Prince and I in Desert Island

C20 Pirate Atai

C20 Pirate Atai

2We wouldn't kill the wild sheep unless we had to, because we'd have a little love after a while.    


But if it rains tomorrow, it will kill only one wild sheep.    


By the time he woke up, the rain had cleared, and the sun shone through the dense foliage in streaks.    


The rain had finally cleared up, bathing in the sunlight that she hadn't seen for a long time. Her heart was warm, the water provided the source of life for all living things, and the sunlight gave life to all living things. It brings us light, and he gives all things his light and heat for nothing.    


Facing the sunlight, how could his heart be clouded?    


The sun did bring us a pleasant feeling. Whenever it rained, I felt an inexplicable sense of loss.    


Wang Yao and Auntie Li Yanlin arranged to take a bath at the seaside. It had been raining for a long time, so they hadn't taken a bath for a long time.    


I also went to the seaside to catch more fish and crabs. Due to the recent sunny weather, the ground is already full of water. In the next few days, there will be dew on the leaves of the trees. Therefore, it was temporarily impossible to make up for the wild sheep by the pool.    


When we got close to the beach, I was in the woods. I checked for a long time to make sure nothing was amiss before we went to the beach.    


I checked the boxes the pirates had left behind, but they were untouched. He then went to the mangrove forest to catch some fish.    


They came to the mangrove to help me after they had showered. Because we killed the black bear, the mangrove forest returned to its former tranquility, and many fish were washed into the lowlands of the mangrove forest. After a while, we had a full backpack.    


Just as we were about to leave the mangrove forest, I heard the faint rumble of a machine. I grabbed Wang Yao, who was about to leave the mangrove forest. He motioned for her to crouch down.    


We were hiding behind a big rock in the mangrove forest, and we were so close we could see their faces.    


The boat slowly approached. It was still the boat with the skull on the mast. After the boat docked, someone put down the ladder. Two black guys climbed down the ladder and helped the people on board the boat.    


When the board was finished, a man with a shawl of hair came down first. I couldn't see his face from the side, but I was sure he was yellow. Because his hair is black.    


He walked down the plank, followed by more than a dozen other people, all of whom were carrying M16ak47 and other deadly weapons. When they reached the beach, they automatically gathered to one side, but there was no formation, only laziness.    


This is Atai? Why wasn't there a single soldier on his ship? Just as I was wondering, a roar interrupted my train of thought.    


The man with the hair shawl casually checked the box they left behind, turned around and began to train the person behind him.    


"Aaah!" He roared loudly, and the people behind him looked at him nervously. He kept on cursing.    


I didn't know what he meant, I just heard him say, "Aphrodite," but I could tell from what he said afterwards that he was speaking Thai...    


Because I usually like watching Thai boxing movies, I like Tonija very much, Tony Jia's "Kill Wolf Greedy Wolf" and "Winter Yin Skill" makes my blood boil every time I watch it.    


The shawl man speaks the same Thai language as in the movie. He's Thai? Atai... Thai... Yes, he was definitely Atai.    


A tyrannical left straight punch landed on the face of the white man, causing blood to spurt out of the white man's nose. Just as the white man was covering his nose, a sharp right elbow struck the back of the white man's head, and the white man quickly retreated, but before he could react, Atai had already sent a knee jumping towards his chest. A mouthful of blood spurted out from Bai's mouth. The white man fell backward, but no one helped him.    


The white man lay dying on the beach. He didn't know if he was dead or not, but Atai didn't care if he continued to vent his emotions. He didn't know if anyone could understand what he was saying.    


Such a vicious heart, such a sinister move, he didn't have the slightest bit of humanity. In their hearts, they did not care about the lives of others. A'Tai was indeed hateful, but there was nothing good about him. They could watch a comrade being beaten to death without help, but there was no one to stop him.    


After the white man was beaten, the lazy people started to be afraid. They all cowered and didn't dare to look at Atai directly.    


Seeing that others were afraid of him, Atai seemed to be greatly satisfied. He continued his long speech with one hand on his waist and the other pointing at a black man. The black man didn't know if he could understand what he was talking about.    


The black nodded, angering him. His fists rained down on the black man's head, and his punches, straight punches, swing punches, uppercut punches, and flat hook punches all rained down on the black man's head.    


The black man was beaten black and blue, but he did not dare to retaliate. Sorry...    


He paused and ran his tongue over the blood on his hand. Like a demon. He turned, and the man behind him was already trembling.    


