Unparalleled Divine Power

C137 Ambush

C137 Ambush

1chapter 137. - Cheap Shot    1


Qin Xiao and the other two returned to the county. Devil Valley Lord had already been killed, so the tense atmosphere was naturally lifted. The Guard of Damo Branch Guards had also lifted the ban, and they had once again regained their usual liveliness.    


However, the death of more than a dozen Guard of Damo this time had a significant impact on the guard.    


Bai Jianqiu had become a hero, and he had obtained a generous reward.    


After returning to the County City, Qin Xiao once again went into seclusion. There were less than five months left, and he had to seize every second to study the Spirit Master. Now, Qin Xiao only understood some basic things about the Spirit Master, and had yet to start cultivating it. It could be said that Qin Xiao was still a noob.    


After cultivating in seclusion for ten days, his harvest was not that great. The main reason was that Qin Xiao still did not make a move to try refining, so he naturally did not make much progress.    


In these ten days, Qin Xiao mainly warmed up the basic things of the Spirit Master Dao once again. After which, he properly combed through them.    


"The preparations are almost done. It's time to go to spirit Island and give it a try. I'll stay in the spirit Island for the rest of my time. " Qin Xiao had made up his mind. It was indeed impossible to stay in the branch guards to cultivate, so he decided to go to the island spirit.    


Now that there was nothing to worry about in his heart, he could wholeheartedly devote himself to cultivation.    


Before leaving, Qin Xiao was prepared to tell Mr. Chunjie and Gu Lingyue to look for him in spirit Island if they needed anything in the future.    


Just as he found Mr. Chunjie, Mr. Chunjie said, "Qin Xiao, you have finally come out. If you don't come out today, I will have to use the Soul Stone to call you out. Lo Kehua came to find you yesterday. I've been waiting for you all day. He said he wanted to talk to you about something. I asked him, but he refused to tell me. I have to see you. I don't know what this kid is up to... He actually didn't tell me, Mr. Chunjie. "    


"Lo Kehua is looking for me?" Qin Xiao frowned slightly. It seemed that something had happened since Lo Kehua insisted to see him. Qin Xiao did not hesitate and immediately asked, "Where is he now?"    


"He said that he is waiting for you at the inn you were staying at. Let's go together." Mr. Chunjie said.    


Qin Xiao waved his hand and said. "No need. I'll go alone."    


"I will go." Mr. Chunjie was irritated again. He did not bring Mr. Chunjie with him even if he had something to do. It was too disrespectful.    


Qin Xiao went straight to the inn where he stayed the last time. The manager of the inn personally welcomed him as soon as he arrived. He was very respectful to Qin Xiao. Being able to curry favor with a Guard of Damo was something that he could only wish for.    


After knowing the purpose of Qin Xiao's visit, the manager took the initiative to bring Qin Xiao to Lo Kehua.    


When he saw Qin Xiao, Lo Kehua said with an anxious expression. "Qin Xiao, something happened at my house. You have to help me. If it wasn't for the fact that I had no other way, I wouldn't have come to beg you. "    


"Something happened? What happened?" Qin Xiao frowned. With the strength of Lo Family, how could anyone bully them?    


Looking at Lo Kehua's anxious expression, it was obviously not a small matter.    


Although Lo Kehua hadn't become a Guard of Damo, his strength was still there. According to what Qin Xiao knew, the Lo Family could be considered to be the sole hegemon of a region. How could something happen to them?    


Lo Kehua had a troubled look on his face. He shook his head and said, "I can't explain it in such a short period of time. Qin Xiao, are you free now? If you are free, can you come with me? You will know what it is when you come to my house. I really don't know how to explain it. "    


A trace of doubt flashed across Qin Xiao's brows. He looked at Lo Kehua's expression and felt that something was wrong. Furthermore, these words sounded very strange.    


What did he mean by not being able to explain it clearly?    


If there was something, he could just say it simply. Why was it that he couldn't explain it clearly?    


Besides, why was he in such a rush to ask him to return to the Lo Family with him? What exactly was the meaning of this?    


However, after pondering for a few days, Qin Xiao still nodded his head and agreed. "Alright, I'll follow you."    


"Alright, thank you, Qin Xiao." Lo Kehua nodded his head heavily, his face full of gratitude.    


There was no time to lose. The two of them set off immediately, speeding towards the city where Lo Kehua's family was located. Actually, the distance wasn't too far. It was less than five hundred miles. With their full speed, they arrived at the city in less than half a day.    


However, the Lo Family's lair wasn't in Luoshui City. Instead, there was a huge castle in the middle of a mountain twenty miles away from Luoshui City. This castle was where the headquarters of the Lo Family was located.    


Looking from afar, the Lo Family castle looked like an ancient Giant Beast lying dormant there, emitting a peerless aura.    


From the top of the castle, one could see the traces of time, and the vicissitudes of life. Obviously, the Lo Family Castle had a long history.    


But at this moment, the Lo Family Castle was quiet. It was strangely quiet.    


A middle-aged man hurried over to welcome him. He had an anxious look on his face. When he saw Qin Xiao, he immediately said respectfully, "This must be Young Master Qin Xiao. I have been waiting for you for a long time. I have been looking forward to seeing you."    


Lo Kehua introduced him to Mr. Qin Xiao, "Mr. Qin Xiao, this is my father."    


Qin Xiao smiled and nodded to the middle-aged man in front of him. "Hello, uncle. May I know..."    


