Peerless Martial God 2

C785 Expert Lin Hai!

C785 Expert Lin Hai!

1"Hubby, my father and mother are not here, aren't you going to tell me the truth?"     3


Liu Fei leaned her head against Lin Feng's chest with a flushed face. She placed her finger on Lin Feng's stomach and drew a circle. Her face was filled with happiness, but there was also a trace of worry in her eyes. She looked at Lin Feng and finally asked what she was most concerned about.    


Lin Feng hugged Liu Fei. With such a beauty in his arms, Lin Feng did not think about anything. He only wanted to live a peaceful life for a few days, but Liu Fei was his woman. No matter how long the two of them left, Liu Fei knew her the best. She could see through his heart with a single glance, making it impossible for Lin Feng to hide or hide.    


"No, it's all right, don't worry." Lin Feng's expression was slightly abnormal, but he quickly regained his calm. He did not want to open the scar again, nor did he want Liu Fei to worry. He did not give Liu Fei too much love and concern. Instead, he wanted Liu Fei to be on tenterhooks for him. This was very unfair.    


Lin Feng thought so, but Liu Fei was even more anxious. In her eyes, she was Lin Feng's woman, Lin Feng's wife. If her husband did not tell her that he had something to do, Liu Fei would only think that she did not do well enough and was not qualified.    


"Hubby, do you still want to hide it from me?"    


Liu Fei's face revealed a trace of unwillingness. She did not like Lin Feng being like this and not telling her the truth.    


Lin Feng's face froze for a moment, and then his eyes revealed a complicated and painful expression. Lin Feng took a deep breath. He really did not want to reveal this humiliating scar, but Liu Fei had the right to know about it. After all, she was his wife.    


Lin Feng adjusted his state of mind and told Liu Fei everything that had happened to him during this period of time, including the fact that the Ancient Evil Clan controlled everyone in San City to threaten him. In the end, he cut away all of his Body of Chaos and didn't leave anything behind.    


He had used his own Body of Chaos to create Xie Dian, and he had created the future of the Ancient Evil Clan.    


It took Lin Feng a long time to finish speaking. His face was already extremely pale, and beads of sweat were dripping down his cheeks. Lin Feng's heart was filled with despair. He wanted to heal the scar and not think about it, but when he brought it up again, Lin Feng realized that he could not let it go. He could never let it go.    


"Hubby, you..." Liu Fei's face revealed a surprised expression, and deep in her eyes, there was a hint of heartache. She was not prepared for this at all, and it made her heart collapse.    


"I'm sorry, hubby. I-I shouldn't have asked." Liu Fei's face was pale and she felt wronged. She buried her head deep into Lin Feng's chest and naturally wrapped her arms around Lin Feng's waist. She did not have the ability to restore Lin Feng's strength, so she could only use this method to warm Lin Feng up and tell him that no matter when or where, she had to pay silently.    


"It's not your fault, Phil. I should have told you myself." Lin Feng shook his head, hugged Liu Fei, and sighed. This matter was unavoidable. Perhaps it would be better to tell Liu Fei directly so that she wouldn't worry.    


Also, Lin Feng did not think that Yue Menghe and Lin Hai could not see this either. They also knew him well, but they did not have a good reason to ask, and Lin Feng knew it very well.    


"Fei'er, don't tell your parents about this. I don't want them to worry." Lin Feng sighed and said to Liu Fei with a complicated expression.    


Hearing this, Liu Fei nodded obediently. Even if Lin Feng didn't tell her, she wouldn't tell Yue Menghe about it. She didn't want them to worry about Lin Feng's situation.    


"Alright, I will keep it a secret for you. But hubby, in the future..."    


"I'm not sure what will happen in the future. Perhaps, I might have a chance to recover." Lin Feng said a very fake sentence to comfort Liu Fei. Of course, Liu Fei would not believe him, but she could only pretend to believe him. Only then would Lin Feng not worry about her.    


"Sleep, hubby will be with you these days." Lin Feng looked at Liu Fei lovingly. Then, he placed his hand on Liu Fei's chest. The soft and bouncy feeling in his hand made Lin Feng feel it again.    


Liu Fei's face turned red as she pouted coquettishly, "You, annoying."    


"Fei Er, do it again."    


"Ah! Don't, hmm!"    




In the early hours of the next day, Lin Feng had already woken up while Liu Fei was still sleeping soundly. Last night, he had tormented Liu Fei badly. Right now, Liu Fei was very tired and only wanted to have a good sleep. Lin Feng covered Liu Fei with the blanket, pushed the door open, and walked out of the wooden house.    


Lin Feng stood on top of a hundred-meter thick tree. This tree was the Ancient Tree that had been transplanted here, and it was not ordinary at all. When Lin Feng saw that the Ancient Tree was still flourishing with leaves, his mood also improved.    


