Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C378 Big Dog Pvping Big Tiger

C378 Big Dog Pvping Big Tiger

3Dahu shouted and lunged at Zhang Dazhi. He raised the machete in his hand and swung it at Zhang Dazhi's arm. If he cut Zhang Dazhi's arm, Zhang Dazhi's arm would definitely be cut off.     2


Zhang Dazhi was so scared that he took a step back. Because there was a desk between them, Dahu could not follow up after his knife missed.    


At this time, Erhu had already arrived. He went around to gamble with Zhang Dazhi from the right side. Dahu followed from the left and went around. The two brothers were surrounded.    


Zhang Dazhi shouted for help as he raised his chair to block the iron staff that Erhu had swung down.    


But he blocked Erhu, and left his back to Dahu. Dahu was overjoyed. He raised the machete and slashed at ___'s arm again.    


At this critical moment, the big dog arrived. Seeing Zhang Dazhi in a tight spot, the big dog became anxious. It roared and threw the baton in its round hand at Dahu's head.    


Dahu was raising his machete and chopping at Zhang Dazhi when he suddenly heard a loud roar behind him. He was shocked and quickly stopped and turned around. There was a loud bang, and his head instantly bloomed.    


Although Dahu was very powerful, he was still an old man after all. The baton had knocked him out. Before he could react, the big dog roared again. It kicked him to the ground.    


This matter happened in the blink of an eye. By the time Erhu reacted, Dahu had already been knocked down by the big dog. Erhu was furious. He pointed the iron rod at the big dog and shouted, "Big dog, how dare you! How dare you interfere in the matter of the seven tigers of our Liang family?"    


After saying that, he remembered that he was still covering his face. He immediately changed his tone, "I was wrong. What I mean is, even the seven tigers of the Liang family are afraid of us. How dare you interfere in our matters?"    


It was said that the name of a man was the shadow of a tree. The name of the seven tigers of the Liang family was not for nothing. Not only were they ruthless, but they also had many people. Not to mention that they knew a lot of hooligans in town, there were seven strong men in their own homes. For a brother like Big Dog, he usually hid far away when he saw the seven tigers.    


Big Dog just forgot about his fear because he was concerned about Zhang Dazhi's safety. Now that he was pointed at by Erhu with the iron rod, he was so scared that his body trembled and he started to stutter.    


"Second, Erhu, who told you to rob me, Brother Zhang? If you rob someone else, I will pretend I didn't see it. But, but you robbed me, Brother Zhang. I won't let you get away with it even if I die. "    


"You stupid dog, I told you that we aren't the seven tigers of the Liang family. What Dahu, Erhu, are you blind!" His boss was injured, and his identity was exposed. Erhu immediately became nervous.    


The big dog was an honest kid after all. When he heard what Erhu said, he grinned and said, "Erhu, why are you still pretending? I could tell that it was your voice the moment you opened your mouth. Also, when your seven brothers were hiding in the ditch, I was hiding behind you guys. I heard everything about your brother's business clearly."    


Dahu, who was lying on the ground, had already regained his senses. He grabbed the machete and slowly got up. He shouted at Erhu, "What are you talking about with him for? Since he knew everyone, he might as well do it all. At most, I'll just hide in the mountains and count as a ball! " After roaring, the machete in his hand slashed down fiercely at the dog.    


The big dog was startled and took two steps back. It wanted to raise the baton in its hand to fight back, but Dahu had taken the initiative. It had no time to fight back. In addition, Dahu wanted to kill him, and his blade was faster than his blade. The blade was aimed at his fatal spot.    


At this moment, the blood on Dahu's forehead was still flowing down slowly. It gave people the impression that he was a murderous devil. Under such circumstances, those who were timid would really be paralyzed with fear.    


Although the big dog wasn't paralyzed with fear, it wasn't in a good state either. He was so scared that he forgot to fight back. He held the baton in his hand and turned around to escape. As he ran, he shouted, "Help! The seven tigers of the Liang family killed people and robbed people! Someone come quickly! Someone is going to torture the dog! Is there anyone who loves dogs? Hurry up and save me! "    


But this made Dahu angry. The more the big dog barked, the more Dahu chased after it.    


It was unknown whether the dog had forgotten to run towards the entrance of the company, or he was still worried about Zhang Dazhi. In any case, he did not run outside. Instead, he and Dahu circled around a huge pool in front of the office building.    


At first, Dahu was able to chase him closely, but later, he could not run anymore. After all, he was in his fifties. He could be compared to the big dog in his early thirties.    


The big dog ran and screamed. Suddenly, it screamed and stopped. It turned out that he found Dahu standing in front of him. He was bending over, breathing heavily, and sneering at him.    


The big dog was stunned. No, wasn't this old man chasing after him? Why was he in front of him? Could it be that there were two Dahu? He screamed and turned around, but there was no one behind him. When he turned his head, Dahu raised his saber and chased after him. The big dog was so scared that it screamed and ran away with all its might.    


This time, he was more careful. As he ran, he looked back from time to time. He realized that Dahu could not run anymore. He just stood there and waited for him to turn around.    


The dog laughed. It stopped and panted while pointing its baton at Dahu and shouting. "Hey! Everyone said how powerful the seven tigers of the Liang family were. It turned out that they were only paper tigers! Didn't you want to kill Master Gou? Come, come, chop me! I'll let you chop me here!"    


Then, he raised his baton and made a few smashing and smashing movements towards Dahu in the air, laughing as he did so. " Master Gou smashed your tiger head with his baton and shattered your tiger teeth with his baton. The last strike will shatter your tiger leg. I want you to show off in front of me in the future! "    


Dahu was so angry that he was half dead. He pointed at him and scolded," Little bastard, if you have the ability, don't run! "    


The big dog grinned and said, "Old man, if you have the ability, catch up with me!"    


Putting aside the fact that the two of them were cursing each other, they were talking about Zhang Dazhi and Erhu in the office.    


When Erhu heard that their boss wanted to silence them, he shouted loudly and threw the iron rod at Zhang Dazhi's head. This time, he had made a killing move. It was fast and ruthless.    


Zhang Dazhi pushed the chair in his hand towards his head, roared loudly, and kicked Erhu.    


Erhu was not too tall. He was about 1.6 or 1.7 meters tall. Therefore, Zhang Dazhi's kick was still able to reach where he wanted to kick. With a bang, the iron rod in Erhu's hand smashed onto the chair above Zhang Dazhi's head. At the same time, his chest was kicked by Zhang Dazhi.    


Erhu screamed in pain. He bent his body and took a few steps back. He looked like a bitter melon. Zhang Dazhi grabbed the opportunity and rushed forward. He raised the chair in his hand and smashed it on Zhang Dazhi's head. Erhu's head was immediately dried until it bled. He still wanted to fight back. He was hit by Zhang Dazhi a few more times. Finally, his body went limp and he fainted on the ground.    


Zhang Dazhi let out a long breath and threw away the chair. He immediately picked up the iron rod on the ground and ran to the desk. He picked up his phone and called Yang Hsingchen.    


He walked out with the iron bar as he called, wanting to see what was going on with the big dog. When he was outside, he saw that the dog was arguing with Dahu. He was just about to go over and help Dahu. He saw that the staff on the second floor had been taken down by five masked men.    


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