Countryside Magic Doctor

C738 I Met Him

C738 I Met Him

4Hee Feng and Han Lee both felt that there must be something fishy about this matter. Therefore, they could only secretly think about what they should do. It was obviously impossible to solve all of this by relying on the strength of the two of them. Therefore, Hee Feng didn't have the ability to cover the sky with one hand like before.    4


There was no need to say anything more about Han Lee. He was just a little kid, and he didn't even know what he should do. He couldn't point his finger at this kind of time.    


The two of them were thinking about what to do. They kept thinking of ways to find out when these three islands appeared and why they couldn't be found on the map.    


"Boss, look! This..." Han Lee suddenly started to talk about what he saw with surprise.    


Hee Feng also raised his head and looked in front of him, only then did he realize that something was not right.    


He only saw an unbelievable scene in the distance. Those islands were covered in a hazy mist. It began to dissipate gradually. The golden glow in the sky in the distance... At this moment, it had also been reduced by more than half.    


It looked very sad.    


It was as if there was suddenly a lack of energy.    


The three islands that had appeared out of nowhere were also slowly disappearing. Such a discovery shocked both of them.    


Hee Feng didn't have much expression on his face. His eyes were filled with surprise as he watched everything in front of him slowly disappear. The originally golden mountain was now very puzzling. It had disappeared too quickly.    


Hee Feng and Han Lee were both stunned and surprised for a short period of time. Both of them stared blankly at their expressions, not knowing what to do.    


But after two to three minutes, Hee Feng quickly realized that he should quickly investigate everything, so he began to think carefully.    


Looking at the island that was disappearing bit by bit, it was as magical as a mirage.    


"Mirage... tsk, mirage..." Hee Feng kept thinking about it in his head. He kept mumbling the words "mirage" in his mouth, bringing along a different feeling.    


All of a sudden, Hee Feng's mind started to think of the mirage he had seen before. Where exactly was it... Although the impression was a little vague, he could still figure it out if he thought about it carefully.    


With this thought, it seemed like there were some signs. Hee Feng smiled and continued to stroke it, hoping to find some other inspiration.    


"Penglai Island Paradise..." With a flash of inspiration, Hee Feng had already thought of where he had seen this kind of mirage before. His eyes were filled with surprise. After all, it was not easy to think of these things.    


Looking at Hee Feng's expression, Han Lee knew that Hee Feng had thought of something valuable, so he could not help but ask about it.    


So he took a step forward and asked gently, his smile somewhat like a lackey. "Boss... what are you thinking about?" While asking, he lit a cigarette for Hee Feng. His movements were quick and skilled. It was obvious that he often did these things.    


After he finished speaking, he quietly waited by the side, waiting for Hee Feng to reply to him. He didn't want the boss to vent his anger on him again if something unexpected happened.    


Hee Feng didn't say anything. He took a deep breath of smoke and then spat it out. He was thinking about what he should do to get to the bottom of it. The truth was on the other side of the island, attracting Hee Feng to take a look.    


Hee Feng smiled, patted the ashes off his body, and strode forward to get closer to the truth.    


Han Lee didn't have any other thoughts after seeing this, so he simply followed after him.    


"Boss, wait for me, boss." He said as he ran.    


When he arrived, he found a small wooden boat on the frozen lake. Hee Feng stretched out his hand and gently pressed on the ice to test the thickness of the ice. Then, he began to work hard to walk forward. He took out the Shattered Ice Sword from the spatial zone and struck it hard on the ice.    


Unexpectedly, this piece of ice didn't break at all. It only cracked a small part of the ice. Hee Feng and Han Lee couldn't help but feel surprised. They had never encountered such a situation before.    


Logically speaking, the Ice Breaking Sword could break through anything as hard as iron. But now... Hee Feng was a little shocked and at a loss for what to do.    


Han Lee looked at everything that happened in front of him and asked, "Boss, this ice should be thick enough. We just need to cross over to the opposite island and we will be able to find out what exactly happened." After saying that, he started to open up a path in front of Hee Feng.    


Hee Feng was very cooperative. He watched Han Lee walk forward and didn't say anything. He just quietly followed behind Han Lee.    


"Tsk! What the hell is this?" Han Lee had just walked ten meters when he slammed into a large glass barrier. This was a very novel thing. Hee Feng couldn't help but stop to see what had happened.    


So Hee Feng quietly stood there with a faint impatience in his eyes. He thought that it was because Han Lee couldn't handle things properly and couldn't even walk properly.    


But when he saw Han Lee standing in front of him, step by step, and hit the glass like barrier, he was indeed shocked.    


He went forward and touched it with his hand. The ice was so cold that he could feel the coldness from his palm just by putting his hand on it for a few seconds. There was a thin layer of frost on his fingertip.    


Han Lee was also surprised. He looked at Hee Feng, not knowing what to do. "Boss, we... What should we do?" The confusion in his tone made Hee Feng feel that this Han Lee was useless for the first time. No matter what happened, he would only ask Hee Feng what he should do. He had raised a useless person, but slowly, he realized it. Han Lee was also useful. At least, he had found the ice pillar barrier today.    


He tried to use his spirit energy to thaw and melt the ice barriers in front of him. Hee Feng opened his five fingers and exerted force in front of him.    


At the end, more than ten minutes had passed. No matter how hard Hee Feng tried, he could not do anything else. The ice in front of him did not seem to melt at all, which made him feel very frustrated.    


Han Lee also squatted down and started to dig the ice. He kept exerting force, but there was nothing he could do.    


Hee Feng stopped moving. He hugged his arms and started to feel cold. After all, he had been standing there fighting against the ice and snow for a long time. Naturally, he felt very cold.    


Finally, Hee Feng remembered the ice melting technique he had read in a book. He began to realize that he could not melt the thousand-year-old ice with his unilateral strength. So he began to think of ways to solve these problems.    


Hee Feng felt that he should consider many things. Not only should he use hot things to heat and melt, but he also had to break the ice from the source to make it easier to melt.    


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