The Ancient Trees outside were not so thick. Even the Ancient Trees that were millions of years old were not as sturdy as the Ancient Trees in the Martial Soul World. Lin Feng was still very satisfied with his Martial Soul World. At least, he was a place where he could live a peaceful life when he had nowhere to go.    


However, Lin Feng was unwilling. How could Lin Feng be willing to let Xie Dian, who had stolen his Body of Chaos, stand in front of thousands of people? He proudly puffed out his chest and enjoyed the worship and infatuation of countless people. How could Lin Feng himself bear the humiliation brought about by the Body of Chaos? How could he let the Ancient Evil Clan go?    


He was unwilling. Everything was because he was unwilling, but what could Lin Feng do if he was unwilling? The first level of the Divine Emperor would be considered weak in the current Divine Land, let alone the God Kingdom.    


"Could it be that I'm going to spend the rest of my life in a daze?" Lin Feng muttered to himself as he asked himself what he should do in the future.    


But no matter how hard he thought about it, he could not think of anything. Lin Feng could only give up the obsession in his heart and accompany Liu Fei and his parents for the time being. He owed them too much, and he would not be able to make it up to them even after ten years.    


The sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind him. Lin Feng turned around and looked at the man who was walking towards him. Who else could it be other than Lin Hai?    


Lin Hai did not grow old. He still looked like a middle-aged man. When Lin Feng looked at Lin Hai, he could recall the time when his father was still the Patriarch of the Lin Family in the Snow Moon Country, but because of him, he was forced into a corner.    


Since then, Lin Feng had deeply understood the importance of strength. It was also at that time that Lin Feng paid a price that was several times more painful than others to cultivate, and finally, he was who he was now.    


But there was nothing impossible in this world. From High-Grade Divine Sovereign to Middle-Grade Divine Sovereign, and from Middle-Grade Divine Sovereign to first level of the Divine Emperor, no one knew the bitterness of it.    


Lin Feng did not want to talk about it with his family without backbone. He did not want them to worry.    


Lin Feng put away the gloominess in his heart and revealed a bright smile as he watched Lin Hai approach him.    


"Father." Lin Feng smiled at Lin Hai, his eyes filled with respect. Lin Feng had never doubted his father in the slightest, because from the moment he was in the most difficult situation, it was his father who supported him.    


Although he had transmigrated from Earth, this was still the closest bloodline relationship.    


"Feng'er, if there's a problem, tell father. Just like back then." Lin Hai's face also revealed a bright smile. After that, he took out two bottles of warm wine from his Space Ring. Lin Hai looked around like a thief, then carefully shouted: "This is wine from behind your mother's back, don't let her find it."    


Lin Feng was in a much better mood after seeing his father's funny scene. He took a bottle of wine. Indeed, it had been a long time since he had a drink with his father. This was a rare opportunity.    


Bang, Lin Feng began to talk with his fingers, removing the cork from the wine bottle. Lin Hai raised the wine pot and took a big gulp. His face was filled with satisfaction. As the saying goes, a thousand gold coins could not buy one to get drunk. Drinking wine with his son once was something that could not be exchanged for a million gold coins.    


Lin Feng also took a sip, but when the wine reached his stomach, he felt a sharp pain in his meridians and a burning pain in his ribs. Lin Feng's face immediately turned pale and cold sweat started to seep out.    


Seeing this, Lin Hai's face darkened. He threw away the bottle and said in a low voice: "Sure enough, I was right. Feng'er, you are hurt."    


"Father, you ..." Lin Feng's face was filled with shock as he stared at Lin Hai in a daze. There was guilt and shock in his heart.    


Lin Feng actually realized that he was injured. This was simply unbelievable.    


"Feng'er, what do you think father's current strength is?"    


Lin Hai looked at Lin Feng with a heavy expression and asked with a serious tone.    


Lin Feng's gaze immediately froze as he looked at Lin Hai in surprise.    


"Father, what do you mean?" Lin Feng did not understand why Lin Hai suddenly asked such a question.    


Lin Hai looked at his son in surprise, but his face revealed a brilliant smile. In an instant, his body burst out with a hundred thousand rays of light. This was definitely not the Divine Light, but it was so divine that it had completely fused with the Martial Soul World.    


"Father, you ...?" Lin Feng's face was filled with shock as he stared blankly at Lin Hai in front of him. His aura had actually risen to such a terrifying level that it was not weaker than that of a Supreme Divinity.    


"Are you shocked?" Lin Hai laughed out loud as he looked at Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng wanted to nod his head, but before he could do so, Lin Hai had already disappeared in front of his eyes. Lin Feng stared blankly at the disappearing Lin Hai, and his expression changed drastically.    


Suddenly, someone touched his shoulder. Lin Feng turned around and looked at Lin Hai in shock, unable to calm down for a long time.    


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