Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C27 Secretly Practicing Medicine

C27 Secretly Practicing Medicine

2"Oh? Mr Wan, your winning SUV is a new model?" Looking at the white Suv model that had yet to be sold, the rough lines and the overbearing device, Yang Hsingchen was slightly stunned.    


" Good eyesight. This is a new model that has just been listed in Europe, 800,000 USD. Currently, our country does not have one. I only got one through my connections. How do you like it?"    


" I like it. " Yang Hsingchen replied truthfully.    


"If you like it, then I'll give it to you. After a few days after I get the license, I'll ask someone to drive it to you." Wan Dong said very generously and casually.    


Yang Hsingchen was shocked. He shook his hands and said, "No, no, it's so expensive. I don't want it."    


"Brother, you can take it away if I give it to you! To tell you the truth, who doesn't want to befriend a friend like you? Good fellow, even a dead person can be cured. Making friends with you is equivalent to making friends with a death waiver gold medal! Your elder brother is a boss but also a layman. I am also afraid of death. If your brother takes my car and my life is in danger that day... I believe that you will not leave me to die. So, please accept this car no matter what. I'm begging you! "    


Yang Hsingchen scratched his head and did not know whether to laugh or cry. He even begged others to accept his car for five million yuan. However, Yang Hsingchen still admired Wan Dong who dared to speak the truth.    


After sitting in the car, Yang Hsingchen joked, Mr Wan, if you are safe and sound for the rest of your life, won't your car be given away for free?    


When Wan Dong heard Yang Hsingchen's words, he knew that he was willing to accept this car. He said happily while driving the car, "Hahaha, it's best if you are safe and sound. Let me tell you, even if I'm safe for the rest of my life... I've also earned a lot from you. You know, as long as you cure that girl's leg, that old man's painting will at least give me a discount of ten million."    


"That much? How much can this painting be worth?"    


"How much? Hehe, let me tell you this. Tang Yin's painting of Mount Lushan Waterfall has been auctioned abroad. In the end, it was sold for 5,900 million USD. Although there are people raising the price for it, it can be seen how popular Tang Bohu's painting is."    


" Although the painting in Old Yan's hands can't compare to the Lushan Waterfall Painting, Old Yan spent 500 million RMB when purchasing it. I reckon that even if Old Yan is willing to sell it to me, I won't be able to get it without one billion. "    


"My God, it's so expensive?" Yang Hsingchen was stunned. A painting could easily cost over a hundred million?    


At this time, Yang Hsingchen was really shocked. He took a long breath and said, "D * mn, poverty really limited my imagination! This money is like paper in the hands of you rich people!"    


"Hehe, brother, you have such good medical skills, but you still need to worry about earning money? Let's not talk about other things. When you cure a person in the future, ask him for 100 million. Think about it, are you afraid that you won't be able to make money?"    


" As a doctor? It's not that I haven't thought about it, but you can ask for 100 million from the rich. But what about the poor? If you only treat the rich, you don't treat the poor. Then someone will definitely come and kidnap me morally. At that time, they will spit me to death. Forget it. It's good to be a small farmer who sells vegetables." Yang Hsingchen touched his nose and said with a bitter smile.    


Wan Dong heard what Yang Hsingchen said and laughed loudly. "So that's what you're worried about. Don't worry, this problem is easy to solve. You have to trust me. I'll be the bridge builder in your line of work. In the future, I'll look for the leaders of those big hospitals and tell them that I know a Godly Doctor. If others can't cure him, he can cure them. As for the specific fees, he can pay for them. But I will give you a hundred million! "    


"For example, for patients who are paralyzed, you will charge 100 million. But if you are in danger of dying, you will charge 300 million. If those who are dead can be treated, you will charge 500 million! Just like that, those rich people not only did not make money, but they also made money. I'll even beg you to accept it! "    


Yang Hsingchen thought for a moment and nodded. "That's fine too. But I have a condition. That is, if your character is too bad and you are worse than an animal, you won't be saved no matter how much money you pay."    


"Sure, brother. Don't say that I want to see someone like you. I can't even get through this."    


"Thank you, Mr Wan. In the future, I will give you a commission for every person you treat."    


"No, no, I will tell you. I did not introduce you for free. I also want money, but not from you. I took it from the government. I'll introduce them to the Godly Doctor, so they deserve to pay for their treatment. I absolutely don't want to be on your side. If you eat both of them at the same time, then there really is a problem with my character."    


Hearing Wan Dong's straightforward words, Yang Hsingchen secretly nodded his head. Although this guy was a businessman, he had the straightforward temperament of a soldier. This was something that ordinary businessmen would not have. It was understandable when he thought about it. How bad could the qualities of Tang Yan's friends be?    


"By the way, brother, when we get to Old Man Yan's house later, if you cure his granddaughter's illness... Don't be heartless. Although the girl's parents died, she really didn't lack money. One must know that Old Man Yan had four sons, one in politics and three in business. Although his second son had unfortunately died, he had opened up a few large companies overseas. Therefore, the money that should be collected must be collected."    


Wan Dong explained the situation of Old Man Yan's house to Yang Hsingchen as he drove. Then he suddenly made an oh sound and parked the car by the road. He gave Old Man Yan a call.    


When Old Man Yan heard that the doctor Wan Dong brought was a Godly Doctor who could cure those who had just died, he was so excited that he cried out over the phone. He shouted and asked Wan Dong to quickly invite them to his family.    


Half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of a luxurious villa. Just as Wan Dong lowered the window, the security guard smiled and bowed to him, making an inviting gesture.    


"Come, come, come, old man Yan. Let me introduce you. This is my brother, the only Godly Doctor in the world, Yang Hsingchen. Don't look at how young he is. He was the one who dragged my brother back from the Yama Palace."    


"Hello, little Godly Doctor. I never thought that you would have such high medical skills at such a young age. With just a few needles, you managed to save the dead man. If I hadn't personally called my old friend and asked him, to be honest... I really didn't believe what Wan Dong said. My TCM has finally shown its splendor. Wow, wow, wow! "    


The old man was really refreshing. He immediately told them that he had just called someone to verify it. Yang Hsingchen also knew that his performance in the hospital was too shocking. It was impossible to cover someone's mouth 100%. Besides, he was already prepared to save someone with money. Of course, he didn't care about that. He immediately smiled, "Old man, where's your granddaughter?"    


"Oh, oh, I'll call her over right away." Old man Yan walked to the side of a communication device by the wall and pressed it, "Mother Feng, the godly doctor is coming over. Push Yan-er over."    


Not long after, a 40-50 year old nanny pushed a delicate and pretty girl out of the home elevator.    


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