War God's Revenge

C23 Is It Really a God

C23 Is It Really a God

3"Ye Tian, how do you feel? Isn't it much more spacious than outside?"    


Zhou Minghui was unwilling to accept this. He wanted to humiliate Ye Tian.    


"It's okay!"    


Ye Tian sat there quietly, casually spitting out two words.    




Zhou Minghui's eyebrows twitched as he almost vomited blood.    


In the entire Rong City, there might not even be a room better than this one.    


This fellow actually thinks that it's only okay?    


"Hmph, if you're not satisfied, you can go out and eat. No one is forcing you."    


Suen Wen spoke indifferently, pointing straight at Ye Tian.    


"All right, all right. Let's order first!"    


Ye Na tried to smooth things out. She was a bit regretful. If she had known this would happen, she would have gone out to eat with Ye Tian.    


Ye Tian didn't care, but his expression was a bit strange.    


He really wasn't lying!    


What sort of high-level place had he not been to in all these years?    


From the banquet halls of the various provinces and cities to the welcoming banquets of various military regions!    


Ye Tian was even invited to the national banquet every year.    


He has been there more than ten times!    


The room they were in could be considered one of the luxurious in all of Rong City.    


However, compared to those, it was only okay, and that was already giving Zhou Minghui face.    


"Wenwen, forget it. I'll listen to Na and order first."    


Zhou Minghui pretended to be generous, but in his heart, he already hated Ye Tian.    


"Brother Ye Tian, what do you want to eat? I'll help you order something." Ye Na asked softly while holding the menu.    


Ye Tian shook his head "Anything will do, as long as it's not too much!"    


Zhou Minghui smirked. "I already said I'm treating. You don't have to be polite. We're tired of this stuff, so you can order more. After all, it's a rare opportunity."    


Zhou Minghui's words sounded nice, but in reality, he was mocking Ye Tian for being a bumpkin.    


"Exactly!" Suen Wen agreed. "Nana, get some more dishes. It looks like he can eat a lot. Otherwise, if he doesn't have enough to eat, we won't be able to entertain him properly."    


Ye Na's face was a little unsightly, so she could only casually nod and lower her head, not saying a word.    


"Oh yeah, Brother Ye, where do you work now? The wages of the laborers in the city should not be low, right?"    


Zhou Minghui opened his mouth and took it for granted that Ye Tian was just a farmer.    


Ye Tian shook his head lightly and said, "I just came back to do something. I don't have a job."    


"No job?" Zhou Minghui directly ignored the first sentence. "How can a man not have a job now?"    


When Suen Wen heard this, she found Ye Tian even more unpleasant "Then that means that you eat and live at Nana's house? Don't you feel ashamed?"    


Ye Na immediately shook her head and said, "You're mistaken. Brother Ye Tian doesn't live in our house."    


"Then where does he live?" Zhou Minghui's smile became even wider. "Underneath a bridge?"    


Suen Wen sneered. "Where else? Where else could it be? It's already not bad to have a place to stay, but you still have to avoid being discovered. Otherwise, you'll be kicked out of Rong City."    


Zhou Minghui and Suen Wen said together, "That's true. After all, our Rong City is a civilized city, not a shelter for homeless people."    


"Hahaha …"    


Ye Na could not bear to continue listening to this any longer, but she was also slightly surprised in her heart.    


"Right, Brother Ye Tian, where do you live now? I asked my dad before, but he didn't know either!"    


Hearing that, Ye Tian took out a pen and paper from his pocket and quickly wrote down the address.    


To a warlord, if he didn't have a pen and paper with him, it was dereliction of duty.    


"Come to this address or call me, and you can find me!"    


Ye Na was overjoyed and quickly took the piece of paper. With a casual glance, she was instantly stupefied as her mouth gaped.    


"What's wrong? You don't really live under a bridge, do you?"    


Suen Wen smiled disdainfully as she grabbed the piece of paper. She was stunned for a moment before bursting out in laughter.    


"Villa No. 1, Mount Tianque? Hahaha! Why don't you say that you live in the Forbidden City? This is so funny!"    


Zhou Minghui was overjoyed when he saw that!    


"Ye Tian, you really live in the Heavenly Imperial Villa that even the Xu family isn't qualified to live in? If that is true, them I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to beg for food."    


Suen Wen was even more flustered. "Na, if you have time, bring your brother to the hospital to take a look at his brain. This can't be delayed."    


The two of them were not stingy in their disdain towards Ye Tian.    


They thought that he was just a country bumpkin, but to think that he would be a lunatic!    


Only Ye Na was unable to calm down for a long time!    


