World Controlling God

C43 Abnormal Cultivation

C43 Abnormal Cultivation

2"Grand Elder!" Everyone said respectfully to the people who were walking towards them.    


This person was Grand Elder. He looked at Ling Xiao, pinched his beard, and said happily, "That's right. You took a new stage so quickly. It seems that you can still become a high level profound warrior before the big competition.    


Ling Zhan looked at his son in surprise and said, "Son, you have reached the middle stage?    


Ling Xiao smiled and nodded. Then Ling Xiao said to his mother, "Mother, quickly get the servants to prepare the banquet. Let's have a good drink today.    


Meng Xiyun smiled in relief and left with Bai Yuxi.    


"You are a child. It seems that you are quite sensible. You know to let your father defeat you on purpose." Ling Zhan patted Ling Xiao's shoulder and said. While he was happy for Ling Xiao, he also warned himself to work harder. He could not lose to his son.    


Soon, everyone had finished their meal. After Ling Zhan drank a lot of wine, He fell straight into his wife's arms. After more than ten years, he finally recovered his strength as a profound warrior. This really made him feel that it was somewhat unreal. All of this was brought to him by his son. In his heart, he really had an indescribable feeling of gratitude towards his son.    


"great-grandfather, where are we going?" Ling Xiao was called out by Grand Elder. However, he did not know where Grand Elder was taking him.    


"You'll know when we get there." He walked slowly towards the back of the Ling family.    


There were many guards of the Ling family along the way. They greeted Ling Xiao and Grand Elder respectfully when they saw them.    


When Ling Xiao and Grand Elder walked far away, those guards started to secretly discuss among themselves.    


"Did you see the person beside Grand Elder? He is Young Master Ling Xiao.    


"He is the Young Master Ling Xiao who has been crippled and restored with his meridian vessel? "I really didn't expect his luck to be so good. He was actually able to obtain Grand Elder's recognition.    


"Don't underestimate Young Master Ling Xiao. Although he is only Profound Man of Low Rank, in the family's test, he defeated the high-level profound warrior, Ling Hsing, Young Master.    


"Really? A low level martial artist can defeat a high level martial artist? This isn't very likely.    


"If you don't believe me, you can ask around. Who doesn't know about this? "Wang Yao asked.    


Ling Xiao and Grand Elder walked towards the back of the Ling family.    


After walking for about fifteen minutes, they arrived at the back mountain of the Ling family.    


"great-grandfather, why did we come to the back mountain?" Ling Xiao asked in confusion.    


At this time, Grand Elder finally explained why they needed to come here. "We need to cultivate the Vajra Five Transformation Spell second transformation here.    


The Vajra Five Transformation Spell second transformation was the Muscle Refinement.    


Ling Xiao didn't say anything else. He quietly waited for Grand Elder's arrangements.    


Grand Elder shouted. "All of you, come out.    


Then, five people jumped out from different directions. They were all wearing the same uniform. They greeted Grand Elder respectfully, "Respected Grand Elder.    


Ling Xiao looked at these people. Their foreheads were full. He could not tell the level of each of them. However, his intuition told him that these people were at least profound master warriors.    


"The five of them are all Profound Master Rank warriors with different attributes of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. In the future, they will take turns attacking you with different attributes. " Since you can't fight back, you can only use the Vajra Five Transformation Spell to defend yourself. In the first half a month, s. Every night, Every night, I will send someone to deliver medicinal liquid for you to soak in. If you can't even make it through this, then you might be crippled on all four limbs. " Grand Elder put away his usual warm smile. He said seriously to Ling Xiao.    


When Ling Xiao heard this, his mouth opened wide. He was so shocked that he could not speak. He knew that if he wanted to cultivate to the second transformation realm, He had to accept the constant attacks of the hard, especially his limbs and tendons. Then, through cultivating the Vajra Five Transformation Spell, he would be able to reconnect the broken meridians in his body. This repeated until his meridians reached the level of steel.    


However, he never expected Grand Elder to be so strict. Grand Elder actually let a profound master attack him directly, and let a profound master of different attributes take turns to attack him. This kind of cruel training would probably make anyone's legs go weak from fear, and they wouldn't dare to practice anymore.    


"great-grandfather, you can't be so ruthless, can you? What if my four limbs are really broken?" Ling Xiao said in fear.    


"Don't worry. I will tell them not to hit me so hard in the beginning. Let's start with the full force attack of the high-level medicinal profound warriors. " In the future, when you can withstand it, I'll let them gradually increase the strength of their attacks until you've almost reached the second transformation realm. " Grand Elder said.    


Hearing these words, After hearing these words, Ling Xiao felt slightly relieved. He had already cultivated the first transformation Skin Refinement. He could totally withstand the full force attack of a high-level profound warrior.    


"Alright, you should stay at the back of the mountain and cultivate to the second transformation during this period of time. You can come out when you have almost succeeded in your cultivation." After saying this, Grand Elder turned around and left.    


Ling Xiao looked at Grand Elder's back as he left. He said unhappily, "He really is an emotionless old man.    


"Young Master, we are going to attack!" As soon as Grand Elder left, someone said to Ling Xiao.    


"Don't worry. I am not ready yet." Ling Xiao quickly stopped him.    


"Grand Elder told us not to eat if Young Master is lazy and doesn't cultivate." The man said indifferently again.    


"He is too cruel." Ling Xiao cursed. Then, he removed the cloak from his back, patted his chest and said, "Which one of you will attack me first? I have never been afraid of anyone."    


