Unparalleled Divine Power

C3139 In His Heart Let's Do It Now

C3139 In His Heart Let's Do It Now

2chapter 3139. Do what you need to do.     4


Therefore, Qin Xiao told him what he saw.    


Fu Yunni became silent after hearing what Qin Xiao said. After thinking carefully for a while, she said, "Are you sure that your good looks didn't discover you long ago and deliberately did it for the smoke grenade?"    


Qin Xiao had thought about this situation before, but he still rejected it.    


Qin Xiao shook his head and said, "She probably didn't discover me earlier, and there's no need to create such a smoke bomb. After all, this is a matter of cleaning up the door. This isn't a small matter. It shouldn't be used as a smoke grenade so easily. "    


Fu Yunni thought about it and also felt that what Qin Xiao said made sense. It was indeed unlikely.    


Yan Ya also agreed with Qin Xiao's point of view.    


"If that's the case, then the Blood Instant Alliance didn't send their blood master for Wu Qihong. Or rather, they didn't come for Wu Qihong."    


"But there is another question that is also very strange. Wu Qigaang isn't a simple character. If he really has a place to betray the Blood Instant Alliance, then there is no reason for him not to realize his current situation, right? "    


"The Blood Instant Alliance has sent out their blood master, so he should be feeling a sense of crisis. He should know very well that something big will happen once a high level blood master appears."    


"If it's just to deal with Wu Qihong, there's no need for Blood Instant Alliance to mobilize so many people, right?"    


"Sending such a high grade blood master here, wouldn't Wu Qigaang suspect anything? Won't he be on guard? " Fu Yunni asked in puzzlement.    


This question made Qin Xiao and Yan Ya frown.    


Indeed, after thinking about it carefully, this was indeed a big problem.    


Logically speaking, if there was really a place where Wu Qigaang betrayed the Blood Instant Alliance, he should be prepared for it.    


If Yao Xuelian only came here to get rid of Wu Qigaang, then the situation wouldn't be so simple if she waited for so long without making a move. That's right, there must be some unknown situation.    


It seemed like this matter was still a little complicated.    


This matter was related to Yao Xuelian. No matter how complicated it was, Qin Xiao could only get involved.    


"Since we can't see through the specific situation inside, we can only use the dumbest method. We'll see what happens one step at a time. Your old good friend and Wu Qigaang will definitely make a move."    


"When they make a move, the situation will be clear. Then we will naturally know what to do. " Fu Yunni shook her head and said.    


Qin Xiao shook his head. He had no idea what to do now, so he could only wait.    


Fu Yunni suddenly said, what?" Eh, Qin Xiao, you and your old sweetheart met, right? How is it? Did your old sweetheart make a move on you? The commotion was not small. We all felt it here, but we just didn't go out to take a look."    


"If we look at the commotion, your old good friend won't show you any mercy at all."    


"Hehehe, how is it? Did you suffer a setback? I told you earlier that the blood master has no memories at all."    


"All of their memories have been completely erased. Not a single bit of them will remain. In fact, even their souls have been reshaped. Their souls are no longer their original souls."    


"So, in fact, he's already dead."    


"Furthermore, they are already dead. It's even worse than death. If he's only dead, then he can actually be resurrected. "    


" But once she becomes a blood master, she will be completely controlled by the Blood Instant Alliance. You won't even have the chance to resurrect her. This is the scariest thing. "    


"Becoming a blood master is basically equivalent to complete destruction."    


"She is no longer the same as she was in the past. That's why I advised you long ago. "    


Logically speaking, how could Qin Xiao not know?    


He also knew that the current Yao Xuelian was no longer the Yao Xuelian he knew. She had completely changed into a different person. Even her memory did not exist. This was a very terrifying thing.    


However, Qin Xiao still couldn't let go of the guilt in his heart.    


He also didn't completely give up on saving Yao Xuelian. Even if there was no other way at the moment, even if the hope was extremely slim, he still had to do it.    


No matter what, respecting one's heart was enough.    


As for whether he could succeed in the end, he just had to work hard.    


"If I work hard, I won't have any regrets. Why do I have to think so far? I will do as I am told. That's enough. " After a moment of silence, Qin Xiao said.    


If he worked hard, he would have no regrets.    


It was enough for him to focus on the present.    


Fu Yunni muttered to herself and her heart was touched by this sentence for some reason.    


Yan Ya looked at Qin Xiao with an exaggerated expression of infatuation and adoration and said, "Young Master Qin Xiao, what you said is really too good. It makes a lot of sense. What should I do? I'm starting to admire you. "    


"Hehehe, I really want to chase you. What should I do?"    


Er - -    


Qin Xiao smiled bitterly and said to Yan Ya, "I am stronger than you, and I run faster than you. If you chase me, I will lose."    




Yan Ya was so amused that she burst into laughter. "Hahaha, Qin Xiao, you are so talented. When did you become so humorous?"    


"No, no. Don't be so humorous. If you become very interesting. Then maybe I really will fall in love with you... Then I'm not joking with you anymore. I'm really going to chase you. "    


Qin Xiao immediately made a gesture to shut his mouth, indicating that he wasn't joking anymore.    


