Prince and I in Desert Island

C11 Carrying of Bear Meat

C11 Carrying of Bear Meat

0I never slept well because of the wound on my back. On the other hand, Wang Yao and Li Yan slept soundly. Especially Wang Yao. When she slept, her small mouth moved like a child's …    


We were up as soon as dawn broke, because we were going to move the big bear meat back, and now with the big bear we wouldn't have to worry about food for a long time. When we went to get water from the pool, we found a wild sheep trapped. However, the time he had been trapped for was short and had yet to be strangled. As we approached it, it became more alarmed and scuttled around. Soon the shoelace tightened around its neck. I quickly grabbed his horns with my hand and asked Wang Yao and Li Yan to untie the laces on his neck, because a lot of bear meat had to be handled. Since the wild sheep are still alive, let's keep him alive first.    


When I dragged the wild sheep back, I got a vine to tie its horns, and then I tied it to the fence. The wild sheep weighed about 30 kilograms. He was covered in black fur. He looks very fat... After eating, I asked Auntie Lin to stay at home, and we set off. We took both our shoulder bags with us, and I also asked Li Yan to bring a piece of firewood that was burning very well. First of all, when we're hungry, we can roast the bear meat and we can use the fire to treat the bear meat.    


When we got to the beach, there was a big fire at the edge of the fish pond. I used a knife to peel off the bear's skin, because there was a lot of hair on it. Since there was blood on the skin and sand on the skin of the bear, Li Yan took it to the sea to wash it, and after washing it, I spread it on a big rock to bask in the sun. I used my sword to cut the bear into several big pieces and carried them up to the big rock, and I buried all of its internal organs, leaving only its liver and heart, because bear gall is a rare medicinal ingredient. Of course, there was a lot of sand on every piece of meat, so we washed it off in the sea one by one and used a knife to separate the meat from the bone. The bones are good and nutritious, but we don't have the tools for soup, so we have to throw them away. Bear meat is actually the kind of light red, fat layer is particularly thin, fat layer is yellow. It smelled very coquettish. It felt a bit like beef, but he didn't know how to taste it.    


"I remember there was an article in school..." "I want the fish, I want the bear's paw, I also want the bear's paw, but not both." The teacher said the bear's paw was especially delicious, with a very special taste and high nutritional value. It was especially expensive … I asked Li Yan Wang Yao if she had eaten bear paws, and they all shook their heads. I said I had not eaten either, but I heard others say that it was very delicious. Should we try it … They nodded, and I cut off two bear paws for Wang Yao to roast. I even told her to stay on guard and not burn them …    


Li Yan glanced over from time to time when Wang Yao went to roast. It was obvious that she was looking forward to it. I used a knife to split the meat into very thin pieces, Li Yan put it on the stone to dry, because the sun is very hot, the stone is very hot, as long as it is thin down a day can almost dry, if today does not dry, let Auntie Lin sprinkle some salt on top to hang it will not spoil.    


Soon Wang Yao arrived wearing two attractive bear paws with a stick. It was so hot that she could only wear them with a stick. It smelled so good. I cut her into small pieces with a knife. Wang Yao even prepared a little salt. It had to be said that she really was a little glutton. We couldn't wait to taste some salt. Actually, the bear paw itself didn't have any taste. It was like a piece of beef tendon, and it felt especially tenacious. Because it was roasted, it tasted like a bony duck's paw. It was especially chewy. The feeling was not bad, but it was not as magical as the teacher had said.    


Seeing that both Wang Yao and Li Yan were chewing so hard, I wondered what the taste of the bear meat was like … Before I could finish my words, Wang Yao raised her hand and said that she was going to roast it. Li Yan and I were amused by her cute appearance. I cut a few pieces of fresh lean meat for Wang Yao, who took the meat bouncing to go barbecue. Li Yan and I continued our work. This was food that he used his life for, and he couldn't bear to waste even a drop of it. A large stone was covered with bear meat. He watched as the bear meat turned from a light red to a dark red under the scorching sun. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart. With this meat, we can spend some time together! There was not much left of the mutton jerky, it would be finished in two days. I think we should save the bear meat. Every day we can catch fish and eat crabs. He could also continue setting traps to catch wild sheep. We have a fixed water source, and a live wild sheep, and a little white rabbit. Of course, we won't eat a little white rabbit, even if Wang Yao doesn't want to. It feels like we don't have to worry about food right now. Liyan and I explored the mangroves and found plenty of crabs and fish, but there were no animal footprints. This made us feel much more at ease. This meant that there were no other Black Bears here at the moment.    


We roasted crabs and fish. When I came out, I told Auntie Lin that we would not go back at noon and let her roast mutton. Wang Yao had also finished roasting the bear meat. It looked as if there was a lot of oil inside and it was very tasty. Wang Yao had also finished roasting the bear meat and it looked as if there was a lot of oil inside. It felt pretty good … Li Yan and Wang Yao both said it was delicious … Wang Yao wiped her mouth with her sleeve. It was a very natural action. It had to be said that people could change. A young miss who had been doted on by all sorts of people would one day eat without a care in the world. One day, a high-class girl will eat the meat of a bear with only salt in it. A particularly fussy princess will one day wipe her mouth with her sleeve, regardless of her image.    


