Unparalleled Divine Power

C114 Treasure Pavilion

C114 Treasure Pavilion

4chapter 114. Treasure Vault     0


Soong Yuyan sighed lightly, shook her head and said, "Your personality is still the same. Actually, why? I am now the Guard of Damo's personal guard. I admit that my strength is far above mine. You can easily kill me, but with my current identity, you do not dare to kill me. My father, you won't dare to move either. "    


" So, why do you still want to pester me? Why can't you let go? Wouldn't it be better if we shake hands and make peace? "    


"Qin Xiao, I have come with full sincerity today. I can apologize to you. I can put down all my dignity and apologize to you. In fact, as long as you are willing, I will immediately ask my father to resign from his position as the Nanyang City Lord. From now on, the Nanyang City will belong to the Qin Family. What do you think? "    


"I think there are no grudges that you can't let go of. When will you repay the injustice? Although you are now a Guard of Damo, My status as a personal guard is higher than yours. You should know that if my father does not take the initiative to give up his position... Your Qin Family can't control the Nanyang City. Using the Nanyang City as our apology, isn't that enough? "    


Upon hearing these words, Qin Xiao laughed coldly. "An apology? But do I need it? If I want the Nanyang City, I will use my strength to openly seize it, and not you all. Do you understand? "    


"I don't believe your sincerity. I don't need your apology. Do you think that the humiliation you father and daughter put on me can be erased with just an apology? Hmph, but I, Qin Xiao, am not going to fall for your tricks. The hatred between us can only be resolved by force."    


Soong Yuyan frowned deeply when she heard Qin Xiao's words. She looked at Qin Xiao with a gloomy face and said, "Is there really no room for negotiation? What do you want to do to stop? "    


"We apologize. We admit defeat. Can't we?"    


Qin Xiao couldn't be bothered to listen anymore. He turned around and left. There was no point in saying anything more.    


"Qin Xiao..."    


Soong Yuyan's face turned green. She shouted at Qin Xiao, but the latter did not stop at all.    


"Alright, alright, alright, Qin Xiao. If you insist on not stopping until you die, then just wait and see. I want to see. What are you going to use to fight me? I am now a personal guard. If you have the guts, come and kill me. Go and deal with my father. I'm just afraid that you don't have the guts. Since you're unwilling to reconcile, then forget it, I won't beg you anymore. In the future, in the Nanyang City... No matter how strong your Qin Family is, so what? You will still be suppressed by my father, won't you?"    


Qin Xiao stopped and replied, "Then let's wait and see. There will always be a way to do what we want to do."    


After saying that, Qin Xiao continued to leave. Mr. Chunjie and the other two walked over. They had heard what Soong Yuyan said just now. Initially, they thought that Qin Xiao had some kind of relationship with Soong Yuyan, but now it seemed that it was not the case.    


Mr. Chunjie grinned and said. "That pretty girl is called Soong Yuyan, right? She seems to be the daughter of the Nanyang City's City Lord, right? The resentment between the two of you is really not small. What is going on? "    


"Mr. Chunjie, why are you, a man, gossiping so much?" Gu Lingyue rolled her eyes at Mr. Chunjie.    


Mr. Chunjie grinned. "Well, I was just curious."    


"Go away. What are you asking me?" Gu Lingyue pulled Mr. Chunjie away. She moved closer to Qin Xiao and winked at him. "Qin Xiao, she said. Tell me quickly, what grudge do you have with that woman? I think you should be nice to girls. What kind of bad woman can make you hate them so much? This story must be very interesting, right? Hurry up and tell me."    


Mr. Chunjie could not help but smack his mouth and mutter, and even told himself not to gossip, why did he start gossiping again?    


However, Mr. Chunjie did not dare to say this in front of Gu Lingyue. He still wanted to live a little longer.    


Qin Xiao waved his hand and said: "It's just some past grudges. There's nothing to talk about. Let's go."    


Seeing that Qin Xiao was unwilling to speak, Gu Lingyue twitched her mouth and said, "I know. It must be because of love that there is hatred, right? I think you must have liked that woman a long time ago, and then she ruthlessly abandoned you, so you started to hate her, right?"    


"Qin Xiao rolled his eyes at Gu Lingyue, speechless.    


Gu Lingyue smiled proudly and made a face at Qin Xiao. " Who asked you not to say? How about I think of a few more versions? "    




The group quickly arrived at the Treasure Vault. Once they arrived, the four of them couldn't help but shut their mouths and perked up.    


The aura here was very oppressive. As soon as they arrived, it made people feel as if they were being stared at by a pair of invisible eyes.    


The surroundings were silent, not a single sound could be heard. However, this kind of silence was somewhat terrifying.    


Qin Xiao sized up his surroundings and could not help but frown. The air here was filled with a dangerous aura, making people not dare to act rashly here. Qin Xiao knew that there must be a powerful expert guarding this place in the dark.    


But thinking about it, it made sense. The Treasure Vault could be said to be the most precious place among the branch guards. The strength of the guards was naturally very terrifying.    


Qin Xiao and the other three carefully walked into the palace. As soon as they entered, they saw a white-haired old man sitting on a jade Pu with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was cultivating his mind and mind.    


Although he had a head full of white hair, his skin still looked like a robust man, and no wrinkles could be seen on it. The years did not seem to leave many marks on his body.    


