Prince and I in Desert Island

C17 The Sword's Owner Aina Miller

C17 The Sword's Owner Aina Miller

3I thought to myself that this must be something particularly important. The only reason why it was hidden so well was because of this.    0


The reason why I took off the flag was to bury the remains in the pit, but I didn't expect to find it.    


Carefully, I took down the box. It was covered with a delicate little lock of some unknown material, half of it was in the box, the other half was outside, and the keyhole was crescent-shaped. I had never seen such a strange box and such a strange lock. It felt like the lock and the box were one. The box could not have been opened without a key.    


We looked for a lot of places without seeing the crescent-shaped key, so we had to move it out first.    


It took us twice to move everything and the remains to the tree hole.    


Unknowingly, afternoon had arrived. I wanted to bury her in a place where I could see the sea and the blue sky. I found a lot of places that weren't right, and finally I decided to bury her on the beach.    


I picked up her body and carried it to the beach where we had been. I dug a rectangular pit under a few coconut trees, covered the bottom with small stones, and spread the flag of the skull on it. I separated the wrapped sheets and carefully placed her skeleton along with her clothes into the pit, pulling at her wrinkled clothes and skirt. I want her to be as delicate and noble as she was when she was alive.    


I put her cosmetics and jewelry boxes on either side of her, covered her with sheets, filled the pit with clean sand, circled the larger stones, and filled the circle with sand.    


I let out a long breath. No matter what one does in life, one does not ask for a reward but for peace of mind.    


Liyan wanted to bury her sword in front of her grave, but I stopped her. Although she was a king, she was still a woman. No woman was born with a weapon.    


Auntie Lin had already washed the clothes she brought from the cave and was drying them on a big rock … We went to the beach and caught fish and crabs and picked up a lobster.    


The appearance of the lobster cleared up the haze in Wang Yao and Li Yan's hearts. Under the setting sun, when they were chasing each other with lobster, my heart was suddenly moved.    


If you can smile, why choose to cry sadly, if you can be free, why be so reserved, if you can be indifferent and why care about everything.    


But I don't want them to stay here if I can    


Looking at the endless sea, my heart is full of melancholy, are we really unable to go back? Are we going to live in hiding here for the rest of our lives? But how do we get back?    


We'll go back when the clothes are almost dry. We ate lobster and crab around the hearth because we had a pan and forgot to tell everyone that Auntie Lin had also found a military kettle with fresh water in the cave.    


There was still no seasoning, but we were all looking forward to it. To be honest, we had been living around the same time as the barbarians. The only difference was that we had fire to eat cooked food.    


We don't have time to be picky about how we're going to survive...    


Looking at the steam coming out of the pot, the soup was very thick and kept rolling in the pot. The crab slowly turned red. Auntie Lin poured some brandy into the soup, removing the smell of the lobster. Tonight we all drank a little red wine, and of course no goblet was poured into the can.    


Drinking expensive red wine from an oval can isn't particularly awkward, but who says red wine has to be drunk in a goblet and tasted the same in a tin can?    


This is the first time I've ever had such a fine red wine, Romanee-Conti. Actually, I don't know that Wang Yao told me.    


"Romanee-Conti is a millionaire's wine, but only billionaires can drink it." If a person had a cup in his hand and took a sip of the wine, no matter how one looked at it, he would feel like an emperor. With a price of over 100 thousand, it is basically a home or cellar treasure for collectors. More than twice as much per box as Lafite. "    


"It's more expensive than Rafe." I looked at him suspiciously. I had never had a drink of Lafite, but I used to have some rich friends. He often showed off in his circle of friends that he had opened a bottle of Lafite for 82 at some star hotel. After that, many people had envious expressions and liked him.    


I've never had a drink or bought one, but I know it must be expensive.    


"Lafite is nothing compared to Romanee-Conti." Wang Yao said with certainty    


I felt a little ironic that there was nothing wrong. I had never had a drink before, and neither had I ever thought of having a drink. I came to this deserted island and drank Romanee-Conti, who was even more expensive than Rafi.    


If I told them I was drinking Romanee-Conti in an abandoned tin of beef, they would definitely faint. They will say that I am despatching.    


The lobster was very fat and had a lot of white meat inside. Although it was only salt, it was still very delicious.    


I told them to make a trap for us tomorrow, and we used the pot to eat fresh mutton like barbecue, and they looked expectant.    


Are you happy if you have money and power? Now we have nothing, and we have to run for food every day, and every day we risk being attacked by pirates and losing our lives, but we are happy and happy.    