Li Yan was different. Li Yan told me that her family was average, and that she lived in the same village as me. She had been through a lot of hardships and said that she had been a waitress in the restaurant, a cashier in the supermarket, and had given out leaflets on the street before she became a stewardess. She was just an ordinary girl. If she encountered any difficulties, she would think of a way to make money for herself. Without a luxury bag and high-end cosmetics, even an aunt would have to endure the pain and continue working. She is 21 years old and my age. There were too many unspeakable sorrows beneath every shiny surface.    


After eating the bear meat, Wang Yao said that she was thirsty, so I went to pick the coconut, but every time I climbed the tree I felt a tearing pain on my back, and then Wang Yao found a stick, but it wasn't long enough, so she told me to carry her and hit the coconut. I wanted to say that the pain from hugging her back was as painful as climbing a tree, but I was willing to hug her like this even if it hurt a lot. After a long while, I finally managed to knock down the coconut. When the coconut was about to fall, she threw a stick and held my head, telling me to run because she was afraid the coconut would fall on us, she held my head, my head was buried in her arms, her breasts covered my eyes, I couldn't see the road … I just ran aimlessly, and after a few steps she shook my head and told me to stop, saying that the coconut had fallen to the ground … I was instantly speechless. I couldn't see the way. Yes, I was holding her face, one hand on her hip, the other around her waist.    


There was only one shot, so she took a break. She was very slim, only about 45 kilograms, and if I hadn't been hurt I felt I could have held her forever. In less than a minute she asked me to keep holding her, though she didn't hold my head as tightly as she had the first time when she ran. It took a long time to get four of them, because Wang Yao said she would bring one back for Auntie Lin. Indeed, ever since I found the water source, I haven't picked them any coconuts in a long time.    


After putting down Wang Yao, I squatted down and drilled with a knife. I couldn't help but say that I was holding her in my arms so hard just now. Looking at my flushed face, I even asked if she was too heavy and if she wanted to lose weight in the future. All these details couldn't escape Li Yan's eyes. Li Yan gave me a fierce look, and I felt as if I was caught in bed by my own wife. I tried to hide my uneasiness... On the other hand, Wang Yao said without a care in the world that if she was too heavy, the next time she asked me to hug Li Yan and play coconut with her, the story would be reversed. Li Yan didn't know what to do. Seeing how nervous she was, I agreed to hold Liyan and hit coconuts next time.    


"You wish!" Li Yan said shyly, her face immediately turning red.    


"Big Sister Li Yan, Big Sister Li Yan, why is your face so red?" Wang Yao curiously looked at Li Yan.    


"Ah, ah, is that so?" Li Yan was in a trance for a moment, but when she heard Wang Yao call out to her, she immediately reacted …    


"What are you so engrossed in?" Do you want me to hug you and hit the coconut? " I teased her and asked her    


"No, you wish!" She turned around and ignored us.    


When the sun was about to set in the afternoon, we began to clean up the bear meat. After a day of burning meat, which had a lot of oil seeping out, there was no water left in it, but there was still a lot left in the two backpacks, so I used a coconut stick to string the pieces together. There was a lot of it, so Wang Yao and Li Yan each carried a bag on their back. Coconut was tied to my stick by Wang Yao. She said I looked like Lu Zhizhen the flower monk...    


It was a long time before we returned home. Auntie Lin was very happy to see us return with such a great harvest. She quickly took the meat from Wang Yao's hands and went to pick it up from Li Yan's. She looked at us lovingly like a mother. Just say you're exhausted. Once the meat is done roasting, eat quickly.    


Wang Yao said that the bear meat was so delicious that she wanted to give it to Auntie Lin.    


The roasted bear meat was eaten. Auntie Lin let Wang Yao rest herself while she roasted some of the bear meat. Although there was no seasoning, this meal was really satisfying.    


At dinner, Auntie Lin said that she had plucked some weeds for the little white rabbit and the sheep, but the wild sheep refused to eat them. Would they starve to death? "I said no, it would be eaten in two days, and when the little white rabbit was first caught, it wouldn't eat it.    


After I finished eating, Wang Yao and Li Yan went to see the wild sheep and play with the little white rabbit. After I finished eating, Li Yan and Wang Yao would treat my wounds. After taking off her clothes and finding that the wound was bleeding again, Wang Yao asked me if it hurt. I said it was fine, but Li Yan knew that I tore the wound open while hugging Wang Yao, so she coldly said it was fine.    


I felt like Li Yan was jealous. Wang Yao curiously asked me, "Are you willing?" When I said I would, Liyan squeezed my back so hard that it hurt, and I took a breath of cold air. When Wang Yao saw how much I was in pain, she said, "Sis Li Yan, be a bit lighter, you're hurting him."    


Li Yan didn't say anything, she just rolled her eyes at me after wrapping up the wound …    


After a short rest, we fell asleep. Wang Yao still had to rest her head on my arm. We spread a lot of leaves, but it's still a little cold, because the fire can only burn outside the tree hole, and if we get too close it will burn the tree to death. Wang Yao stick close to me, Li Yan stick close to Wang Yao, Auntie Lin also stick close to Li Yan. He didn't have any presumptuous thoughts, he just wanted to get closer and warm his body … I don't think it'll be this cold when I lie down to sleep with the bear skin out of the sun tomorrow...    


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