After seeing Ye Tian's strength, no matter how incredible it was, she believed it.    


She took the address when the two of them weren't paying attention.    


Ye Tian's expression remained unchanged.    


If others didn't believe it, there was nothing he could do.    


It was at this moment that the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.    


A young man with long hair and an unconventional appearance walked in.    


The young man's gaze swept across them and subconsciously locked on Ye Na as his eyes lit up.    


"Zhao Yang, where have you been? We've been waiting for you for a long time!"    


Zhou Minghui waved and greeted the young man, looking very familiar with him.    


On the other hand, Ye Na frowned slightly.    


"What's the rush? Isn't it still early?" Zhao Yang glanced at Zhou Minghui and sat down next to Ye Na without a second thought.    


"Tsk, tsk, I just went to watch the show! Don't you know? The Hu family is over! Hu Quan, that fellow's life was crippled, and the people from the Hu family are still kneeling on the ground."    




Ye Tian and Ye Na weren't surprised when he said that.    


Zhou Minghui and Suen Wen, on the other hand, opened their mouths wide with disbelief written all over their faces.    


"How is this possible? It's only been half a day. How come the Hu Family is already done for? Which of the four great families did they offend?"    


Zhou Minghui and Suen Wen still did not believe him. They were both second-rate families, and the Hu family was slightly stronger than theirs.    


How could it be over in half a day?    


Even the Xu family doesn't have this kind of ability, right?    


"What four great families? This time, even the four great families have to stand aside."    


Zhao Yang waved his hands and purposely left them in suspense.    


"What? Did you take the wrong medicine?"    


Zhou Minghui and Suen Wen were stunned again.    


If it weren't the four great clans, then who else would have the strength to destroy the Hu family in such a short period of time?    


Or maybe, Zhao Yang was just bullshitting!    


"Why don't you believe it?"    


Zhao Yang curled his lips. "It's said that the one who destroyed the Hu family was a young man, a godlike young man!"    


"What? One person? A young man?"    


Zhou Minghui was dumbfounded!    


With just the power of one person, he exterminated the outstanding, second-rate Hu family of Rong City?    


If this was true, then how powerful was that person?    


It wouldn't be wrong to call him a god.    


"Zhao Yang, are you sure this is real? Why haven't I heard anything at all?"    


Zhou Minghui believed him a little, but he had to confirm it again.    


If that was really the case, then the sky above Rong City would probably change.    


"Of course it's true. I even recorded a video."    


Zhao Yang smiled, opened a video on his phone and handed it to the two.    


The video was filled with people. Beneath the Beautiful Snow Mountain, people from the Hu family were kneeling orderly. They looked exhausted, but no one dared to move at all.    


It was truly spectacular!    


"Isn't this Hu Quan's second uncle? It's true. Hiss …"    


Zhou Minghui inhaled a breath of cold air. It seemed that the Hu family was really finished!    


"I heard that someone intentionally blocked the news. All of the videos were somehow deleted."    


"As for that young man, no one knows who he is. After destroying the Hu family, no one knows where he went."    


Zhao Yang took back his phone, his tone solemn.    


"It looks like the Hu family has hit a wall."    


Zhou Minghui was so shocked that his mouth was wide open. He then raised his eyebrows with a very interesting expression.    


"Tsk, tsk, that brat Hu Quan was previously so arrogant, but now it's time for retribution, right? He deserves it."    


After saying that, he suddenly changed the subject and said, "I wonder who that young man is. He can't really be a god, right? If he's willing to take me in as his disciple, I'll kowtow to him."     0




Ye Na spat out the water she was drinking when she heard Zhou Minghui's words.    


"Sorry ... about this."    


Ye Na was embarrassed and shy at the same time, so she quickly lowered her head.    


She thought to herself what would happen if Zhou Minghui knew that young man was in front of him right now.    


Would he be scared to death?    


Thinking of this, she subconsciously looked at Ye Tian.    


Was he really a god?    


Ye Tian remained calm and composed as he thought to himself, "Lin Kui did well."    


Now is not the time to be high-profile, or it will scare away some of the rats who have done something wrong.    


The Xu family must have already received the news, right?    


I wonder if Old Mrs. Xu and Xu Tianming are afraid.    


Thinking about this, the corner of Ye Tian's mouth raised into a smile.    


"What are you laughing at? Are you mocking us?"    


That scene was coincidentally seen by Zhao Yang. Only then did he notice that there was a stranger in the room.    


"Who are you anyway? Why are you here?"    


Ye Tian poured himself a cup of tea without raising his head.    


"What am I laughing at? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"    


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