Peerless Conceited Cultivator

C301 Broken Shoes as a Concealed Weapon

C301 Broken Shoes as a Concealed Weapon

0"F * ck f * ck f * ck!" You little brat are courting death, how dare you blaspheme my goddess! " He clenched his fist so hard that it made a cracking sound. He spat out the half-smoked cigar on the ground.    


"She's a goddess? You must be crazy! " While Yang Pann and Zhang Qiuyun were fighting, he did not forget to ridicule them back.    


"Brat, let's see if I'll kill you or not!" Min Rou, you are really too much, to actually find a pretty boy hoodlum to be your boyfriend, you are really blind! Your tastes are too vulgar! "    


As he roared, Wang Yan heavily stomped down on the cigar until it shattered. Tyrant's powerful body had already explosively shot out like a tiger out of its cage, borrowing the momentum of its descent to smash towards Yang Pann's head with an incomparably ferocious punch.    


"Yang Pann, be careful! "Don't take it head-on!" Min Rou exclaimed in shock, her beautiful face had lost color, and she was so scared that cold sweat almost flowed down her face.    


Wang Yan trained in the external profound arts, and had already reached the Peak of Late Profound Rank. Although he could not use his Innate Qi to break his body, his fist strength was extraordinary, capable of shattering stones as if it were dried twigs.    


If this punch was solid, Yang Pann's brain would immediately crack, and he would die on the spot, there was simply no possibility of survival!    


Wang Yan's fist had already changed in the air, it seemed to be releasing a bright gold light, as if it was cast from fine iron.    


"Aiyo, I can't hide anymore!" "Oh my god!"    


Yang Pann cried out in shock. He did not even try to dodge, as he tilted his head backwards and struck his fist towards the fist.    


It was like a header in a football game.    


"Aiyo, I can't believe you aren't dodging! Are you looking to die?"    


In fact, Wang Yan did not want to kill Yang Pann either, but seeing that he was being too arrogant, he could only continue to smash him fiercely.    


From his point of view, Yang Pann's actions were tantamount to courting death!    




Wang Yan's fist forcibly clashed with Yang Pann's head, producing a sound similar to metal colliding with stone!    


"Aiyo, it hurts so much!"    


Yang Pann was actually safe and sound, but he pretended to be in pain, scratched his forehead and retreated a few steps.    


However, the one who was in real pain was Wang Yan, he felt as if he had just hit a thousand kilogram boulder. His fist was stinging, as though it was going to split apart.    


"Hiss —!"    


This fellow was forced back five or six steps. The pain made him gasp for breath as he looked at Yang Pann in fear and shock.    


"Qiuyun, did you see that, he is actually quite strong!"    


This was the first time a dignified look appeared on Wang Yan's face as he slowly circled Yang Pann, looking for an opportunity to attack.    


What this fellow was proud of was his physique, his punch was even able to break the defense of the inner sect experts in Early Profound Rank, but at the moment, not only did he not injure Yang Pann, he was also in such pain. Even an idiot would realize that Yang Pann was actually an expert, the chaotic footwork just now was just a disguise.    


"It is indeed a little difficult to deal with, but I do not believe that he can withstand our combined attack!"    


On Chen Qiuyun's beautiful little face, a trace of disdain appeared, but that did not mean she had to be careless. She decided to use all of her strength to kill Yang Pann!    


Zhang Qiuyun and Wang Yan slowly circled around Yang Pann, going around in three full circles, and after a minute, they still did not move, showing their patience.    


A breeze blew past, and a white plastic bag flew out from the trash can, slowly floating up and down between the three of them.    


As for Min Rou who was outside the circle, he took out a strange silver moon blade from his Universe Ring, tightly gripped it in his hand, and stared at the scene with cold eyes.    


Suddenly, Zhang Qiuyun and Wang Yan moved at the same time. Yes, it was as if they had agreed on this beforehand, they moved together with perfect tacit understanding.    


Zhang Qiuyun blade!    


A crimson red jade blade!    


The blade edge was transparent, the blade's spine was crimson, like a beautiful transparent jade embedded with a crimson bone ridge. It was so beautiful that the blade's light reflected a strange red color.    


The knife was short, with the slender waist of a beautiful woman of her generation. The blade danced in the air with a melodious hum. It was a sad red color, as if the leaves on a mountain of incense were falling. A faint fragrance wafted through the air, as if a delicate flower was blooming.    


The longer the knife was stained with blood, the hotter the blade became!    


This was the Crimson Blade – the Metal Wind Jade Dew Red Jade Saber.    


When the jade dew met the metal wind, it won countless times in the world!    


When Zhang Qiuyun unleashed his blade, it was a scene of unmatched grace and grace, with thousands of emotions and thousands of ferocity. The sight was unforgettable, but the second sight was enough to make one's heart fall in love!    




Zhang Qiuyun brandished his blade, and in the next moment, he was already an inch away from Yang Pann's neck!    


Yang Pann's eyes turned cold, he raised his right hand!    


He blocked it with his bare hands, his palm facing inward, his five fingers flicking outwards!    


At this time, Wang Yan also rushed forward with tacit understanding. Kicking his left and right feet again, he quickly attacked Yang Pann's lower body, kicking him three times in a row!    


Just as Yang Pann raised his right hand to block Zhang Qiuyun's red jade blade, his left leg kicked out three times!    


As for Min Rou?    




Min Rou gave a light shout at this time, and unreservedly displayed all of his fighting strength. The strange silver moon blade carried a metal chain and shot out like a silver dragon, aiming for Wang Yan's neck!    