Just as Ling Xiao finished speaking, someone stood up and said, "Young Master, I am from the metal attribute. Then I will attack you first. I have offended you. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, the man used his fist to wave out two golden rays of light at the same time. The two golden rays of light smashed towards Ling Xiao's arms.    






Ling Xiao was hit by the golden light. He couldn't help but exclaim.    


"I'm fine?" Ling Xiao looked at his arms and found that they were still intact. He was surprised.    


"Young Master, just now it was just the power of a Profound Warrior of Intermediate Rank attack. Next is the power of a high-level profound warrior attack. Young Master, please take note." The metal attribute martial artist said just now.    


Immediately after, two more golden lights came crashing down. The color of the golden light was even brighter than before.    




"It hurts so much!" Ling Xiao screamed in pain. The clothes on his arms were broken, and there were bruises on his arms.    


Although the Skin Refinement could allow him to withstand a full-force attack from a high-level profound warrior, it did not mean that nothing would happen. There would still be basic swelling and pain.    


Immediately after, that metal attribute martial artist treated Ling Xiao like a sandbag. He used the strength of a high-level medicinal profound warrior to continuously hit Ling Xiao.    


At first, Ling Xiao continuously cried out in pain, as if he was a criminal who was currently being tortured, allowing him to continuously hit him. Later, Ling Xiao started to use the Vajra Five Transformation Spell to block his attacks. Ling Xiao's pain gradually lessened. Moreover, Ling Xiao also discovered that every time he was hit, the circulation speed of the profound strength would increase a little.    


After a day, Ling Xiao's entire body was bruised and bruised. His four limbs were swollen and swollen. There were even quite a few bloodstains on his skin. It looked very scary.    


In the evening, Bai Yuxi brought a basket of food to Ling Xiao.    


When she saw Ling Xiao like this, an indescribable pain rose in her heart.    


"Young Master, you have a lot of injuries on your body!" Bai Yuxi said as she stroked Ling Xiao's wounds. However, thinking of her identity, she could not help but shrink her wrist.    


Ling Xiao took the opportunity to hold her slender hand. That delicate and smooth feeling made Ling Xiao's mind sway.    


"Young Master." Bai Yuxi softly called out. Her pretty face lowered, and a blush spread to the roots of her ears.    


"Yuxi, come and feed me. My hands are unable to move." Ling Xiao reluctantly let go of Bai Yuxi and said.    


"Okay." Bai Yuxi nodded with slight disappointment. Then she picked up the food and fed it to Ling Xiao.    


Ling Xiao looked at her delicate and pink face and her obedient and obedient appearance. A warm feeling spread throughout his entire body.    


Bai Yuxi noticed that Ling Xiao was staring at her and her mood suddenly became nervous. Her entire heart had already fallen on Ling Xiao. This was the first time she had served Ling Xiao at such a close distance. Her heart was beating very fast.    


After the meal, two waiters immediately brought a large bucket of hot water. All kinds of precious herbs had already been soaked in it.    


"Young Master, it's time to take a bath. great-grandfather said that you need to take a bath every day in the future. This will help your body to cultivate to the second transformation realm." Bai Yuxi remembered Grand Elder's order. Now, she told Ling Xiao about Grand Elder's order.    


Ling Xiao nodded and stood up. However, his legs went soft and he almost fell down. Luckily, Bai Yuxi caught him in time.    


Smelling the faint fragrance of a virgin, Ling Xiao had a wicked thought. He cursed in his heart that he had never slept with a virgin in his two lives. This was too cowardly.    


Bai Yuxi helped Ling Xiao to the side of the wooden bucket. The water in the bucket was still bubbling. Steam was rising.    


"Young Master, I'll take care of your bath and change your clothes." Bai Yuxi said nervously. In the past, it was Ling Xiao who took the bath himself, but today Ling Xiao was not able to move. She was ready to take care of Young Master the whole time.    


"I'll do it myself." Ling Xiao was still not used to being seen naked. He said with embarrassment.    


However, this time Bai Yuxi did not leave obediently like she used to. She looked at Ling Xiao with some grievance. Her beautiful eyes were rippling with a faint mist.    


"Yuxi, what's wrong with you?" Ling Xiao asked with some confusion.    


"Young Master, you hate me, don't you?" Bai Yuxi asked in a pitiful tone.    


"Why would I hate you? I can even say that I cherish you very much. " How could I hate you?    


"Then why don't you let me serve you? master and Young Master would let their maids take a bath and change their clothes. They would even help them warm their beds, but Young Master would never let them do anything like that. If it wasn't because you hate me, then why? "    


Ling Xiao raised his red and swollen hand and scratched Bai Yuxi's delicate nose. "Silly girl, are you really willing to do these things for me? Those maidservants had no choice but to offer their bodies to master and Young Master. I don't want to do this to you. Don't forget, you are still my godsister. "    


"Young Master, I can do anything for you. I am willing." After saying that, Bai Yuxi actually untied the thin silk and silk from her body.    


It was not Ling Xiao's first time seeing a girl naked. In his previous life, he had also seen girls bathing in the same sect as him, but when the girl was naked in front of his eyes, his pulse immediately sped up, and his throat unconsciously rolled.    


"Young Master, let me take care of you bathing and changing your clothes, okay?" Bai Yuxi's charming face was as red as a flower. Her white hands insisted on helping Ling Xiao take off his martial clothes.    


Instantly, the cave was filled with an atmosphere of lust.    


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