Countryside Magic Doctor

C83 He Convinced Old Liu

C83 He Convinced Old Liu

1That's why Old Liu wanted to cut ties with the He family, but accepted his new year visit.    


It was the New Year, and if word of him rejecting the He family was spread out, it would be a stab to his spine.    


Yang Jiao's courtyard was not big.    


The house was not bad. It was made of green bricks and black tiles.    


It was a rather unique farm courtyard.    


Compared to Hee Feng's previous yard, it was not too bad.    


This was also built by Old Liu's son when Yang Jiao was married.    


However, compared to the courtyard of Hee Feng's house next door.    


At this moment, the place was trembling even more.    


There were still remnants of firecrackers on the bricks on the ground.    


The courtyard during the Lunar New Year seemed to be somewhat deserted.    


There was no festive atmosphere at all.    


There was no smoke coming out of the house. The chimney was just hanging there coldly.    


He didn't even start a fire. No wonder he was sick.    


Hee Feng used the Spiritual Consciousness to sense it and then he relaxed.    


It wasn't a big illness, it was just some typhoid fever.    


It was just that in this winter, it seemed to be a little serious. He just needed to prescribe some medicine.    


He heard footsteps coming from outside.    


Old Liu, who was in the room, also hurried out to welcome them.    


But when he saw that it was his useless nephew and Hee Feng, his face suddenly turned ashen.    


He was very clear about his nephew's character. In his heart, he understood that his nephew, Liu San, had betrayed him.    


He had been bribed.    


He had also revealed everything about himself.    


When he saw his uncle's expression, Liu San felt a wave of terror as well, and he was afraid that his uncle would pick up a rod and hit him without saying a word.    


His father was gone, but as his Eldest Uncle, he could still hit him.    


"Hee Feng, what are you doing?" The homeless man asked coldly.    


It was his idea to be interrupted and thrown into chaos instead.    


"Grandpa Liu, I heard that your aunt is sick, so I came to see her," Wang Yao said. Yes, Hee Feng said.    


"No need, no need. She has recovered." Old Liu shook his head stubbornly and said.    


Seeing this, Hee Feng also became anxious.    


Although this cold and typhoid disease was a small illness, if he delayed it, it would also become a big illness.    


Furthermore, during the Lunar New Year, there were no doctors in the mountains. They only relied on the cold medicine. If something happened, it would be too late.    


Thus, he hurriedly said, "Grandpa Liu, Aunt and I are sincere. Weren't you quite warm before? Why are you like this now?"    


Hearing him say so, Old Liu's face turned red.    


But he still stubbornly said, "At that time, at that time, at that time, it was at that time. Now, it is now. Now, not only I don't agree, your aunt also doesn't agree."    


"Why? Just because our family suddenly has money?" Hee Feng asked.    


Elder Liu didn't say anything, but that was what his expression meant.    


Liu San was also anxious. He quickly said, "Uncle, the boss won't treat my sister-in-law unfairly. You watched him grow up. You don't know what kind of character he has!"    


He heard what Liu San said.    


Old Liu's heart also moved.    


He also knew what kind of person Hee Feng was. He knew everything about Hee Feng, and he grew up right under his nose.    


He wasn't a scumbag. He was a good old man who valued friendship very much. There was no way he would suffer a loss if he followed him.    


"Uncle, sister-in-law following my boss, even if she can't be my wife, she is still much better than marrying the villagers. Do you really want him to suffer with those people?" Liu San tried to persuade him again.    


"Is it because of your reputation?" Liu San used his ultimate move.    


"Nonsense, am I the kind of person who would fish for fame and bring harm to others?" Old Liu widened his eyes and said anxiously.    


"Then it's settled." Liu San clapped his hands and said with a smile.    


"If that's the case, why don't you agree?" Liu San immediately agreed.    


Hee Feng didn't say anything. He knew that silence was more important than anything else.    


He was waiting for Liu San to squeeze his big uncle until he had nothing to say. It was time for him to go on stage.    


In his heart, he was getting more and more interested in this Liu San. This person wasn't simple. He could say anything with a sharp mouth, but he could still see through people.    


It was a bit of a waste to just be the captain of the security team.    


Old Liu was annoyed by his words, and his face turned red.    


So he waved his hand at them and said helplessly, "Forget it, forget it. I don't care about this anymore. You guys can do as you see fit."    


After saying that, he knocked his crutch heavily on the ground and walked back to his room.    


Before he left, he even snorted.    


Hee Feng and Liu San looked at each other and smiled.    


Without Old Liu's obstruction, Hee Feng smiled and entered Yang Jiao's room.    


Liu San sensibly stood outside. He had good eyesight.    


"Jiao'er." Hee Feng called out.    


"Cough cough." Yang Jiao coughed twice and said with difficulty, "Hee Feng, who asked you to call me that? You are rude."    


However, there was still a strange look in her eyes.    


"I want to call you that. Why don't you agree?" Hee Feng grinned and said.    


"I don't agree." Yang Jiao said angrily like a little girl.    


"Then do you agree to marry me?" Hee Feng asked.    


"No, no, no, no." Yang Jiao said repeatedly, coughing as she spoke.    


It made Hee Feng's heart ache.    


You hurriedly said, "Jiao'er, don't speak first. I'll talk after I treat you."    


Who would have thought?    


After hearing what he said, Yang Jiao stretched out her arm and pushed him to the side. She said, "I don't need you to treat me. Leave for me."    


As she spoke, two lines of tears flowed out of her eyes.    


"Aunt, don't cry. Don't cry. I was wrong, I was wrong, okay?" Seeing the woman he loved cry, Hee Feng said repeatedly.    


He then exposed Yang Jiao to his arms.    


At first, Yang Jiao was still struggling, but gradually, perhaps because she was sick, she collapsed in Hee Feng's arms.    


Like a little girl, she twitched her shoulders.    


Trembling, she made people feel pity for her.    


Hee Feng was not an experienced lover. He did not understand that this was a good opportunity to take advantage of the situation.    


He was born with the instinct of a doctor.    


The most direct feeling he could feel was Yang Jiao's burning forehead.    


This burning hair is going to burn my brain, Hee Feng thought.    


His hand touched Yang Jiao's smooth forehead.    


Treating illnesses and saving people was a doctor's duty. Although Hee Feng had not received systematic medical training, this was much better than those people who thought they had medical ethics.    


Although he liked the feeling of hugging the woman he loved very much now.    


But reason told him that it was better to treat the illness first.    


"Aunt, don't move. I'll treat you first." Hee Feng said.    


Yang Jiao, who was unconscious from the fever in his arms, made a sound like a mosquito.    


With the growth of his strength, Hee Feng could use his Genuine Qi at any time. He did not need to silently chant the Heaven Opening Spell in his heart like before.    


The Genuine Qi in his Qi Sea continued to gather in his palm.    


Yang Jiao felt a cool breeze on her forehead.    


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