Unparalleled Divine Power

C3142 New Speculation

C3142 New Speculation

3New speculation.     0


"That's impossible, right? Qin Xiao, are you sure?"    


Fu Yunni and Yan Ya looked at Qin Xiao with doubt and disbelief.    


After Qin Xiao returned from Mu father and son's side, he told Fu Yunni and Yan Ya everything that had happened. After listening to everything, the two of them were also somewhat stunned and found it hard to believe for a moment.    


This had indeed broken their imagination. Wu Qihong's strength was not weak, and his level in the Justice Alliance was not low either.    


Given the high level of the Justice Alliance, it would be very difficult for anyone to get past the harsh requirements and sneak in.    


A person's character was hard to conceal.    


Without a heart to uphold the justice of the world, without a body of righteousness, without the ambition to shed blood for the righteous matters of the world, how could one become a member of the Justice Alliance?    


The Justice Alliance was a righteous master, a hot-blooded man who defended the righteousness of the world.    


This was a group of like-minded people who had gathered together, forming a tight rope.    


Therefore, the Justice Alliance was very united. Although there weren't many of them, under such an absolute unity, they were still very powerful. They were able to survive and develop until now while fighting intensely against the Blood Instant Alliance.    


Furthermore, it was obvious that their strength was increasing day by day.    


Fu Yunni and Yan Ya still trusted Wu Qihong. Moreover, they came here this time mainly to protect him in the dark and lend him a helping hand.    


Not long ago, he, Wu Qihong, even took the initiative to come to the door. He had also seen Wu Qihong once, but he didn't think much of it.    


Now that they suddenly heard Qin Xiao say that there was a problem with Wu Qihong, Fu Yunni and Yan Ya naturally did not come back to their senses for a moment.    


"I am very sure. This matter should not be uncertain, right?"    


"I am also very careful when I go out. I will not be schemed against. So just trust me on this matter. " Qin Xiao said with certainty.    


Fu Yunni then became silent. She was naturally willing to trust Qin Xiao.    


After thinking for a while, Fu Yunni said: "In that case, there is indeed a big problem with Wu Qihong. He is definitely a hypocritical person who looks sanctimonious. He is a complete hypocrite."    


"How could such a person mix into our Justice Alliance? Could it be that there is a problem with Heavenly Sovereign Unbroken Diagram?"    


"But it shouldn't be possible. I have dealt with him a few times. He should be a tall and mighty man."    


"But, what exactly is going on here? Is it true that Wu Qihong concealed it too well, or is there something wrong with it?"    


Wu Qihong had a problem, and so did Wu Qigaang. What was going on with these two people?    


Wu Qigaang was a disciple of Blood Instant Alliance, but the Blood Instant Alliance had sent a high rank blood master to deal with Wu Qigaang in secret. This was a very strange situation.    


Wu Qihong was a disciple of the Justice Alliance, but he had done so many bad things in secret. He had killed so many people and committed so many crimes.    


Such a person had committed a heinous crime. He was the target of the Justice Alliance. How could he be qualified to become a member of the Justice Alliance?    


According to Qin Xiao's current understanding, the situation between these two men seemed to be reversed.    


On the surface, Wu Qigaang seemed to have committed a heinous crime, but according to Qin Xiao's investigation, he actually didn't kill any innocent people with his own hands. Many of them were done by his subordinates. Moreover, most of the people he killed were people who deserved to die.    


It was just that he had made a bad name for himself.    


On the surface, Wu Qihong appeared to be a righteous man who had a great reputation. He was supported and praised by the people of the Wu Yan world.    


However, in the dark, there were a lot of shady crimes.    


The situation inside seemed a little complicated. It must not be simple.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao had made a bold guess.    


"Senior Sister Fushi, Yan Ya, see if there is such a possibility."    


"Actually, Wu Qigaang is a good person. He might not really want to join the Blood Instant Alliance. In fact, he added him as a spy. The reason why he did that is because he, Wu Qigaang, is actually a member of the Justice Alliance. "    


"He sacrificed himself for the sake of justice and joined the Blood Instant Alliance. On the surface, he was working for the Blood Instant Alliance, but in fact, he was secretly collecting information about the Blood Instant Alliance and working for the Justice Alliance."    


"On the other hand, Wu Qihong might be pretending to join the Justice Alliance, but in fact, he is the true immortal of the Blood Instant Alliance."    


"Previously, he found us here and asked about so many things. I told you all that there was something wrong with him."    


"If he really is a member of the Justice Alliance, the more dangerous and cautious he is at this moment, the more he should be. He shouldn't have secretly followed me. He even came to our place and deliberately asked about a lot of things. This is a strange action in itself. "    


"In addition to the information I have gathered, if Wu Qihong is just a hypocrite, he shouldn't have come here to find out about our situation. All he needs to do is to disguise himself."    


"He has come here intentionally to inquire about our situation. I think he might want to report it to the Blood Instant Alliance."    


"So, this is my speculation based on the situation of the two of them."    


