Peerless Martial God 2

C958 The Soul Had Returned!

C958 The Soul Had Returned!

2"Lin Ou, the first master, did not do much during his tenure. The entire Heavenly Dao Court was in a state of isolation, but his death was tragic, and he died miserably at the hands of the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets Sect. He was no more than a hundred thousand years old at the end of the year!"    2


Lin Feng looked at the contents of the second tombstone, and his heart could not help but be filled with sympathy. If he did not guess wrongly, this should be the Void Ancestor's fifth reincarnation. The master he found in the first round was also the first miserable master, and also the first person who was indirectly harmed by Tan Ziming.    


Apart from feeling emotional, Lin Feng had no other emotions. He did not know what emotions he should use to face these dead masters.    


"Chen Cheng, the second master, did not do much during his tenure. He was controlled by this old servant everywhere. He was extremely cowardly. Although his talent was strong, he was weak and afraid of trouble. In the end, when he broke through to the fifth level of Divine Monarch, he was killed by the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets Sect. His death was extremely miserable."    


"G Shangguan Siyue, the third master, during his tenure, he listened to the Dao of Dao of Dao Chengzi, causing the Heavenly Dao Court to become worse and worse day by day. And because he broke through to the fifth level of the Divine Monarch, he was no match for the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets Sect. He died on the way back with heavy injuries, and his lifespan was less than a hundred thousand years."    




Lin Feng carefully looked at the introduction of these tombs. All of them were pitiful masters, and all of them were people who had been schemed against. In the end, they all died at the hands of the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets, which meant that they all died at the hands of Lin Qiongsheng.    


Lin Feng began to be curious about this Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets Sect. What kind of person could kill without blinking for hundreds of thousands of years and abide by the agreement between the two sides?    


Lin Feng looked at the last tomb, but he was a little stunned because there was not a single word on this tombstone. All of them were blank tombstones, and no one introduced the four of them. Lin Feng could not help but be stunned.    


"Before me, there were four masters. That's right, but why didn't the fourth master introduce him?" Lin Feng's face was filled with surprise and confusion. The first three people all had annotations, so why didn't the fourth person have one?    


"Lin Feng, could it be that they wrote it down one by one?"    


Seeing Lin Feng's confusion, Senior Zuti voiced out his analysis, causing Lin Feng's heart to palpitate uncontrollably. He raised his head and looked at the tombstones carefully again. In the end, he couldn't help but nod his head.    


That's right, this was indeed annotated one by one, which meant that Tan Ziming's annotation was written by the first master, Lin Ou, with the subjective nature of Lin Ou, while the annotation on Lin Ou's tombstone was written by the second master, Chen Cheng.    


The corresponding evaluation on Chen Cheng's tombstone was carved by the third master, Shangguan Siyue. In the end, Shangguan Siyue's evaluation was carved by the fourth master, but he didn't know the name of the fourth master.    


But Lin Feng knew that if nothing unexpected happened to the fourth master, he would personally engrave his life story and introduction because he was the fifth master.    


However, he didn't know what had happened before, nor did he know who the fourth master was.    


Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickened his pace and walked to the front of the blank tombstone. After looking at the huge coffin behind him, he carefully searched for the words on the coffin. Usually, after a person died, there would be an introduction in front of the coffin.    


Lin Feng searched for a long time but did not let himself down. Sure enough, he found an introduction to the fourth master in a corner behind the coffin.    


"Shi Siming, the fourth master, lived for a hundred thousand years. Before he died, he did not break through to the fifth level of Divine Monarch, but he was still killed by the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets Sect and died of depression."    


"Under Shi Siming's governance, the Heavenly Dao Court has already shown clear signs of recovering its vitality, but in the end, because it was killed by the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets Sect, all of its previous efforts were in vain."    


The words on Lin Feng's reader's page, in addition to sighing with emotion, had a trace of pity. Without exception, these four people had all been framed by the second Court Master. They had held a life and death battle, but he himself did not participate. Instead, he framed all the masters from then on.    


Lin Feng shook his head and walked to the tombstone. He then took out the Sword of Zuti and wrote down what he understood. It was roughly the same as what was written behind the coffin.    


Perhaps after the fourth master, there would be an empty coffin. When Lin Feng saw the position of the coffin that was reserved for the next master, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile. He would never be able to live there for the rest of his life.    


If he broke through to the fifth level of Divine Monarch, the one who should be careful would be the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets Sect. Hehe, after killing so many people, it was time to pay some price, and this price was naturally his old life.    


Lin Feng would not have any illusions about the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets because of Lin Qiongsheng. On the contrary, because of Lin Qiongsheng, Lin Feng wanted to kill the Sect Master of the Heavenly Secrets Sect even more, because he was Lin Qiongsheng's father, not him.    