Wang Yao was very happy. She even carried the can and sang a song. "Which is the most popular song about going far away and flying high in the sky?"    


"All the way I've seen Thousand Mountains and Ten Thousand Waters.    


My feet are everywhere in the south and north of the earth    


I don't mind the sun or the wind    


The rose by the side of the road was pure red    




"Go away! Go away! Go away!"    




We were all intoxicated by her clean voice, and she sang a song with Liyan when she was finished. Li Yan at first said that she could not sing, under Wang Yao's soft and forceful offensive no compromise.    


She also said that she sings badly, let's not laugh at her    


And the soft, wild sound of our sighs stopped all our thoughts and actions,    


"Rememberingme, discoverandsee, Allovertheworld..."    


That's right, it's the famous Chinese word for "Goddess" that means God is a girl.    


Then, at their urging, I sang, and I said it was a military song. Wang Yao couldn't let me sing one of the other songs. I just sang a song called "Exclusive Memory," which I especially liked in high school.    


"It's pretty nice," Li Yan said with a smile.    


"How come I've never heard of it?" Wang Yao pouted.    


Auntie Lin did not sing, saying that it was already too late, so she should rest early and make up for it in the future.    


When I woke up, I felt a little cold. Wang Yao had already slipped into my arms. Li Yan hugged her tightly. Her face was almost touching mine.    


At some point, it was drizzling outside. The fire was extinguished by the rain. Fortunately, Auntie Lin kept some firewood outside the big tree.    


I asked them to put on their camouflage jackets, which were a little too big, but Wang Yao and Li Yan were both taller, so they had a different kind of beauty to them.    


Wang Yao had a pair of crystal clear and bright eyes that were as bright as stars. It was unknown what she was thinking as she smiled excitedly at me. Her eyes were curved like crescent moons, as if her charm was also overflowing. With every frown and smile, her noble expression would naturally reveal itself, causing one to be unable to help but marvel at her elegant and graceful radiance.    


Her small mouth held a rich expression: when she was happy, she curled her lips and made a face; when she was angry, her pouting mouth hung a pot, and her words sometimes made people speechless and desperate, but sometimes made people laugh and laugh.    


Both were beauties, Li Yan gave the deepest impression that between her brows was a shocking beauty that surpassed her age. Her faint eyebrows were carefully modified, her long eyelashes flickered like two small brushes, and were so bright that it made people's eyes dazzle, a pair of beautiful to the point of palpitation, abnormally agile and spirited.    


Li Yan is so beautiful, beautiful as a lyric poem. Her whole body was filled with the innocence of a young girl and the elegance of youth. What impressed me most of all were her clear, lake-like eyes, and her long, flickering lashes. It was like an inquiry, like concern, more like a greeting.    


Seeing me blankly looking at them, they smiled, revealing a bashful expression.    


No matter where or when they are, they can always be the center of attention. No matter how bad the environment is, as long as I have them, I can always feel the warmth...    


Seeing Auntie Lin was lighting a fire, I went to get some dry wood, and with a little brandy I quickly built a fire.    


Wang Yao asked Li Yan and me to go with her to get water. We took the kettle that Auntie Lin found, washed it and filled it. I set up a trap at the edge of the pond and went back.    


We roasted bear meat in a pan, because there was a pan, the bear meat was very well cooked, not as easy to burn as before, and the oil seeped out to eat very delicious.    


Since it was still drizzling, we returned to the tree hollow. I accidentally saw some words on the sword sheath …    


— — AinaMiller    


I don't know what she meant, but Liyan knew she meant it as Einar's. It turned out later that flight attendants on international flights had to know the languages of at least three countries. How much pain and sweat there is behind the light.    


Now that I know her name, Ina Miller, I would make her a monument if I could.    


I asked Li Yan to take out the map from the scabbard. I carefully separated the brown paper. It was indeed a map.    


From the map, I could see that our island was the largest, with seven other islands beside it. Including the fact that we now have three islands with skulls on them, does that mean that there are two other islands that are in alliance with Ina?    


Furthermore, each island had a name and a number. It was unknown if the number represented the people or the size of the island.    


One of the Alliance's Islands had a red circle drawn on the place where Atai was mentioned. He didn't know what that meant.    


The island we were on was marked with a waterfall, and a box had been painted on the spot where the waterfall was. I found it strange that the cave had not been marked. There was also a beach marked with a house. According to the direction, it should be on the other side of the island...    


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