Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C13 The Jianghu Is in Need of Help

C13 The Jianghu Is in Need of Help

3A beautiful ringtone interrupted Yang Hsingchen's train of thought. He took out his phone to take a look. It was Ziqi.    


"Hello, Hsingchen, help us in the Pugilistic World!" As soon as the call connected, Zi Ye hurriedly said.    


"What is the matter so urgent?" Yang Hsingchen was a little confused.    


"What else can it be? Marriage is a big deal! Today is my grandfather's 80th birthday. My father's business partners have to come to congratulate him, including Lee Yucheng and his parents."    


"You might not know this, but Lee Family is my family's biggest client, so my father really wants me to marry them."    


"I heard from my mother that Lee Yucheng's father has already secretly communicated with my father. He wants to settle the marriage between me and Lee Yucheng at my grandfather's birthday banquet today."    


"You know, a disgusting man like Lee Yucheng. How could I marry him? That's why I can only ask you for help. Hsingchen, can you be my temporary boyfriend? Block me? Don't worry, no matter how Lee Yucheng fucks around, he won't do anything to you at the banquet. "    


Damn it, he won't do anything to me at the banquet. But he has already secretly sent two groups of men to kill me. However, Yang Hsingchen was too lazy to say these words to Zi Ye. What was the use of saying it? If she could handle the Lee Family, she would not ask a farmer like him for help.    


Fortunately, she had already formed a dead knot with Lee Yucheng, so she wouldn't have to worry about it this time. Although she couldn't do anything to him at the banquet. However, his appearance would definitely disgust him, so why not?    


"Okay, where is your home? I'll call a car over later." Having thought it through, Yang Hsingchen readily agreed.    


"You wait at home. I'll ask Qiqi to pick you up." Zi Ye let out a long sigh of relief when she heard Yang Hsingchen agree.    


Actually, there were many men chasing after her. She could totally use others as a shield. But those men were all prestigious young masters. If she used them as a shield, it was very likely that she would be able to fake it and make it real. At that time, it would be much more difficult to get rid of them.    


It would be great to use Yang Hsingchen. As a child from a village, he did not need to consider the pride of his family's elders. If he used it, he would use it. If he used it, he would throw it away. There were no sequelae at all. How good!    


Not long after, a luxury car was parked at the door. After the arrow knife door was opened, Zi Qi sat in the car and shouted without any image, "Wood, wood. Sis is here, come out!"    


"She's coming, she's coming. Zi Qi, as a girl, can you be gentle? If you shout so loudly, you might scare away the men who like you." Yang Hsingchen closed the door and joked.    


"Tsk, there are too many men chasing after sister. Hey, blockhead, don't tell me you're wearing this kind of clothes to attend other people's banquet? " Zi Qi was stunned when she saw Yang Hsingchen dressed in ordinary casual clothing.    


"What's wrong? Why aren't you letting us eat? You're saying that I'm not Zi Ye's real boyfriend. Why do I have to dress so well? "    


"Beauty Zi, can you tell me what kind of business does Zi Ye's family have? Why are you so afraid of Lee Yucheng's family? There are a lot of business partners in this market. Can't they do business other than his family?" In the car, Yang Hsingchen couldn't help but ask the question he had been wanting to ask.    


"Humph, it's like this. Lee Yucheng's father had 30 chain pharmacies under his command, while Yeye's father was in the herbal medicine business. The Lee Family is his biggest customer. If Yeye Ye offends the Lee Family, it's the same as losing the supply of 30 stores all at once. To the Yeye family, this was a fatal blow. That was why Yeye didn't dare to forcefully return to Lee Yucheng, so she could only use you as a shield. I hope that Lee Yucheng, this bastard, can withdraw himself." Zi Qi introduced him with a slight frown as she drove.    


"Damn, even if the Lee Family is a big client, they shouldn't push their own daughter into the fire pit, right? The market isn't expanding yet, but their daughter's happiness will be ruined for the rest of her life." Yang Hsingchen said with disdain.    


"That's true, but Yeye father doesn't think that there's anything wrong with Lee Yucheng. Although he knows that Lee Yucheng is very fickle, how many men nowadays are fickle? "    


"Besides, Lee Yucheng really has some skills. After getting a sum of start-up funds from his dad, he did a few projects himself, and it was quite successful. It was just that Yeye never called him, and always treated him as a good friend. Especially after what happened a few nights ago, Yeye hates him even more." Zi Qi said very willingly as she drove.    


Zi Ye's grandfather's 80th birthday was held in a luxury hotel. When Yang Hsingchen arrived, there were already over a hundred people gathered there.    


"Yeye Ye, I brought your boyfriend over!"    


Along with the female man Zi Qi's roar, the entire hall instantly quieted down. Although not all the guests knew that Lee Yucheng liked Zi Ye, they heard that she was Miss Zi's boyfriend. Everyone still turned their heads at the same time and focused their gazes on Yang Hsingchen.    


After that, everyone was stunned in their hearts. Although Yang Hsingchen was neither servile nor overbearing, he didn't dare to say that he had an imposing appearance, but he still had thick eyebrows and big eyes. Naturally, he was well-mannered. Especially his pair of eyes, which were very deep and charming. It really didn't make sense for him to match up to the eldest daughter of the Zi family. But the problem was that Yang Hsingchen's attire really made people not dare to flatter him.    


Thus, everyone immediately classified Yang Hsingchen as a gigolo in their hearts. They all secretly sighed. This kid was definitely someone who worked as a mistress. Zi Ye could be considered to have gone blind in her eyes.    


Following Zi Qi's roar, Lee Yucheng's nose almost went crooked from anger! He thought to himself, You really are a cockroach that can't be beaten to death? Even such a strong square car was unable to knock you to death. Since you are still alive, why don't you sell your vegetables honestly? You actually came here to snatch my woman. You really won't die if you don't seek death. Watch how I'll torture you to death!    


"Brother Hsingchen, you're here. Quick, sit here. This is the seat that Ms Yeye and I have specially left for you. Look, you can drink fine wine between the two of us. At the other side. Left and right. Oh." The cute Tang Yuvyuv stood up excitedly and grabbed Yang Hsingchen's arm.    


Seeing Yang Hsingchen so popular, Lee Yucheng almost became so angry that his nose went crooked. He pushed up his glasses and couldn't wait to laugh at him. "Aiyo, isn't this a poor vegetable seller? A poor loser who can't even afford a house, you dare to call him Yeye's boyfriend? Come, come, take out the money in your pocket and let everyone take a look. See if it's enough to go to a nightclub every night to spend money."    


"Lee Yucheng, please show some respect to my boyfriend. What I like is his character!"    


Zi Ye pulled Yang Hsingchen and introduced him to the people on the table. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is my boyfriend, Yang Hsingchen. I believe everyone has seen him on my WeChat Moments. Not bad. It's him. The food he makes is delicious and his character is very good. "    


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