It wasn't up to him to do anything he didn't know how to do.    


When Lin Feng thought of this, his body emitted a boundless killing intent. The entire underground palace became even colder because of Lin Feng's terrifying killing intent. Droplets of water kept dripping down from both sides.    


Lin Feng collected his thoughts and then found a direction, which was where Tan Ziming was. He was going to go in and see what was inside. This evil person had harmed the fourth master, and Lin Feng really wanted to destroy his coffin.    


However, he still restrained the anger in his heart.    


He took a step forward, but he could not take another step. On the contrary, his expression became much more serious. Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the four Soul Bodies that suddenly appeared in front of him.    


"You are the fifth master?"    


The four Soul Bodies asked at the same time. The ghost's voice was trembling, as if it was talking to a ghost. It was very scary, and as it trembled, there was also a lot of cold feeling. Lin Feng couldn't help but feel as if someone was blowing wind on his face.    


Lin Feng's expression became more cautious as he looked at the four Soul Bodies in front of him.    


"You are?"    


"We are the fourth master, your four seniors." The four Soul Bodies still shouted at the same time, causing Lin Feng's expression to change.    


Although Lin Feng had already guessed the identities of the four Soul Bodies, it was still a little scary for them to prove it themselves.    


"After you were killed, your souls were not destroyed?" Lin Feng looked at the four Soul Bodies in front of him with surprise, some old and some young. His face was filled with shock, and he couldn't help but ask.    


"No, the Sect Master of Heavenly Secrets only destroyed our bodies and let our souls go, but he confiscated our Soul Bead, so there is no hope of revival."    


A handsome man with a slightly humble face answered. He was different from the other three, thin and weak, and his breath was soft and weak, as if he were a scribe.    


Lin Feng looked at the man. If his guess was correct, this should be Chen Cheng, the second master. Because it was clearly stated on the tombstone that he was a submissive person with a weak personality. The Soul Body in front of him was very suitable for this image.    


"Since your souls are not extinguished, why don't you walk out?" Lin Feng looked at the four of them in surprise and asked in a deep voice.    


Hearing this, the four Soul Bodies looked at each other, their faces filled with helplessness. Everyone looked at the oldest old man, and when the old man saw the three of them looking at him at the same time, he took a few steps forward.    


"Hello, I am the third master, Shangguan Siyue." The old man took the initiative to introduce himself and then looked at Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng nodded his head and said with a smile, "I am Lin Feng. I have only been the fifth master for a few days."    


"You have seen the notes on our stone tablet. You should have understood the conflict between the Heavenly Dao Court and the Heavenly Secrets Sect, right?" Shangguan Siyue looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy expression and asked in a deep voice.    


Hearing that, Lin Feng nodded his head, indicating that he understood, and then pointed at the coffin of the second Court Master, Tan Ziming.    


"It's all because of him, right?" Lin Feng asked indifferently.    


"That's right, it's him. The few of us can't help but want to peel off his skin and pull out his tendons!" Shangguan Siyue looked at the coffin of Tan Ziming, and his face suddenly became extremely sinister and sinister. A terrifying killing intent spread throughout the entire underground palace, which was enough to show his hatred towards Tan Ziming.    


Not only Shangguan Siyue, but Lin Feng also saw that the faces of the other three people, including the cowardly Chen Cheng, were filled with anger. It was clear that Tan Ziming's actions had angered everyone.    


However, it was only natural. These four people had all died because of a single sentence from Tan Ziming. If Tan Ziming did not show off and said that his master was going to fight to the death in the future, how could they have died such a miserable death?    


Lin Feng even suspected that this Tan Ziming was either the owner of the Heavenly Dao Court or the enemy. Why did everything he did harm the Heavenly Dao Court?    


"Oh right, you haven't answered my question. Why don't you go out?" Lin Feng woke up from his thoughts and asked Shangguan Siyue again.    


"It's not that we don't want to get out, but that we can't get out. If we do, there is only one possibility, and that is that you can destroy Tan Ziming's coffin."    


Shangguan Siyue said fiercely. Then, he glared at Tan Ziming's coffin with a face full of anger.    


When Lin Feng heard this, his expression immediately changed. After that, he couldn't help but wonder if Shangguan Siyue wanted to use his hands to take revenge. Lin Feng himself was suspicious of the latter's goal.    


But after Senior Zuti said a few words to him using the Sound Transmitting, it made Lin Feng believe that what Shangguan Siyue said was true.    


Senior Zuti told himself that the coffin where Tan Ziming was located was the center of the entire underground palace's seal. Only by destroying that place could the seal of the underground palace be broken, and the four of them would be able to leave.    


Lin Feng believed what Senior Zuti said, because the former could be said to be the most familiar with these tombs or the underground palace.    


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