Unparalleled Divine Power

C3106 Entering the Xiao Yao World

C3106 Entering the Xiao Yao World

2chapter 3106. Entering Unfettered Small World    


Unfettered Small World was indeed not a place for cultivation.    


The attribute of the Unfettered Small World was to be free and unfettered, it was a place where one would be free and unfettered in their own world.    


In fact, many of the people who entered the Unfettered Small World wanted to have absolute protection. They just wanted to go there.    


Many of them had entered the Unfettered Small World to seek refuge because they had a great enemy outside.    


Those who had entered the Unfettered Small World knew that it would be difficult for them to continue their cultivation inside. However, it didn't matter. Many of them had already reached the end of their path of cultivation.    


Even if there were still some who felt that they hadn't reached the end of their path, they just needed a clone to cultivate outside.    


Therefore, this was one of the shortcomings of the Unfettered Small World. If it wasn't for this, the Unfettered Small World would have been filled with people long ago.    


Generally, ambitious people would not enter the Unfettered Small World.    


It was precisely because of this that the messenger of Liberty didn't understand why Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie, these two peerless geniuses, would enter the Unfettered Small World. That was why he tried his best to dissuade them.    


Qin Xiao said, "We brothers appreciate Senior Emissary's good intentions, but we have our own difficulties and things that we have to do."    


"Therefore, we have to enter the Unfettered Small World."    


"We also know that it's easy to enter, but difficult to come out. But there is no other way. If it is any harder, We can only try our best to overcome it."    


"There are some things that we can't say we won't do because it's difficult. We still have to do it. Even if we have to risk our lives, we still have to do it "    


"Senior Emissary, I forgot that you understand our difficulties. Let us enter the Unfettered Small World."    


Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie insisted on entering the Unfettered Small World, so naturally, the emissary couldn't stop them.    


The emissary shook his head slightly and said: "Alright, that's it. Then take out the mission and hand it over according to the list. I can bring you guys to Unfettered Small World. "    


Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie had completed the eight missions a long time ago. The items on the list had already been prepared. With Gao Junsuo's wealth, it was more than enough for them to pay the price.    


After collecting everything, the envoy became serious. He said to Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie, "What arrangements do you have? Hurry up and arrange it. Alright, I will bring you to Unfettered Small World."    


Qin Xiao looked at Yuanyuan and Mo Baobao and said, "You guys should hurry back to Firmament Academy."    


Yuanyuan forcefully pouted her mouth and looked unhappy, but she still obediently said, "Alright."    


Yuanyuan still turned her head back three times with each step and walked unsteadily. It was a long time before she could be considered to have left.    


It was not an easy thing to send these two people away. Qin Xiao could only helplessly shake his head.    


The Freedom Emissary brought Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie to Unfettered Small World. They had gone through a few twists and turns along the way. After going through 36 teleportation formations, they finally entered an empty land.    


A barrier gate was opened in the empty land, and they finally entered the Unfettered Small World.    


However, as soon as they entered the Unfettered Small World, they were brought into an independent spatial zone that was sealed off.    


There was clearly a powerful existence guarding this sealed independent spatial zone. This was the first and most inexcusable opening to enter the Unfettered Small World.    


"All of you, don't resist. Plant a soul seal before you can live in the Unfettered Small World."    


The voice of the Xiao Yao Envoy sounded.    


At this moment, two rays of Dao light enveloped Qin Xiao. A golden talisman script that could be moved surged into Qin Xiao and the envoy's minds.    


They weaved into a seal and entered their souls, wanting to imprint it.    


Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie also knew that this was a necessary process to enter the Unfettered Small World. This kind of soul seal could control every person who entered it.    


With this, they could also control the people who entered the Unfettered Small World to act rashly in the Unfettered Small World.    


Even if this soul seal erupted, although it wouldn't be able to harm Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie's lives, it would still be a great restraining force that could severely injure the two of them.    


However, there was no other way. If they wanted to enter the Unfettered Small World, they had to follow the rules here.    


Being implanted with a soul mark was indeed a very unpleasant feeling.    


It was as if his life was in the hands of someone else.    


Very quickly, the soul imprint was completed implanted.    


A door opened, and a gentle light shot in from behind the door.    


Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie looked at each other. Without any hesitation, they continued to walk forward and entered the Unfettered Small World.    


The moment they stepped through the door, they entered a new world, a brand new world.    


This was a vast world, a huge continent, an incomparably magnificent continent.    


There were beautiful scenery, rugged and strange rocks, mountain peaks that fell from the wrong direction, mountain ranges that connected to each other, fairyland lands that were surrounded by seven colors, floating giant islands, and endless abysses -    


This was a real world beyond the heavens, the Peach Garden World.    


The beautiful scenery, the aura, was pleasing to the eye.    


Buildings were scattered everywhere.    


This was the Unfettered Small World, the legendary Unfettered Small World, an extremely mysterious place beyond the heavens.    


The Unfettered Small World was a completely man-made world.    


Therefore, the void here was incomparably hard and firm. It couldn't be easily broken through.    


In the Unfettered Small World, there were also many restrictions and suppression.    


Therefore, it was difficult for him to exert his full strength here.    


However, everyone treated each other equally, so there was nothing much to be said.    


This small world was still very stable.    


The Unfettered Small World wasn't big, it was much smaller than the Langya Heaven.    