Fu Yunni and Yan Ya became silent when they heard this. At this moment, they had to admit that what Qin Xiao said was very reasonable. They all felt that it was possible and very reasonable.    


"If that is really the case, then the mission this time is really very exciting."    


"This is playing a game of the Unbroken Path. It is getting more and more interesting."    


"Qin Xiao, your guesses are very likely. Regardless of whether it's true or not, we have to be prepared for this."    


"This time, you have made a great contribution. Looks like I'll have to sit here and wait. That's right. " Fu Yunni said, agreeing with Qin Xiao's guess.    


It was also a rare compliment to Qin Xiao.    


It was very rare to receive a compliment from Miss Fu.    


Fu Yunni suddenly asked again, "Eh, Qin Xiao. Tell me, is it possible that there is also a problem with Heavenly Sovereign Unremitting Illustration?"    


"Wu Qihong was recruited by Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram into Justice Alliance. It was Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram who tested him. He is a member who is completely under Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram's responsibility."    


"He, Wu Qihong, has such a big problem. When Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram absorbed him, did he really not know anything about it?"    


"Furthermore, this time, heavenly Sovereign Unremitting Chart has told him about our situation. There is a problem with this in itself. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have known about our existence."    


"Our mission is carried out in secret. He actually knew about our arrival and even found us."    


"According to what he said, it was Saint Sovereign Wu Tu who told us to come here. That's strange."    


"If there's a problem with Wu Qihong, I'm afraid that Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram will be suspected as well."    


Qin Xiao had thought of this problem before and had carefully analyzed it.    


After thinking for a while, Qin Xiao still said: "I think that this possibility is not very high, but it is not completely ruled out. There is still some possibility."    


"First of all, heavenly Sovereign Unremitting Chart is of a very high level. Someone of this level should be under the responsibility of someone from the World Divine Realm. So, I think we should investigate his situation in detail."    


"Second of all, what Wu Qihong said might not be true. If it was true, then if Heavenly Sovereign Unremitting Chart dared to do such a thing, it would mean that he really didn't know that Wu Qihong had ulterior motives. "    


"Otherwise, with such a huge loophole, isn't he afraid that others will suspect him?"    


"Such an action is also very dangerous, isn't it?"    


Fu Yunni nodded and said, "Yes, you are analyzing it this way. It also makes sense. However, it still cannot be completely ruled out."    


" Actually, I also don't want to believe that Unbroken Diagram Heavenly Sovereign has disloyalty. After all, he is a member of the second rank, and his status is very high. He also has a lot of subordinates under his command."    


"If someone of his rank is disloyal, then the impact will be very great."    


"It's also possible that he was only deceived by Wu Qihong. He didn't expect Wu Qihong to have disloyalty. This is also possible."    


The situation had become more complicated.    


Yan Ya asked, "Then what should we do now? Should we continue to bide our time?"    


"Fu Yunni, I think we should contact Heavenly Sovereign Unremitting Illustration and tell him about this situation."    


"No." Fu Yunni waved her hand and said, "There is no need to tell Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram about this for the time being. We are not even sure if Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram is completely innocent."    


"So, if Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram also has any ulterior motives, then the situation will not be good. It will alert the enemy."    


"So, let's not talk to him for now. We'll talk to him after the matter is settled."    


"We'll collect the evidence and hand it over to Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram. Perhaps, we'll find a chance to test Saint Sovereign Unbroken Diagram and see if he has disloyalty as well."    


"I'll report this matter to the higher-ups later and ask them to check it out."    


"No evil horse can be tolerated by the Justice Alliance."    


"Such a hypocritical person is not qualified to be a member of the Justice Alliance. That will only tarnish the reputation of the Justice Alliance."    


Qin Xiao and Yan Ya nodded. Qin Xiao also felt disgusted by Wu Qihong.    


It was a disgrace to be in the Justice Alliance with such a person.    


Such a person should have been eliminated a long time ago.    


"But for the time being, let's not do anything. Let's wait and see."    


"The situation here is so complicated now. It's hard to say what's going on. If we act rashly, we might fall into a passive situation. "    


"Furthermore, we might not be able to handle the situation properly. The current situation is actually our own guesses, and it might not be 100% correct"    


"This is a big matter, so we should be more patient and be more confident in our actions, which would make things safer"    


"Rubbish actions are not the style of Justice Alliance. We are not the overbearing way of thinking that we would rather kill the wrong person than let him go. We are the masters of justice. "    


Fu Yunni said again.    


Qin Xiao could not think of any good ideas for the time being. So he could only listen to Fu Yunni's arrangements.    


For the time being, it was indeed not easy to make a move. The situation was a little too complicated.    


Although Qin Xiao also believed in his guess, if he acted according to this guess, it would seem a little reckless.    


Furthermore, Qin Xiao wasn't very sure about the true purpose of Blood Instant Alliance.    


Although he knew that they were here for Wu Qigaang, they weren't here for Wu Qigaang.    


This was hard to say.    


Therefore, these things still needed to be investigated thoroughly. They couldn't be easily concluded.    


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