At the same time, her delicate body flew up into the air, looking extremely flexible and graceful, she flipped her jade palm and struck towards Zhang Qiuyun's back.    


The pinnacle of battles between experts, it was like sparks colliding with the earth!    


Soon, the results were out!    


Clang! Zhang Qiuyun felt the red jade blade in her hand tremble violently, and then it bounced off. She was actually sent flying diagonally and staggered back a few steps, but the red jade blade still almost flew out of her hands.    


However, by a fluke, she managed to avoid Min Rou's palm attack. Otherwise, she would have to face the enemy from the back, which would be even more miserable.    


As for Wang Yan?    


His three kicks had been completely blocked by Yang Pann, and it was a completely head-on battle.    


This was because whether it was Yang Pann or Wang Yan, both of them were extremely conceited with their attack power and resistance to blows.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


With three explosive sounds, the bones in their legs fiercely collided.    


"Holy sh * t!"    


Wang Yan clenched his teeth in pain, he staggered back, and quickly distanced himself.    


This fellow's face was twitching violently, and he felt as if the bones in his legs were about to split open. The pain penetrated deep into his bones, causing him to tremble violently. He could not even stand properly.    


"Hmm? "What is that sound?"    


But at this moment, Zhang Qiuyun heard a strange cracking sound, as if something was cracking.    


Lowering his head to take a look, Zhang Qiuyun could not help but turn pale with fright.    


He saw terrifying cracks appearing on the blade, and these cracks were constantly spreading. It was a shocking sight to behold.    


"This, how did he do it?" Zhang Qiuyun was extremely shocked, her beautiful eyes widened until they were round, and cold sweat poured down her face.    


The red jade saber was carved from ancient jade and was indestructible and unstoppable. It could be called a divine weapon, and even compared to magical artifacts, it was not inferior at all.    


But just now, Yang Pann had lightly flicked the blade with his finger and the blade had instantly been destroyed. What kind of cultivation level was Yang Pann at?    


"This, this is too scary!"    


Until now, Zhang Qiuyun had not realized just how terrifying and heaven defying the youth that she had disdained to face before was!    


She even felt that even if the seven great captains Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple, they would not necessarily be Yang Pann's match.    


"Wang Yan, let's go!"    


Therefore, after being shocked, Zhang Qiuyun's reaction was — — to dab some oil on the soles of his feet and slip away!    


And it's also consistent with the killer's standard of conduct --    


If his attack fails, he would immediately flee thousands of miles away. If he were to conserve his strength and attack again, then that would be the way to go!    


Before his voice fell, Zhang Qiuyun had already soared into the sky like a nimble bird, accurately landing on the top of the street lamp.    


Her posture was graceful and agile, and her movements were nimble and precise. Just this light movement alone was enough to make her stand out among the heroes in the assassination world!    


The street lamp trembled, and she borrowed the rebound force to violently fly out again.    


But what about Wang Yan?    


After all, this fellow came from the military, and retained the unique charisma of a militant. He was convinced that if they met on a narrow path and won, even if he wasn't a match, he still had to show his sword.    


"Losing to a little brat is too embarrassing, I'm not convinced!"    


With an explosive shout, this fellow once again charged towards Yang Pann. With a heavy punch, he smashed towards Yang Pann's face.    


"Get lost!" "Hehe!"    


Yang Pann snickered, and threw out a punch. He executed the Eight Layered Waves and the Superimposed Shadow Fist at the same time.    


F * ck, why did he suddenly punch out nine times? I can't even see him clearly. He can't be dodged at all!    


Wang Yan was immediately stunned, he was simply dumbstruck, and felt dizzy!    


The heck, what kind of monster is this?    


Wang Yan was stunned, and all of them were struck!    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


A series of nine sounds of fists hitting flesh sounded out in a dense manner. Wang Yan's body, which was as big as a small mountain, had already been thrown out, dancing in joy while sprawled on the ground.    




Wang Yan was blasted more than ten meters away and coincidentally landed inside the river.    


"Eh? This bitch is just like a grasshopper, she's pretty good at skipping! "    


No longer paying any attention to Wang Yan, Yang Pann's gaze fell on Zhang Qiuyun who was nimbly jumping along the top of a street lamp, and the corner of his mouth formed a mocking smile.    


"I don't have a weapon, so what should I use?"    


He bent down and looked around. Finally, he found a pair of muddy shoes by the river. He held them in his hand and weighed them in his hand.    


In just a blink of an eye, Zhang Qiuyun had already jumped a hundred meters away, his speed extremely fast.    


"I'll let you bounce!" Look at the shoes! Broken shoes versus broken shoes ha-ha ha! " Yang Pann raised his hand and threw it towards Zhang Qiuyun.    


That broken shoe had a long tail made of mud spots and was like a cannonball as it flew forward with boundless might.    




Zhang Qiuyun screamed miserably as he fell off the lamppost and fell down to the ground, falling like a dog to bite you.    2


Zhang Qiuyun was about to vomit blood from the impact. She had thought that with such strength, it would be a deadly concealed weapon, but when she crawled up to take a look, it was actually —    


A broken shoe!    


It can even be used as a concealed weapon? This was too heaven-defying!    


She couldn't help but be scared. Her face turned pale and her whole body turned cold. Cold sweat began to form all over her body.    


Zhang Qiuyun didn't dare to keep fighting anymore. He rolled and crawled to the side of the road as he drove his car to escape.    


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