Seeing Qin Xiao's action, Yan Ya looked at Qin Xiao with disdain and muttered, Coward, I'm not even afraid. What are you afraid of, really? It sounded like she was at a disadvantage, but it seemed like... she was at a disadvantage. "    


Fu Yunni suddenly waved her hand to signal Qin Xiao and Yan Ya to quiet down.    


Qin Xiao's brows slightly raised, feeling that there was an aura coming.    


He saw a man wearing a tattered long robe quickly enter the courtyard. After entering, he revealed his face and released a trace of aura to change his appearance.    


Only then did Qin Xiao recognize the man. He was none other than Wu Qihong.    


Wu Qihong was a disciple of Justice Alliance. Therefore, Qin Xiao wasn't surprised by his appearance.    


"Greetings, Young Master Qin Xiao. I believe these two are Miss Fuyunni and Yan Ya, right?" When Wu Qihong arrived, his eyes swept across Qin Xiao and the other two, then he cupped his fists and bowed.    


Fu Yunni raised her brows slightly, thinking that this Wu Qihong really had some tricks up his sleeve. He actually managed to deceive Xuan Mumu and the others.    


When Wu Qihong came here, Xuan Mumu and the others actually did not receive any news.    


Fu Yunni looked at Wu Qihong with some doubt and deeply looked at him. She looked at him and said, "How do you know about us?"    


Logically speaking, such a thing should be kept secret.    


Was Wu Qihong also at the second level?    


Logically speaking, Wu Qihong's strength should not have reached the standard of the second level. That's right, he should be at the third level.    


According to the third level, he, Wu Qihong, was not qualified to know the information about the second level unless he was the person in charge.    


Seeing Fu Yunni's doubt, Wu Qihong immediately said, "It was Saint Sovereign Unremitting Illustration who told me about your situation. He told me that you were secretly helping me and asked me to keep an eye on you."    


"Initially, I didn't know that Young Master Qin Xiao was also a member of Justice Alliance. However, when I saw that Young Master Qin Xiao was being hunted by the Lotus Saint Envoy, I guessed it."    


"That's why I kept a secret. I only saw three of them when I was chasing after them."    


After listening to Wu Qihong and the other two's explanation, Fu Yunni finally understood.    


However, this was not a big deal. Wu Qihong was originally a member of the Justice Alliance. Their purpose of coming here was... This was their mission.    


Now that Wu Qihong knew about their existence, there was nothing he could not recognize.    


Fu Yunni gestured for Wu Qihong to sit down. Furthermore, Wu Qihong waved his hand and said: "No, Miss Fuyunni. I can't stay here any longer. I'm leaving soon. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Third Elder Brother will notice me. That would be bad. "    


"We have to be careful when we act now. We can't afford to be careless."    


Fu Yunni nodded. This was also right. It was always good to be careful.    


Wu Qihong continued, "It's like this. I don't know much about the current situation."    


"The Blood Instant Alliance has sent out a high-level blood master. This matter shouldn't be simple. Heavenly Sovereign Unbroken Diagram also told me to be extra careful."    


"Miss Fuyunni, I am very grateful that you have come to help me in secret."    


"I came here to ask if you have any useful information to tell me. I also want to see if I can make some arrangements as soon as possible so that I can deal with any possible situations."    


Fu Yunni had told Wu Qihong about some of the things that she knew. After hearing it, Wu Qihong was also very puzzled.    


"It can't be, right? The Blood Instant Alliance didn't send such a high level blood master to deal with me? They sent such a high grade blood master to deal with me, Third Elder Brother? "    


" That doesn't make sense. According to what I know, i, Third Elder Brother, should be loyal to the Blood Instant Alliance. He had done a lot of things for the Blood Instant Alliance, both in the open and in the dark. Did the Blood Instant Alliance want to deal with him? How is that possible? "    


"If that's really the case, doesn't that mean that he has helped us a lot?" Wu Qihong said.    


Fu Yunni shook her head. "That may not be the case. Don't be happy too early. Even if the blood master isn't here for you, you might not be safe either. He will probably deal with you along the way. At most, you are not the main target. "    


"But you will definitely be the Blood Instant Alliance's target. Therefore, you should be more careful. "    


"But we will help you secretly, so we won't let anything happen to you easily. If you have any problems, you can tell us right now"    


Wu Qihong nodded." Yes, you are right."    


"Okay, Miss Fuyunni. Thank you for telling me this information. Thank you for protecting me in the dark."    


"There is nothing else. Then I will leave first. If there's anything else, I'll contact you again "    


After saying that, Wu Qihong quickly left.    


After sending Wu Qihong off, Qin Xiao frowned slightly. Senior Sister Fushi, miss Yan Ya," he said. Do you guys feel that this Wu Qihong is a little strange?"    


"Is it strange? What is it? " Fu Yunni asked back.    


Yan Ya thought about it and also said, "There's nothing strange about it, right? Other than looking at Fu Yunni strangely, there is nothing else strange about it."    


"But the look is a little strange, this is understandable. After all, eldest Sister Fu is so beautiful, so charming, and so captivating."    


"I'm afraid that when a man sees our Big Sister Fu, his gaze will be a little strange. In any case, I feel that this is a very normal thing. It's nothing much. There's no need to think too much. "    


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