Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C793 Kneel down and Thank You

C793 Kneel down and Thank You

4The old secretary immediately sits in front of the microphone and shouts excitedly, "Villagers of Paleo-immortal Village, let me tell you some good news. We don't have to be afraid of being forcefully torn down by the big developers. Because Hsingchen helped us get the contract back, everyone quickly bring the contract back home. Let's burn it together. "    


Everyone immediately ran over excitedly when they heard that. When they saw the contract on the table, they immediately started to tear it apart.    


"Aiya, everyone, don't tear it up everywhere. Use the fire." The old secretary happily took out a lighter as he spoke. With a whoosh, a blue flame burst out. Everyone laughed happily and threw the contract in their hands into the fire.    


"Hsingchen, thank you for saving us all. If it wasn't for you, our entire village would have been finished! Thousands of words can't represent my heart. Liu knelt down for you. " An old man from the Su family knelt down with a plop. Then, he shouted at his wife and child, "Old woman, why are you still standing there foolishly? Quickly kneel down with the child and thank you."    


As the family knelt down, the entire village followed suit and knelt down in excitement. Yang Hsingchen was startled and quickly shouted out loudly. "Villagers, we are all from the same village. If I don't help you, who else can I help? Hurry up and get up!" They ran over and pulled up the few older ones. Only then did everyone stand up.    


"Little Xiaochen, come to my house for lunch today. I'll slaughter the lamb." An aunty shouted excitedly.    


Yang Hsingchen was shocked, "Elder sister, your little lamb is only a month old. Let's not be so cruel."    


Another villager shouted loudly, "Little Xiaochen, no matter what, come to my house today. I'll make a big goose for you to eat!"    


More people started to pull Yang Hsingchen up as they shouted. At this time, Liu Faang walked over with her five-year-old son, Hongquan. She said shyly, "Hsingchen, come to my house to eat. Hongquan wants to eat dumplings. Sister-in-law will make dumplings for you to eat."    


"Mom, it's not me who wants to eat. You said you want to make dumplings for Little Xiaochen. Why do you say I'm hungry again?" The five-year-old Hongquan said with some grievance.    


Liu Faang's face immediately turned red. Yang Hsingchen smiled and shook his head. "No need, sister-in-law. I will go home and eat."    


A disappointed look instantly appeared on Liu Faang's face. Yang Hsingchen could only pretend that he did not see it. He had no choice. Since Su Yinxue was already single, he could not have any more romantic news. Otherwise, he would be letting her down.    


At this moment, the phone in the village committee office suddenly rang. The old secretary quickly turned around and went into the house to answer the call. He hung up the phone and laughed. "Haha, good news. Director Jia just called. The county had posted a notice to make a public bid. By the way, Hsingchen, isn't your friend here to develop our village? When do you plan to bid?"    


Yang Hsingchen thought for a moment and said, "I need to call my friend and ask him how the preparations for my friend's company are going." After saying that, he took out his phone and made a call.    


"Hello, Lao Er, how is the company doing?" Once the call connected, Yang Hsingchen asked directly.    


"Haha, boss, don't tell me you have a thousand mile vision?    


I just got the paperwork, and I haven't even walked out of the hall yet. Your call came. Haha, everything is done. Boss, let Mo go there alone. Or should I go with him?" Lao Er and Wang Hongyun asked excitedly.    


"Don't come over. You are so busy there. You can walk away from there." Yang Hsingchen replied.    


"It's fine, boss. I will be fine if I walk for a few days. Besides, the company is on the right track now. I also want to go out and get some fresh air." Wang Hongyun insisted.    


Yang Hsingchen was a little puzzled when he heard that. "What's wrong? I feel like you're not in a good mood?"    


Wang Hongyun clicked his tongue and said, "Boss, you asked me to say it. That's what I thought. You'll start a company with Mo soon. Even though all the manpower and resources are yours. Ol' Three will definitely have some shares in it. "    


" As for me, I'm just a general manager, and I don't have anything other than salary. When you and Lan Lin had a good relationship in the past, I thought you two could be together. It feels like I am helping you work. Then I'll admit it. But you are not with Lan Lin anymore. Then above my head... There are two bosses. Compared to Zhang Dazhi, this is too boring."    


Yang Hsingchen was stunned and smiled," Then what should I do? Why don't I share some of the shares with you? "    


"No, no, no. You misunderstood me. What I mean is... If you are doing any projects in the future, take me with you. I don't want to be the general manager here anymore. "    


Yang Hsingchen could tell that this fat guy wanted to have his own shares. To put it bluntly, he wanted to have a share of fourteen percent of the shares in his dream.    


Thinking of this, Yang Hsingchen suddenly thought of Lan Lin's man, Liu Daaming. He said to Wang Hongyun, "How about this? Call Lan Lin and tell her that I said it. He asked her to arrange a person to be the general manager. But I personally suggest that Liu Daaming go over, because this will provide a very good assurance to my spirit water technique. If Liu Daaming is the one who will take over your class, then come over. If Liu Daaming is unwilling, then you will have to wait for a period of time. I have to find a good person to replace you."    


The fat guy immediately hung up the phone. He didn't know what method he had used, but Liu Daaming had agreed. The fat guy was very happy on the phone. Yang Ming shook his head when he heard that. This idiot. It was really the character of a monkey. He couldn't sit still. The general manager's seat hadn't even warmed up yet, and he was unwilling to do it again.    


After hanging up Wang Hongyun's phone, Yang Hsingchen told the old secretary: Someone would come to his friend's company in two days. Everyone became happy when they heard that. After all, the price Yang Hsingchen offered was much higher. At this time, Liu Faang said to Yang Hsingchen, "Hsingchen, you can go to my house to eat. I have other things to tell you."    


Since she had already said so, Yang Hsingchen could not refuse anymore. So he hummed and shouted at the crowd. “ Alright, alright. Everyone put their hearts back into their stomachs. Do what you have to do. Don't delay the production."    


Everyone agreed with a smile and happily walked back.    


"Sister-in-law Liu Faang, my mouth is also hungry. I want to eat your dumplings. Can I go with Little Xiaochen?" Yang Jiabing walked over and winked as he asked.    


"Scram to the side. The adults are talking about things. Children, don't interrupt." Liu Faang waved her hand and pulled Yang Hsingchen's hand away. She held Ye Hongquan's hand with the other hand and left without looking back.    


"I am a child? Heaven and earth have a conscience. I am already in my early thirties. Am I still a child?" Yang Jiabing pointed at his nose with a confused expression.    


The old secretary took out a cigarette and laughed. "Don't you know that we have such a saying here? As long as you are not married, you are a hundred years old. You can be considered a child. Therefore, when you have nothing better to do, you can still go with the babies to catch loaches. "    


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