Invincible God Of War

C255 He Ran away

C255 He Ran away

1Considering all kinds of reasons, Hsiao Tian could only treat this person in a different way.    


Therefore, when this man swung his fist at him, he turned around and stepped aside.    


Because the man was too fast, he couldn't stop and could only continue to rush forward.    


When the man brushed past him, Hsiao Tian gently stretched out his foot and crossed the man's feet.    


The man did not notice and fell forward.    


After that, the man fell to the ground and let out a miserable scream.    


Because the man didn't stop, his face was facing the ground, and his nose was scratched until there was a bit of flesh and blood. A few of his teeth also fell off.    


When the surrounding people saw this situation, they all felt that it was a bit inconceivable, because this man fell down by himself.    


"How could this fellow fall down like this?"    


"Maybe he didn't stand up."    


"This is too f * cking embarrassing! He can't beat anything, and he even caused trouble for others, but he fell down! "    


"This kind of person definitely deserves it. If you can't afford to lose, then don't bet. If you lose, you want to get the money back. I've never seen this shameless person before!"    


"When they come out to mingle, they naturally have to pay back. The two of them collaborated to cheat. Now that they meet an expert, naturally they have to pay back."    


The surrounding people did not know that this man had fallen because of Hsiao Tian.    


When the man heard the English words of others, he became angry because he knew very well that the reason why he fell was because the man suddenly lifted his foot.    


The man struggled to climb forward and rushed at him again. "I'll fight you to the death."    


However, his eyes were a little blurry. He could not see the precise position of the other person at all. As long as Hsiao Tian moved slightly, he would be able to dodge.    


After that. Hsiao Tian used the same method.    


The man fell down again, and it was another dog eating mud.    


His teeth had fallen off.    


Seeing the man fall down again, the onlookers were stunned once again.    


"This is porcelain?"    


"I think he must be trying to extort money from me for the medical expenses!"    


"He turned himself into this because of some medical expenses. Sigh... I'm really speechless. "    


" But he definitely didn't think that we would definitely be able to hold the fort here. He clearly fell down himself, so he definitely doesn't need to pay for the medical fees. "    


When the list heard these words from others, it was extremely angry in its heart. It was obvious that it was that guy who tripped it, but they couldn't see anything.    


Now, his nose and mouth were all covered in blood, and his entire body was in great pain from the fall. He simply couldn't get up.    


Even if he had to put his life on the line, he probably wouldn't be able to do anything.    


Hsiao Tian saw that this man couldn't get up again, so he didn't pay any more attention to him.    


He turned around and looked at his wife. "Wife, let's go!"    


Lu Yanran did not know that this man was so handsome that it had something to do with her husband. She just felt that this man really wanted to blackmail her.    


When he heard his husband's words, he slowly came back to his senses.    


"Let's hurry up and leave. Otherwise, if he is really hungry, we will be finished!" Lu Yanran said and left with her husband.    


After letting them go to the parking lot, Lu Yanran had some self-blame. "It is all my fault. If I was not in the mood to play chess with this old man, I would not have had such trouble staying."    


"Yanran, I didn't expect your chess skills to be so powerful. However, those people should have been taught a lesson. After all, this kind of swindler has deceived many people, and you are basically eradicating evil for the people. There is no need to blame yourself! "    


"This kind of thing is too powerful, but it is also useless. Even if I want to lose, you can't lose. Moreover, playing chess with others is simply causing trouble. Those people's chess skills are too poor. Once you lose, you will become angry from embarrassment. Furthermore, I haven't played this game for many years! "    


" You are thinking too much. You can win more than 30,000 by playing a few rounds with him! " Hsiao Tian did not call Vivian's song.    


"Gambling is not a good thing, and I never thought about gambling with him. But every time someone forces me to fight, I have no choice."    


"I know gambling is not good, but you can write it down with those grandmasters when you have time. You can have fun like this."    


"In my eyes, I don't seem to have any opponents." Lu Yanran said with a crying face.    


Hsiao Tian did not think that this girl would start talking nonsense again. He did not know what to say.    


Lu Yanran suddenly looked up at the night sky and saw the bright moon in the sky. She felt that she was a little lonely.    


"I feel that you will not understand the loneliness of having no opponents."    


If Hsiao Tian had not seen his wife's ability before, he would have thought that he was bragging again.    


"I understand!" Hsiao Tian looked up at the sky. He was the same as Hsiao Tian when he was in the army. He had no opponents.    


"What do you know? You don't have this realm. How can you experience the loneliness of being an invincible master?"    


"Alright, I don't have you to understand!" Hsiao Tian naturally broke out in cold sweat. Why did he feel that this girl was doing this on purpose?    


Lu Yanran suddenly changed the topic. "However, it must be a good idea to dive into the first level of the examination. If the company really collapses, then when I have no other choice, I might really come and play chess to earn money!"    


Hsiao Tian started to sweat. The CEO of Tianyuan Group had actually thought of a way out and planned to make money from the incomplete game in the future.    


"Did you think too badly about my wife? What's more, I believe that the company will not go bankrupt. Besides, you are so powerful. You can win a lot of bonuses by participating in competitions. "    


"But many years ago, I participated in the Chess King Tournament and I became the champion at that time. Now, the number of first players must be very little."    


"So you've become the champion. No wonder you're so powerful!" Hsiao Tian could not help but sigh.    


"Didn't I tell you?"    


"I thought you were just bragging like me. Now I know you are not."    


"So that's how it is. But let's not talk about this matter anymore. Let's hurry up and leave. Otherwise, if they chase after us, I think it will cause a lot of trouble."    


"Okay." Hsiao Tian was not afraid of them at all, but he did not want to get into trouble, so he got into the car and drove his wife back.    


The next day.    


Lu Yanran went to work as usual.    


After a while, Shen Xiangxiang went to his office to report the situation. "President, there are many graduates applying for the job today."    


"How many?"    


" Only about 30 of them. Most of them have already gone to the Liuhao Group. "    


"The Liuhao Group is trying to kill us all. They want to rob us of our graduating students?"    


"Yes. The benefits offered by the Liuhao Group are more than twice as much as what we have here. They have also attracted a lot of university students. That's why they are running over there."    


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