From the information in the Jade Slip... Qin Xiao and the other three knew that the old man in front of them was the guardian of the Treasure Vault, elder Ruan.    


At this moment, standing in front of Elder Ruan, Qin Xiao and the other three could feel an indescribable pressure pressing down on their bodies, causing them to feel deep veneration in their hearts.    


"Greetings, elder Ruan!" The four of them did not dare to be careless and immediately bowed respectfully.    


However, elder Ruan did not respond, as if he did not hear what Qin Xiao and the others said. He waited for a while. There was still no response. This situation really surprised and puzzled Qin Xiao and the other three. They looked at each other in confusion.    


Just as Qin Xiao was about to ask again, elder Ruan's lips moved slightly. A voice was heard. "Let's go in."    


Qin Xiao and the other three secretly heaved a sigh of relief. They only walked in after owing him a lower body.    


The Treasure Pavilion wasn't very big. It was naturally much smaller compared to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. It was divided into three regions in total. One area was the Mission Area, and one could choose missions from there to accept. Qin Xiao and the other three did not need to rush. The second was the Spirit Stabilizing Pill Area, which did not need it for the time being. It was only five contribution points, so they probably wouldn't be able to exchange it for anything.    


The third one was the Martial Skill District. It was also Qin Xiao's purpose for coming here.    


Thunder Tyrant Sword Although it could be considered a Middle-grade Martial Skill, its level was still too low. Furthermore, Qin Xiao's creation wasn't perfect. There were still many flaws in it.    


This situation had already been revealed in the battle. Dealing with the more dangerous people was simply too much of a burden.    


Although the Sky Crippled Sword was considered a high grade martial skill, it still needed Qin Xiao to repair it. For the time being, Qin Xiao had only repaired the first style. Although the power was terrifying, it also consumed a lot of energy. It was not something that could be used as a last resort in a battle.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao urgently needed a middle grade sword skill to make up for his shortcoming.    


The four of them went straight to the Martial Skill District. There were quite a number of martial techniques here. There were even some low grade middle grade or high grade martial techniques here, and there were many different types of them.    


However, there were still a lot of sword skills, which made up about 70% of the total.    


Qin Xiao and the other three men started searching. Qin Xiao had flipped through nearly a hundred sword skill Middle-grade Martial Skill.    


"The Nine Radiance Sword was created by an expert of the generation, reverend Nine Radiance. One sword move, nine moves, and nine turns into one. This is indeed a disaster."    


"The Penglai Sword Technique was created by the first generation of the Penglai Sect's Sect Master, penglai. It uses the Seven Star Steps, and its variations are boundless, causing others to be unable to comprehend it. It's indeed exquisite."    


"Thousand Waves. With a single sword strike, the Thousand Waves will stack up. Each sword strike is like a thousand swords, wave after wave. The Sword Qi will pour down endlessly. In a group battle, the advantage is the most obvious. It's a good sword technique."    


As he continued reading, each and every one of them was able to make Qin Xiao cheer for them. Qin Xiao's heart was really ticklish. He felt that the first sword technique was the best of the best, and he could cultivate all of them. It even caused Qin Xiao to have an impulse to buy all of the sword technique type Middle-grade Martial Skill and then slowly cultivate it.    


However, this idea was naturally unrealistic.    


Qin Xiao curled his lips. "The Guard of Damo is indeed worthy of being called a Guard of Damo. I have also seen it in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. Although he did not go to the second floor, the martial techniques there were a little messy. The difference is not complete. And the things inside the Guard of Damo were all top quality. Every single one of them had its own unique points, and they were all very exquisite. No matter which sword technique he cultivated, It can make my sword technique much stronger."    




Qin Xiao couldn't help but shake his head. Although he felt that every piece was good, there was not a single one that could make Qin Xiao have a strong desire to get it.    


This feeling was very strange, to the extent that Qin Xiao couldn't even describe it.    


He felt like he wanted all of them, but he also didn't feel particularly tempted.    


The problem was that the prices of these martial skills weren't low. The lowest price was five contribution points. There were even six, seven, and eight of them.    


It seemed like the contribution points he had could only be exchanged for one Middle-grade Martial Skill. This seemed to have been calculated.    


Thinking about it, it made sense. If that wasn't the case, how could the Guard of Damo have the motivation to do missions and earn contribution points?    


"Tsk tsk, this martial skill isn't bad. It's called 'Inch in Square'. There are a total of three types of force when killing an enemy within a square inch. The first type can instantly unleash twice the strength, the second type can instantly unleash four times the strength, and the third type can instantly unleash eight times the strength."    


"Tsk tsk, eight times the amount of force! How terrifying is this? If he were to use this ultimate move at a crucial moment, he would be caught off guard. That would be the Divine Artifact used to kill the enemy. However, it was expensive enough. It actually required ten contribution points. Sir, I can only sigh in disappointment." Mr. Chunjie suddenly shouted. Then he put back a message Jade Slip with a look of reluctance on his face. He looked very distressed.    


Ten contribution points was indeed too expensive for them.    


After hearing what Mr. Chunjie said, Qin Xiao also had some interest in Inch Inch Inch Force, but ten contribution points could only be considered as just thinking about it.    


No way, he had to work hard to earn contribution points.    


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