Son-in-law: God Of War Returns

C2 Five Years!

C2 Five Years!

2What?     0


Chu Nan's expression finally changed.    


After five years of hard work and persistence, and seeing that he was about to achieve a positive result, he actually got this sentence in return?    


"Mei, the wedding is ready. It's just waiting for us. What are you..."    


"Chu Nan, don't you understand human language? You are a trash and a blind man. Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself? How are you worthy of me?"    


Lo Mei looked at him disdainfully. Her eyes were full of disdain.    


"Asking you to get lost is giving you face. If you don't know what's good for you, I will get someone to throw you out!"    


Hearing her harsh words, Chu Nan's heart felt like it was pricked by needles.    


Just as he was about to speak, a Porsche stopped in front of him.    


The window rolled down, revealing a young and playful face.    


"Mei, why waste your time with a stupid blind man? Before your cousin's wedding starts, why don't we go to the hotel and have a shot!"    


"Aiya, don't be anxious. I have to get rid of this trash, right?"    


It had been five years. Lo Mei, who had never pretended to be nice to Chu Nan, revealed a shy expression at this moment.    


"Tsk, what's there to say about a stinky blind man? If you want me to say, why don't you just throw him directly into the river? It's a waste of time!"    


"Killing people is against the law. It's not worth risking your life for a blind man!"    


Lo Mei looked at the young man shyly. "Go to the hotel and wait. Wait for me to get rid of this stupid blind person. I will come up immediately."    


"You little demoness, you almost got me!" The man licked his lips and pulled Lo Mei in front of him with his right hand. He walked up and down restlessly.    


"Aiya, what are you doing? There are still people watching!"    


Lo Mei stomped her feet shyly, but her body was clearly rejecting him.    


"Tsk, a stinky blind man, and he can't see? What are you afraid of?" The young man smiled complacently, and the movements of his hands became even bigger.    


The two of them moved their hands and feet as if there was no one around, but they didn't notice that Chu Nan's face had already darkened to the extreme.    


His nails had almost pierced into his flesh.    


His deep eyes were filled with coldness!    


"Mei, who, who is he?"    


Chu Nan could not believe that the benefactor who saved him.    


In the past five years, his fiancée, whom he had never met, actually had such a lewd side.    


Was these five years really worth it?    


"Stupid blind man, it doesn't matter even if I tell you. This is the young master of the Lee family, Lee Yan!"    


Lo Mei raised her head and looked at him with disdain.    


"Did you see that? Chanel's latest perfume, Hermes limited edition bag, and this unique ring in Binhai were all bought by Young Master Li for me!"    


"It has been five years. What did you buy for me? Compared to Young Master Li, you're not even comparable to a dog."    


"Oh, right, you're blind. You can't see anything!"    


Lo Mei proudly boasted. Every sentence was like a needle stabbing into Chu Nan's heart.    


"My eyes..."    


"Tsk, with your lousy eyes, do you think I want them?"    


Lo Mei curled her lips in disdain. "Do you think my eyes can't be cured without you? Truly laughable!"    


"That's right!"    


Lee Yan smiled. "It's your honor to use your cornea, understand? How dare you steal my woman? Look at you! "    


After saying that, he pulled Lo Mei and was about to get into the car.    




Chu Nan opened his mouth again, but his tone was as cold as ice.    


His empty eyes looked at Lo Mei.    


"Mei, if that's the case, why did you save me five years ago despite your innocence?"    


This was Chu Nan's final obsession.    


Unexpectedly, Lo Mei suddenly turned around, her eyes almost spitting fire.    


"Stupid blind man, what nonsense are you spouting? My first time was given to Young Master Li. A dead blind man like you is not worthy!"    


"Not only are you blind, you also have a problem with your brain! I am happy that you are dead. Who wants to save you? "    




The bamboo staff in Chu Nan's hand suddenly fell down!    


The marble floor beneath his feet shattered like a fishing net.    


As Chu Nan's expression changed drastically, the entire sky instantly became filled with howling winds.    


Like a storm, it was about to arrive.    


"So that's how it is?"    


Chu Nan muttered to himself. His voice was extremely cold.    


He originally thought that it must be because of what happened that night that Lo Mei became like this.    


Only then did he want to make it up to her even more.    


But he never would have thought...    


These five years, it was actually a wrong love?    


In these five years, everything he had done was in vain?    


Whether it was the old master of the Lo family or Lo Mei, they just treated him like a clown and played with him?    


"Ridiculous, pathetic!"    


Chu Nan gently shook his head. It was unknown whether he was talking about Lo Mei or himself.    


"This stupid blind man really has a problem with his brain. Why is it like that? If it wasn't for grandpa saying that you are not a simple person, could you have entered the Lo family five years ago?"    


Lo Mei looked at him with disdain, "I never thought that you are a complete and utter trash. You are even a disgrace to me, Lo Mei. Do you think that this wedding was prepared for you? This is so funny! "    


" Enough, stop talking nonsense with him! He's just a stupid blind man, why don't we just let him run his own course?"    


Lee Yan was a little impatient and pulled Lo Mei into the car.    


"Lo Mei!"    


Chu Nan opened his mouth again. His calm tone was not affected at all.    


His empty eyes actually made the two of them feel a trace of coldness.    


"Very soon, you will know what you have missed."    


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