Countryside Magic Doctor

C220 Go Home!!

C220 Go Home!!

0Immediately, the Yin and Yang in the surroundings changed, and black Yin Qi seeped out of the ground.    


It formed a huge vortex. Hee Feng and the others were at the center of this vortex. This black vortex was like a suction force with a strong suction force.    


The surrounding souls followed Hee Feng's instructions. The souls were sucked in, and the souls of the troops that had set out. Under the command of the Soul Convergence Banner, the souls of the army marched out from all directions, leaving behind the restrictive spell of death. They walked out of their bodies and out of the square foot area where they had been standing for dozens of years.    


Then, under the lead of the higher-ranking military souls from all directions, they followed the flag and lined up in neat rows.    


"The flags are fluttering. Ma Zhengxiao, the spear is on his shoulder, the saber is on his waist, and his blood is like a raging tide.    


Quickly rise, don't be an old sick man, quickly unite, don't be a loose sand puppet. "    


" The king doesn't want to see you. The middle troop of Han, the Weak Crown, invites you to lead the charge. If you don't want to see me, then Ban Dingyuan, the light cavalry of the Realm of Devastations, and the clouds of war will follow. A man should always prioritize his own safety. Please let Confucianism ruin his life. Besides, nothing is as tiring as an egg. The competition between Yu Lun and me never stopped. He abandoned me, Xi Shi Brush, and started to fight for my daughter. With one call, there were more than a hundred thousand comrades. They sang the Wartime Song, Qi Congjun. Pure beard dust. Swear to sweep away the pirates and not care about yourself."    


An impassioned military song was heard. These military songs had been going on for a long time, and they had become new. Although dozens of years had passed, after hearing these neat military songs, the loud and clear song made Hee Feng feel his blood boil.    


He sang the war song, Qi Congjun, clean the dust.    


Wasn't this the wish of the Yan Huang people at this moment?    


He was deeply moved, and the admiration he had for these expeditions in his heart grew stronger and stronger.    


As more and more troops gathered here, nearly 100,000 military souls were neatly arranged and stood there.    


They were in a formation that looked like they were slashing with knives and axes. This reminded the people that this was an elite troop that had gone through rigorous training. This was a Tiger Troop, and these soldiers could be called the best soldiers.    


When the crowd gathered, although these military souls were extremely unwilling, they still lined up neatly and followed the flag.    


It was just like how they had followed the flag and charged towards the Japanese on the opposite side. They were fearless and brave.    


Hee Feng pulled out the soul gathering flag from the ground. In an instant, he felt that he could firmly control the hundred thousand heroic spirits.    


It was as if he had built a chain of command on the bodies of these military spirits from top to bottom. From top to bottom, he could direct these military spirits to do anything.    


Even if he wanted them to die.    


The powerful power of the Soul Gathering Banner made Hee Feng a little afraid. If a person with a friend's heart got these things, how sad would it be for these soldiers who had died on the battlefield?    


Not only would they not be able to return to their homes after dying on the battlefield, they would also be ordered to go to unknown places and fight with others. How sad would that be?    


Thinking of this, Hee Feng made up his mind in his heart. He could not use the Soul Gathering Banner to do anything, especially not to gather these soldiers' souls to do something.    


Because that was something only animals could do.    


"Seniors, you are the backbone of Yan Huang, and you are the souls of China. If it wasn't for you, my China would have been filled with Hu Feng, so I will take you all home right now."    


"Go home, go home, go home."    


"Go home, go home, go home."    


For some reason, these military souls could not control themselves and directly shouted out their slogan. They wanted to go back. They had been in a foreign country for decades, and the military officers who had led them to battle back then did not bring them back.    


Most of them were like them, buried in this primitive forest.    


Here, their common wish was to go home.    


"Go home" Hee Feng shouted loudly. Then, he stretched out his hand and took out the soul gathering flag that was inserted into the ground. After that, he walked at the front and led the way, bringing these deceased heroic spirits home.    


It was just like a few decades ago, when they departed from Kunming. Now, they took the same path and returned halfway, returning from Myanmar to their hometown.    


After passing through the forest, Hee Feng intentionally or unintentionally brought these soldiers back home along the remote road. The reason he chose to take this long way was not because he wanted to make things difficult for these soldiers.    


That was because at this moment, 100 thousand ghosts were gathered together, creating a huge amount of Yin Qi.    


If an ordinary person were to encounter it, it would be a minor illness. If it was serious, they would die immediately.    


Therefore, Hee Feng specially chose to take a detour to avoid causing more trouble for the residents along the way.    


The ghosts were all marching. They were still maintaining the same posture as when they were alive. In a neat formation, all the ghosts were walking fast and hurried, but the formation was very neat.    


On the ground, the ethereal sound of footsteps could be heard. In this quiet night, it was exceptionally terrifying.    


Hee Feng did not care about that. He just led the way in front. Behind him, there was a few thousand meters long flood. The front could not see the head, and the back could not see the tail. That was the formation of the soldiers of the expedition.    


If one had to describe how powerful he was, then it could only be said that this was the largest number of spectral soldiers that had appeared in the land of Myanmar to borrow the road.    


No one had ever been able to surpass him.    


That was exactly what he meant.    


Because he was a ghost, his footsteps were light and agile. Although it was the same as when he was alive, his speed could not be mentioned in the same breath.    


Hee Feng was a cultivator to begin with, so naturally, he could not be said to have any limitations on his speed. His footsteps were very fast, like a pair of fire wheels, pulling the group forward.    


Behind him, under the guidance of the Soul Convergence Flag, a group of military souls also followed him, taking the same pace and advancing forward.    


In the middle of the night, at one or two in the morning, at ten o'clock in the morning, they approached the border of Yan Huang.    


On one side was Yan Huang, and on the other side was Myanmar.    


Everyone stopped here. Hee Feng looked behind him, then shouted at them, "My ancestors, Yan Huang is right in front of us."    


A series of buzzing sounds came from the group of heroic spirits. They were all excitedly discussing, thinking, Is my home still here?    


It was probably already gone.    


After all, what could be left of a few decades of mulberry sea mulberry fields?    


They were hesitant and happy. They felt that everything around them was so friendly. Although their faces were as thin as firewood, they were always beaming with happiness.    


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