Peerless Martial God 2

C738 Arrangement!

C738 Arrangement!

3Ka...    1


With a crisp sound, Lin Feng used the Sword of Zuti to push away the dagger in Yan Tianjiao's hand and threw it to the side. Yan Tianjiao knelt weakly on the ground, unable to commit suicide as if she had lost all her strength. The difference between her and the Yan Tianjiao of the past was too great.    


"Your father deserved it." Jing Wuhen shouted and stared at Yan Tianjiao as he spoke. However, his words had no effect on Yan Tianjiao at all. Yan Tianjiao was still crying as if she was in tears. Whether it was Jing Wuhen or Lin Feng, they both felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.    


"Don't cry. Once your father dies, the San Kingdom will depend on you." Lin Feng squatted down and patted Yan Tianjiao's shoulder. Apart from that, Lin Feng really couldn't think of anything else to say to Yan Tianjiao. After all, he was the one who killed Yan Zhen, her father, and her backers.    


Yan Tianjiao opened Lin Feng's arm and glared at him angrily. Her beautiful eyes were filled with coldness and killing intent. She would never forget today's scene, never forget the scene of Yan Zhen being killed by Lin Feng.    


She could have come out and protected Yan Zhen at the very least, preventing Lin Feng from killing Yan Zhen so easily. However, she was locked in by the array formation that Yan Zhen had prepared in advance. It was as if Yan Zhen had already expected this day would come. He wanted to protect his daughter well, which made Yan Tianjiao's heart ache even more.    


No matter what his father had done wrong, Yan Zhen would always be her father. He would always love her and love her father. This would not change just because Yan Zhen's heart was broken. Now that Lin Feng had killed Yan Zhen and her father, she would have no one to rely on and the San Kingdom would lose its backbone from then on.    


"I know you're in a bad mood. You hate me or want to kill me, but I don't regret it." Lin Feng said one last sentence. He looked at Yan Tianjiao one last time, then stood up and looked deeply at the razed dungeon.    


"The matter has been resolved. Brother Jing, please bring me to find Sovereign San's descendant."    


Lin Feng looked at Jing Wuhen with a serious expression, waiting for the latter to bring him to find Sovereign San's lost descendant, who was also the only descendant of the bloodline.    


Jing Wuhen curled his lips and smiled bitterly, saying helplessly: "I was lying to you. If I didn't say that, how could you have decided to kill Yan Zhen?"    


Jing Wuhen's words were filled with helplessness. He had made such a bad decision. If he didn't do this, how could Lin Feng make up his mind to kill Yan Zhen? He knew that this move was a bit sinister, but he had no choice but to do it.    


Lin Feng was at a loss for words, but what could he say? Jing Wuhen's intentions were also for his own good. If he did not kill Yan Zhen, the consequences would be even greater, and the harm to him would also be even greater. However, without the descendant of Sovereign San, the San Kingdom was on the verge of collapse and could collapse at any time. It was obviously impossible for him to rely on Yan Tianjiao, this woman.    


A San Kingdom that did not have a High-Grade Divine Sovereign would ultimately not be able to defend any of the San Kingdom's lands, and what awaited the San Kingdom would only be destruction and decline. However, Lin Feng was unwilling to give up and was even more unwilling for the San Kingdom to fall into the hands of another empire. The first was the Golden Wheel City. The Golden Wheel City had been on his mind for a long time and had been drooling for a long time. He would not let go of a piece of meat like the San Kingdom.    


At this moment, Lin Feng's emotions suddenly increased. If the matters of the San Kingdom were not properly resolved and he left in a hurry, Lin Feng would have let down Sovereign San, and even more so, let down the Dao Art that Sovereign San had given him and the will of Sovereign San.    


The Chaos Beast silently crawled to Lin Feng's side and used one of its claws to nudge Lin Feng's shoulder. Lin Feng frowned and looked at the Chaos Beast beside him.    


The Chaos Beast's mood was somewhat low. It lowered its head as if it was sad and let out a low roar. This roar was a rare lament. This had never happened to the Chaos Beast before. Lin Feng's heart sank. He knew that the Chaos Beast wanted him to deal with the San Kingdom properly. After all, the San Kingdom was a country that the Sovereign San and the Chaos Beast had fought together. He did not want to lose it just like that.    


"Old man, don't worry. The San Kingdom will not be destroyed. I will do my best to give it to a trustworthy senior."    


Lin Feng's eyes turned serious, and his thoughts began to increase. If the San Kingdom was not seized by the Golden Wheel City or the surrounding forces, then there was only one solution. Either he would find the successor of the Sovereign San, or he would find a trustworthy High-Grade Divine Sovereign. As long as he had a High-Grade Divine Sovereign guarding him, he would not have to worry about anything.    


However, the number of High-Grade Divine Sovereigns that Lin Feng knew could be counted on one finger. The Divine Sovereign Lang Xie was clearly not within the scope of Lin Feng's thoughts. The Divine Sovereign Zidian would only guard the Zidian Mountain and the tomb of the Carefree Divine Sovereign for the rest of his life, so it was impossible for him to come to the San Kingdom.    


Therefore, among the remaining candidates, Lin Feng could only barely think of the Divine Sovereign Tianyuan. However, the Divine Sovereign Tianyuan had already been in charge of the Heavenly Garden for more than a hundred thousand years, so it was obviously not an easy task for him to let senior come out and take charge of the San Kingdom.    


