was the best choice.    


But Yang Lei had never experienced such a thing, so she didn't know what to do.    


Boom! *    


When Wang Xiao covered his ears with both hands, an earth-shaking voice came out. Soon after, flames soared into the sky, with thick smoke billowing, Wang Xiao's ears were buzzing from the vibrations.    


Yang Lei's face was pale white, extremely ugly. Her body was trembling nonstop. She could not believe that there would be explosives in the car. Someone was trying to kill her.    


What was going on? This was the first time something like this had happened, and she was scared out of her wits. Countless thoughts flashed past Yang Lei's mind as well as the figures of countless people. Who exactly wanted to kill him?    


Wang Xiao was also confused, what exactly was going on? Was the other party coming for him, or for Yang Lei? Before the truth was revealed, Wang Xiao could not be sure who was the real culprit behind this assassination.    


Fortunately, this place was very remote, and was completely filled with mountain forests. If this was within the city, there would definitely be many innocent victims, and it was unknown just how many people would die here.    


"Yang Lei was extremely terrified, she wanted to crawl up, but Wang Xiao pressed on her, not letting her get up. "Don't move, keep hiding, be careful of gunmen." Wang Xiao reminded.    


Yang Lei was like a frightened little bird, following Wang Xiao's words in every direction.    


Leaning on the boulder, Wang Xiao looked around. If there really was a gunner in the vicinity, then she and Yang Lei's location, where the other party would be able to shoot from. After a short moment of observation, Wang Xiao felt that he and Yang Lei were both very safe. Behind them was a landslide, and a jagged rock, making it impossible for the other party to see them from above.    


As for the left and right sides, they were steep slopes that weren't good for the gunners to lurk on. In front of him was a col. The area was not large and the end of the col could be seen with a single glance. In such a short period of time, it was impossible for the gunner to be hiding in the col in front of him. Unless one was a super expert of Top Level, a person of Qi Master Stage would be able to do such a thing.    


As for those with Qi Master Stage, no matter if they wanted to deal with him or Yang Lei, they didn't need such a despicable method, and could kill the two of them in an instant at any time.    


Yang Lei was still in a daze, while Wang Xiao looked around, not daring to be the least bit careless.    


After she barely regained some of her composure, Yang Lei tried to deal with Wang Xiao. "Wang Xiao, who exactly wants to kill us?"    


Wang Xiao's ears buzzed for a bit, but he could not hear anything.    


"Wang Xiao, in the end, who wants to kill us, speak up." Yang Lei was so anxious that he was about to cry. If not for Wang Xiao, even if she had not been blown to death, she would have been scared to death.    


Wang Xiao still could not hear what Yang Lei was saying, he could only see her lips moving, as though she was talking to himself.    


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