Before Qin Xiao finished his words, the wind and clouds changed. Lo Kehua, who was standing behind Qin Xiao, suddenly had a twisted and ferocious expression on his face. He fiercely struck his palm towards Qin Xiao's body. Because he was too close to Qin Xiao, furthermore, it was a sudden attack from a sneak attack. With his Rebirth Stage Peak strength, of course, Qin Xiao had no way to dodge, so he was directly hit by him.    


This was his full strength strike. When the palm struck down, the lethality naturally reached a terrifying extent.    


Qin Xiao didn't have the time to react. He was sent flying and spat out a mouthful of blood in the air. After flying for more than 30 meters, he crashed to the ground with a loud bang. His expression became somewhat unsightly. He looked at Lo Kehua with an incomparably cold expression.    


At this time, Lo Kehua's face was full of sadness. He gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Xiao, I'm sorry. I also don't want to be like this. But I really have no choice. I hope you don't blame me."    


Lo Kehua's father also shook his head helplessly and did not say anything.    


Qin Xiao struggled for a while before he struggled to stand up. He looked at Lo Kehua and his son with blood all over his face and said in a cold tone, "Lo Kehua. I regard you as my brother and my own brother. As the person I trust the most. That's why I'm not on guard against you. I didn't expect you to set such a trap to harm me, sneak attack me. Injuring me, what do you mean by that?"    


Qin Xiao's fury erupted like a volcanic eruption.    


It was a very unpleasant feeling to be betrayed by someone he trusted.    


Qin Xiao was a man who valued friendship. Therefore, even though he had some doubts in his heart, he still rushed over without hesitation.    


Lo Kehua's face was dark and blue. He stood there with his fists tightly clenched, unable to say a word.    


"Haha, because you are too stupid. If you have a weakness, then you are the weak." Right at this moment, a light mocking voice sounded.    


Qin Xiao frowned deeply when he heard this familiar voice. He looked over with a cold gaze and saw a few figures walking over. The two people in the lead were Xuan Badao and Soong Feng. Behind them were two middle-aged men, both of whom were Early Period of Bone Exchange Stage warriors.    


Just the strength of these four men was incomparably terrifying. They could easily crush the Lo Family.    


Qin Xiao's face turned cold when he saw these two men walk out. He stared at them and said, "So it's you two? It seems like you have customized this trap for me. You guys have predicted that I won't suspect Lo Kehua, so you guys are using this to deal with me, right? "    


Xuan Badao felt incomparably satisfied when he saw that Qin Xiao had suffered a heavy blow. He was incomparably delighted. He laughed loudly and said, "That's right. You're right, that's what you said. Unfortunately... You know it too well. It's useless now. The attack just now, you have already been seriously injured, and you can't even use half of your strength right now. As for us... There are so many people here who want to deal with you alone... It's too easy. "    


"But the people of Lo Family are really despicable. We have tortured them for three days. We even killed a lot of people to force the father and son to submit obediently. Don't you think they are despicable? "    


Listening to Xuan Badao's words, Lo Kehua and his son's facial expression became extremely ugly. Their hearts were filled with endless anger. They wanted to kill Xuan Badao.    


However, they didn't have the strength to do so.    


Xuan Badao revealed a playful smile. He looked at Lo Kehua, then at Qin Xiao and said, "Your good brother, Lo Kehua, doesn't treat you as a good brother. You see, for the sake of the family, he would rather betray you and launch a sneak attack on you. This is your good brother. Do you feel disappointed now?"    


"Cold? But why don't I feel this way? " Qin Xiao said.    


"Oh, you won't feel cold even if you do that?" Xuan Badao was a little surprised. He sneered. "It seems that your weakness has really reached an irredeemable stage. Because I forced Lo Kehua to do so. So you don't feel a chill in your heart? Hehe, but you have to know... He still doesn't treat you as a brother. Otherwise, why would he attack you? That strike just now... He was risking his life. He even injured you like this."    


" Frankly speaking, he's still selfish. He's afraid of death, and even more afraid of me dealing with his family. So, he compromised. He submitted to me, and he obeyed my orders to deal with a so-called good brother like you. "    


"Friendship is sometimes so cheap that it's worthless The more you feel sincere, the more likely it is to be worthless. Qin Xiao, oh Qin Xiao, this is your fatal weakness. What do you think now? "    


Xuan Badao felt incomparably delighted in his heart. He had been held back by Qin Xiao a few times, which made him really unhappy.    


This anger had been suppressed in his heart for so long, but he still couldn't vent it out. Now that he could finally vent it out properly, he naturally felt very comfortable.    


Qin Xiao said in a cold voice, "A man of Xuan family and a man of Soong Family. I never thought that he would be so despicable and shameless. You are not ashamed of such despicable means. Instead, you feel proud. Humph, the style of Soong Feng of the Xuan family. It's ruined to such an extent. Just the two of you have the nerve to call yourselves three heroes of the County City. Truly not afraid of shame."    


"You're about to die, yet you're still trying to keep your mouth shut. That's right. You're going to die anyway, so you don't care if you talk a little bit more. You continue... The more you scold, the more I'll teach you a lesson later. It will be more and more ruthless. This is completely proportionate. I don't want your mouth to be a little more harsh. Otherwise, what if I can't find a good excuse to make a move on you later? " Xuan Badao was not angry. Instead, he put on a playful expression.    


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