World Controlling God

C11 My Name Is Bai Yuxi

C11 My Name Is Bai Yuxi

0This morning, Ling Xiao was preparing to start meditating.    


There was a knock on the door, followed by his mother's voice, "Xiao, someone is looking for you.    


Ling Xiao was very confused. He walked out of the room and asked, "Mother, who is looking for me? He searched his memory. He was a training maniac and had no friends at all. He really could not figure out who would come looking for him.    


Meng Xiyun looked at her son who was gradually getting stronger and smiled in satisfaction. She then said, "A little girl outside said that she wanted to look for you.    


"Little girl?" Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment. Then, a pretty face appeared. He was confused. "Could it be her?    


Ling Xiao and Meng Xiyun walked to the door together.    


He saw a girl dressed in simple clothes standing in front of the door. She was holding a bundle tightly in her hands. Wasn't she the girl Ling Xiao saved in the market a few days ago?    


Presently, she'd tied up her hair that was like ink and waterfalls, and her beautiful face was like a lotus flower that had emerged from the water and revealed a bit of redness, causing her to seem extremely lively and charming. She had willowy brows, almond eyes, a fine nose, and red lips that were completely perfect and flawless. Her slender and slender waist was full of grace, and her slender legs seemed even more slender and elegant, and she was pleasing to the eye.    


As soon as the woman saw Ling Xiao, she was extremely charming. The moment the woman saw Ling Xiao, she immediately knelt down. She said respectfully, "Hello, Young Master.    


Ling Xiao and Meng Xiyun were both stunned.    


Ling Xiao hurried forward. He helped the girl up, but at the last moment, he asked Meng Xiyun for help.    


Meng Xiyun then went up to help the girl up and said, "Girl, get up and talk.    


The girl was still kneeling on the ground and did not want to get up.    


"If you have something to say, say it. It is not proper for you to kneel like this," Ling Xiao said unhappily. He was confused now. He really did not understand what was going on with this girl.    


The girl listened to Ling Xiao very well. She replied, "Yes, Young Master." Then she slowly stood up.    


"Come, let's talk inside the house." Meng Xiyun looked the girl up and down. The bright smile on her face was enough to prove that she was very satisfied with this girl. If this girl was his son's wife, Meng Xiyun would not feel wronged for her son.    


When they returned to the hall, Meng Xiyun and Ling Xiao sat down. The girl did not want to sit down but just stood beside Ling Xiao.    


At this moment, Ling Xiao said, "Sit down.    


"I don't dare." The girl nodded slightly.    


Ling Xiao was speechless. This girl really wanted to be his maid.    


"What's your name?" Ling Xiao asked.    


"My name is Bai Yuxi," the girl answered.    


"Yuxi, a pretty good name. It suits you very well," Ling Xiao praised with a smile. After a pause, he said, "Miss Yuxi. That day, I just couldn't stand Lee Guangyin's evil behavior, so I taught him a lesson. I didn't mean to save you, so you don't have to take it to heart. Forget about what happened that day, you don't have to be my servant. Besides, money isn't mine. If you really want to repay me, We'll be good friends from now on, alright?    


Ling Xiao had just finished speaking when Bai Yuxi knelt down again. She sobbed softly and said," I have already made a solemn vow. If anyone helps me bury my mother, I will be his slave. If you insist on not wanting me, I will be his slave. Then I will have to die to repay your kindness.    


"You woman, what oath are you making? I don't want you to be my servant. Isn't that good? We can be friends, we can be equal. " Ling Xiao was speechless by the girl's stubbornness. He had to explain. He even wanted to talk about life. Fortunately, he changed his words in time.    


After Bai Yuxi heard Ling Xiao's words, she did not say anything. She just kept crying in sadness.    


Ling Xiao had no choice but to seek help from his mother again.    


"Xiao, what's going on? Meng Xiyun did not understand the relationship between the two and was confused.    


Therefore, Ling Xiao simply told her everything. He only said that he helped Bai Yuxi very casually, but Bai Yuxi now came to fulfill her oath to be his servant.    


Ling Xiao could not help but think in his heart, "Could it be that my luck is so good? Any beauty has taken a fancy to me and still wants to be my servant?    


Meng Xiyun finally understood, so she explained to Bai Yuxi, "Little girl, do you really plan to follow my Xiao for the rest of your life?    


Bai Yuxi firmly nodded and said. "Yes, madam. I am willing to be Ling Xiao's slave for the rest of my life. I will never go back on my word."    


"Alright then. I will accept you on behalf of Xiao. From now on, you will be a member of the Ling family. However, you are not a servant. But my goddaughter, will you? Meng Xiyun held Bai Yuxi's hand and said kindly.    


"Goddaughter?" Ling Xiao and Bai Yuxi were both stunned.    


A table of sumptuous dishes was placed on the table. The family sat at the table. There was also a shy and moving woman. A total of four people chatted happily as they ate.    


Ling Zhan's family had not been so happy for a long time!    


Even Ling Zhan, this man who had been sulking all day, rarely showed a gratified smile today.    


Ling Xiao raised his wine cup and smiled at his family. From today onwards, Yuxi is my mother's goddaughter. She is my father's goddaughter. She is my godsister. The four of us are a family. I hope we can love each other forever. Cheers.    


After saying that, Ling Xiao raised his head and drank the wine. With such a beautiful sister, Ling Xiao was happy from the bottom of his heart.    


"Yes, yes. Xiao is right. Our family must love each other forever." Meng Xiyun looked at her son. Clearly, she was touched by her son's words. She quickly covered her face and drank the wine. She really could not believe that this was her son. Because ever since her son's medicinal meridian vessel was crippled, he became silent. Everything was hidden in her heart, and she was only constantly thinking about how to rebuild the profound strength. And during this half a month, when she experienced her son becoming more cheerful, she felt happy in her heart.    


Ling Zhan smiled and also drank the wine.    


Bai Yuxi shyly drank the wine and then took the wine jug to pour wine for the three of them. No one refused.    


Bai Yuxi picked up Meng Xiyun's wine and knelt in front of Meng Xiyun, "Mom, Yuxi toasts to you.    


"Okay, I don't have anything to give you. Although this golden hairpin is not an expensive item, it is also my personal accessory for many years. " I will give it to you now. From now on, you will be my good daughter. " Meng Xiyun always wanted a daughter. Unfortunately, after Ling Zhan was crippled, his sexual ability was also hindered. Now that she had finally gotten what she wanted, she was also very happy.    


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