"Lin Feng, do you want to find someone to protect the San Kingdom?" Jing Wuhen suddenly asked when Lin Feng was silent. There was a slight change in his expression.    


Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded his head heavily. That was exactly what he meant. Jing Wuhen actually saw through it with a single glance.    


"I have a candidate that can be trusted." Jing Wuhen continued to speak. He recommended a candidate to Lin Feng and guaranteed that this person would not have any thoughts of occupying the San Kingdom.    


"Who is it?" Lin Feng's face was filled with joy as he quickly asked.    


"Jiang Yize!" Jing Wuhen pursed his lips into a smile as he looked at Lin Feng.    


Hearing this, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment and then shook his head. Firstly, Lin Feng did not understand Jing Wuhen's thoughts. Secondly, Lin Feng had some conflict with Lang Xie City in his heart and did not want to mention it for the rest of his life.    


"Don't be in a hurry to refuse. Let me finish." Jing Wuhen knew what Lin Feng was thinking, but his suggestion was definitely the most suitable for the current situation in the San Kingdom, and Jiang Yize could trust him.    


"Speak." Lin Feng nodded slowly with a complicated look in his eyes as he listened to Jing Wuhen's explanation.    


"First of all, Jiang Yize is the City Lord of the West District of Lang Xie City. To be honest, the City Lord of the West District doesn't have much authority. He is just like the Deputy City Lord of Lang Xie City. With Jiang Yitian here, it will be very difficult for Jiang Yize to survive."    


"If Jiang Yize can control the San Kingdom and confuse it with Lang Xie West District, then Lang Xie City and the San Kingdom can become one and take care of each other. This way, not only can the San Kingdom not be invaded, but the strength of Lang Xie City can also be guaranteed to grow stronger with each passing day. I know you hate Lang Xie City."    


"But you have to think that in the future, you will be the one you love the most, Jiang Xuan, in charge of Lang Xie City. Now that you have left, don't you want to give this little guy a final gift?"    


"A hundred years later, if the heir of the San Kingdom floats out of the water, then the younger generation of the Sovereign San will continue to control the San Kingdom. If there is still no trace of him, then Jiang Xuan will be in charge of Lang Xie City and the San Kingdom at the same time. What do you think?"    


At this point, Jing Wuhen's face was already full of smiles. He was confident that Lin Feng would definitely not reject such a suggestion. As long as it was something related to Jiang Xuan that was beneficial to Jiang Xuan, Lin Feng had no choice but to think twice before acting.    


Sure enough, when Jing Wuhen figured out the relationship between them, Lin Feng's expression couldn't help but change. From his initial complete rejection to his current contemplation, Lin Feng couldn't help but nod his head. He had to admit that this idea was feasible, and it was the best way to solve the current situation in the San Kingdom.    


"It's not enough for us to talk about it. I have to subdue all the chiefs of the San Kingdom and make them wholeheartedly serve Jiang Yize."    


Lin Feng was very cautious. Since he had decided to do so, he had to settle all the internal affairs of the San Kingdom. At the very least, no one from the inside could resist, or else there would be side effects.    


Since Lin Feng had inherited everything from the Sovereign San, he had the right to temporarily take care of everything in the San Kingdom. Lin Feng was in no mood to manage the San Kingdom because he had bigger things to do. Otherwise, it would be a good thing for the San Kingdom to be managed by Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng paced back and forth a few times, thinking of a foolproof plan. At first, he didn't think too much about it. He thought that he could leave after killing Yan Zhen, but now it seemed that things were far more complicated than he had imagined. Since he had killed Yan Zhen, the San Kingdom would have to make some arrangements.    


"How about this, Brother Jing, I'll have to trouble you to go to the West District and invite Jiang Yize over to take charge. Also, tell him that he is not allowed to communicate with the Divine Sovereign Lang Xie about this matter. Otherwise, there will be no need to talk about it. I think he will agree."    


"As for me, I will wander around the villages of the San Kingdom and be in charge of lobbying the leaders of these villages. Only if they submit to me will I be able to carry out this plan. What do you think?"    


Lin Feng thought of a plan that involved both sides. Only this plan could be done in the shortest amount of time possible, so Jing Wuhen naturally had no objections. Although it was a bit boring, it was still better than cultivating every day.    


"I'll go right away and try to come back in three days." Jing Wuhen nodded his head heavily. Then, with a wave of his left hand, the Nasal Cow suddenly shattered and turned into a ray of light that dissipated in the surroundings, causing Lin Feng to be shocked.    


"This...?" Lin Feng's face was filled with shock. How could a Nasal Cow...?    


"Haha, camouflage. Even the three of them can't see through it, so you naturally can't either. This was given to me by master, or else do you think I really have a Nasal Cow as a mount? Do you think that everyone is as lucky as you to have a Chaos Beast as a mount?"    


Jing Wuhen grinned and flew straight in the direction of Lang Xie City.    


Lin Feng looked at Jing Wuhen's disappearing figure and found it hard to calm his heart. Who would have thought that the ten great ancient beasts' Nasal Cow would actually be a trick? However, it had actually hit the three of them in the chest. How could this be explained?    


Lin Feng's gaze was serious as he shook his head. After these few days of knowing each other, Lin Feng realized that the secrets on Jing Wuhen's body were not getting less and less, but more and more.    


"I hope you are not my enemy!"    


Lin Feng sighed and turned around to see that Yan Tianjiao was still kneeling on the ground, but she had stopped crying. Her eyes were swollen like apricot cores, making people pity her.    


"Yan Tianjiao, live well!"    


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