Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C403 Tcm and Western Medicine

C403 Tcm and Western Medicine

4The two of them quickly stuffed the three chickens into the belly of the pig and slowly stewed them with a fire. Divine Chef Xue seemed to have seen victory waving at him. He was not in a hurry to stir-fry the intestines. Instead, he proudly stuck out his dry and flat stomach. He laughed and said, "I say, Little Yang!"    


That's right, he didn't even call the Little Miracle-working Doctor. He directly called out to Little Yang. Yang Hsingchen was stunned. It took him a long time to realize that the Little Miracle-working Doctor was calling him!    


"I say, Little Yang, although you said that you can eat the whole world with one move, you can still eat it with one move, said the Little Miracle-working Doctor. I say, Little Yang, although you said that you can eat the whole world with one move, you should know your own limitations. You can't sit in the well and look at the sky! Your elder brother is older than you by more than ten years. I've cooked more dishes than you've eaten."    


"It's not that I want to talk about you, but I think you're a good kid. There's still hope. Today, I'll nag at you. Of course, if you don't want to listen, just treat it as my mouth stinks. You can just talk to yourself."    


"Don't. You're a master chef and you're more than ten years older than me. No matter what, you're my senior. What advice do you have for me? I'm all ears!" Yang Hsingchen immediately acted as if he was very respectful.    


"Alright, alright. Since you are sincerely asking for guidance, I will give you a few more pointers today. Putting aside the fact that you have made such a stuffed chicken, I believe everyone can see it from their eyes. Let's talk about the principles of being a human first."    


" As the saying goes, being a human first means that if you don't learn how to be a human first, then you can't do anything good. For example, during the last influenza, you happened to have a secret prescription passed down in your family to suppress this disease."    


"This was originally a good thing. It's also understandable for you to collect some money for everyone's treatment. Just like when we opened a restaurant a little, I wouldn't let people come over to eat for free. "    


"But you should never call yourself the Little Miracle-working Doctor. You should know that those who dare to call themselves the Miracle-working Doctor not only know how to use acupuncture but also know how to use recipes. He wants to be good at everything in Western medicine. Do you know how to use Western medicine?"    


"I really don't know how to do that. I haven't been to Western medicine school for a day. Then I know what Western medicine is! Speaking of the chef master, it's the nickname of this little godly doctor. It was also given to me by someone else. I have never called myself that before!" Yang Hsingchen spread out his hands.    


"Even if it was someone else, it was not possible! Why did you agree when others called you Little Miracle-working Doctor? It means that you still want to be called Little Miracle-working Doctor. Hmph, a person who doesn't even know anything about western medicine. He actually dares to admit that he's a little Godly Doctor. I'm also drunk!"    


Hearing Divine Chef Xue's words, the people below the stage started to discuss.    


"Wow, I think what this chef said is right. How can a person who doesn't even know how to practice western medicine be called the Miracle-working Doctor? At most, he can only be called a TCM doctor." A man in glasses pushed up his glasses and said with certainty.    


"Hmph. Actually, I've wanted to question him for a long time. He only knows some acupuncture and a secret prescription, and he dares to call himself the Little Miracle-working Doctor! Just like how he cooked this time, he only knows how to cook roast duck. Immediately, someone called him Chef God, and he himself tacitly approved of this name. Look at the chicken in the belly he just made. How dare such a person call himself a Chef God? I really, really, hehe! " An aunty rolled her eyes and kept ridiculing him.    


Behind them, the people from Paleo-immortal Village and the third sister-in-law heard the discussions of the crowd. Immediately, they laughed proudly and said in a voice that Su Yinxue's mother, Lee Mei, could hear. " Haha, listen, listen to the voices of the crowd. I'm not insulting Hsingchen, am I? Humph, what the chef said is right. The eyes of the crowd are bright! "    


"Especially some people in my village. They have to pay attention to the facts. We can't expand his other areas just because Hsingchen has a little ability. That way, we won't love him, but will harm him. I think what the chef said is right. Hsingchen this kid is a bit frivolous now!" After the third sister-in-law finished speaking, she cast a complacent glance at Lee Mei and the surrounding villagers.    


"You can't say that. The matter has not reached its end yet. Who knows if the food made by someone is good or not. Usually, the more people shout, the more miserable they will lose in the end. Just wait and see if you don't believe me. When Little Xiaochen took out the wrapped chicken, I guarantee that the chef will drop his jaw in shock." An aunty continued to support Yang Hsingchen with all her might.    


"Yes, yes, just like that Duck King from last time. At first, he was bragging, but in the end, he still cried and begged Little Xiaochen to accept him as his disciple!" Another villager also said.    


Su Yinxue's mother had been squeezed by this third sister-in-law of the Yang family many times, but she did not argue with her. This time, she could not bear it anymore, so she also spoke loudly.    


"Hehe, someone. He really forgot the pain when his scar healed. I heard that when our Hsingchen just came back a few months ago, someone even mocked him in front of him. And then? He shamelessly brought the chicken to our Hsingchen's house to make amends."    


"Humph! When I needed Hsingchen's help, I called Little Xiaochen Little Xiaochen. When you don't need him, just call him Hsingchen and ask him to help you. Hehe, her third sister-in-law, do you think such a person is shameless? Shameless? "    


"Hahaha, Lee Family's aunt, don't lower yourself to the level of some people, because some people are not human. If you get angry with her, it will only lower your status!" A villager immediately said.    


When Third Sister-in-law saw Lee Mei coming at her, she wanted to fight back. But when she saw that everyone was fighting back against her, she snorted heavily. In her heart, she scolded the entire village.    


On the stage, when Yang Hsingchen heard Divine Chef Xue's aggressive words, he wasn't angry at all. Instead, he used his spiritual energy to secretly cook the chicken in the pot. At the same time, he smiled. "Master Chef, I just want to ask, why can't you call yourself a Godly Doctor if you don't know western medicine?"    


"Hmph, that's needless to say. Western medicine is the mainstream! Let's talk about the differences between western and western medicine. For example, you have a tumor. Western medicine directly operated on you to remove the tumor. But if you are looking at TCM, you must take medicine every day. Not to mention the suffering, you might not even be able to cure it. When you find that you can't cure it, and when you want to use Western medicine to remove the surgery, it was already delayed."    


"Let's not talk about it. Take a look at the patients in all the big hospitals. Is it because there are a lot of people looking at TCM, or is it because there are a lot of people looking at Western medicine? You should know whether TCM is good or Western medicine is good! "    


Yang Hsingchen smiled. "I don't agree with what you said. Everyone knows. Western Treatment Cup, TCM is good at curing the root of the problem. TCM has many reasons for its decline in the country. For example, the herbs used by our ancestor in the past are authentic natural herbs."    


" What about now? All kinds of pollution, all kinds of fabrications, and all kinds of artificial planting. Compared to the past, the current medicinal properties will naturally be greatly reduced. As for the tumor you mentioned, it was at the hands of other TCM doctors. They may use medicine to slowly treat it, but it doesn't exist with me."    


"Didn't you say that Western medicine can operate? Me too! It's just that they use knives to operate on the patient. I use silver needles to operate on the patient. Moreover, I am faster than them and there are no side effects. I will not let the patient take all kinds of antibiotics after the surgery. Do you still think that I can't get the title of Little Miracle-working Doctor?"    


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