Countryside Magic Doctor

C300 Teaching Building

C300 Teaching Building

1Then knock on the classroom door.    


"Who is it? Please come in!" A dignified voice came from inside the room.    


"Hello, teacher. Excuse me. May I ask where is Grade 2 Class 4?" Hee Feng politely greeted the bald old man inside and said.    


"The second one on the east side of the fourth floor." The old man snappily said to him and continued his lesson. He reckoned that he did not have a good impression of this young man who interrupted his lesson.    


After Hee Feng expressed his gratitude to him, he closed the door and walked out.    


Then, he followed the stairs to the fourth floor and walked to the east side of the fourth floor. Before Hee Feng even walked into the second last classroom, he heard a familiar lecture.    


English, the English classroom that had once troubled him, the familiar lecture, and the bustling sound of reading.    


Hee Feng looked through the window and looked inside. Just as he had imagined, the teacher who was holding a chalk and giving a lecture on the podium was none other than Liu Qianwen.    


When they saw a familiar figure suddenly appear outside the window, most of the students could not help but look outside.    


Because curiosity was human nature, it could not be changed. Even the legendary Hengshui Second Senior High School, which was known for being abnormal, could not change it.    


Most of the students looked at the young man standing outside in surprise. He was no more than a few years older than them. The boys looked at him with hostility because this young man was somewhat handsome. At least, he was more handsome than them.    


The girls, on the other hand, were seeing stars. They looked at the handsome young man in front of them and thought in their hearts, Ah, so handsome.    


Hee Feng was being stared at by so many people, but he did not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he looked at them with interest.    


After searching the crowd for a while, he found the person who had been hiding in the crowd and sat up straight. She seemed like Hee Lingling, who was obediently listening to the class.    


At this moment, Hee Lingling was thinking in her heart, what did her brother come here for?    


En, he must be here to pick her up. Thinking of this, Hee Lingling could not help but reveal a pleased expression in her heart.    


It seems like none of the students in the class have a family as handsome as her brother.    


Thinking of this, the girl's pride swelled in her heart. Hee Feng did not know what he was thinking.    


He was just lying on his stomach at the window that had been opened. Raising his chin, he looked forward. In front of him, Liu Qianwen did not notice that there was a figure behind the window.    


And it was not anyone else, but the man he thought of day and night. At this time, Liu Qianwen was holding a chalk and writing quickly on the blackboard.    


A delicate and beautiful English word jumped onto the blackboard. It looked pleasing to the eye and did not look like a crawling earthworm at all.    


At this moment, Hee Feng seemed to have returned to a familiar high school classroom.    


At this moment, Liu Qianwen had finished writing on the podium. She turned around and picked up the book on the podium. Just as she was about to teach the students.    


Suddenly, Liu Qianwen noticed a figure outside the window. Her heart skipped a beat. Then, she looked up.    


She only saw a figure standing outside the window. It was the person she had not seen for almost a month, the person she had been thinking about day and night. At this moment, this person was smiling brightly at her.    


For a moment, boos were heard in the classroom, as well as the laughter of the students.    


There were even some mischievous male students shouting loudly at the teachers on the stage.    


"Teacher, please introduce us!"    


Liu Qianwen's face immediately turned red, as if blood was about to drip down.    


Hee Feng looked at his students with interest and was at a loss for what to do. He thought in his heart, I didn't expect it to be like this even after a few years.    


However, he quickly pretended to be dignified. Then he shouted at the students, "Don't speak anymore. If you speak again, I'll kick all of you out!"    


At this moment, a seemingly more lively girl loudly said, "Grandmaster, you're so fierce. I'm so afraid!"    


Hee Feng's face couldn't help but turn red. These students were too unbridled. They even dared to tease the teachers.    


At that time...    


Hmm, that's more like it.    


At this moment, Liu Qianwen, who was on the podium, suddenly had a stiff expression. She then said to the students below, "Quiet, all of you, be quiet. Who, who, who is our classmate, doesn't that include you?"    


Suddenly, the classroom returned to silence. Hee Feng did not know that he was a little surprised. He did not expect that in a few short years, Liu Qianwen would actually develop such a trace of dignity as a teacher.    


This did not happen when he was in class. At that time, Liu Qianwen was prepared to make those naughty boys cry in anger.    


"Parent of that classmate, please leave this place first. We want to give a lecture!" After the classroom quietened down, Liu Qianwen seriously looked outside and said indifferently.    


Hee Feng could only helplessly shrug his shoulders. Under the booing of the classmates in the classroom, he left and laid on the railing by the side, looking down into the distance.    


At this time, the sun was very hot, to what extent was it hot? It was enough to heat people up, but there was an air conditioner in the classroom. Nowadays, the treatment of students was getting higher and higher. This was probably the reason why the country paid more and more attention to it.    


The foundation of everything was education.    


At this moment, Liu Qianwen could not help but be absent-minded when she was teaching. The reason was not because of other reasons, but because there was a man standing outside the house that could disturb his mind.    


This could not help but cause his heart to be a little chaotic. It was just that he was flustered. In just a few minutes of lecture, there were several mistakes.    


At this moment, Hee Lingling seemed to be arguing with Liu Qianwen and would pick a mistake from time to time. The commotion in the classroom was getting louder and louder. The students' emotions were also stirred up and they did not want to continue listening to the boring English class.    


Therefore, Liu Qianwen could only stomp her foot in anger. She looked at the clock hanging behind the classroom and found that there were still about 20 minutes left before the end of the class. She felt even more helpless in her heart.    


After such a long time, he didn't know how to deal with these students.    


Suddenly, Liu Qianwen thought that there seemed to be another test paper that she did not manage to finish in time. Immediately, her gaze became fierce. Then, she heard Liu Qianwen say, "Students, yesterday I remembered yesterday I remembered yesterday I found a final exam paper from last year. Students haven't had time to do it yet, right? Then, in the following time, the students would do their best to finish their exam papers, and the next class would be lined up in a row. If any of the students did not have the time to finish the paper before the holidays, it would be fine. The teacher will wait for you to finish your exam paper before letting you leave! "    


After saying that, Liu Qianwen's fierce gaze swept across the students in the classroom. Then she coldly said to them, "Of course, don't let any of the students have the mentality of being lucky and think that they wrote blindly. After that, we will be able to muddle our way through. I will carefully examine them one by one!"    


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