The people behind him still did not react. They saw that A'Tai was about to hit him again.    


Then one of the white men said, Follow metomovehingsgoogo, and a crowd of people trotted up to the boat with the white man, and a moment later they came down carrying things big and small, not daring to look up as they passed by Atai.    


"So, it seems that A'Tai is a complete pervert. There are some burly black men in his group. It's just that I find it strange that no one dares to do so."    


Resisting? What were they afraid of? Was it because A'Tai's Muay Thai was very powerful?    


There is a phenomenon called colony effect, also known as the sheep effect. The sheep were a very disorderly kind of organization, and usually they would run about blindly together, but once one of the sheep moved, the others would rush forward without thinking, ignoring the possibility of wolves or better grass in front of them.    


"Sheep effect" means that people all have a herd mentality, the herd psychology can easily lead to blind obedience, and blind obedience will often fall into a scam or fail.    


The appearance of the sheep effect was in an abnormal environment. Moreover, there was a leader (the leader) who held the main power in this environment, so the entire flock would obey and worship this leader's every move. The leader would graze wherever the sheep went, while the other sheep would also search for gold.    


It was clear that Atai was the leader. He had planted fear in the hearts of this group of people. He had followed his seed, and now it was deeply rooted.    


Changing the pattern is easy, but conquering Artest the way Artest conquered them, conquering the lead sheep, and you will naturally become the leader.    


But for a pervert like Atai, conquering him was far from enough. You had to kill him! If you didn't kill him, he would definitely kill you!    


A'Tai's punches were indeed sharp and insidious, but since killing with weapons was easier and faster than Tai's, the speed and strength of A'Tai's punches were greatly reduced.    


We also learned Thai boxing in the army. Thai boxing includes boxing, elbow, knee, and leg.    


Fist techniques were divided into jab, punch, punch, punch, punch, and punch.    


Elbow methods include elbow sweep, elbow lifting, elbow tilting, elbow chopping, elbow smashing and elbow turning.    


Knee techniques include straightening of the knee, jumping of the knee, flying of the knee and smashing of the knee.    


Leg techniques include front kick, kick kick, sweep kick, crocodile tail swing kick.    


Thai boxing is characterized by its great lethality. Thai boxing is a legendary fighting technique. It is a sport based on strength and agility. The main use of the human body's fist, legs, knees, elbows and limbs as eight types of weapons for attacking, punching and kicking, knee with elbow power smooth and smooth, the strength display is extremely abundant, the attack power is fierce and sharp.    


To put it bluntly, he would be using the hard parts of his body, such as his fists, elbows, knees, and even his head as a weapon, to attack the fatal parts of others.    


If you wanted to destroy Tai Chi, in a word, he was more ruthless than you, he was more scheming than you, he was stronger than you, he was faster than you.    


Compared to Atai, I have a great advantage in strength and speed. If I were to fight him fairly, I could completely crush him.    


But he would never have chosen to fight me, as we used to say in school.    


After moving the things and covering them with oil paper, Atai looked at the white man on the ground, spat on the white man, and then walked towards the ship. The other black man who was beaten up also followed in fear, but no one helped the white man on the ground.    


When they went up, they took the planks off, and it looked like they were going to leave the white man here to die, and I thought if the black man couldn't leave, he would end up like the white man on the beach.    


When he saw the white man struggle on the beach, he was satisfied that he had fired a backhand shot at the white man. With a smile, he climbed into the middle of the boat. The rest of the people dispersed to their own positions, some to set sail while others to stand guard.    


After a while, the boat had left. Wang Yao and Li Yan were both frightened by the gunfire and stared blankly. Ever since Atai appeared, they had been tightly grabbing onto my clothes and hadn't let go yet.    


"It's okay. They left." I patted them on the back. Indeed, the plot of the movie had appeared in front of his eyes. Watching a living life die in front of him, there was no one who would not be moved by it. Moreover, they were two girls, two kind girls.    


It took them a while to regain their composure. We slowly approached the white man on the beach, but he was motionless. Blood kept flowing out of his wounds. We didn't know if he was dead or not, so we cautiously approached him.    


He didn't move when we got to him, and I thought he was dead so I went to look at what they had left behind. I had just opened the oil paper and saw some racks of pipes, like the ones in the army where camping was done.    


"help me"    


"Pleasehelp me"    


I hear a faint sound on the beach    


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