However, there weren't many people in the Unfettered Small World. According to what Qin Xiao knew, that's about a million.    


Of course, this number wasn't a lot, but one should know that all of them were Ancient Saint Stage warriors! There were even some existences in the World Divine Realm!    


When he said this, he felt that it was extremely terrifying.    


A million Ancient Saint Stage warriors, what kind of terrifying power was this?    


Such a powerful force was truly terrifying.    


It was hard to imagine how terrifying it was.    


It was no wonder that the prestige of the Unfettered Small World in the Great Dao Holy Domain had reached such a high level. It was true that the Unfettered Small World had its own foundation.    


Who would dare to look down on such an Unfettered Small World? Who would dare to act rashly?    


It was no wonder that the only person who dared to come here by force was Reincarnation Holy Sovereign.    


Even if it was the existence of the Firmament Ranking God Ranking, it was likely difficult to do so.    


There were also many people in the Unfettered Small World who were eccentric and did not want to interact with others. Therefore, these people would usually split up and find a quiet place to build their own palace. Just like that, they stayed in their own palace and surrounded the place.    


Although the Unfettered Small World wasn't very big, it was still very big. However, it was still a very vast place with only a few million people.    


People who liked to be lively gathered on a huge floating island in the center of the island. It was also called Liberty City.    


Very quickly, Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie arrived in front of Liberty City, but they had yet to enter it.    


Liberty City was not protected by city walls, so they could freely enter from all directions.    


The entire Liberty City was constructed in a very luxurious and grand manner. There were all kinds of magnificent buildings in the city, and they had a very well-planned layout. Therefore, at first glance, it was very comfortable and methodical.    


Before they entered Liberty City, they could already feel the singing and dancing in the city. It was a lively atmosphere.    


Mr. Chunjie took a deep breath and looked intoxicated. A naughty smile emerged on his face. "This is the smell. It makes me feel comfortable just by smelling it."    


"Hahaha, Unfettered Small World is indeed a place with great freedom and freedom. Has this place reached its peak?"    


"In the entire Liberty City, there is only one smell, a rotten smell."    


"HAHAHA, but I like it."    


"Qin Xiao, who was next to him, rolled his eyes at Mr. Chunjie speechlessly. Naturally, he understood what he meant.    


The interior of Liberty City was indeed filled with eroding aura. It was the kind of erosion between men and women.    


Furthermore, the entire city was filled with Yi Hong Courtyard at a glance. It was the Spring Breeze House, the Full Moon Restaurant, and the brothel.    


There were even a lot of female Feng Chen, who were wearing very little cloth, standing over there. They were flirtatiously fiddling with the clothes, attracting the attention of many people.    


This scene, this style, really made Qin Xiao feel awkward.    


If outsiders knew that Liberty City was such a scene, who knew what they would think?    


Almost half of the entire city was occupied by the fireworks. It was unbelievable that a business had been developed to the peak.    


Walking on the streets of Liberty City... There were not many people on the streets, but there were cheerful noises coming from both sides of the street.    


It was truly a free and unfettered place, a place where one could fly freely.    


Qin Xiao had never been interested in such a thing.    


Mr. Chunjie, on the other hand, had a look of great interest on his face. He had wanted to go in and take a look several times, but he was still held back by Qin Xiao. Otherwise, he would have forgotten his purpose of coming in.    


"This is a good place, really a good place. Tsk, tsk, tsk. The Feng Chen girls here are different from those lecherous fans outside. This place is full of high quality goods. "    


"Some Ancient Saint Stage women only want to have fun with men. If they are attracted to them, they will be attracted to them. Then, they will have a good time. "    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I feel like I'm going to have a lot of fun. Such a good place, I should come in earlier." Mr. Chunjie said again.    


Qin Xiao was speechless. He rolled his eyes at him and said, "Can you still be alright? You don't want to take revenge on King Qiong anymore, right? "    


"It's fine, it's fine. It's not a delay. It's not a mistake either. He had killed King Qiong. Isn't that an easy matter?" Mr. Chunjie waved his hand and said indifferently.    


However, he was just a jovial person, and it wasn't that he didn't really care.    


After fooling around for a while, Mr. Chunjie finally became more serious and said, " But to be honest, Qin Xiao, this is actually normal."    


"Think about it, how boring is it in Unfettered Small World? It's just a small place, and there are millions of Ancient Saint Stage here."    


"It's obviously impossible to cultivate here. This isn't a place for cultivation. If he didn't cultivate, what was the point of staying here? It's not like you can leave Unfettered Small World so easily. "    


" So, naturally, I'm trying to find a way to have some fun. It's a man's fun time, isn't it mostly like this? "    


"That's right. That's why the places of entertainment in Liberty City can be seen everywhere. It has developed very well, enriching the life in Unfettered Small World, and also making Xiaoyao Xiao City more suitable for the word 'free and easy'."    


"We have just entered the Unfettered Small World, so we are not familiar with this place. We don't even know anyone."    


"So, if we want to find King Qiong and Gao Junsuo, we must first integrate into the Unfettered Small World, then find a way to find their whereabouts, and then find a way to kill them. That's the main point, right?"    


Qin Xiao nodded. That was true.    


First of all, he needed to understand the Unfettered Small World first. He was really unfamiliar with this place.    0


"So, let's go in and have some fun and get to know more about it?" Mr. Chunjie suddenly laughed and pulled Qin Xiao towards a place called Wind Moon Field.    


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